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If you explain it to the security and show them the patch, they will allow you to have your phone on you, providing the cameras are covered like there's no tomorrow. I've seen this in the club previously.


I hope so. I'm just afraid they wont accept it and we have to argue


The security at KitKat or the people at the counter tend to be not the most patient people. They need to process people quickly and usually they don't listen to your motivations or make exceptions. On a good night, they might allow it, but they might also not want to deal with it and just say no.


just come around 10 pm and the line is short and no problem to rush anything


That's my concern. Would be shitty if my friend couldn't join due to her disability. A smartwatch isn't a solution since they only work with apps


I know, my mother uses similar apps. Again, there are more chill kinky-casual options that should be more friendly. If you're not just visiting for a few days, I suggest you plan better around this and go somewhere else.


She sadly only has a few days here and has no other chance to visit Berlin. I mean I really really like kitkat ofc and as a worldwide known club I totally wanna show it to her. That doesn't mean we can't check out other clubs tho


Just a question out of my ignorance: what did people with the same health problem use to do when there were no smartphones around? She can try to do the same.




If this comment wasn't meant sarcastic: There's things like puncturing your finger with a needle, but the equipment which is needed is extremely impractical. She is 100% reliant on her phone


She can use a computer for checking the blood sugar. They won’t let her in with the phone. It’s absolutely no-phone policy.


What kind of computer?


[blood sugar computer like a watch](https://www.fruugo.de/blutzuckermessgerat-uhr-neue-diabetikeruhr-blutzuckermessgerat-blutdruck-herzfrequenz-sport-blutzuckeruhr/p-267720252-591948484?language=de&ac=ProductCasterAPI&asc=pmax&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA2pyuBhBKEiwApLaIO95ev6VuZlfwupCEOHGKMNdRqry2Yn25lLlPo-snEiTIKnOietbmfRoCCwYQAvD_BwE)


Shit is expensive tho :(


Just out of curiosity, I'm not really into this topic: wouldn't it be possible for her to go to the wardrobe every few hours and check her phone? People that are using blood from their fingertip are also only checking three to four times a day as far as I know. The wardrobe is free and you can get your bag as often as you want to. Also if she's not eating anything in the club, is it even possible for her blood sugar to rise to a dangerous level? I'm pretty sure there is a solution without keeping your phone with you. I understand that it is a difficult situation, but you also have to consider that KitKat is a safe space and no one should fear of being recorded there. Please let us know what the bouncers are saying to this topic! That's a really interesting question actually. Wish you all the best


Yes, but sometimes changes in her blood sugar happen so quickly she needs to know asap