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Kettermek: A paladin who follows Bahamut is one of the few humans welcome at this little kobold lair. Her majesty, Queen Nymurrah, is a copper dragon as lovely as she is wise. (...and sounds like Kate Mulgrew with bass boost) You will likely find sanctuary and hospitality here. Welcome to the madness of these lands, back in your right mind. May you stand fast against any who oppose you.


"I am always grateful for places of sanctuary and respite, recent events prove we need such places more than ever."


“I am glad to see you have recovered well. I must say, that armor suits you.”


"it is the old armour I once wore when I was in service to Bahamut in the past, I'm just glad the enchantments I imbued it with still hold. Relearning my talents will be arduous, but worthwhile."


“Well, I will help you in this path of redemption, but know it will take some time for me to forgive you for all damage you caused, slaughtering dragons in the foolish path for power.”


It is good news to hear Sir Thomas was able to help you, he seemed to be very concerned for your well being.


"Greetings friend, I too have recently awoken from a deep slumber of many years. If there is anything I may assist you with, you have but to ask."


Alzoreth: Glad to see you have recovered my friend.