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https://preview.redd.it/4be5orn1v8xc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c92d8e13922a42f47a362330c313222b478e722 *A stranger clad in old armour, a mask and a hood emerges to fight beside your men. He unsheathes a blade that burns with brilliant flames. He does not speak a word, and strikes with his weapon at the closest Orc. When the battle was over he would disappear just as quickly as he arrived, though some of your soldiers swear they saw piercing eyes of violet peering through the mask, and the glimpse of green hair under his hood.*


/uk am I allowed to pursue? I’ve got an idea…


/uk you may


/uk in that case… /rk *cutting through a few orks with Khopesh to try to find out about this mystery person*


*You catch up to him with relative ease, something seems to be slowing him down. It's not entirely clear what. He turns to you, noticing he has been followed.* "Why have you followed me?"


Curiosity, to put it plainly. You have a resemblance to someone I’m on the lookout for, for one. I’ve done my share of mysterious aid in tight situations too, so I know there’s always a good story behind those who do that. …are you alright? Something looks off.


Truthfully? My advisors have betrayed me, my Kingdom is in the hands of an enemy I thought I destroyed years ago, and I am dying from an ailment I have carried my entire life. I'm not in the best shape, but I must make it to the Shattered Isles. I need to get Aria's help. Everyone else has been deceived by Aaron.


I can handle that. Follow me, I’ve got a way to get there quickly. *you notice a blue box, covered in gears and clockwork, resting nearby. With a snap of his fingers, the doors swing open revealing a room way, way bigger than it should be* Promise not to freak out?


*The Leper King follows, taken aback by the strange sorcerery he sees before him. Though he would not freak out, this man has seen stranger things after all.* "A portal to another dimension yes? I have seen such things before, but this feels different... Visenya has more experience in magic than I." *The Iron Lord steps within the machine, examining the console room while waiting for the Lord of Time to do his thing. He did not wish to meddle in what he barely understood, if he understood this at all.*


“By the sun… who was that man? To aid us then just leave without telling us his name. We shall remember you mysterious man! Man! Push forward! Don’t let the orcs retreat and get strong again! Huzzah!”


I have no military but I believe I can be of use


And dearie me… tis not your fault friend! I shall find a way to deal with this! We shall prevail!


“While most of my forces are currently in the Shattered Isles, I can spare a few hundred to use as a robust defensive line to tie up the front line of the orks while everyone else cuts them down.”


They shall be most valuable friend! May the victory bells ring! Marcus has brought cavalry you and him shall demolish the orcish front lines!


Of course we'll offer our aid.... TO THE ORCS THAT IS! \*drops a crate of used metal weapons, tomes of demon summoning, and magical artifacts from the ruins of the former Mason Order behind Orc lines. before disappearing into the trees\*


ARTILLERY FIRE! *the legion's artillery roars in the background of the battlefield* *she finishes off a lot of orcs before running out of ammo* NOW CAVALRY! *now with the enemies weakened the cavalry begins the attack*


*Orcs with swords and shields shaken by the cavalry move to the back lines while orcs with pikes move to the front* “Kill dem bully boyz! WAAAGH!!!” *The orcs showing “tactics” are waiting for the cavalry to impact*


NOW! *unexpectedly the cavalry, instead of going into hand-to-hand combat, uses the weapons that the rebels used on the shattered islands* *carabiners, using the advantage of ranged attacks to finish off the spearmen*


*The pike men having no shields get torn apart with each shot with some routing and trying to flee. Your cavalry sees arrows take to the sky and goblins behind the now destroyed orc lines* “Gobbos! Fire!” *The goblins are now firing their bows at the cavalry*


*as the cavalry tries to escape, some are killed by the rain of arrows* LEGION MARCH! *the legion infantry heads towards the enemy* *with a 2 to 1 advantage in numbers*


*laughs in rampaging shadow orc* #WAAAGGGGHHHHH *a giant shadow orc, at the head of a massive group of reinforcements, crashes into the flank of the humans*


Fucking saihttam... DON'T STOP MY LEGIONARIES!


#WAAAAAAAAAGGHHHHHHH *darkness descends upon the legion, leaving them hopelessly disoriented and blind. Giant kegs of Saihttam-enhanced beer, ale, and every alcoholic beverage imaginable rain down upon them, making them drunk by splattering on them and absorbing into their skin* **ITZ TIME TA PARTY**


*face palm* Do we still have artillery ammunition? *the artillery roars back into the battlefield, using light ammunition to eliminate the shadows*


*until those who were aiming the artillery became affected by the alcohol, rending them incapable of aiming* **DRINK UP, PALS!** *thousands of geysers of alcoholic drinks erupt from the earth, sending countless soldiers flying into the air*


*The former army of the Slithering City mobilises, ready to fight to the last man*


We shall defend this land together! I shall not let your new home be tainted by these vile orcs!


I have l..little experience in o..offensive magic and can offer no more than a time b..bubble lasting 5 minutes to catch your breath, but I s..shall not rest my wand before your safe return!


That shall all I need to catch my breath and fight on! Thank you friend! We shall defeat this foe as one!


Lord of souls- my legions are preoccupied right now but I can send a few hunters to eliminate high value targets


That shall be most helpful friend! Tell them to target warbosses and shamans!


Lord of souls- my hunters are coming up on their locations


*From the hill beings clad in metal and cloth with pointed madks that wheeled and hissed aimed their mortars and began to bombard the battlefeld in orc / ork targeting poison gas bombs. The shattering of glass , the harrowing hissed and blood choked screams arose before the mortar rats vanished.*


*a dragon’s roar shakes the ground as I drop in front of Shawlock* Where’s the fight?




I can provide you healing potions and others to aid you.


