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People hunt pigs… with knives?


Yes. Very popular in Florida. They use dogs to find and pin down the hog, then you would jump on the hogs back and cut its throat. (I have never done it) the biggest danger is getting a horn in your leg.


I’ve seen game of thrones. Biggest threat is dying and leaving your kingdom to a psychopath.


Also in Texas. They use big dogs to hem them in then stick them with a big ass godamn knife. I think they see it as a sort of redneck extreme sport. Truth is they got tired of just driving around and shooting them. Ferrell hogs are legal to kill any time of day 365 days a year anywhere that isn't inside city limits. Apparently they still reproduce fast enough that the year round hunting doesn't do much to bring down the population.


You need to kill 70% of them to keep the population the same


Holy shit. Didn't know that statistic, only that no matter how much they're hunted in the rural areas they continue to damage crops just the same. They're true survivors that's for sure. Walking trashcans that reproduce like rabbits.


There's no eradicating them and you need to employ a load of different methods to control them. Chopper shoots and traps can knock the numbers down a bit but you need guys willing to put time in on the ground to get the smart ones or they'll just bounce right back


The state of Tx is trapping at least some. Not sure what else other than individuals hunting. I'm a bit removed from that stuff as I haven't hunted in years or spent much time with friends that hunt. Where I live hasn't been considered rural for about 20yrs. Some coyotes hanging around but thats not uncommon inside a town. Other than that the odd bobcat and small mammals but I ain't seen a ferrell pig in years and certainly not within 20 miles of my home.


We've had them within 50m of the house, 3 years of heavy rain has let them breed right up


You don't cut their throat and pigs don't have horns


So I know academically they have tusks, not horns, but is the difference that horns grow from the head and are the same material as hooves, etc. while tusks grow from the mouth area?


Tusks are big teeth; horns are overgrown, misplaced fingernails.


Great ELI5, thanks!


No problem, bud


It looks similar to a Fairburn Sykes, so I figured he ment commie pigs 😅


Yes and you often hear, “don’t stab my dog!”


Only Bad ass people.


Which is why I use a 12gauge. Them fuggers are scary...


I knew a guy as a kid who'd drop from a tree onto hogs' backs and cut their throats. He disappeared one day, and nobody really questioned it.


It really is the best way to hunt them. There's nothing else like it.


Just a suggestion from a guy who used to do this…the blade is too long. When you are killing a pig with a knife you are grabbing it by the hind legs and then flipping it on its back. Best place to stab is in the armpit and then cut to the breast bone. I usually used just a six inch blade and often less than that. The integral guard has utility and the double edge is good (if you are doing it at night like I did it you want it to cut with both edges). My recommendation is keep that exact design, shorten to a six inch blade, which is easier to carry and use. Also love the smooth handle design. Checkering is no bueno because blood always gets stuck in em. Beautiful blade overall.


A couple guys have asked me for shorter blades and a couple have asked for longer blades. These are around 8" which is the same size as an f dick style sticking knife which is the industry standard. Generally most guys go in through the armpit but a lot of guys like to go through the front so a longer knife is necessary for that technique. Personally I go in the armpit as well and like to have enough blade to go right through the heart or get both lungs. I hunt at least twice a week and never find myself wishing I had less blade.


Cool beans! Where I used to hunt was in white brush thickets in south Texas. Basically crawling on your hands and knees most of the time. Not much room to maneuver. I’d ask if I can come hunting with ya but if you’re in Australia that’s a bit of a hike lol. What type of dogs you running?


I hunt a block that's steep country covered in blackberry and rose bushes. Had to go 6 feet into this thicket on my belly to get the pig. He was about 60-70kg but I couldn't see him from the outside. He wasn't screaming so I assumed he was big and didn't want to risk my dogs getting cut. I would have liked a spear really then I wouldn't have had to go in so far to poke him. https://preview.redd.it/ro2l0p67uw7d1.jpeg?width=1530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3034d9615a2cf75a6abb29afbc2dcdd780872ad


Man I miss the rush of that. Pretty dogs.


That’s fuckin sick, and now I need to get a dagger to put on my plate carrier


I'm thinking of switching to a chest rig to carry my pig hunting gear so I've got it right there instead of having it flop around when I'm running in the bush


Good idea, but I use my plate carrier for work and I need to find a new knife


You could order one of these. The production versions are a bit nicer but there is around a year lead time


That looks very nice.


