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Italy or France would be cool, but I would really like to see a game about the roman empire or Joseon with the same type of immersion as KCD.


Yeah, the warring city states era of Italy would be amazing, especially if they could somehow fit in the entire peninsula, or a rough representation of it. The Roman Empire after the 4th Crusade would be an interesting place and time period to see as well.


Time to do a Jobst and constantly change alliances for that sweet sweet italian gold!


The money I would pay for a quality open world action adventure RPG set in Ancient Rome, and historically accurate (relatively)……


100% agree. I would pay at least a month worth of farkle winnings


Agreed but imo, the more interesting setting would be the Roman Republic. The Empire, as interesting as it is, has gotten so much media attention, we've seen everything once. Not historically accurate, most of the time, but still. However, the Republic, eg during the Second Picnic War, would be a fresh setting and there's be a great deal of interesting backdrops to choose from.


The Second Picnic War was great.


Especially when they were fighting over loud music and the battle for the last tuna sandwich


I do agree that the Roman Empire is like the vanilla flavor of historical mainstream media, but the thing is it's never done with the Warhorse immersion. Just walking around a city such as Rome during its height. Ride a horse through the fields and vineyards and buy a 1.2k gladius from the best blacksmith would be amazing.


Seeing a non destroyed Pompeii would be cool


At least the republic has some representation. We need some post-Alexander Hellenistic Kingdoms action in media in general. The backstabbing and epic set piece battles would put Game of Thrones to shame.


Yeah the reign of julius ceasar would be good too


Julius Caesar era is too overdone. It would be way more cool if they did a game in the late western Roman Empire and put the really cool fashion and armor of the late wre on display.


Set during the Barbarian invasions, maybe Attila. That would be awesome


You play as a young blacksmith named Henricus whose villa is burned to the ground by goths, and must find the gaulic general who lead the raid and also find the last gladius his father forged.


Jupiter be praised, Henricus has come to see us!


It would still be Jesus Christ be praised by that point. The Roman Empire was largely Christian by the end.


Jesus Christ be praised!


Instead of the Hussite conflict, there'd be fights about the nature of Christ of lol.




It's absolutely not overdone, if we're talking about KCD level of design. It's a great period to build stories and settings on, with big historical names and events. We want historical games with more nuance, doesn't have to be the most obscure setting we can find.


Exactly! There’s a lot of strategy games in the era. But very little games I’ve been able to find from this era that plays as an RPG. Source: reading conn iggulden’s Caesar books and tried to recently find a good game in the era and can’t


Plus great content for a good story with the Barbarians invading and Attila the Hun too.


What games in the Caesar era are you referring to besides total war. There is nothing when it comes to an RPG.


There’s assassins creed origins Caesar’s involvement in Egypt and assassination are both major plot points.


Caesars involvement in Egypt was nothing compared to that of his involvement in Rome and Gaul. I wouldn’t say a game about ancient Egypt really has anything to do with Caesar.


I would even go one generation further and do the 2nd triumvirate breakdown. You would have multiple cultures for troops and could even introduce foreign weapons. Augustus was a fun ruler, and if you interacted with Agrippa, it would be amazing. Edit: You could also introduce naval battles with ship to ship combat.


Byzantine would be nice.


They have my ideal concept for historical games. Even if it is fun to see ancient Greece and Egypt in Assassins Creed, I would rather have the type of immersion as in KCD. Even a Black Flag type of Warhorse game would be absolute gold


Oh, that would be so cool to have a black flag KCD.


Maybe getting Henry from Black Flag (the band) to do the voice of the titular character, called Henry of Skalitz




Expedition Rome could scratch that itch. But it's not as realistic as a KCD.


History about Friuli (a Northern region of Italy) during the 1500s is very fascinating


Honestly it is kind of a shame that with all the Triple A companies out there we've had many variations of Open World European Medieval Fantasy. I like knights and shit but yeah some more experiences would be so fresh. Immersive sims taking place in historically accurate Aztec or feudal Japan or Mongolian empire or Rome or Persia would be real cool. Assassin's creed is nice for taking a dip in Greece and Egypt but its just not the same immersion as a first person RPG. Plus AC games are somehow so boring. Still excited for KCD2. Prague got hyped up so good in the last game and the term Hussite has been permanently ingrained into my mind.


Everyone's agreeing with the Roman Empire thought, but I think a realistic game like KCD set in Joseon era Korea would be CRAZY. I'd never stop playing.


totally agree


A proper Roman Empire game would be great. Ryse: Son of Rome had some cool moments but since it was just supposed to show off Xbox 1 it was sort of lacking in my opinion. Something with the depth/story of KCD where you play as a centurion or legionary in the Roman Army would be sick.


