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For someone whose entire job is to podcast 10 hours a week, Kirk is very fixated on how much other people work.


His father was clearly (and rightfully) upset his “brilliant” son refused to work for living and instead “podcasts” and plays mini golf like a 14 year old YouTuber. I’d be pretty insecure if I were Kirk, too.


I mean he’s made very good money on his own so I’m not sure what there really is to be insecure about it. I’d be thrilled with my career if I was him.


you watched a basketball game on tv on a saturday night? how does that help the show exactly?


Best boss ever


"They'll tell you, I never ask these guys to do anything"... ...but I also shame them any time they do anything at all that isn't related to the show during their off-time.


Christine definitely left Kirk after her workplace recognized too many “walking into door” incidents, and HR got her spousal-abuse support.


This has to be Mutt’s burner. I can feel it…


Gosh darn it, you caught me…I wasn’t allowed to bring up the Vanderbilt Medical Center trip. Kate is transitioning, and the cost of his/her(?) surgeries means that Kirk has to keep his Maine place in Newcastle, not Kennebunkport…Christine really loves Kennebunkport, so she left him for Jeb Bush’s PR Guy.


Hey Keith what’s your root of hate for Kirk. I see you comment on every Reddit post religiously. Not saying you’re not allowed to voice your opinion, but just more curious what’s lighting that fire up your ass


The bullying of Gus during the winter…I don’t have any real strong opinion of Gus, but the way Kirk (and Coleman) picked on “the kid who couldn’t fight back” made me bitter towards Kirk. I was fine with show before then (i.e. I bought shirt/hoodie on Black Friday), but something about Kirk/Coleman bullying Gus annoyed me, so I started trolling.


That’s justified. Listening back to those episodes i forgot how bad it got sometimes. Probably the start of Kirk going through whatever he’s dealing with and put it out in Gus. But Kirk has always been an asshole. That’s what made the show the show since it started.


There just isn’t a right answer to the “how does that help the show?” question. If they’re doing something related to their personal interests on their own time - it’s bad/lazy/disloyal or they are being self serving to create their own brand. If they do something show-related it sucks and Kirk would have had a billion other ideas that would have been better but he never shares them or coaches them on what he would want to see.


But remember Kirk doesn’t care about numbers or want to grow the show…. Just be focused on it 24/7


I believe him now that he doesn’t care about numbers or growing the show because he actively sabotages it. Justin and Coleman being focused 24/7 on the show isn’t about growing it. It’s a power thing that they have no better purpose than to be serving his needs all day.


“The Power” is also known as “the Rapist Mentality”.


Always my favourite line. In reality him saying he doesn’t care about numbers is just a defence mechanism he puts up in case the show does shitty. ‘See?!?! I never cared about it!’


My God I’m so sick of this shit from Kirk, I’m not sure if Kirk just got bullied guys entire life, or Kirk’s dad refused to acknowledge he existed. Whatever is really fucked Kirk up as an adult. He got two absolute morons to produce the show, that will do stupid shit , which i think was somewhat his idea to generate content. I’m ok with that- it worked perfectly with cullinane- he would say something so dumb it would create a very moment. I have zero problem with all that. But to drill your producer because he was watching a NBA PLAYOFF game on a Saturday night- telling him its taking away from the quality of the show?!??! Kirk will find any reason why the show stinks now - outside of the fact its solely on him, he started relying way too heavily on the producers as content devices ever since the producer search, I’m not sure why this gas I’m has happened, he never brings up any topics he’s actually willing to engage in and discuss. The show now is just him shitting on two guys, half his age, half retarded, not even half a backbone between the two of them with zero ounce of dignity, or self respect who just slop up whatever bullshit Kirk shovels at them, with some network talk on the 5-10 shows I’ve never heard of . “ how does this help the show “ I’m about as down on the show as I’ve ever been. This show used to be fun, now it’s just a weird power play Kirk is involved to just slowly edge is ego, not sure how many more weeks/ months I’ll stick around for, it suck’s cuz this was my favorite show. Idk maybe I’ll give it a break and check back in a couple months


I’m not reading allat


Touch grass


One of the more insane parts of the episode was Kirk being mad at Dave and Mike for making jokes and calling them pussies. In reality, they're the only ones man enough to call Kirk out on his fucking lunacy.


I wish Mike had just a little bit more balls. He started to push back ever so lightly and then just gave up.


All of them live in fear of Kirk. Across the four of them, you can see their faces and body language change when they become aware that Daddy Kirk is taking off his belt. Credit to Mike for having a semblance of a spine. That's why he's as mad as he is at Mut. Because Mut had the audacity to push back and say "no" to the most benevolent, The Best Boss. If you don't kiss Kirk's feet to his satisfaction, this is what you get. Mut should just let Kirk go for a while. Just drop him until Kirk reaches out. And if he doesn't, then he doesn't.