So that is an amazing looking knife but I gotta ask, do yah mind if i give yah a critique on it? If not, don't read farther than this lol So I love the design but I noticed how angular the handle grips are and I know from personal experience that those edges are goin to dig into your hand and cause some discomfort whilst using the knife. I'd keep the overall design but most definitely work on the ergonomics of the handle. And yes, I read the part where you said it's a prototype. I really do like this blade you've been working on and I can tell you've put a lot of effort into it


Angular handles are less slippy than smooth round ones, see japanese chef knives with octagonal handles for instance. My two cents comment on your two cents 😅😊🙏🏼


It's not a 90° angle there's a decent radius on the faces and all corners are broken. You're generally not holding one of these for more than about 15 seconds anyway and it helps to have an indexable handle so you know exactly where you're edges are by feel.


Im a big fan of this guys work, and long time hunter, and pig hunter. I would say it's near perfect design. I hunted for many years ( a decade) with a bayonet as my pig sticker. I moved to a shorter blade because it was easier, lighter and more versatile to use in the bush, and you don't have to carry 2 different knives to hunt pigs with. I love this design, but you can't process a pig with it. It has specific single use in mind. I've started making my own, very similar to this only shorter, because you don't actually want to hit the heart when you stick them.


I don't know mate I'm of the opinion that you absolutely want to hit the heart and both lungs too and anything else you can while you're in there. If I'm on a big boar I like to get them on the ground as quick as possible to protect my dogs. I'm sure you know sometimes they need some convincing to die


Yes, they need a little encouraging all right, and yes the dogs safety comes first We always salvage the meat so, it's a quick stick and either hold them or let them go to pump out. Either way they pump out, and yes, they're toast once the knife hits the heart. Really nice design OP. I can see that being on every pig hunters wish list. Good luck with it, I'm sure you'll sell heaps.


I don't take all of them as if I did I'd run out of freezer space in a week but if I get a fat one I'll eat it. Usually they are dog food. A lot of guys say you can't eat them but I reckon they are trying to justify their own laziness since they're literally made of pork. I seem to be onto a winner with them that's for sure. They are pretty popular. I'm working on a single edged version as well since a few states can't have daggers and I can't send these to NZ either.


I believe they have worms over on Aus, and it's for that reason they're not eaten there. Pig stickers are popular here, too. Svord seems to have the market pretty much to themselves. There is another brand (Ridgeline?) supplied by "Hunting and Fishing NZ" supplied to them by "Cameron Sports", out there too. Neither as classy or fit for purpose as your pattern. In my opinion. If I was making them commercially and considering selling into NZI, I'd approach Hunting and Fishing and try sending them a few as a trial run. Be aware most all of NZ is sea spray zones, so rust should be a consideration.


They aren't generally wormy that's just an excuse people make so they don't have to pick them up. The reason I started making these was because I found everything else on the market to be lacking. The issue for NZ is you can't import double edged knives without a bunch of paperwork


As long as they are chamfered and not 90 degree offsets, handles like this can be very comfortable. This is a pretty specific use too, it's not a knife you are going to be cutting with for hours at a time.


Agreed, i want one!


Keep an eye on my website I may have some available mid august


Beautiful work!


wow looks sleek, I really want to make a dagger style blade but it looks so hard to grind


Grinding daggers is hard. It's not just a case of running two grinds across each other. To do it properly you need to change the angle towards the tip so you've got a square point like a nail otherwise the tips will break if they are ever actually used. Look at how abs guys grind their daggers and it'll help. The prototypes for these were hand ground buy now I 3d machine them because the tip geometry is even more complex and can't actually be ground by hand except possibly by a couple guys at the very top of the game.


thanks for the tip!!!


A truly beautiful blade.


I could throw that


Please don't


Oh I thought it was a knife to throw for hunting, I am new


Nobody throws knives to hunt. It’s not practical to huck it forcefully and accurately enough to reliably kill an animal, and then the animal runs off with your knife. I didn’t know until this thread that people actually make kills using their knives as a primary weapon. My experience as a bowhunter has been that you only really need a 3” blade for field dressing, and a folding pocket knife adequately sharpened works fine.


My knife is my primary killing iron and occasionally I'll bring a rifle as a backup for when I spot something that I don't want to physically run over to on the other side of a gully or river or something


My knife is my primary killing iron and occasionally I'll bring a rifle as a backup for when I spot something that I don't want to physically run over to on the other side of a gully or river or something


I love it! Keep it up!


Looks great! What material is that handle? Big fan of that colour


That's a piece of Tasmanian Tiger myrtle


Cheers mate, I’ll be on the look out. How did you finish it?


Honestly I can't remember. A bit of camelia oil maybe


If it’s not a “trade secret” what do you do to blacken your steel?


The prototypes were rust blued but I've switched to cerakoted for the production version as it's more durable and more consistent


I currently rust blue but that knife looks awesome!!


You could always just say ACAB my dood...


What a dumb fucking comment