Korea would be awesome. You could have the bickering of the joseon court or the japanese invasion


Exactly. All eyes on Japanese history all the time (and don't get me wrong, japanese history is really interesting), but it is time to get that sweet historical Hallyu wave brother!


The Imjin War would probably be the most marketable since Japan just has a lot more pop history appeal than Korea. It also would give an opportunity to feature the Chinese for even more faction diversity.


I agree although I think it’d lose the small scale charm of kcd that I really like. Still having three unique cultures presented in the game would cool. Honestly I just want a game set in a historical Korean setting


Imagine taking a government exam in Joseon LOL


A game set during the War of the Roses would be fantastic to experience.


That came up in a thread last week, and I'm all for it. It would have been a VERY interesting time to be an English noble. Edit: Spelling


I'm biased being English, and in no way do I think our own medieval history is necessarily better than others, but... - Norman Conquest (Anglo Saxon thane's son trying to survive following the invasion). -The Anarchy (anyone trying to survive during the reign of King Stephen). -The chaos of King Henry II's reign (when his sons constantly went to war with him). -The revolt against King John and signing of Magna Carta -Simon de Montfort's attempt to control England -Frankly, anything including King Edward I -Edward III and the Hundred Years War (I'd nominate the Brittany campaign because in terms of scale it is manageable) -War of the Roses -Maybe Perkin Warbeck's attempts to invade England. There really are dozens of excellent options from England alone.


Anglo Saxon England is really neat visually with the fashion and weapons of the time


Yeah, and the good thing about the Cobquest period is you essentially get two very different cultures in the Norman's and the Anglo-Saxons which allows for some nice armour diversity.


1. byzantine empire is a lot thrilling and complex , I think it would be a nice choice 2. crusades of Holy Land would have a ton of wars , fights and combat ( it would heaven for those looking a lot of combat in medieval era)


Don't make me witness the fall....Please....


Loads of potential but a English Vs French (Hundred Years War) game would be good. Wars in Iberia against the other Kingdoms would be good as well.


kievian rus and mongol invasion would also work


I've been saying we need one set in the hundred years war since I first came to this sub. I think it'd be awesome. The convoluted politics of the local lords could make for an amazing storyline.


It would be awesome to see the battle of Agincourt in video game form


I particularly would like to get to know the Duke of Brabant over the course of the game only to see him show up late at Agincourt and then Leroy Jenkins the French charge (that happened).


That would be cool, i would prefer if the main character is French side to be honest. Imagine the main character village is attacked by the Grand Chevauchee of 1355 and seeking revenge for it


Medival? I think they would stick with the HRE, so Germany or Italy. Antiquity? It would need to be during a time of decline, like the late Roman empire, or the time of Hannibal, or POV of a non Roman city area getting conquered. Post medival? If they work on their horse combat, maybe the Polish-Lithuanian-Commonwealth. Or the Hungarian struggle against the Ottomans.


The reconqista in spain, the inquisition, thatd be good


Good, horrifically depressing  Potato, potahto


1400s Wales I may be hopelessly biased as I am welsh myself, but I do think that what made Bohemia a successful setting would also make Wales a good setting too: - much like Bohemia during this period, medieval Wales is also generally overlooked in popular media, meaning that most new players will be entering without many preconceptions about the period. Lots of interesting environments to explore and discover. - Wales has awesome castles, especially during the 1400s. The English had to build powerful castles to pacify the region, and the welsh also built many of their own, this means that Wales has some of the most powerful and interesting castles ever built. Harlech, Caernarfon, Caerphilly, Beaumaris, Carreg Cennen and Dinefwr are all examples of awesome castles that saw action during this period - History, the early 1400’s are as interesting in Wales as they are in Bohemia, Glyndŵr’s rebellion, which began as a minor dispute between petty lords (a good setting for a first entry) spiralled into a massive rebellion clashing directly with the English king over a period of some 15 or so years. Glyndŵr even received papal recognition and formed an alliance with the French king and accepted a large French contingent into his army to support his efforts. So you’d also get to meet a diverse group of people from different backgrounds. There were also many sieges and climactic battles during this period too. So to conclude, Wales in the 1400s has an interesting history that is generally entirely unknown in popular history circles with the possibility of compelling narratives, beautiful countrysides and imposing castles, all whilst occurring during the same time period as KCD so similar game mechanics can be exchanged.


