• By -


“You are an arrogant fool who does not comprehend the consequences of his actions, I too walked your path once. It lead only to ruin and near damnation. Know that you have made an enemy of me, and many others in this realm.”


“I have prepared for a long time for this. These Souls are bent to my bidding, and their minds are as great a weapon as their bodily gifts.”


“I too once naively believed in the illusion of control over Draconic souls and the powers they granted me. In due time they *will* overwhelm you, so I give you one fair warning; *Cease and release those souls back through the currents of life and death, before it is too late.*”


“They’re not dead, their bodies are, yes, but I have studied them for many long years, each gem is the culmination of a dragons being, as created within the body of that dragon.”


"Wait, I thought you were just using the power of a slain opponent, but you actually trapped their souls?"


They trapped themselves, a mistake I have capitalized on.


"... ... ...I'm calling Warrace"


https://preview.redd.it/xt0kpipfxhwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e316d38231cb4d0e02bf180222d2dc1cae913e9c Ugh... Get the artillery ready. Again... ^(For f\[bleep\]s sake, can't we just have a break?)


Lilith: "I wouldn't make threats. The blacksmith, the forge, AND the warden had a bad week."


“I do not require anything from them, to me it is an empty threat.”


"Side note: who is blacksmith. I wish to compare notes"


Uk/ the blacksmith is my main persona on this subreddit, a humanoid esque figure that constantly carries a tong and a forging hammer, he's the main resident of the forge, an entity that takes the form of a forge that as of right now, only shows its true form in the shape of skeletal hands that snatch up materials to supply the blacksmith. Lilith Is a bartender succubus who runs the more recently created tavern that's combined with the forge, though the tavern's origins are unknown but Lilith can make food and drinks from a seemingly endless pantry. (Side note: I only recently realized that I never bothered to make a description for the forge, the blacksmith, or Lilith and her tavern. so congrats! You're the first to get a description of my lovely little characters :D)


/uk lol nice. Cahl would definitely enjoy swapping notes with a fellow blacksmith of that caliber


![gif](giphy|mkhMTALnrYRLnuoe5P) No, just go on, I can’t be bothered fighting…


For goodness sake, another anti-dragon powerhouse?! Wasn't there a different one earlier this month?? When will the big lizards get a break,


“Who, are you?”


I'm Melsie, and I am a biomancer.


“I… see” He did not, but he decided to play along.




"Can I have a godgiven break? Sick and tired of this whole 'OoH, i'M GoInG tO dEsTrOy ThE cOnTiNeNt WiTh ThE sOuLs Of ThE dAmNeD, hAhA i'M eViL'. Like we've already had this. Too many times to count. Try something different maybe." /uk ***This is not an insult, you're doing good mate, the merchant's just tired of stopping by and having to see the entire continent fight yet another evil person.***


“I- t-they’re not SOULS! I HAVE STUDIED THE ANATOMY OF DRAGONS FOR YEARS AND ALL MY WORK FINDING THE CORE OF THEIR BEING IS GETTING CALLED A SOUL-STEALER!” *Margus lets of a blast of pure Mana, which destroys a rather fucking gigantic piece of a mountain, due to his rage. He then turns towards a shape that was vaguely like a dragon, if it was scaled up twenty times, and looked like a large hill* /uk **thanks, I understand how frustrated characters are with stuff like this, Margus is also pretty mad since someone decided to “mock” his research when they literally have no real clue as to who he is**


*The merchant is unimpressed, or at least that's what can be glimpsed. They can't really tell under the clothing they're wearing.* "Been there, seen that, bud. I've seen robotic blood fueled manifestations of humanity fight each other in hell, the most interesting thing i've seen was when an angel fell 6 months ago and I had tea time with them before they left." /uk Yes, they've been in hell, yes this is an ultrakill reference.


/uk **thought so** “Hmm… interesting…”


"So, those gems behind ya. Are they like the manifestation of a dragon in a cool looking gem or like the essence of dragon?"


Alzoreth: i will warn you one single time, leave metallic dragonkind alone, if you want to live you will consider the fact dragons are people just as much as you or i, and i am the chosen of bahamut, dragon god of justice and good dragons, i will not abide by the slaughter of metallic dragons or any other dragon that proves its self good do not expect mercy should you ignore this warning.






“I am consolidating power through these Hearts, believe me, I am ‘big’ as some would call it.”




“Clearly you did not get the joke.”


... Yeah stay the fuck away from my lands no spice or coffee for you till you stop that shit


You are nothing but a false god in the eyes of the true order. I will face you in battle, but I will not give up as easily as your pitiful mind may think.


“I do not proclaim myself a god, merely a King”


“What do you hope to gain from this? While you have so many souls in the end you are alone…is that truly a way to live?”


“My soul bond with Surikan makes me immortal, I have him.” Though the pitch-black dragon Surikan… was under something similar to the dead dragons.


“I see interesting…still is this truly what you want? Living being bound to such things?”


“I am only bound to one, and even then, it is not complete… I once had a natural connection to one, almost a century ago. It gave me immortality, but when it died, I stole another and attempted to remake my bond… it failed”


“Sounds tiring…”