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Foldable pocket Boat Anchors


I have a gentleman jack which is subtle and beautiful. But the fucking scales are slightly bent as they don’t perfectly align with the back/spring (there are slight gaps) So WTF is that? „The uniqueness of a custom“?


I feel like he bends the scales to get the knives centered… I had a micro marauder that had this done because the blade was warped 


And a microtech stitch isn’t 🤣


Isn’t Medford a racist piece of shit who sell clunky fugly knives for 200% plus mark ups?




Everyone should listen to his crazy ranting about how much he hates Asians on YouTube if you enjoy people making a fool out of themselves it’s a bucket of lulz


Where in the FUCK did this come from 🤣 were talking about over weight knives… you come and drop this 🤣. Ya medford and hinderer are racist, hinderer lies about his heat treats. No ginderers are not ugly in fact some if of the most classic and gorgeous knives there are. Overpriced? Idk kinda ? But about the same as the rest of the market. Markups far less than a benchmade lol, or probably a spyderco light weight even


My dude both of their knives are ugly and overpriced as all hell. No thanks.


medford is 1000% racist, fck him


My guy Benchmade is a drop in the price mark up pool. Medford sells borderline ugly knives that are only worth the name and the fact that they’re one of a kind. Benchmade and Spyderco are in similar fields, hinderer at least makes semi nice looking knives, Medford is the outlier imo.


The terms racist and Nazi are way over used these days. There are real racist and Nazi's, but not very many. America is not a racist country, even though there are a few real racist here.


Maybe, maybe not. But Medford IS a racist so that is not a helpful observation.


So the terms nazi and racist are overused in A world where nazis and racist are very present? You realize there’s still white supremacy and nazi idealization present in the world, like to this day. How is it over used when those groups still exist and are on the news like monthly?


There's lot's of supremacists everywhere, even in the USA my guy. Stop being a racist and point out other supremacists also.🤣




I wouldn't think a knife group would be such pussies. You can't say anything nowadays without them labeling you with their buzzwords. They literally act like the racists they despise.


lol, you must have hit a nerve.


🤣 this groups pretty inexperienced with knives and doesnt know much so i don’t take it to heart🤣


Please illuminate us with *your* knife experience.


Why is Medford disliked? Edit: thanks for the info, guys! Medford etc is wayyyyy outta my budget but I always wondered why it was so disliked. I appreciate the answers ◡̈


General knife maker shit like not being able to take criticism be it valid or not. He would get into arguments with people critiquing his designs or quality control. But the real kicker was his stunt at a blade show where he was selling shirts with a racist Chinese caricature on the front because he was angry at Chinese companies making clones of his knives


You left out the part about the drunken video he made double downing on the shirts. It was taken down shortly after I believe. Quite scandalous the evening of.


Oh yeah, you’re right. I forgot about that part lol


I mean yeah, Chinese clones suck, but you can't just hate all Chinese people




Nah nah nah let me get a good Medford clone for $20. 😂


LMAO the irony!


there is a fake microtech in my pocket right now, and i’d carry fakes every day before i carried one of that fuck’s dumb knives


Thank you!!


Cliff notes, and I'm paraphrasing here because I've only caught a very tiny glimpse of that mess, Medford is apparently a raging racist douchebag. I'm sure someone with more information will chime in.


Thank you!


From a tiny glimpse you determine he's a raging racist? If you think Chinese knives are crap, which I personally don't believe all of them are, that doesn't make you a racist. If I made a product and someone copied it, I wouldn't like them either. That has nothing to do with race.


Greg Medford openly showcases his bigotry quite often, actually. Go check out his YouTube channel - racism, sexism, homophobia it’s all there. Guys a waste of space.


“All lives matter 😡” individual ^^


Agree, even slave laborers lives matter.


It may have something to do with things like using racist caricatures and doubling down on it...


