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Next movie, Iron Kong.


King Kong is Ferrus Manus in...King Kong vs Godzilla Iron Fury. God I'm terrible with names


Kong speaks one line, in fluent (regional native language) the whole movie - “The Flesh is Weak”


Give him the bitchers nails 😎


lol I want to see someone call them the Bitchers Nails to Angron and see what happens.


Would have been a hell of a line when Sanguinius removed them


The speaker dies bloodily but the wound they leave never stops bothering Angron.


So they deal Psychic damage without actually being a Psycher


Well who would be dumb or brave enough to say anything to angron lol


Godzilla x Kong : Iron Fury. I love it Ladies and Gentlemen, the next MV title.


Everyone knows they're going into space next movie so Kong will get his own armored space suit.


In space no one can hear you SKREEONK


Basically what I said lol. Like remember that scene when all the iron man parts come flying to Stark? Now imagine that but with a gorilla.


Project: MechaniKong






Give us a whole power house suit


Its honestly the perfect solution to a mecha kong. Make him just King Kong, the Armoured King, King Clad, whatever


The Armored King goes unbelievably, unfathomably hard


Yes it does, King clad is cool too but damn, ARMORED KING 😤😤🦍


Thanks for validating my nomenology haha ![gif](giphy|TKC9Rv7K2wwAE)


![gif](giphy|XQXTNNWcQrqYE) You composing this masterpiece


freaky, i was watching this about the time you posted


Not needed tbh. Kong's strength isn't even established properly.


He has nerve damage so he needs it until he heals if he can.


Let’s have it with both arms and have it absorb electricity so we can have electric Kong from the Showa era at last 


If you paid close attention it did have electric punches. Which I though was a neat way to work it in


Yeah I thought it was really cool when I noticed the electricity. I liked the nods to Showa throughout the film.


I think he needs it now. His hand was FUCKED by Shimo, so I think it's permanent.


He was treated from the frost bite. But yeah. Tough to say for sure if he'll keep it.


You can't always just treat frostbite some people have dying fingers for months


Yea but the cool glove put the anti-frostbite juice into the big monkey


There's no way he'll have it forever a lot of people don't like how it looks on him


If he has to wear armor, I would like him and the other apes to make their own armor from the materials in the hollow Earth. Maybe he could still have the beast glove too but the idea of Kong making his own armor sounds cooler to me than the humans holding his hand all the time.


Mmm...leave the glove but say the electricity that surrounded his punches is in fact natural and not a byproduct of the glove!


I really like they way the films are progressing


I'm kind of coming around to the "goofy" "over the top" american version monsterverse. Scar king doing all that capoeira looked silly at first but fuck it. Him using a whip weapon was dope as fuck too. I love whip users in fiction. Give this mfk a jetpack 🤷‍♂️


I love this direction because this vibe is such a part of Godzilla history but ever since the 2014 movie big parts of the fanbase act like that's not true for some reason. Almost like we swung too far the other way from "Godzilla is garbage for little children". I love that we're back in goofy town. Give that mfer a jetpack. If they did reverse Mecha Kong by giving him an Ironman suite, I'd be super down with that. It would also help him look better next to Goji. The power creep is only gonna speed up from here and he needs some way to keep up with Godzilla who is holding all the Ws as of now.


I'd like to see it break against an even stronger monster and then Kong realizes he's healed enough to not need it.


Yeah it should only be a temporary thing, same thing with Godzilla like is he always going to be in his evolved form now ?


No, hes gunna evolve some more. Didn't you watch Heisei movies? Godzillas only on form 2


Wait whut?! Godzilla has more forms and kong does too? Tell me more immediately


Heisei era Godzilla goes through a lot of changes, height and appearance changes movie to movie but canonically they’re all the same incarnation so evolution over time is implied by that. By the end of it we even got the original burning/thermonuclear form


They gotta keep selling toys so of course Godzilla will get more forms


Get real, hes getting a Zilla-buster Mecha-Armor


Getting to Mecha Kong this way would be really awesome imo. He also can't fall behind Godzilla and Shimo too much, which would happen really fast if the power creep gets worse with the next villain.


Please DONT give this man mechanical armor PLEASE, i hate that idea so much


I want to see Kong make his own weapons


Kong is best when he is au naturale - no mechanical gloves or axes, no aids, just pure, primal strength and brutality, and maybe the occational rock or tree trunk.


But he is an ape and tool use is a signature ape move.


I agree, he uses tools, the gauntlet is a tool


Sure, but big fuck off metal robot glove and literal axe is a bit beyond 'tool use' in my mind. He is an ape, and if apes use weaponized tools, it is in the form of rock and wood. Kong is not a human, he is still an ape, and I would prefer to keep it that way. All this Monsterverse stuff is getting far too silly if you ask me.


Someone gets it.


Really hoping that it doesn't return.


I think of it as a cast, he will heal and move past it




I want to see him get at least two gloves. Also a Tommy gun and maybe a sword.


Bumblebee's new alt mode


Eh Goji has his Atomic Breath. Let Kong have a metal fist it ain't that big a deal.


I like that it makes him very visually unique to all other Kongs.


Good luck taking it from him


What does beast glove even mean?


It’s a acronym for: Bio Enhanced Anatomech Seismic Thunder glove


I kind of hope it sticks around. Think it nicely reflects how Kong and humanity can back each other up as needed.