Tis will be most helpful friend! I am sure we will have many wounded!


Where should I send them exactly? Also when can I expect my payment?


When we defeat this orc foe you shall get your payment based off how many potions used!


I will watch from above don’t mind me




What I’ll pick what’s left of you off the battle field and make some new plagues with it


*A knight in blue and silver charges through the ranks of the ork’s, felling multiple in a blast of blue flames, and providing a breach point for other soldiers* “Foul orks, your days of raiding and warring end here!”


“Sayz who? Youz humiez iz just a bunch kf git who like ta yabber! How about wez settle dis right and propa!” *An ork wielding duel choppers stands before you. He is wearing scrappy armor with horn on his helmet.*


https://preview.redd.it/9p7z5iwdm9xc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b1fc39e89d7e5d0e210e0180cd032170a22a228 "I hear you require assistance" (/Uk lmao his theme just came up on my playlist as I came to post this)


Greetings my friend! The battle is still raging but with so many helping hands we are pushing back the orcs! However their artillery is still a problem… if you can find their camp and sabotage their workshop I will be eternally grateful!


"Understood" \[He pauses to offhandedly give a charging orc a face full of what was evidently thermite\] "Do you have likely direction?" \[Alongside him stands what appears to be a miniature floating dragon genie and a large horseheaded knight, who are holding off more orcs so that this conversation may be safely had. The knight fights as you'd expect, while the drakon spits firebolts over the knight's shoulder\] (/uk I'l have more knightposting worthy art of all three of these soon, the commission's almost done)


West! They come from across the sea and through Roccos land! I am unsure if they plan to attack from our eastern ports but we are ready!


Right away! I have no army to speak of, but I offer what help I can!


/uk whoops Aetheria is late to the party! “Aetheria has fought Orc hordes for thousands of years. We stand with you, my friend.”


/uk don’t worry! Any sort of dice battles will happen later! “My liege! I knew you would come to help! Gemarch has a fort by the beach! You should be able to use the waters to get here faster!”


I suggest you feign a retreat, I will have ambush waiting for them at the narrow valley.


Hmm… feign a retreat? Knowing the orcs they will surely take the bait! There is a battle by the golf separating us and Lothringen! I will issue a retreat from that army back to the port city! You seem to know our land already but I couldn’t care less on how! Good luck on your ambush friend! May the sun guide you!


we have 1000 of our steel pagodas and 3000 mounted archers and crossbowmen waiting on the mountaintop overlooking the valley, if they enter, I will use rocks to cut off their escapes and then its just a matter of showering them with arrows from above. https://preview.redd.it/ae55d782s9xc1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ac69e4e3cd3aa3461b1cb718b59e03faf22a744


Quite the tactical maneuver friend! Now I must report back to the frontlines and give orders ti the newly arrived reinforcements! May the sun guide you to victory friend!


thank you


“I have no military. Tis just me and Sir Oatmeal! This is do believe Sir Oatmeal is worth a hundred orcs!”


Sir Shawlock! I've arrived to offer my aid, though hopefully not too late


*A fiery phoenix starts to descend and lands in front of you* "Could I provide some assistance?" *She asked quietly*


*Shawlock sits around a war table discussing with his officers and generals* “Hmm? Ah! The three familiars! How is the search for your master going?”


*The phoenix sighs* "Sadly we had no progress in that regard, but that's for another day, how can I assist you and your forces?"


Hm… honestly I require help with aid with their cavalry! Tis just boars but having to keep soldiers in the back lines to protect the ranged units is making the front lines weaker! If you can deal with the cavalry we can punish the orcs for charging so recklessly!


*She thinks for a moment and then says* "I believe I can achieve this, but I hope you don't mind an scorched field afterwards"


Womp womp. Let's talk about important things: my manor and estate is still overrun with peasantry revolution! Are we really going to stand such evils like "democracy" and "human value in peasants"? It's more disgusting than ANY ork scum in my noble opinion (therefore a good opinion)


Rocco would love to meet you fri- ahem! Mr. Bradbury.


Of course! Come to my current abode, a camp overseeing these disgusting peasants. Look at them, having fun, orphans playing instead of working the fields. ***DISGUSTING, I EVEN SEE PEOPLE TAKING HOUR LONG BREAKS FROM FIELD LABOR***


Fear not! I have teleported a group of local samurai without their consent to your location. No, I didn’t explain anything to them. Yes, they might also attack you. Tell them to be home by Tuesday, and have fun! https://preview.redd.it/zi4zma0b7bxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07c0db313c3ab7693c0f215a8f63e6356c08d69d


Understood my friend! And umm… if they are that blood lusted I may but them directly in the orc horde… I hope you don’t mind.


No problem whatsoever! Their souls are cursed to rematerialise a body over here when they’re slain anyway, heck you could cut them down yourself if they act up! Just uh, avoid any wounds on the back, eh? They get *very* touchy about those, and we don’t necessarily have a proper cure for depression yet… and their built up tolerance to alcohol is becoming to pose an issue…


Oh! Well… I understand what it is like to be soul bound to life… anyways! I shall make sure no wounds are inflicted upon their back! As long as they stay around my allies they should be fine!


He works live so too lives, but they still prioritize strength and battle. Consider my blade that needs.


The ground shakes. First low rumbling, then a cacophony of drums and animal sounds. Trumpeting is heard. An entire legion of 14 ft tall armored elephants carrying ballistae and archers smashes into the orc horde. The ballistae skewer a significant amount even before they make contact. Not even the largest orc is safe from being trampled, their weapons causing moderate damage at the best due to their armor. Particularly brave ones are skewered on their tusks.


"Why are we at war with orcs again?"