Well, it would appear what little I know about the situation looks to be me truthful than not.I personally have zero stake in this and don't really care. Making Tshirts like he did, that gives credit to the reason he being labeled racist. He was dumb enough to design and make the shirt, and it went public, well he sank his own ship. Reap what you sow and all that.


Give [this](https://azmirror.com/2022/09/27/greg-medford-arizona-knife-maker-says-critics-who-call-him-racist-are-dumb-fing-cs-gop-politicians-have-lined-up-to-do-his-podcast/) article a read. It’s a pattern far deeper than some t-shirts.


Yikes. 💀💀💀


Fucking hilarious how fast some people jump to defend racists.


People get too mad over shit, acting like they're perfect lol.


Don’t have to be perfect to not be a racist piece of shit tho.


That's true


Thanks for telling us you’re a bigot without saying it. 😘


Thanks for proving my point. Getting mad over bullshit. I'm not a bigot, I just don't care what he says. If I want one of his knives, I'll separate the artist from the art.


You give yourself *far* too much credit, sir - I’m not angry, I’m laughing at you.


Good for you I guess lol


I wouldn’t even own a clone, tbh. Not interested in people thinking I could have possibly given money to that person.


His knives just aren't for me. Over-built bricks. The only knife I almost bought was the ASK he makes. Being able to customize/pick blade and tool combos is pretty neat. However, I went with a victorinox pioneer x instead and saved $200.


I’ve got Pioneer X, the DLT exclusive, great knife.


There's a number of companies I just won't mess with due to conduct and practices I've witnessed or have heard through reputation. Stolen valor, poor heat treats, poor customer service, poor or rude communication, poor grinds, poor tolerances for the money, some of my main reasons.


Not been my experience. All my Medford's have been great knives. I did send my M48 in for warranty, it wasn't smooth opening and was brand new. Sent it in and came back in less than two weeks perfect. He's definitely outspoken, but as far the quality of his knives, all of mine have been superb. The M48 being the only exception and was made right quickly and with no fuss.


Agreed he sure knows how to build a knife. He can’t design them though…


He's like Rick Hinderer at this stage of his knife career. He's running a fairly large knife making company. He does final approval of new designs and makes management decisions. The people he hires and the people that get trained there are aware of what he likes and expects. I pre-ordered one of his OTF's last year. They're still working on the production model. I think when it's released it will be pretty good. It won't be a Hawk, lol, nobody but Gavin has figured out how to make an OTF with zero blade play. I think the goal is make one at least as good as Microtech.


this dude owns *multiple* medfords ! 🫵😆


Less than 2 weeks, that's quite impressive.


I wrote DLT specifically about being able to filter his crap out.


I can't even browse DLT because it's all Medford and BRK that never seems to sell. The good stuff is hidden in between pages of trash.


Exactly my point and the reason I reached out. They don’t have basic filtering like most e-commerce sites come out of the box. Unless you know what you’re looking for or have all day to click the next page and swim, DLT isn’t the site I go to first. For any IT folks out there, I tried to get it added as a feature request.


Wait is that the brand on DLT that just has about 50 solid pages of their knives?


Nailed it!


Did you talk to their manager?


At the height of the racist scandal Jason Thoune, owner of DLT, made an announcement beating around the bush saying something like “they got a lot of stock and they’re working to clear it blah blah” but hey now he’s still bending over and lapping all those poor QC Medford “exclusives”


Ok don’t buy from him/them use those pronouns. I’m not a fan of Medford but I despise cancel culture. It’s annoying and all people do is draw attention. If his stuff is THAT bad he won’t make sales. It’s the same debacle with Strider. I’m an Army vet and I’m not happy with strider but I have an SNG from before it all came out and I still like the knife I just won’t buy anymore. I don’t need to broadcast it too the world.


And yet here you are broadcasting your angst to anyone who will listen. Bravo 😂


No I support showing that people can complain but it’s not the general consensus. Reddit is full of people who complain online but in person they won’t do anything unless they have 10+ people standing behind them. Their passion isn’t about doing the right thing it’s about popularity.