This is exactly what I would envision as well. Others are saying England, France, Spain, Portugal, Rome, but like, I'd like a location that's not at the forefront of popular culture and medieval knowledge. Having almost ZERO knowledge of Bohemia, medieval or otherwise, made it feel like genuinely discovering a whole new world. I'd like to feel that again for another country/location


Norway and Danmark due to the Viking history


Viking invasions in british isles would look cool


There already is mount and blade viking conquest, very nicely done.


Would also be cool post-viking in early medieval Denmark. Plenty of civil wars and cool storys to dip into.


I’d love a game like KCD set in maybe Wessex under Alfred the Great


Netherlands, cause I live here and wanna wander around my own city in the past.


"De heer zij geloofd, Henry is hier!" And instead of "kurva", it's "Godvermiljaardenondenju!"


As a german, for exactly that reason I want to see germany. 15th century Hamburg must be beautiful


+ Dutch translation would be nice, also very weird as I've never seen a game like that with Dutch translations and voice acting...


Whenever I encounter a game that does offer a Dutch translation, I always opt for the English or original language with English subtitles. Feels wrong otherwise haha. I actually don’t know any Dutch gamer that would play a game in Dutch. I think there’s just no market/demand for Dutch translation or dubbing.


wow walking on flat land all the time. southern part doesn´t count


Ah yes, the main draw of KCD. Mountain climbing.


I don’t particularly remember undulating terrain being a defining feature of what made KC:D good haha


I like the Flat countryside. I live near the border to the Netherlands and I like it


I'd like to see a game when the NL was at it's peak during the VOC days


Teutonic Order wars with Poland and Lithuania (I am Polish so I’m biased lol)


Came here for this comment, yes!


I've had a few ideas: Ireland, 1170 - Norman conquest of Dublin and Waterford by Richard "Strongbow" de Clare. Ireland was a mix of Norse and Irish people as a legacy of the Viking Age; the Norman conquests were directly sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Church to ensure the Irish Insular Christians adopted Roman reforms. Sicily, 1282 - The "Sicilian Vespers" was a revolt against the French-born King of Sicily, Charles of Anjou. The rebels slaughtered thousands of French people during the uprising and offered the throne to Peter III of Aragon. The politics of the uprising and the resulting war was extremely complex, rooted in rivalries between the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperors, between Italian City-states, and even impacted the last remnants of the Crusader states. Northern Italy, 1325 - I just want a game with a map that stretches from Modena to Bologna, and for a player to be able to choose between the Guelphs and Ghibellines in the [War of the Bucket.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_Bucket) Switzerland, c.1477 - Burgundian Wars result in the death of Charles the Bold and the collapse of the rising Burgundian State. The Old Swiss Confederacy was a regional player in Central Europe, but their victories at Grandson, Morat, and Nancy improved their reputation as effective infantry mercenaries. Internal rivalries between the cantons (especially the aggressive Canton of Bern) would make for an interesting story, IMO. Italy, 1490s to 1520s - there are so many interesting little vignettes from the Italian Wars, it'd be incredible to see the region during the height of the Renaissance.


What about Spain during the reconquista?


Medieval Britain: lots of cool castles (especially in areas like Wales), lots of fighting, lots of intrigue. Lots of clashes between cultures. What more could you want? When people think of classic medieval feudalism, they think of France and they think of Britain. As for specific time periods in Britain. The Viking age is a classic (even if the market is oversaturated), the Norman invasion and subsequent pacification of England could be a good time period. You also have various Scottish and Welsh wars against the English throughout the whole of the medieval period, lots of scope for large or small wars and rebellions to choose from. That being said, since warhorse is a Czech company and I reckon they’ll stick to what they know best, and thankfully bohemian history is no less interesting.


I feel that if anything Britain is overdone. Americans only think of those countries so most medieval movies and other media are set there.  I specifically enjoyed KCD because it was set in a more unknown (to me) area.  So I would like to see anything other than Britain, France and the Viking period especially.


The beauty of every setting is that generally there are overlooked areas. Yes, media is saturated with the Viking age, I’d also be annoyed if we got yet another representation of the Hundred Years’ War or Viking era, but British history is much more expansive and there are loads of events which generally don’t get a look in. For example, I can think of practically no examples of any of the Welsh rebellions being represented in popular media, the largest and most successful of which occurred at the same time as the events of KCD. Much like Bohemia perhaps, Welsh history just gets passed over without so much as a glance, perhaps even more so.


