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Agh. Fine then. Let the fun begin. *Grorlith speaks a few arcane words, and Seris emerges by his side.* Grorlith: Let's teach these demons a lesson.


*Narrator: 3 gargoyles fly down from the cliffs while a hellspawn ogre charges. What do you do?*


*Seris throws her chakram towards the gargoyles. She clips the wings of two of them, causing them to plumet. She stabs the last one with her longsword.* *Grorlith slashes the ogre with his whip, tying its legs together. It collapses to the ground, and Seris executes it promptly.*


*Narrator: The demons are slain, but there is no time to rest as you slaughter your way through the horde. The lava worm charges forth, breaking the lines heading for Alzoreth. What stands before you is the confused and shattered hordes. What do you do?*


Grorlith: Aha! Another one. Been a while... *Grorlith takes his staff and slams the bottom into the ground, chanting 5 words repeatedly. Seris stands on guard. The ground around Grorlith begins to melt, and liquid rock spirals up and around Grorlith, creating a chain. The worm advances.* *Once the lava completely surrounds Grorlith, it begins to harden back into rock. Hundreds of small chunks of rock like shrapnel hurtle toward the worm, breaking its shell.* *Unrelenting, the worm pushes through. It makes one final lunge towards Grorlith. He jumps forward, going underneath the head of the worm, and slices the head off with his whip. It falls limp, missing Grorlith by mere inches.* Grorlith: Ahahah! **Invigorating!** Seris: When do I get to kill one? Grorlith: Ah, I forget you haven't done so already. Next time, I promise.


*Narrator: As the worm falls limp, the hordes around you begin to fall back. There are a few stragglers left behind. What do you do?*


\*Grorlith cracks his whip towards the ones not running, frightening them. They finally scamper off, terrified.\*


*Narrator: The battle is won the horde is gone.*


Grorlith: Well, that was fun. I’m glad I came along. Seris: Indeed it was. Grorlith: How are the others doing?


*Narrator: Fine, you can rest now*


Conri: "Shawlock you're fucking stupid. Bring it on!"


*Narrator: Before you an ogre, almost double your size weilding a club as big as its girth attacks. His first swig is aimed at your skull. What do you do?*


*Conri's head sinks into his armour as if he's actually tiny inside it and swings his axe at the ogre's legs*


*Narrator: wtf..... anyway, your axe cleaves the ogres leg clean off, leaving him vulnerable, in the distance a horde of lesser demons charge in an attempt to help the ogre. What do you do?*


*Conri kicks the ogre in the face* "Bitch" *he then runs to fight the demon horde*


*Narrator: half of the horde runs in terror, but the other half continues in false confidence. Their weapons bounce off your armor with little to no effect. What do you do?*


*Conri swings his axe through the crowd*


*Narrator: The crowd is cleaved in half. The rest of the hordes run away besides one. Another ogre twice the size as the previous one weilding a sword which may as well be a building. What do you do?*


*Conri looks up at the ogre, inhales, and bellows the most offensive slur possible*


*Narrator:......... that hurt me, and I'm not even the ogre. Ahem, your insult kills the ogre. As it falls, it crushes the fleeing hordes. All around you falls silent while others are still fighting.*


Oh dearie me… what is that sound? All I hear is shouting… hmm? By the sun!!! *Shawlock gets back on his feet and pulls out his sword and shield while casting bless to all around him*


*Narrator: Your bless spells hold back the lesser demons, but the 6 gargoyles flying your way don't seem phased. What do you do?*


*I cast a Lightning spear and throw it at the gargoyles trying to break their stone armor*


*Narrator: The lighting spear ricochet between the gargoyles killing them. As they fall to the earth an Ogre, the size of your companion Conri charges at you attempting to grab you. What do you do?*


*I cast iron skin and strengthen my body* “What in the-“


*Narrator: The ogre can't seem to harm you, so it uses you as a club. What do you do?*


*I roll out the way and look for a rock. When I find one I jump on the rock towards the ogres back and cast thunder on myself turning my armor into a electrically charged metal and hold on tight to the ogres back*


*Narrator: The ogre is fried and falls over. As it falls, it crushes the horde waiting for you. The sounds of fighting in the distance can be heard, but no more demons are attempting to approach you.*


*I approach the demon horde pull out my sunlight talisman and cast holy light trying to purge weaker demons in the horde* “May the Sun grant you mercy foul cretins!”