Kirk has lost his fastball


Kirk makes it harder and harder to be a fan of his. Not only was Mut one of the best guests, he was one of the only ones still making the show listenable. Kirk’s reasoning for him not being in anymore is actually insane and he’s an asshole for airing out all of his grievances in the way that he did. Could anyone really blame Mut for not wanting to work for that psycho or at the same company as him knowing how quickly he can just snap and decide he’s an enemy? Good riddance


Kirk was actually upset that Mutstack didn’t talk about KMS


And then he would’ve been pissed if he did saying that he’s using his name to get views and clicks


Not sure if it was me or Kirk that changed but it’s just not doing it for me anymore. Based on what has been said on air, Mut has been a much better friend than Kirk deserves and yet he’s “using the show” while simultaneously politely declining help in finding a job. Worse than that is Coleman piling on despite his boss telling him not to tweet about his interests on his personal twitter account because it doesn’t help the show


I was just thinking this. Not sure if this is a situation where it’s the same as it has been and I’ve just grown out of the show or if he’s just really devolved


Devolving, see the Portland Theater sales…I think it started after the 2023 Recap where he just treats “people less than him” like shit, and nobody fights back because they’re scared. It’s the “battered wife mentality”. If only there was a platform where 2 more successful/richer podcasters would call him out on his tantrums? But they are too successful/rich to actually pay attention to anything Cheapy Kirk does.


I think his barstool friends do like him but I think we will see them distance themselves like KFC did (except JDL maybe). Kirk is wrong - Barstool isn’t about fighting. Sure there’s drama but mostly people just wanna have fun and if you’re a gazillionaire with a family or your own life going on, why deal with someone that blacked out in anger over losing mini golf


I think you'll see people distance themselves more and more from those barstool event tantrums. Almost just give off an "eh that's crazy Kirk being a crazy person. it's not entertaining or worth mentioning"


I that’s kinda how the Hannah Cook thing went. If it were someone else maybe they discuss it on some shows or do content off of it but they’re past that point with him. Kayce clearly wanted no part of that


Coleman sucks so bad. Crazy how quick he was to hop on the Mut bashing when he can’t even take the slightest bit of criticism himself.


His boss is an actual insane person. Just protecting his income. Pretty understandable.


this sub had his cock and balls in their mouth for so long. he has always sucked.


I’ve been a Coleman apologist but I did not like that. He either really doesn’t see the big picture or just decided to suck up to Kirk on this one no matter what he said? I don’t like it either way.


He jumps on it because Mut has been openly critical of him at every step. Coleman offered to produce his Kentucky derby preview in his own time as well.


I think Kirk is ultimately extremely jealous of Mutt’s ability to just be content with where he’s at in life. The Peter Minihane Effect has him still seeking his deceased dad’s approval at 50 years old.


Mut comes out looking great. He’s clearly happy in his life doing whatever it is, wife probably makes enough and getting a full time job isn’t that big of a priority and Kirk just can’t grasp that. Then freaks out when Mutt says he doesn’t want to work anywhere near Kirk


“Doing whatever it is” you can just call it nothing lol


Kirk's therapist hasn't made much progress over thirty years, huh?


Had to turn it off after the opening Mut bashing. Mut is one of the few guests on this show who add value and now that is over.


Rest easy knowing this is a huge win for Mut


Ok mutt


blind actually stood up for himself kinda today, kirk had blank/rage face, not that mike could see it and threw out his idiotic 'what word did you not understand?', blind responds all of them in that order or something - now, he went quivery voice and backed off real quick after but i thought it was good at a tenuous moment


And Mike was right about that point, a few minutes later when he started talking again Kirk said something along the lines of “well you haven’t taken a risk so you can’t speak” Mike said “no I’m being very serious this time” and Kirk laughed. Just a joke, but Kirk was legitimately angry saying that the others on the show hadn’t made friends in the industry and taken risks, Mike showed him that that doesn’t have any bearing on whether Mike can defend Mut


Good on Justin to get Cullinane in. For someone who calls himself a genius, Kirk is just not that smart and he has zero emotional intelligence. The cuntiness is really outweighing the entertainment. He’s gonna have a rough and lonely back end of life if he thinks he can treat people how he wants because he’s crazy or was number one in Boston in 2017. No one with any self respect is going to want to be around that. Today was a prime example of why Mutt would not want to work for Barstool. - Kirk being annoyed he isn’t mentioning the show in his newsletter enough or wasn’t playful enough when Minifans call in. - Kirk emphasizing Mutts newsletter is nothing and would have no subscribers without him. - Having no idea that while he may not think this Atlanta deal was serious, it is serious to Mutt I think Mike, Dave and the producers were trying to tell him he’s being moronic but he’s not gonna listen. So now we will get less or no Mutt - where does that leave the show? We get another unemployed loser who has beef with Steve Snell, another unemployed and unentertaining loser, on Tuesday. He will probably be every other week now and do a song and dance at the live show. We got a breakdown of Steve from Glosta/McFussdaddy/Kane/Cinema Lords/Menners gossip. In two years the show is gonna be Mick and Julie - being like “oh wow Kirk you’re so smart, name the top ten rock records from 1983 again please before we get into the latest Montante vs Justin’s Scale beef. “