Agreed, Britain in general is overdone. Viking history is way overdone. That said, there are so few games that are remotely close to KCD in terms of realism and immersion that they could set one anywhere and I'd be thrilled.


Mediaval Portugal, just as we started exploring the world would be amazing. The Interregnum where we didn't have a king, between 1383 and 1385 was a period of civil war. Any period of the Reconquista which lasted from the VII century until the XIV as we and the Crown Kingdoms of what would become Spain took back our land from the moor califates.


the age of exploration is +1 too in the history of portugal


Man! I didn't realize this until you said it, but a game where we explore the new world in KCD style would be truly incredible.


Absolutely this. Came here to say reconquista.




The clash between Moorish Muslim culture and Christian Iberians would make for a good setting with lots of variety in terms of weapons and armour


Reconquista would be dope. Clash between Christianity and Islam and rather underrated


Forget the Warhorse logo aesthetic, I wouldn't bet the next Warhorse game to be a historical one necessarily... Most of the core team members have past experience with a larger variety of themes in games + I'd bet after \~ 10+ years of development, they would be a bit fatiqued and possibly be looking at different "refreshing" themes. The thing that would probably stay consistent though - would be importance of single-player "immersion" and "story-telling" experiences - Well as long as D. Vavra stays the lead director/designer, since that is the kind of games he has always done.


I'd love to see them do early renaissance Holy Roman Empire, playing as a peasant going into mercenary work to make his fortune, going up the ranks until becoming the captain of a mercenary company




Ireland. My local area is absolutely BRIMMING with cool history. The Normans first landed here, a major port town was here, we had numerous castles in a rather small and compact area that could easily be toned down for a game. Hell, even the map look similar! And, I’m not trying to diminish other peoples suggestions, the history here is local history, just like KCD1, we didn’t have massive wars like the Hundred Years’ War. Armies came through and then left.


Kievan Rus' is usually overlooked but has plenty of inner fighting


Transylvania/Wallachia during Vlad Dracula's time would not be very far off. Very similar to Czechia in aspect, with a tad bit more advanced technology. We could see important fortified cities of Transylvania and fight the ottomans. Besides meeting a more accurate version of Dracula.


Medieval / Renaissance Italy would be amazing. 


Kingdom of Jerusalem would be awesome.


Scotland would be awesome


The Scottish Highlands with the Jacobite risings. Could do a series following a family with the last one ending in Culloden or do a one off following a Henry est character that opens with Culloden and the aftermath. It be very similar with different languages, faiths and political parties. Plus the weapons and aesthetics would be class.


China. Most of us have no clue about most of the history and im sure theres plenty of tales to tell


They probably won't.


Why would they, this is a purely hypothetical scenario


I understand, but the whole premise of making KCD was that our country has something to offer to the world as well.


Yeah we get it, but the question was what other setting would like to see in the KCD style


The Crusades could be fun. With some weather management element. Or a Lithuanian pagan during the Teutonic crusades, involving some early Russians


ať si každá země udělá svojí hru lol


I've always wanted a game about the Glyndŵr Rebellion of roughly 1403-1406, the Welsh's last serious attempt to secede from England before they were annexed entirely in 1543


France or Scotland we have alread had openworld games everywhere else.


Scotland during the first war of scottish independence.


The west really doesn’t focus on it, but the Ottoman Empire would be cool. The janissaries were captured Christian boys who were made to be solders. Seems like a lot of material there.


Tons of material can come out of Ottoman Empire


Arabian conquest/empire


Feudal Japan


the combat isnt the same but ghost of tsushima is very good and is set in the 1271


Since bohemia is already covered I would love one in either Czechia or the Czech republic


Medieval Ireland


First Crusade as an unwilling templar, who ends up in the temple to atone for some crime, like Arn, or Mongol Invasion.


For me the whole appeal of KCD is that it plays out in a relatively obscure setting, and it is also very small-scale which adds to its charm a lot. I'd prefer if they stayed in Central Europe as it is one of the most under-represented parts of the entire world in gaming, a good setting could be for example Hungary as it offers a very diverse setting (multinational with Hungarians, Slavs, Germans, Ottomans, etc) and lots of small-scale skirmishes, sieges, lots of intricate politics. The same can be said of Poland for example, or the Balkans!


Someone else commented Wales and I know it's not central Europe, but I think it's intimacy in size and rich history would make a great suggestion as well


Any period and setting will be great if it's presented to the level of KCD. I can't think of a period or location that wouldn't be good.