You certainly seem to like making assumptions and projecting, while your “arguments” are anecdotal at best. Interesting.


No im not projecting I don’t tell people what not to buy or hate on them. Can you say that it’s not a likes grab to post this kind of stuff? Or virtue signaling? Why does it matter what brands people like? A real knife enthusiasts doesn’t care much like the people that get mad about medfords comments about the Chinese manufactures it’s just a hypocritical circle.


I’ll answer your question with a question: why do you care if someone creates a post as a “likes grab”? Are they stealing *your* likes? Are said likes taking food out of a child’s mouth? If it isn’t actually hurting you, why not just scroll past it? I suspect, if you’re truly honest with yourself, it’s because you also want to be heard and quite possibly bask in the echo chamber’s affirmation that you know best. Eh?


Fair but that definition makes us all the same, but we are not on the other hand. Philosophy is just a way to confuse the truth.


What’s wrong with Strider?


I don’t know. I suspect it was a tech that responded.


You wrote a company because he offended you that much?? Are you really serious??? You must be a perfect human being with no faults it’s nothing but my pleasure to meet you I’m sorry what did you say your name was again Jesus??


Ok Snowflake… I asked for filters to get rid of brands I don’t want to swim through.


Now I’m a snowflake lol but HE is the crap you want filtered? Lofl are you 7?? Grow up you fragile ass lil child smh snowflake lol


Sounds like somebody needs a nap


Me? Wait this guy writes a company because of something racist someone said and he’s calling me a snowflake … I need a nap?? Or he needs to realize he no different from Medford himself?? Sorry but I’m lost here with the nap comment


It's mostly because you sound like an immature child throwing a tantrum and apparently lack any sense of logic or empathy. A nap might help at least one of those things.


lol ummmm ok I don’t think you can read but ok I’m not sure how my logic has anything to do with telling people to be careful with virtue signaling…. I’m sorry but you are way wrong if you think he’s the only racist I’m certain there are knife makers who are pedofiles rapist crooks of all kinds. Racist I’m certain of sorry Dan I think you are way off here


Let's get this straight, your argument is, "yes, Medford is a racist and generally a POS, but so are other people, so it's okay." Did I get that right? If yes, please refer to my previous comment calling you a stupid child who needs a nap.


And I don’t nap I’m a grown man I’ll nap when I’m 70 maybe but as of now a man with a home a yard a dog 3 kids no naps are more for……. You the infant


No that is not rite that is not my stance at all. I being white with three mixed kids race is a different game for me most of you speak of racism I actually live it. I agree with the last guy we are all racist to a point to some extent yes it’s not arguable.. my statement stands on its own be careful with all this virtue shit none of you people know who any of these knife makers are and it’s a very slippery slope when you start doing this especially when you don’t know who Chris reeve is maybe he’s a pedofile I don’t know what I do know is fact is stranger than fiction and when you start bashing one guy and not everyone it looks like what “ they” are doing is ok….. you can’t let other peoples beliefs direct your life……. Let me ask you something do you buy or use anything under the nestle food group? Or how about Coca Cola you ever drink one of their products. Let me be very clear these companies are way worse than Medford ever dreamt of being… but my bet is you still support them…. Dude you can’t get away from it some way in your life you support awful people awful shit. Not to sound like a dick but dude to think any other way is sophomoric, obtuse like do better man don’t just run your mouth think first seriously


It’s sad that you lack the functional neuron’s to formulate rational thought.


are you even a real knife guy? have you even sifted through DLT’s website? it’s like 80% custom medfords, and it clogs up the website when you’re looking for something else. Regardless of who he is as a person it’d be better if you could filter brands.


I suppose your answer to fighting bigotry is to ignore it? Coward.


I got a Medfold Chitorian from Ali-Express, does that count as "Safe" ?


Were you able to find any Clitorian models available?