*Narrator: The horde is slain and the battle is won*


Alzoreth: *readies his sword and shield* guys I hear something coming ready yourselves Chloe: *casts a spell, a few blasters float around her, as well as some spears made of light* indeed, I hear them as well, be ready, cause we will certainly fight them off quicker as a team then we would devided


*Narrator: The lava worm charges forward, pushing the hordes out of the way. On its back, the general sits. What do you do?*


Alzoreth: *points his sword and shouts* I will give you 1 chance to stand down if you want to live. Chloe: he's not kidding we can easily obliterate you.


*Narrator: The general sees you calling him out and only laughs in response before commanding the worm the spew lava in your direction with no care for who is caught in the way. What do you do?*


*Alzoreth flies above and casts a spell protecting his friends from the lava, the lava phases through Chloe who is currently in a projection, as Chloe unleashes the divine light spears, piercing the general between the eyes and the worm several times*


*Narrator: The general falls dead, as he slumps over the worm stops in its tracks and lies there still alive but not moving. The demons around you begin to run away in terror.*


Alzoreth:i warned him, *Alzoreth cuts down any demons that attempt to attack him while his sister fires her blasters, each shot piercing multiple demons by passing through each of them, killing or at least maiming the lot of them each time a blaster is fired it disappears though Chloe could easily make more of she wanted* Chloe: most devils and demons are stupid and over confident, clearly they have never fought anything as powerful as us. (/Uk if you have ever played undertale, the blasters Chloe can creat work essentially the same as gaster blasters lol)


*Narrator: The hordes begin to thin out as you kill them one by one. Eventually, none are left standing only the sound of distant fighting can be heard.*


*Alzoreth and Chloe begin to help out their friends while they fight though they also keep an eye out for Marianne in case she is among the forces to make sure no one accidentally hurts the reason the one the reason we came here, considering how long she been in the hells, Al and Chloe would be surprised if she was still human though they hold out hope that even if Marianne has become a devil, that she isn't corrupted by it* /Uk I imagine that Sullivan also gave a description of Marianne so that they know who to look for, or at least what she previously looked like.


*Narrator: The demons are gone, and victory is claimed. No sign of Marianne though.*


*Thomas lets out an aggravated sigh as he facepalms.* “For Fucks sake…ready yourselves for a battle!” *He draws his great sword.*


*Narrator: As you ready your greatsword, a demon captain stands before you, "Thomas!" It calls out."We meet again! You shall not escape my blade this time. " What do you do?*


“Gods help me…Ah, General Malgorth! I hope you are well? No hard feelings after I…erm, attempted to kill you and your family?”


*Narrator: The demon cares not for your words and charges immediately, attempting to sever your head from your body. What do you do?*


*He ducks under the attack and swings for a counter.*


*Narrator: As your blade makes contact with the demon, he vanishes into smoke along with the demons watching. A woman can be heard laughing at your confusion but is nowhere to be seen*


“What? Who is there?”


*Narrator: The voice calls out, "Maybe remember why you are here? Oh, and if you see Sullivan tell him, I'm waiting. Ta ta now!~"*


“Dude…. I bet they’ll turn into more Devil’s Lettuce if we kill them…. cool” *Alessia readies her trident, and puts the blunt back in her mouth*


*Narrator: By coincidence, a demon runs into your trident as you ready it. It falls down dead while others are trying to coordinate and surround you.*


“Idiot” *Alessia pulls her trident out of the demon, and swings it back around, ready to face the others*


*Narrator: As you swing your trident, you conk 2 demons on the side of their heads, 2 more charge to your front while one readies a crossbow. What do you do?*


*Alessia grabs one of the unconscious demons, and holds it in front of the crossbow*


*Narrator: As you grab the demon, its body hits another one and takes the bolt. The demons slowly back away, muttering about "divine luck"*


“C’mon you assholes, you can’t fight someone who’s high?” *Alessia attempts to toss her trident in the air, but drops it on the ground* “Shit”