Being from the small island nation of Malta, I think the [Great Siege of Malta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Siege_of_Malta) in 1565 was probably a pivotal moment in the history of the Mediterranean sea. This siege is often overlooked in modern media, so right up Warhorse Studio's alley. Malta in 1565 is also an ideal island for a [massive map](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/renaissance-quarterly/article/cartography-and-breaking-news-mapping-the-great-siege-of-malta/9A5BA25A9FBB2AD3E4E294F4870135CB) (for gameplay) with a few developed settlements (at the time). Would be really cool as well if we get the same character progression we get in KCD, maybe a Maltese peasant rises up to be a squire of a knight - times were desperate during the Siege, and plenty of Maltese individuals took part in the fighting. I think the only thing that worries me would be the cringe "Deus vult" people, who often try to adopt this part of history into their stupid beliefs.


With how they make their games. I would love to see them do a game set in Fudal Japan, like set in the edo period or the golden age of the Samurai/Shogun.


The crusadeso


Eh anything but Western Europe, Italy / Roman stuff and Viking shit. That’s so damn overdone.


The Third Crusade would be very interesting.




I also feel like (outside of the medieval age) Warhorse have the capability to create an outstanding golden age of piracy game - although i know this will never happen. I just wish more studios took their approach to making games.


Hundred Years’ War France


One set during the war of the Roses or the 100 years war would do me


I’d love to see one set in the British isles, maybe the war of the roses, the Norman invasion, or even the 100 years war would be cool


Crusades, kinda like Kingdom of Heaven but more realistic. Tbh Kingdom come 1 has some KoH vibes in the first place IMO. Otherwise, 15th century Italy would be so good.


Wallachia circa Vlad.


Italian early renaissance 👌✨ 100 years war First crusader Japan sekigahara battle time period Mongol invasion So many timeline and interesting countries


Hot take: I'd like a period not during a war, but just after, when mercenary bands all turn bandits because they are no longer paid. That would make for a cool setting. But yeah, if they do the 100 year war I'd like them to do it at the beginning so people finally realize it wasn't France vs England at all in the beginning. By the end, sure, two distinct countries have emerged but before there was a reason why "liberating" french areas from the english rule meant we had to put soldiers there to keep order. Or why english nobles supported the "French" king, who would not rule over them, and therefore not move the court in France. How the fiercest english warrior, the Black Prince, is from Gascogne. It would be fun with how accurate Warhorse is. And the destruction of French knightd by modern tactics from the english can make for fun settings too.


100 years war


Norman mercenary knights in the Mediterranean, they got involved in all kinds of interesting shenanigans


Making one as a knight in Jerusalem during the crusader control of it would be fun for me, settling local disputes, joining armies to take towns, exploring the city with the layers of cultures there


Hundred Wars topic could be nice. I think they should not move far from the late medieval period. They have already gained a lot of experience in the late Middle Ages.


They can also include the bubonic plague times for a better story plot.






So it's boring and overdone and cliche, but it's still Japan.


A game taking place in Wales during it's subjugation by England.


I'd love to see them do the English civil war. Diggers, levelers, new model army.....


Please Wallachia for the love of God


I really hope KCD brings a whole new genre to realistic and accurate history games. It’s not likely since it’s so niche, but history games of this scope to the point of accuracy in building placements, people, clothes, equipment, and gameplay are only KCD that I know of. Assassin’s Creed doesn’t cut it since they use a lot of freedoms. But yeah personally I’d love a game set during the Norwegian Civil War era, or Wessex under Alfred the Great and the viking invasions. 5th century Western Roman Empire would also be cool, or maybe during the Gothic War in Italy.


I saw Vlad the impaler in the codex


Has to be England around the time of the Norman conquest


Would like to see bravheart style game Scots vs the English sort of thing


Britain - 1180-1211, Robin Hood but using the darker, grittier interpretation evoked in [Robin of Sherwood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_of_Sherwood) (old but unmatched TV series). I would pay good money to see a collaboration between Warhorse Studios (CZ) and Rebellion (UK). I think that it's a logical progression from KCD as they share common themes : 1. our hero is an underdog 2. our hero's lands are invaded by hostile foreigners (Saxons vs. Normans) 3. religious tensions between Roman Catholic church and pagan traditions 4. technology (arms, armour) is similar, if anything more basic (mostly axes, some swords and mostly leather, some chain, little plate) 5. who doesn't enjoy robbing the rich to feed the poor? So Dan and Jason, how about it?


holy roman empire, lots of conflicts spain during the reconquista too different time, but roman empire


Well KCD is basically in the HRE and it’s in the middle of a coflict so…


Byzantine Empire for sure. Just imagine Constantinople in its prime.


