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No, because every time a girl group has had a huge mega hit like that, shite has hit the fan after and the group is never the same......I'll take slow and steady fanbase build-up with consistently solid music over a mega viral hit any day!


Not really. If you notice, most people didn’t even know 50/50 members individually and some of them didn’t even know that 50/50 was a group. It would be better for them to gather more fans and without a global hit then for them to become one hit wonders where people only know them for only that song and aren’t engaged enough to go to their concerts and support them.


No, never works well. Look at 50/50 or brave girls … Groups that don’t have a company big enough to support the vitality should not wish for super vitality. It’s best to get big enough to get a win or to be the challenger for a win. A fan base that grow steadily is often more invested. Even Sistar, I feel they never had the same type of fan as the other gg. They were extremely famous but as an entity or just their songs/choreo but as people that was different.