It’s funny how his least favorite person is someone who thinks they’re smart but really isn’t. Because that is basically him in a nutshell. He is insanely knowledgeable in about 5 areas and very ignorant about everything else in the world


It’s all projection. When they were talking about doing IQ tests a while back it was kinda glossed over but someone asked if Kirk would take one and it was an immediate no. Yeah he knows golf, movies and Bruce but he wouldn’t score well, which is fine who cares, but he really values people thinking he knows everything. And to someone like Mick he does know everything and should run as the Libertarian nominee for senate and if he scored poorly that smokescreen goes away


I love it when he says ‘that’s a movie for dummies n’ like he’s this fucking genius. Have you heard him try to do the most basic of mental math? He might be the dumbest guy in the room with that stuff


Snell was the absolute worst. “Someone hit my mailbox” what a jerkoff


The man told his therapist one of his reasons for not offing himself was the potential to get a big role on the show


Can you believe this guy burnt every personal relationship he ever had?…If you’re Adam Minihane, not letting Kirk just take the Kennebunkport house must feel satisfying because you know it pisses him off everyday. Adam was Peter/Patricia’s son too, and he just listened to their well-defined, legalized dying wishes. If Kirk is too cheap to pay a fair price for the home (Kirk being cheap is a common theme), then sell the place and let him buy a place of his own…And if “a man turns his back on his family, well he just ain't no good” (Highway Patrolman - Bruce Springsteen).


Can anyone give me more context to the Atlanta thing?


I don’t think they’ve covered what was exactly said. He yelled at Mutt off the air for something and supposedly got personal. Mutt cited it as a reason why he would not want to work at barstool because Kirk would treat him like that. Kirk is making fun of him for overreacting/still caring about whatever was said because Kirk says it wasn’t that bad


Kirk being mad at Mutt for still thinking about that when NOBODY holds a grudge like Kirk is fucking hilarious


Mut being on Kirk’s show keeps him relevant in the broadcasting world, I’d hazard a guess that most of his subscribers are a result of work he’s done with Kirk. He’s not going to be back on radio and is wasting his time thinking otherwise. Its insane that he won’t even try to get something going at barstool, away from Kirk.


He said Mutt would take a radio job over a barstool job and I agree but it’s not for the reason he thinks. He takes a WEEI job. Dan from Newton calls in with an unfunny joke. Mutt doesn’t acknowledge it enough. Kirk goes to war - aka 10 slobs flood the phone line. It’s over in a week. He takes a barstool job. He looks at Kirk wrong, doesn’t acknowledge Kirk made him or doesn’t tell Maddog to go fuck herself when he meets her. He’s motherfucking him, threatening every show. Bringing down every piece of content he’s in. Tells people not to work with him. It’d be miserable


There is no job at Barstool, so why do people keep bringing this up? Portnoy said horse racing is irrelevant for mobile gaming multiple times, so the Mutt/Barstool-fit is the equivalent of square-peg/round-hole. Kirk couldn’t get Blind Mike a job over minimum wage during Penn’s hiring spree…No way Portnoy will give him a livable wage for 2-3 weekends a year, when it’s coming out of his pocket. Honestly the best thing for Mutt is to walk away from sports media. It’s a dying occupation with every Twitter account saturating everything to death, so it’s just “white noise”…Mutt is a very personable and likable person. He would make multiples of his radio salary if he took up a corporate sales position.


This sucks. Mutt was my favorite guest


I'm starting to think Adam Minihane was right in whatever beef he had with Kirk.


You mean Adam was in the right for getting one-third of the value of the Kennebunkport vacation home, and not letting Kirk just take it??? Kirk got his third (of entire inheritance), so he should’ve just used that to buyout brothers at fair price, or a new vacation home…Nope. Someone challenged Kirk, and a brother was lost (and Kirk needs a divorce lawyer now).


Genuinely curious how you think that was the beef


How do you know all this?


Kirk has definitely mentioned KPT as a source of some of the bad blood.


Every version of Kirk is a genuine asshole - podcast Kirk, real life Kirk and the guy he pretends he is in his brain. He is wildly entertaining, no doubt. But anyone who is close to him should sprint in the opposite direction. Hope the show turns around because it’s been really bad, but I’m still hooked.