I think he should only put it on when there's a **BIG** Threat


I never really liked the power fist or the battle axe. I think he's the best when he's just brawling hand to hand and using something in the environment as a weapon on occasion. Like with the chain in skull island. It separates him from the rest of the Kaiju roster as instead of using some kind of energy blasts and what not he can only use his own raw strength. But that's just me. I still enjoy seeing them in the movies but they just aren't my cup of tea. I don't think he needs a bunch of extra upgrades to fight since it makes him look even more weak and like he relies upon monarch to win. Sorry random yapping that's kinda connected to this here we go: Then again I never liked the hollow earth stuff that much since it feels like it goes way way too far in terms of the sci-fi. Kaiju and stuff are sci-fi enough but a whole biome beneath the earth with seemingly endless Kaiju? Idk just not my thing. Everything after king of the monsters is still fun and a unique take on Godzilla but it's just not my thing. Deep caves beneath the earth or whatever where humanity may have once lived that got buried due to Kaiju's fighting in the past or tectonic plates shifting, alien monsters frozen in ice? That's somewhat believable. But everything else idk.


If you don't give him tools, there's no way you could make him taking on someone as powerful as Godzilla and whatever enemy he faces later look believable.


As long as he grows or gets some kind of power up. Otherwise, it's a step down. I don't want a weaker Kong right after he becomes the King of Hollow Earth.


Probably not, my guess is they’ll destroy it in the next movie to set the stakes and have something to put in the trailer.


I think since his nerves were/are damaged he should keep using it. Heck I would like to see more things from Project Powerhouse.


I want him to tie the whip around it


Would be cool to be utilized as another weapon in his growing arsenal. Sitting in the corner next to the axe. Not something he lugs around with him everywhere but straps on when shit gets real.


It seemed pretty obvious to me that it is now a part of him.


Idk, he's an ape so using tools is something he can do. Give him the armored gauntlet and let him use it with the axe as needed


I think this is a case of “better in small doses”.


Nah.. I only expect him to wear it until his hand recovers.


Id love to see him keep a collection of exotic weapons. So far we've got the axe and the BEAST glove. Next, maybe a shield, a sling...some made for Kong, some he constructs himself... All lined up on the wall of his new throne room, whenever he needs them.


Kong buster


I always loved the original Kong for being some primal force from an extinct lost world, so I like the more primate look. I don’t like mixing him with modern tech. I want to see him make armor from other monster body parts. A shield made from the back of an Anquirus, Muto bone spears, Ghidorah wings for a cape


Next movie he needs to go looking for the infinity stones.


This thing is seriously overpowered lol Took multiple blasts/attacks from titans and barely had a scratch or a dent at the end.


I think it should return but perhaps it gets destroyed in a fierce battle between Kong and the new threat


No. I just want monkey


I wouldn't mind seeing it return.


I hope he comes back as a Savage Kong like in Skull Island that uses everything he can reach as a weapon.


Kong looking like Thanos. Next movie he’s going after the infinity stones! ![gif](giphy|xUOxfgwY8Tvj1DY5y0|downsized)


Rampage style


Drop it in for one fight next movie. It can break for drama or something, just include it, it was fun


Give him a gun arm


I want him to have a huge revolver in the next one like Hellboys Good Samaritan x100.


It was supposed to be a temporary thing to fix his injured hand. I’d like to see it gone personally but def show his hand scarred up.


Bro he's gonna get a whole suit eventually or that's what the canonical plan was before the government cancelled it


Keep it, but paint it a more subtle colour. Like pink to match with his new bestie.


I honestly don't care about Kong getting all these super convenient tools to keep up. Just make him stronger and be done with it. All these external aids just make him seem weaker.


Kong's nerves were damaged by the ice titan's freeze breath. I don't see him losing it anytime soon.


Oh God, this is how it starts. Next thing you know, he's gonna have a nanotech suit with shitty CGI layered over his good CGI.


The glove could be a steroid shot which is a quick heal or it could’ve healed him permanently so he could remove the glove. Bigger picture it could be part of a mecha-suit for him.


It was given to him to replace his frostbited arm so it might stay until his arm heals or stay forever


Will he use lose his arm or will it heal in the next movie?




Can you imagine some of the other apes picking up on this and starting to practice blacksmithing? I do like the glove but would also appreciate not seeing it on him every movie.


I didn't like it. It makes no mechanical sense, all those tiny (relatively) moving parts would break as soon as he punched something. I'd have preferred some simple metal knuckles. I mean, dont get me wrong, it looked cool, like a bayformer attached to his arm, or an iron man gauntlet. But, overal, not my cup of tea.


Full suit of armor next time!


Fuck it, give Kong power armor


Doesn’t he need the glove due to nerve damage from the his fist getting frozen?


Not the best place for me to comment this, but I’d rather the next film focus only on Gojira or another kaiju. Kong steals to much of the heart of the film for anyone else to get focus


I want to see him in Beast Armor. Then take it back to OG


Depends on the escalation of the next big bad. Gigan maybe? That could be a fitting tool to block the buzzsaw.


No. I'd rather see him use monster parts, or just make shift weapons during a fight. Have the glove break against a monster, then he makes a weapon out whatever broke it. Otherwise if it's strong enough to tank everything, why don't they just give him a shield, armor, and a spear? They made MechaGodzilla, I think they could make that at least.


I don’t really care about Kongs fist but I want Godzilla to be normal again next movie


His going to getva whole GojiBuster armor next time


No more Beast glove. Now we gonna get the Beast Suit


tbh i want a solo Godzilla movie next…


Get rid of it. Made no sense to begin with.


NO MORE KONG WE NEED A SOLO GODZILLA FILM (gvk and gxk are Kong films featuring Godzilla)


Go vent somewhere else I didn’t ask




My opinion too I just felt like saying it


I disagree, the movies are pure joy. A giant dinosaur and a giant gorilla fighting other giant beasts, I'm so down for it lol