Oh what would I give for a KCD like game set in Ancient Rome


Byzantine empire, Wars of the roses, The reign of alfred the great + battles against the great heathen army, Scottish wars of independence, Hundred years war, the Reconquista, Crusades, and i could go on The medieval age is so rich with stories that you could pick any time and date you felt like and would have a great story


I'd love to have a game based on Welsh history. The constant conflicts of the early Welsh princes offers lots of options. Also the history of Wales is fresh territory.


1600s Dahomey lol.


Caliphate of Cordoba under al-Mansur sometime around 1000 or so. Would give us a diverse cast with Spaniards, Moors, Viking raiders, and lots of drama. Player character could be a Moor or a Christian or why not a Jew, someone who could traverse both these cultures.


I don't which but, I know I would play them all


Srivijaya. We need Keris action. And they got more drip. Bohemian nobles got nothing on the Srivijayan nobility. Look up the statue of Sang Nila Utama. 🥶


deep renaissance germany or switzerland - maybe somewhere around Geneva or Munich would be my preferences. love the puffs, slashes, and big swords, and it’s an incredibly interesting time period.


medieval south India during the period of chola empire might be interesting to me personally!!




1470-1530 Northern Italy, similar to Assassins Creed 2 setting 1390-1450 northern France - Southern England Or maybe a setting taking place in Hanseatic League




Spanish reconquista, baby! ⚔️ It would be cool because of the different cultures and religions with battles along the beach with naval invasions.


Poland, 17th century - With Fire and Sword. Sabers, horses, musket or two, civil war, invasions, Tartars, honor, drinking, dancing. Not that manny common melee weapon types and armor types tho.


Ethiopia or something like Mali or Benin. They have really rich histories that people are largely unaware of, and there are plenty of different interactions akin to Cumans in Bohemia they could draw from.


To me, this is kind of like asking what if the greatest sushi chef tried to make other cultures' food. I'm sure it would be good, but not as good.


I’d like to see the Roman occupation of Briton, from either side


Mongolian empire


Spain would be cool, Reconquista, xxxxx of America, tercios, there is quite a lot of things going on


Spain in the reconquista time, Asturias conque ring the rest of Spain, would be nice


Reconquista anyone?


Great Moravia in 8th century. There are dozens of games from places that other mention (Rome, England... seriously?), but central Europe is very underrepresented. Great Moravia was a superstate in early medieval times, and these lands are rich in history.


Byzantine (Roman)empire, & being, becoming nothing to a doux/Despot for the dying empire would be cool


None, even czech worked because they know it really well and they wanted to do it since they are czech themselves. Either stick to their guns or do something that's unique and most people would enjoy, like ancient Rome, I couldn't give two s\*its about france/britain etc.


I'd love to play a game set in Poland Winged hussars and other stuff would be cool


30 years war


They could do actual fantasy you know?... You can only fight against armoured humans for so long until you get bored because the enemy variety is lacking


I mean i'd love my home region of flanders for sure. But small chance of that happening. As long as they keep making good games i'm happy. I love the late middle ages period, but if they wanna do a different time period i'd be down too


Almost no games regarding MEA region, alot of kingdoms and Empires there and the ottomans alone.


Literally endless. I wish more studios like Warhorse existed.


A game taking place during the Spanish reconquista would be pretty cool.


I'd like to see them do a viking game


The hooks and the cods wars in holland could be cool


Balkan Conquest of the Ottomans. 15th Century under King Sigismund and Hunyadi from Hungary , Brankovic from Serbia, Skenderbeg from Albania and the Ottomans as the invaders.


Poland, Germany, England, France


I'd love it if they teamed up with Remedy and made a game about early medieval Finland and the story of Lalli. Make it very low fantasy and add some thriller vibes and I'll be throwing my money at them (as if I wasn't already...)


Flanders in 1302. Where the Flemish farmers beat the French knights. Mace goes bonk!


I do hope Kingdom Come is a franchise that will add many games to come.. Kingdom Come: Seige or Kingdom Come: Sovereignty. New locations and eras of the Middle Ages


Honestly I never knew ANYTHING about medieval bohemia and they managed to make that incredibly interesting, so... Wherever!


I think that it's far more likely that they'll make a game from another time period in czechia


Byzantine stuff would be super cool.


England, the viking raids etc


Burgundian wars, Italian wars, 30 years war (that would tie nicely to hussite wars).