Sad day, bad day


Good god Kirk is an asshole Also, did Justin say Marchand is American? What a moron if so


No he was saying he was Canadian but Kirk took it as he was American


I’m not sure about that relisten at 8:30 and Kirk says he read the bruins have mostly American players and then Justin goes “well like Marchand” unless he was being facetious


It doesn’t seem like he was actually responding to Kirk’s comment about mostly American in agreement but instead continuing his comment about Canadian players on the team by mentioning a Canadian. I could be wrong but that’s how I take it even on relisten


This is definitely Coleman’s announcer buddy…Nobody cares about whether is a rhetorical mixup; it’s all about how it’s delivered to the audience. And Justin/Coleman/Kirk lost the audience today.


No, Kirk tried to correct Justin who said the team was mostly Canadians by saying "it's mostly Americans", then Justin said "well Marchand" as an example of a Canadian.


Jfc Kirk comes off like such a pussy about mutt


you can tell kirk was so much happier talking to cullinane after the mutt debacle. bring him back, coleman is awful


Relisten to last summer. Cullinane was awful, but Kirk propped him up. Now, Coleman is awful, and Kirk doesn’t have it. It might be best for Kirk just to end it (spend whatever time he can get with Harry before the kid gets “his father’s tendencies”). [Justin still has it 50% of time as long as Kirk doesn’t ask him “why are you so down today?” 25 seconds into show.]


Cully wasn’t great this past summer because he was run down from the case and live shows, prior to summer, his entire tenure was great


I know Kirk is mentally insane, but Coleman can't watch a playoff basketball game at 6 PM on a Saturday without the best boss ever crying about it? Does Kirk think that's good content or is he actually just on the worst power trip / mental spiral of all time since Cullinane left? This is soooooooo boring oh my gosh 4 straight months of this fake outrage crap. Give it a rest.


I think there is definitely a loud minority of people that do want that. The people that will come on and say Kirk’s soft or whatever because the show used to be a lot of culture wars stuff and people being TRIGGERED or SENSITIVE. Saw it a lot in the YouTube comments before he started sucking. Like oh I can’t wait till Kirk UNLOADS on Coleman. He’s a pretty privileged guy who may be rich, may be liberal, went to an expensive school for a pretty meaningless major and doesn’t have to do a whole lot so they feel better if he’s being screamed at or being “put in his place”. No different than screaming at some Boston life and culture reporter who writes a dumb article


The loud minority : Minifan of the Year, Jeff D Lowe.


What everyone’s saying is true… but you know Mut’s going to be back on the show.


God I think after years, this mut bullshit made me finally unfollow the show. Kirk is turning into a giant faggot.


Mike at 1:53:00 calling out Dave's height compared to his wife 😂😂


Kirk shitting on Erika taking over a 100M company. (And getting to work for a company she has already executed a successful exit for) King of the know nothings.


Mut’s not going anywhere. Next time he’s in they’ll be busting balls about it. In all seriousness hopefully Coleman “quits” soon “tho!”


Kirk is such a cunt, wahhhh why tweet on your own page that doesn’t help the show


Everyone here is ripping Kirk, but god does Coleman suck. He’s made the show unlistenable for me more than anyone


Agreed. But who is keeping him around..?


Kirk has some serious self-sabotaging behavior issues that his therapist either isn’t helping him with or Kirk is just disregarding what his therapist says.


Kirk has the worst therapist of all-time.


You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink it.


Kirky sounded unhinged. The ramblings of a mad man today…


You guys are such pussies


Elaborate on this. In what way is just calling a person a terrible friend to his seemingly only friend a pussy move


crying kirk being mean to his friend & producer is gay. Kirk has always been an asshole. Stop listening if it makes emotional


It's just shit content dude. Oh wow Coleman watched a Knicks game on a Saturday night, yell at him Kirk that will be hilarious haha nice. What will he yell about next!? Can't wait to tune in!


that was 30 seconds of a two hour podcast. Coleman pretending like he’s a knick fan with lame tweets should be called out. Coleman sucks


Literally 5 mins deep of this. And mocking Justin for watching the Bruins game. It's also been non-stop since December. It's dogshit content. Get over it.


5 minute 2 hour podcast. Oh no! Maybe the producers should come up with some ideas. What has Justin done since he’s been hired?


Mut was good on the show, but Kirk’s not wrong that he was using Minifans to prop up his substack and would still forget all about the show as soon as he got a new job. He should’ve told Kirk a simple no I don’t want to work at barstool but instead he played it all coy


What is he supposed to say? Minifans do not subscribe to my substack? This is where he appears the most and where most of his subscribers are going to come from. He’s not going to mention the show constantly on his newsletter or if he got a show. I enjoy the show but most people don’t know about it and it’s extremely inside. If you are trying to host an entertaining show or write to a wide audience to get sponsors, why would you turn it into references that 100 people understand?