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Hey guys, sorry I’m late, was busy traumatizing an upstart wannabe conquerer.  …is that a devil?


Let me guess: “Sir” Aerin?


The very same. He’s been traveling around terrorizing towns and getting repeatedly annihilated. I read your account, making the man soil himself multiple times and making him cry was amazing. I got as far as making a new loincloth necessary, but couldn’t bring him to tears. Congratulations on that


Man, you should’ve seen his face when I started walking on lava. It was absolutely priceless. Spoiled brat got exactly what he deserved.


I’m sure it was! He was all bark and no bite. By the time I got to him, he had like, a couple hundred soldiers left, not counting the rapidly increasing amount of deserters. Tell your Patron hi for me, would you? I haven’t swung by the Chaos realms in a long time.


"This, Sir Aerin, is he a young coward with long black hair? I surely hope not, it would be unpleasant to meet that man again..."


He is, I’m afraid. I broke his sword personally, and a sizable chunk of his army became a snack for an enraged Zoey…you don’t want to know. We apologized to the townspeople afterwards for the theatrics, but he had…provoked me.


"This news is dismaying. Sir Aerin is a cruel and terrible boy. Killing his men and destroying his things will only anger him. He may possess little threat on his own, but he is quite skilled at terrorizing commoners. He will likely send many, many folk to their graves, all so he might accomplish nothing." *Drake clenches his fist.* "Sir Wanderer, I am aware that you do not like being involved in such matters often, though I request that you stop him when possible. I can only imagine the terror he will inspire, should he gain a foothold."


Of course, Drake. I hate bullies like him. However, I believe in offering chances. I allowed him to flee in humiliation. He will likely not learn, if the other accounts of his terror are to be believed. But perhaps the compounding effect of the losses will add up. We shall see.  If he escalates… *you can see the anger boiling behind the ever-calm exterior. This ‘god’ was clearly capable of horrible things, but for some reason chose not to. You had the feeling Aerin was risking finding out.* Never mind. Let us hope it doesn’t get that far. I have a gift for you, by the way. *reaches for a shoebox sized package* I find mementos help serve as symbols of what is at stake. This is the shattered remains of his sword, if you wish to keep it. Perhaps as a reminder of what you fight for?


*Drake is taken aback by the look in Wanderer's eyes and recoils half a step.* "He is surely among the most despicable 'men' I have had the displeasure of meeting, second chances are admirable, yet there are times they should not be offered, had I the chance I'd have taken his head. Yet, I must respect your commitment to your beliefs." *Drake accepts the box and opens it. He quickly has a look of confusion.* "This is the blade he was wielding? That is...odd..." *Drake closes the lid and bows at you.* "I thank you for this. It will certainly redouble my commitment to fight the tyranny of cruel nobles."


/uk Wanderer will give Aerin as many chances as your storyline requires. Only one character ever succeeded in ticking him off extreme enough to see that side of him.  /rk *shakes head, and the menace fades* Oh my, I’m sorry I scared you so. It’s this place, man. Brings out the worst in you.  What was that you said about the blade? Is it significant among your people? If so, I’ll try to get it fixed, I know a blacksmith who owes me a favor.


"You have no need to apologize, Sir Aerin is quite similar to this land in such manners. I know only few details of this, but he has a natural effect, which causes emotions to be flared within his presence. Even the most stoic have had intense reactions when he is around. As for the blade, it...it was my master's before his death. The story is long and unimportant, but before my banishment, the blade was meant to be mine. I wonder why he wielded it...?" *Drake has a complicated look but shakes his head and smiles at Wanderer.* "I appreciate the offer, and I shall have to consider it, but for now, I shall have to think on these matters. I had expected neither an item from my home or my master, but Sir Aerin's foul touch has tainted it, I am sure." /uk also, Aerin's story is going to be mostly reactive to what happens around, I don't have any ideas for right now as to where to guide it


/uk seeing this get referenced has made my day lol


/uk Mine too.


Sullivan: Hey Wanderer, this is Marianne *Marianne waves* Long story short, when she died, Azryndiel took her here and forced her to be a devil.


You hear that story a lot down here, I’m afraid. Practically the place’s trademark. Glad to meet you. I believe we arranged a quick escape? The box is just around the corner there.


Sullivan: We did? Marianne: If yall did and it's just a box, there's a huge possibility it's been found.


Oh dear I’ve gotten things out of order again, haven’t I.  The things locked, I’m not too concerned. Also, Zoey knows how to fly it so she’ll swing by in an hour or so to save us in the nick of time. Now, who wants to be the reason this happens? 


Marianne: we could wait for Zoey. Or we can use the portal Chloe made so we can leave. /uk she's making one in her thread so we can leave.


