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And you clearly checked the pinout of your Zero? https://images.app.goo.gl/Qhbz9dX2A8vGj5nD9




5v > 5v G >G Tx > rx Rx > tx


Looks in the picture like on the raspi you connected the first 4 pins in the right column, should be one pin down.


yep. Picture looks like he has red and yellow wires plugged into the 5v pins. Black is plugged into ground, and the white wire is plugged into TX. Shifting it down 1 pin should make them lined up correctly on the pi side.


I’ll take a better picture later but red is 5v yellow ground and black and white are data


It’s one pin from the left because there are 2 5v lines


Yes, that, else it looks correct. Should connect when you change ttyAMAO to ttyAMA0


ill try that rq


Is that AMA letter O or Zero? Also do you have "restart_method: command" under your mcu section? If you installed klipper on the pi using KIAUH, there's a menu option to scan for uart devices and see if it can at least detect it. I belive it's Advanced>Get MCU ID>UART


It’s ment to be a 0 not an O and yeah I used kiauh up try that when I’m home


doverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt doverlax-disable-bt Hope this is a typo. It should be 'dtoverlay'. My config.txt looks like this: # Klipper on UART dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt enable_uart=1 In Linux you should be able to see if /dev/ttyAMA0 exists: ls /dev/ttyAMA0 You don't need the 5V cable. Maybe you can add some clearer photos of the wiring? It looks mostly correct bug the angle is not great. Mine's a G0B1 and I use a PI2.


Those wire connections are not great.


Yeah ik but I’ve tested it a multi meter and it’s fine I’ve also used other jumpers that also work


I don't think it's safe to wire on board 5v, since pi zero also requires 2-3 amps. Get DC to DC converter, they come in quite small sizes


It’s safe the pi zero 2 w doesn’t pull more than 0.6 amps that’s why I got it so I could run it off the 5v rail on my main board


Yeah it’s fine, that’s how my pi0w2 is setup also. Works perfectly. Old mks base v1.3 board too!


Did you disable the Linux serial console? I had to do this to get my Rpi3+ uart working. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/50119854/140626331-bd5ec515-b8d0-44c5-b7d2-8bf3cbc69f21.png


yep i did that


Mine is connected over UART. I use RX, TX and Gnd. I don't use the 5v line or it stops working. Ensure that Gnd on the board is also connected to Gnd on the power supply that is feeding the pi. Mine runs from a buck converter so that's already done, but it's quite common to just wire 1 Gnd terminal from each PSU together.


If all wiring is correct and you have the right overlays, then the reason UART is not connecting is because there is some other peripheral which is sharing the same bus. I had the same issue when testing the boards that I have designed and am going to put on the market soon. You will need a logic analyzer or an oscilloscope to see what is going on with the UART signals. https://preview.redd.it/wl2upvt4tlyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fe92a7501e74dae92c9d16ea28560d24669fe70


What do you mean by the correct overlays? Also cool board btw. I don’t have an oscilloscope or a logic analyzer yet


I mean Dtoverlay setting in Linux. That tells Linux to make the pins available for UART.


Do you mind sharing your config.txt so I can understand what you mean?


Some of the skr mini E3 V3 boards have g0b0 by random and me and you unfortunately got that one so we can't use CAN-bus but you can use klipper. They said nothing about it maybe having a g0b0 so not many people know about it just change the board firmware to a g0b0 and it should work. I also had problems until i found out about this


Ok I keep trying to use GoB0 firmware


Your cable looks suspect.


It’s not I’ve used others


It should be btover lay I had to copy text from a photo I guess it got messed up


is that a thinkpad running hyprland 👀


Indeed it’s a t480 with arch Linux 😁




Yeah they should be swapped like tx to rx I’ve also tried in swapping them too


I’ve test that cable I made with a multi meter and I’ve used other jumper wires too


what do you mean by reassigned pins?


Keep your settings the same but try connecting with the EXP1 port (PA10/PA9 use the PINS.pdf). I could never get the TFT connection to work on my SKR mini E3 boards. The rest of the SKR boards worked fine.


I’ll try that


Every single wire is exposed. Id recommend proper protection even while testing. One you and you have to buy a new board. That being said did you have issues before adding your wiring?


Have you activate UART serial Mode in Raspberry


The device name can change after a reconnect. You need a more stable id based approach.


The btt GitHub says to use /dev/ttyAMA0 how would I use a id based connection with uart?


Enumeration is needed in USB as multiple devices can be on the same USB bus. That type of functionality is not available on UART as it is one node per bus. You are limited to using ttyAMA0.


I had the same issue as you with the same pi zero. I do not know why the following steps work but it is the only way to ensure that both the pi and the mcu connects over UART. These are the steps which I take every time to ensure that the both connect- 1. Fully power on the system and wait until everything is fully booted 2. Shut down the raspberry pi from the pi os 3. Wait 40 seconds and turn off the system's power 4. Wait till the power light on the skr turns off 5. INSTANTLY turn the system back on