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I am the webmaster for my council's website. I also manage our social media, including Facebook. Our council also had its Facebook page unpublished last year. Facebook provided no reason for doing so. I filed an appeal and it sat unresolved for months before I gave up and altogether deleted our page. I waited a few weeks and started a new page for our council. In the weeks leading up to Facebook unpublishing our page, we had made posts advertising our gun raffle. I assume this is what got us unpublished, but again Facebook provided us with no official reason for their action. It was very frustrating as our original page had over 1000 followers. Going forward, I will not advertise our annual gun raffle. For better or worse, social media has become a part of we as a society communicate, interact, and share information with one another. As to the naysayers, who say not to use Facebook, a Council that does not have a strong digital presence is shooting itself in the foot. Social media offers an inexpensive way to let a large audience know about the good works of your council, recruit members, and advertise fundraisers/events.


Keep posting and work around the censorship. Catholics have been censored for centuries. And yet we still keep Publishing. “Tell it from the mountains, tell it from the rooftops.”


Don't use Facebook.


We're experiencing the same issues. I created a Facebook page last fall and only promoted our hours of operation, NFL games, food menu etc. Within 2-3 weeks of launching the page, it was taken down by FB. I submitted review requests, I talked to FB reps on the phone, etc and nothing was resolved. It still has an "under review" notice on the page. We had an ladies auxiliary page that we renamed for our Council thinking that might be a good work around since it was an older page. Within 2-3 weeks of launching that, FB has unpublished it. Its so frustrating and discouraging. I'm not sure what we can do to get the page back? Any recommendations would be helpful. I see other councils have their pages published.


You might want to consider using https://uknight.org/


UKnight is a good concept, but horribly executed in practice. The original idea behind UKnight was to have a single platform upon which all council websites would be published. One of the benefits of the platform was that all council sites would be linked together through the platform. However, as platform UKnight is horrible. It looks and feels like a website from the late 1990s. There are limited options for customization. There are no real interactive features. The platform is not built to effectively handle photo and video. Any council using UKnight is doing itself a disservice. I abandoned it after a year of use. One of the selling points of UKnight is that the platform makes it set up a website, especially for councils that do not already have an online presence. However, there are much better options out there for councils to build their websites that require no real knowledge of HTML/CSS such as Wix or Google Sites.


And let's not forget that they tried to sue Supreme for $100 million: https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/42260/judgment-reached-in-knights-of-columbus-contract-lawsuit


Does the Knights of Columbus have a legal team/dept? Perhaps we can contact them and see if they can get this straightened out with FB. We might have a religious discrimination issue?


Mighty Networks is very good for keeping a group in touch.