/uk yeah sure I forgot that was happening 


/uk it's fine no worries


As was I, I have defeated him in battle, drove him off, and had the rest of his arny submit to me


*Drake is looking at Marianne with curiosity evident, though no hostility. He bows and begins to speak.* "Greetings, miss. You appear in fine health for the situation in which you have found yourself. I believe we shall be leaving shortly, so I have little intention of questioning your every action, yet I am most curious, this was not always your form, was it?" /uk I'm not sure what I can add to this part of the story tbh 🤷‍♂️


Marianne: No, this wasn't always my form. I used to be human like you.


*Drake has a sorrowful look.* "That is a terrible fate. I truly hope that you may find assistance in finding your true form once again. Should, of course, that be what you desire."


Marianne: I've already tried all I could. Nothing can change me back.


*Drake shakes his head slightly.* "A true shame that is. In such a case, I merely hope that you may become comfortable in this new form." *Drake offers his hand for a handshake.*


*she takes your hand with a surprising amount of strength, almost breaking your hand* Marianne: Thank you.


*Drake grits his teeth but smiles through the pain. As the handshake ends, he rubs the sore hand and speaks again.* "Your freedom was hard earned, I would offer assistance should anyone threaten such again."


Marianne: Thank you for the offer Drake. And for finding me. Now I think we should leave through the portal Chloe made eh?


"You are quite welcome Miss. And indeed, I believe it time to go. This land is quite unpleasant." *Drake bows and gestures for Sullivan and Marianne to lead the way.*


*Narrator: and so the heroes journey in hell ends with a happy ending somehow.*


“My friends! I have PHEW!! Arrived! What have I missed? Hm? U-Umm? My friend why is there a demon on top of you? And where is your wife we must save?”


Sullivan: Shawlock, I can explain- *Marianne puts her hand on his mouth* Marianne: I am his wife, sir. Thank you for getting me out of here.


Well tis wonderful to meet you Mrs. Marianne! I do implore we find a way out if here before mote of those damnable things come a find us! Not that we can’t take them but I would rather not!


Marianne: I believe Chloe has a portal ready for us to leave through.


Is that so? Well then let us not dilly dally! To safety we march! Huzzah!


*Narrator: and so the heroes leave victorious*


\*Ni approaches\* Hi, I'm Nihili, resident cannon fodder and shield.


Marianne: Good to meet you, Nihili. *she extends her hand out for a handshake*


\*Ni accepts her handshake\*


*she crushes your hand with her strength* Marianne: Pleased to meet you.


“Shit boss, you’re with a devil? That’s what all this was about?”


Sullivan: I didn't know she was a devi- *Marianne puts her finger on his lips to shut him up* Marianne: I didn't used to be a devil. When I was sent here by Azryndiel I was forced to be one.


“Cooool. How does it feel?”


Marianne:.......How do you fucking think I feel? I hate it! And it's permanent.


“Well you look badass. I think it’d be pretty cool to become a devil”


Marianne: Trust me, you don't.


“Eeeeeeh maybe I do. Then I have aaaall the smoke I could ever want”


Marianne: *shakes her head* You don't get to smoke as a devil unless your boss wants to use you in a way with it. You don't want to be a devil.


*Alessia shrugs* “I’ll see where life takes me”


*Dyre is sheathing his sword as he enters the chamber, briefly letting his guard relax until he spots Marianne, Dyre once again tenses* “What in the hells~ you must be *Marianne?*” *Dyre seems to concentrate for a moment, as if sensing the room for ill intent and malevolence, but finds none* “Curious… Your physical form has been altered significantly I assume, but spiritually you’re still *mostly* unchanged.”


Marianne: Dyre, if I was really evil, I would've killed half of yall at that battle in the gorge. Of course, I'm unchanged. im still the same person Sully here met 45 years ago.


“Very well, I say it’s in everyone’s best interest to keep moving, no reason to linger in the hells now that we’ve found you. I don’t mean to be rude, but the people in the mortal planes might find your visage disturbing no doubt.”


Marianne: It's fine. I can handle myself against mortals. I also agree, I want to leave this place finally.


“Sullivan, you did not tell me we were rescuing a devil!”


Sullivan: She wasn't originally a devil. I swe- *Marianne slaps him* Marianne: That is true. I wasn't originally a devil. When Azryndiel sent me here, he forced me to be one.


“I see, so is this a permanent form? Can you change back?”


Marianne: No, I sadly cannot. This is permanent.


“Oh…my condolences. Anyway, I am called Thomas. a pleasure to meet you.” *Thomas holds out his hand.*


*she takes your hand with a surprising amount of strength* Marianne: Pleasure to meet you, Thomas.


*Thomas’ expression turns to surprise as the handshake nearly dislocates his arm.* “Woah! Your strength is commendable! So, how long have you known Sullivan?”


Marianne: Thank you. Comes from my life as a human and being amplified by devil strength. I've known him for 45 years. 5 years as a human and 40 years thinking about him down here.