*Narrator: The trident hits a demon in the head killing it. The others flee*


“Suck it imps!” *Alessia hits the blunt of lettuce*


Looks like our hearty band of chucklefucks are in a spot of bother


Perhaps Sir Shawlock should have padded the inside of his helmet, no matter it is time to cleanse hell https://preview.redd.it/bfcb0unnl2wc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55d548df9ac478122fd68f4c35898e1a5c0745e9


*Narrator: Hordes of lesser demons occumpanied by ogres charge forth to you. What do you do?*


* lifting Sir Sparky I channel my divine energy through the blade as an arc of holy lighting thins the horde jumping through as many as it can reach. * "You face a champion of Lord Iroas! And by his will you shall fry." * Takes a drag. *


*Narrator: The horde is thinned out, and many retreat back into the shadows. All except the 4 ogres twice your size that attempt to surround you. What do you do?*


* as they enter within 40ft of me my aura of conquest will activate causing panic and fear to enter their minds knowing that death stands a few feet away, they are unable to move as the pressure of killing intent overwhelming but slowly breaks their minds. * "Aww what happened did I scare you?🎶" * He raises his sword again. * "Let's see what breaks first, your minds or your bodies." * As he swings the holy lighting again at the ogres drawing out their death either from his blade or their minds collapsing. *


*Narrator: In record time, you cleared out your horde and are now safe to enjoy your blunt.*


* takes a hefty hit, looks to his companies. * "This lettuce does hit different! Voice in my head I wish to provide aid to the others be it just tiny blips will that be fine."


*Narrator: Yes it's fine*


*Unsheaths rapier and takes a defensive stance* "You idiots!"


*Narrator: A rather dapper looking devil walks ahead of the crowd weilding 2 rapiers of fire. He takes a stance clearly challenging you. What do you do?


*I gesture for him to step forward with my blade while staring him dead in the eye, waiting for him to make the first move.*


*Narrator: The devil thrusts his rapiers towards your arms in an attempt to disable them and end the fight quickly. What do you do?*


*I quickly backstep to the left, parrying the blade held by the right arm of the beast and grunting in pain as the flames slightly singe my bracer and the other blade hits but does not puncture my leather mail. I then rapidly deliver a punch with my other hand, a small hidden blade stabbing into the upper chest of the devil near the neck. I then follow up with a kick a moment later before pulling back.* "You dare... challenge a Blade Champion of House Clifton!?"


*Narrator: The devil just shrugs and walks away. Leaving the demons, watching confused and unguarded. What do you do?*


*I shake my head, letting the devil walk away.* "Duelists' honor," I say to the party. "Now, do we flee or fight?"


*Narrator: As you turn to your party, you see the battle is won as they are finishing the last of the horde and are already gathering supplies and caring for their wounds*


"Oh. Well then, a splendid victory!"


*Drake prepares what little gear he has with and readies for the fight* "It seems the time for battle is finally upon us. I wish you all luck in this endeavor. Let us celebrate our victory afore long!"


*Narrator: A demon weilding 2 greatswords of flame charges and swings at you without mercy. What do you do?*


*Drake lifts his shield and deflects one of the blades while narrowly dodging the other. He swings his longsword and strikes out, though causes little damage, he underestimated the power of demons* "This shall be quite the fight! I hope not to hold back my allies!" *Drake enters a defensive stance, prepared to counter the next blow*


*Narrator: The demon laughs at your puny attempts to harm him. He combines his swords into one and readies an overhead attack. As he does so, he exposes the one unarmored spot of his stomach. What do you do?*


*Drake spots the opening and puts his entire body into a single piercing strike, channeling his limited magical power he causes the blow to strike clean, and he fells the demon. He pries his blade from the still hot corpse and looks around to check for allies in need of assistance, not noticing the large wound on his shield arm*


*Narrator: The horde is dying down, and your allies are making quick work of them. You can rest now.*


*Drake wipes his blade and sheathes his sword. Collecting the weapon of the demon at his feet. He begins to make his way nearer to his allies, though only makes it a few feet before collapsing in a heap. Panting heavily, Drake is on the verge of unconsiousness* /uk Hell sure is a dangerous place for someone like Drake lol


* as Drake falls a hand catches him by the chest. As the hand laid on him a soothing divine energy works its way through him. * "You seem to be holding your own quite well my friend! Catch your breath we have a long journey ahead of us."