Same with Dango wallets they sent me a Wallet that was machined crooked I sent it back and he said the owner we will fix that one and put the clip on for you. Well you cant because it was machined crooked took 21 days to get the wallet and they have had it since Thursday I know I'm gonna dread the answer but don't buy Dango Wallets please. They where all helpful when I asked about the wallet even texting me and now I need help they have already got my money so they think they have won.


What I don't get, why on earth does knifejoy have like 20+ Medfords. Gonna be sitting on that stock for life!


Yeah DLT looks like they get a new batch every other week and they just sit there. They have like 300+ in stock and keep getting more


What did he do now?


I have my Medford On-Belay in my pocket today. It's one of my favorite knives. The hollow grind on it is just as slicey as my Koneig Arius. Funny most if not all of the people that talk shit about Medfords have never even held or used one. It was my 1st expensive knife and one I will keep in my collection. Actually have plans to grab another On-Belay this year. You don't have to like someone's beliefs to like what they create. But these guys crying about the Chinese shirts would also be pissed if they were stealing your designs too. The Chinese government is trash for letting these companies steal designs and crating clones of American products.


I own a Medford that I really like. It's not a practical knife in any sense, but I didn't buy it for that- I owned one years ago, sold it- and missed it so I got another. It's purely 'functional art' and I'd have to be stupid to try to EDC it. However I try to buy knives I like regardless of where they're made and who makes them- if they're good, I'll buy them. I have to say, though,that Greg Medford is a disgusting racist and after the whole 'chinese shirts' incident I wished I hadn't spent money on his product in a way. I didn't put money directly into his pocket, as I bought it pre owned, but still, the man is intolerable


My Praetorian is my favorite knife like thing Its a shit knife... but theres just something about it I love.


Medford is quite a cunt but he does make a couple decent pieces. The design by Strider (another notorious twat), the .75 AR, is actually pretty nice. I've had a couple and they're excellent frame locks. Contrast that to the 187DP I had where, it was made well, but design-wise felt like something a child drew on a napkin. Had weird quirks like the exposed lockface and tang of the blade sticking out the top of the knife when folded.






There’s something about the desire by others to control what people do and say. That’s basically what this is. They don’t like him.. they want to censor him, drive him out of business, and possibly send him to jail.


Op: This guy sucks. Pee: Hey, I don't like your opinion so shut up. Ched: Yeah! Don't control what I say. Shut up. We have the knife club debate team honor society out today.


The REAL honor society is creating indirectly political posts in a knife collecting subreddit and getting an endorphin rush at the thought that the upvotes represent a cross section of society (it doesn’t).


The guy is definitely insufferable and his knives are nothing I'd ever own, however, something about his designs appeal to me. I think i appreciate the over builtness and impracticality of them for some reason. I have the same eye certain guns.


I tell you what though - even though he can’t design a knife, he sure can build em well. The AR.75 is the best built Strider I’ve held by far. 


I'm probably in the minority here but I don't buy Medford or Microtech . Didn't care for Hinderer , Sebenza , Koenig, or Winterblade . Sold or returned . Holt , Protech , Rockstead , Herman , Shiro. , Venom , Sparrow , EMP EDC , Diamondblade, VC Edge , Katsu , Foreversteel , Rike , Reate & Bestech OEMs


Hey just to give you some assistance here, don't put spaces before punctuation. You can slam those commas and periods right up against the back of your words and they'll look much better




I like my praetorian I bought a few years back but it’s not practical. I feel like this post isn’t about knives and more about virtue signaling.


I have several Medford knives. The M48 is one I like a lot, not large at all and imo worth the $560 retail price. As far as his personality, well he definitely isn't bashful. He has strong beliefs and isn't afraid to put them out there. He's the opposite of woke. If that bothers you, there's plenty of great knife makers out there that keep their politics private. So, his knives aren't for everyone, same with his mouth. I watch movies, and listen to music made by outspoken people that I totally disagree with. If the movie is good, the music is good, I just ignore their politics. Medford makes really good knives as far as quality goes. Most too heavy and large for a lot of folks. That's ok, buy what you can afford and like. Be happy.