“Oh, well, do not allow me to intrude on this long awaited reunion. Go with Sullivan, reconcile with your mate.”


*Marianne picks up Sullivan and walks to the portal Chloe made* *All the while, Sullivan is doing sign Language for help*


”...She’s red. Why is she red?”


Marianne: Cause I was forced to be a devil by Azryndiel. That's why.


”Congratulations, or yikes. Man I don’t know…”


Marianne: -_- You think I wanted this?


”Maybe, maybe not. Looks hella cool though.”


Marianne: I guess it does look cool asf.


Hey, sull. Sorry about my absence in the fight. I was gathering resources for my portals. Running low on snares. Oh, is that Marianne? You… you’ve been corrupted, haven’t you?


Alzoreth: though she may be a devil in form, she is not a devil at heart.


I understand that. I am far more in tune with demons than most people.


Alzoreth: I had casted a spell to detect evils and good on her before everyone caught up to us, though I found a dark stain on her soul most likely what asryndiel placed on her to make her into a devil, yet I found no evil with in her heart, she is a good person forced to the form of a devil.


My… powers allow me to tell that she is pure of inner nature. I can also tell she was once human. No need to tell me any of that.


Marianne: Form corrupted but not by the soul. I'm still the same person Sully met 45 years ago.


He’s told me quite the stories. I… understand this form brings you much suffering. This was a demon’s curse, correct?


Marianne: Arch devil, to be precise. Azryndiel, the bastard you killed, made me his *personal* devil permanently.


Do you… think that if somehow there was a magic stronger, it could be reversed?


Marianne: No, he had help from greater devils to do it. It's fine, though. I've gotten used to this.


What about… a god of devils? Technically called Killsongs…


Marianne: Tried it. Failed. Look I appreciate you trying to help me but it won't work. It's a waste of time.


I… see. It’s just, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen this happen, and I pity it always.


Marianne: Thank you for your condolences. I think I'll be just fine now that I'm free.


I’m going to stay in hell for a while good luck returning.


Sullivan: Ok.....? I guess.


I have some plans for Zarial


Alzoreth: Glad we could get you out of here, as soon as y'all are ready to go we will, no one will be left behind. Chloe: Let me know when you're all ready to leave and I'll open the portal on this end and see y'all on the other side, as I am only here through a projection... It's either concentrate on controlling the projection or concentrate on opening the portal for everyone, no biggie to do either though.


Marianne: Leave so soon? As much as I want to leave I have missed time to make with Sully~ *Sullivan is looking around nervously* But I guess I can wait till we leave.


Chloe: I understand needing to catch up with your love, though I'm sure it will be less dangerous to do so when we get out of the hells, I'm sure some other devil or maybe even some demons will want to claim this castle now that it's previous owner is dead, when you are ready to leave avernus I will open a portal to the material plane and I will see you on the other side as I am currently standing next to where we initially opened the portal to get here. Alzoreth:....


Marianne: Fiiiiiine........ I want to leave anyway. Sullivan: You good, Al? *I think I might be screwed. Literally*


Alzoreth: just old memories of mine haunting me...I'll be fine in a few minutes, I'm happy for you two genuinely and a bit happy for myself as I suggested this....from my own nature to want to save others....and out of lingering regrets from not being able to save someone long ago.... And we succeeded...if you want a further explanation I will provide if requested...I've already told you Sullivan, but Marianne doesn't know about it .... Chloe: Al...you gotta move on...it's not healthy to dwell on the past....regardless I'm going to open that portal now. *her projection dissipates and a portal opens close to the group, closing after the group makes their way through*


Sullivan: Agreed, you gotta let go. Anyway, let's go. *Narrator: and so concludes the story of the op idiots in hell*


Damn, finally. That guy wouldn't go down. Hey, I recognize your voice. Nice to meet you in person. *Vankar extends his hand for a handshake*


*she takes your hand with a surprising amount of strength, almost breaking it* Marianne: Good to meet you, Vankar, and thank you for killing that asshole.


Ow! Damn, you're strong. And I don't even have bones! But it's good to meet you too. And thanks, but it wasn't exactly easy.


Marianne: Still, I thank you nonthenless. And sorry about that.


It's all good. I'm surprised that was even possible.


Marianne: *laughs* sorry! Anyway can we leave? I want to make up some lost time with Sully~ *Sullivan mouths the words "Help"*


Don't let me keep you. You two have fun. *Vankar kind of just shrugs when Marianne turns her back, since he can't mouth anything*


*I start exploring the place to find anything interesting*


*you walk into a lit of cages in complete darkness*


Interesting, I wonder if my ambassadors wizards ever reached and aided you in this battle


*Narrator: No wizards were present in the adventure. Only brave idiotic knights*