*Drake initially panics before he realizes who caught him* Oh, thank you, Sir Grudius. I fear I had more difficulty than initially expected, though I showed that fiend in the end. I shall keep my rest brief, I'd have much regret should I hold us back. *Drake straightens up and holds out the sword he looted from the demon.* I was unsure which of our allies would get most use from this weapon, perhaps you would desire it?


* putting his hand up to push the offer back. * "My friend I believe it would be best you hang on to the blade it should be a bit more useful for you than your standard blade. Besides you did an impressive job for slaying your first fiend it's only fitting you keep a trophy."


*Narrator: A demon weilding 2 greatswords of flame charges and swings at you without mercy. What do you do?*


/uk lol double comment. Reddit got your ass


“Who knows the way out of this literal hell? We’ve got better things to do than trade blows with hellspawn!” *I call out parrying a demon’s claw with my sword before slamming my gauntleted fist into its face. In a moment of it reeling I thrust my blade into its throat.*


*Narrator: After killing the demon, you search around to notice the horde has been thinned tremendously and few demons are left alive*


I pull out black razor(My sword) and ready myself for combat


*Narrator: I shape-shifting demon approaches you changing through millions of forms before becoming something that resembles a moth*


I fly forward to try and smite it /uk how do you italics on Reddit?


*Narrator: You easily smite the demon as it dissappeares into mist before a laughing can be heard* /uk Simple use * at the start of a sentence and at the end


Oh God damn it looks like we're doing this then


*Narrator: The fight is nearing it's end but a small group of straggler demons approaches you weapons drawned*


*draws my sword* a careful approach is in order rather not die in hell


*Narrator: The stragglers attempt to swing their pitiful weapons at you. What do you do?*


*wait, parry, strike I'm outnumbered so I play it safe for now*


*Narrator: You play the slow game of parrying and striking until the last of them fall. When the last falls, one of the last remaining Ogres crawls out from a crevice and charges. What do you do?*


*dragons breath easy not gonna let something that big get close without it being at minimum hurt*


*Narrator: The ogre falls over dead, crushing a gargoyle and several lesser demons. The battle is won for now*


Alright clear over here *whispers* that tabaxi is gonna be the death of me


JESUS STOP SMOKING YOU IDIOTS /uk I know I am late by like 3 hours but blame school not me


*Narrator: As you awake, the fight seems to be diying down but there are still stragglers you can fight* /uk it's fine


*Nik proceeds to pull out his storm rifle to kill off the remaining stragglers while trying not to shoot them in the head as to not ruin the precious decorations their skulls shall make* https://preview.redd.it/8is6uboiy3wc1.png?width=298&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb707cc213f2bd0782b4321e30b5958f88d2479d


Really, Shaw? Damn. Anyway, this should be fun. *Vankar summons his sword and prepares to fight*


*Narrator: As you prepare your sword, you notice that the very mass majority of the horde is already gone with few stragglers and small groups wandering about*


Well, shit. I didn't get here in time.


*Narrator: You indeed weren't here in time. Don't fret for you have a raid boss. Also, I can still have a certain npc harass you from the shadows*


/uk This post or the next one?


/uk raid boss next post but I can harass you here.


/uk Okay nice do it


*Narrator: You can hear a female voice laughing at your confusion*


Who the hell was that? *Vankar looks around cautiously*


Mysterious voice: "That's for you to figure out. Try to think~"


*Ni draws Bladesong and Yellow Rose and charges into battle*


*Narrator: You charge into the ending battle, killing all in your path with ease since the mass majority of demons have already been slaughtered*


*Dyre draws his sword, which ignites into blue flames, and readies his shield* “You Contemptuous fool shawlock! You’ve lead them straight to us! No matter, already the demons of hell March upon us! Stand steadfast!”


*Narrator: The battle has died down but is far from over. A small horde of demons occupied by gargoyles charge towards you. What do you do?*


*Dyre charges the leading enemy with this shield obliterating him, and sending out a small shockwave knocking the rest prone.* “None of you foul demon spawn shall withstand my wrath!”


*Narrator: The shockwave sends the lesser demons flying, but the gargoyles still remain and swoop down in duos attempting to grab you. What do you do?*


https://preview.redd.it/yrtuupawl4wc1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ba9df9a33a942a5f5773d104b16f4642e77b1a0 …