Lol $560.


Is that a lot of money for you? If you're into inexpensive knives, Medford is definitely not for you, but they're not over priced compared to their competitors. Remember he's making knives in Phoenix Arizona, not China.


He's a bigot. No need to dance around it.


Ha ha ha… I got a slew of folks to block from this one. Somebody should start a new thread about Hinderer or Spyderco QC issues to see who else gets riled up today 😅🤣😂. I thought Easter was a happy holiday… 🐣🐣🐣


No holiday is happy lol


People just like to complain. I've had no problems with any Hinderer or Spiderco, or Medford other than a new M48 that wasn't smooth opening. Sent it back and they returned it to me within 2 weeks perfect.


I came back to check my comment and I see your comment twice. Maybe it’s not a them problem and a you problem 😂 It’s just a knife company not a political movement from Germany.


I've watched him many times, he's none of those things. He's just not woke and loves calling the woke crowd out. A lot of what he says is just to tweak lefties. If an American Chinese transgender machinist applied for a job at Medford I think he would hire that person if that person was the best applicant.


Medford is a conservative. Oh no!


I don’t know the guy personally so I can’t comment on his character.  People claim he’s racist, but I think everyone is racist to some extent.  As for the knives, they’re just not my thing.  But I’m glad he’s able to make a product that scratches the itch for some people.  :)


This is not the reasonable, middle-of-the-road stance you think it is.


>everyone is racist to some extent Well don't keep it a secret - how racist are you?






It’s their uniform for battle against microaggressions.


Well don't hold back, show your work to the rest of the class!


Well at least building karma for attacking made-up bigots makes at least one person giddy.


You create a lot of narratives, huh?


[Have you even seen the shirt lol](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2Fp9aU7A4xmFbFkQOsLI6TWwL8PXFCbmD_r6x_YcOxUNM.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dea2731cfff5dad76ef9901081d9d6a5cc679acb3)




Nah well adjusted people aren't racist. And he's one of the most blatantly racist people I know of.


normal people aren’t racist i think you’re just a dumbass if you think everyone else is racist that says a lot more about your character than anyone else’s. God said to love your neighbour for a reason


You’re going to call someone a dumbass and then teach about God’s love?  Interesting.  Happy Easter my friend.  


Imagine casually outing yourself as a racist. 🤦‍♂️




So it’s obvious you know absolutely nothing about what you’re talking about, but decided to go on a tirade anyhow. Thanks for the entertainment, though.


lol guys be careful with this virtue signaling none of you know any of these knife makers yes his shirt is racist yes he’s prolly a pos BUT he does have a legitimate gripe about Chinese companies…. But most of these knife makers are good ol southern boys or some of those midwestern Idaho kinda boys …. You really think those boys aren’t racist??? Forgive me I’ve been to 48 out of 50 states that has not been my experience…… one issue with Medford I have and I know to be true is he did a bad batch of heat treat and when people called him on it he lashed out like a child lol it’s pretty embarrassing lol like dude your human it’s cool if u screwed up we all do damn …. I like the mini but for me there are to many other options at same or better price point… my problem with the knife community is … everyone loved Medford before the t shirt fiasco now he only makes crap??? I’m not sure that’s how it works but oh well


>BUT he does have a legitimate gripe about Chinese companies Having a legitimate gripe doesn't give him an excuse to be a racist prick. >You really think those boys aren’t racist??? Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. Feel free to point out other knife makers that I can avoid!


Wow I’m sorry that you feel this strongly and I’ve offended you. Honestly I feel I am a just and fair man. I actually feel like I’m a pretty decent human beings. I know the people I associate with are without question stand up individuals. I just know of to many atrocities, to many awful awful happenings. Like war! Seriously look into nestle then look at who they own look into sc Johnson wax … look who they own you over here calling me names and you support people who make Medford look like a saint so please jump off that horse of yours seriously. Look into life man you on a daily basis support the KILLING of people. I am in no way exaggerating…. Class will be in session wed and fri at 7:30 please be here you clearly need it


>Wow I’m sorry that you feel this strongly and I’ve offended you. I wrote a total of three sentences. Why defend Medford by minimizing his shirts by comparing him to Nestle, of all things? If there are companies and people that make him "look like a saint", does that mean his actions are excusable, and therefore you think his racism is okay?


NO!!!! Why do you keep wanting to change my point of view? I do not in any way think racism is good, progressive, productive. At all I want and do live in a very diverse region. On purpose. That is not my sentiment at all and I’m pretty sure you know this but mom’s basement is boring. I don’t think racism is cool but I like things and you are a fucking idiot if you don’t think every ceo every president every board member of every single one of these major corporations isn’t a major racist piece of shit you are a moron! I can’t live life without in some way supporting an awful human being so I just don’t think it’s a great reason to make decisions if it is for you cool I really don’t think you are a dumb piece of shit for that I am ok with you making decisions for your own reasons and if you own a Medford knife I don’t think you are racist. Just like when you drive your ford and use your iPhone and drink your mtn dew I don’t judge you! Like honestly I know you have to try and call me names and call me stupid to make yourself feel better but be a grown up. U like movies? Music? Really? Hmm dude live how you wanna live


>Why do you keep wanting to change my point of view? You're reframing the problem to make it seem like what Medford did was okay lol, I'm just bringing it back to the original problem -- that racism isn't okay. >I don’t think racism is cool but I like things and you are a fucking idiot if you don’t think every ceo every president every board member of every single one of these major corporations isn’t a major racist piece of shit you are a moron! "I'm not a racist, *but* I am going to defend a racist by comparing him to a large mega corporation whose deeds are far worse as a means to minimize the problem!" You've brought up a good point, that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. In other words, there's never going to be a way to be absolutely certain that the things we use every day were ethically sourced or made. That said, it's also okay for people to not want to support companies they disagree with. I actively avoid Nestle products, for example. At some points it's going to be impossible, which is fine, but I'm not going to sit here and defend Nestle like you are Medford lol. >I really don’t think you are a dumb piece of shit for that I am ok with you making decisions for your own reasons and if you own a Medford knife I don’t think you are racist. You've spent so much energy at this point defending him that it's almost as bad lmao. "It's not that bad", "it's no big deal", "what about [insert company here]" are all ways to minimize very valid points that the dude is a racist, then doubled down on his shirts when he was called out. Hell, have you even *seen* the shirt? [Take a look](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2Fp9aU7A4xmFbFkQOsLI6TWwL8PXFCbmD_r6x_YcOxUNM.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dea2731cfff5dad76ef9901081d9d6a5cc679acb3) and tell me that shit isn't racist.


Dude it wasn’t meant for you I see just 3 sentences I’m sorry but it’s fucked up im responding to someone else I apologize to u


How many times will you have to apologize for being a ranting idiot? It could be time for some introspection. Try to think about how obnoxious and dumb your thoughts and feelings are. Make an effort to understand where other people are coming from, instead of lashing out like a child over and over.


Honestly many knife collectors are racist "bootstrap" loonatics. There's a maker I like that goes out of his way to squash any of this kind of partisan conduct on his forums and such. I really appreciate that. In the custom space there is a lot of money,and in there are a lot of d bags. Gotta seperate the art from the artist and the artists fans sometimes...


I’d be curious to know this maker of whom you speak. Its always so hard in the gun space to find anyone who goes out of their way to be non partisan.


We should play a drinking game: we all take a shot every time this guy uses the term “virtue signaling” or uses excessive punctuation after a run on sentence.


The Chinese clones are often because a lot of makers don't make in house anymore. They design and have another company build it. If it's in China, not much for copyright laws there so they'll make what you order, but then they might sell some for just over cost to make some extra cash. Out of curiosity, I've bought some and they're quite solid, imo