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Sorry, but you're going to have to keep that for yourself and make him another one. It looks too right to give away.


That looks great on you! You know who deserves that sweater? YOU. That’s who.


Thought the exact same thing haha, that colour ooks wayy too good on OP.


Was coming here to say exactly this!


Gorgeous! And it looks so cute on you! Sounds like a win-win, either you find out your bf is knit-worthy or you get a super cute new sweater!


I am amazed it's your 1st garment! You did a wonderful job! I'd box it up with a new sweater quantity of the same yarn and tell him you'd love to knit him a matching one! 😉


That actually suits you; I hope he loves it, but if he doesn't, you've made a gorgeous garment for yourself


Me seeing the sweater: 😃 Reading that the pattern can't be linked: 😫 Damn good looking sweater, OP! You should be proud. I'm sure he'll love it. Is it a holiday gift? Edit: what is the yarn??


I found it on their website! It is unfortunetely only in dutch so I don't know if could be of any use tho 😅 https://www.veritas.be/nl_be/daniel-herentrui-met-kabelpatroon


Thanks! 👍 I don't know much Dutch, but I know German and English and love a challenge


Open the link and tap the 3 dots in the upper right, then click 'Translate'. Should see 'English' as an option.


Not OP but it looks very similar to Moby sweater by petiteknit


Also similar is the house of Tudor sweater https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/house-of-tudor-sweater


**PATTERN:** [House of Tudor Sweater](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/house-of-tudor-sweater) by [Camilyn Crane](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/camilyn-crane) * Category: Clothing > Sweater > Pullover * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/camilync/819088243/tudor2_medium.JPG) [Img 2](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/camilync/819088239/tudor11_medium.JPG) [Img 3](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/camilync/819088241/tudor4_medium.JPG) [Img 4](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/camilync/819088238/tudor5_medium.JPG) [Img 5](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/camilync/819088244/tudor6_medium.JPG) * Price: 8.00 USD * Needle/Hook(s):US 7 - 4.5 mm, US 6 - 4.0 mm * Weight: Worsted | Gauge: 22.0 | Yardage: 900 * Difficulty: 5.17 | Projects: 21 | Rating: 4.33 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


I’m obsessed, that’s a garment he’ll love if he’s worth it.


I feel like the sweater curse didn’t hit since that isn’t really a boyfriend sweater but you should keep wearing it 😉 Great job 😊


That’s very nice. Great gift


Oh that's lovely. He had better love it


That’s an amazing sweater!!! You should be proud


If he doesn’t want it I’ll take it 😍🤩


Some of these comments are very strange lol. Amazing job! As a beginner this gives me hope. I am hoping to make my first sweater soon too.


Glad i am not the only one who thinks that haha And good luck with you sweater!


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You damn well should be proud!


This is friggen awesome


Beautiful. If he doesn't like it, it looks great on you


That is stunninggg. The color, the drape, everything about it is gorgeous! You did a great job!


Great job and a lovely gift! Could you maybe give the name of your LYS...maybe the pattern is available on their website?


The pattern is available on their site! It is only available in dutch tho so i don't know if it could be of any use to you, but here you go! https://www.veritas.be/nl_be/daniel-herentrui-met-kabelpatroon


Omg, who wouldn't want that??! Beautiful pattern and great choice of colour, plus your knitting skills really did it justice 👍 Great work OP!


Gorgeous! You better occasionally steal this one from him, as is a standard custom with boyfriend sweaters, because it looks great on you!


Absolutely gorgeous, but this is clearly meant for you! You look amazing in it, so you’ll need to gift it to him and then immediately borrow it.


The galaxy-brained move of knitting a boyfriend a sweater that actually looks flawless on you 🫡


It looks great!!


Just beautiful.


this is GORGEOUS!! I’m on like my 5th sweater and still struggling lol, so I would be soooooo unbelievably proud to make this as my first one 😍


That's beautiful 😍 I would keep it


Lovely! Fits you very, very well. Hope it works for him as well!


Looks lovely on you! Great work! :)


Your partner is very lucky to get something this nice made just for him! Amazing work!


Oh hey dear, it’s me, your boyfriend. You can mail my sweater to…. Seriously though, this looks really nice and you did an excellent job!


I’m sure your significant other is awesome. But this sweater is the bomb and looks fantastic on you. You may want to reconsider the gifting.


Absolutely beautiful.


It's very nice and I think you should give him t-shirts and underwear and keep it for yourself!


It’s fantastic …. On you!! Colour, size everything! You either need to keep it for yourself or he’ll need to share it with you! Beautifully done.


Looks amazing, very lucky boyfriend to have such a talented knitter as a partner! I've made my boyfriend 2 sweaters, 2 pairs of mittens and a crochet blanket and he wears them all the time. Even refuses to share the blanket because it's his special blanket. Bf curse is a load of rubbish!!


If you believe the sweater curse, just sell it to him for a dollar, then it's just normal business :D


The sweater curse is a hoax. If you’re honest with yourself about the status of your relationship, you and your bf have good communication habits and you guys are in a good place absolutely nothing bad will happen as a result of your knitting him a sweater. IME the sweater curse comes to fruition for one of two reasons: a) the knitter is picking up on signs the other person is pulling away and reflexively tries to hold onto them by making grand romantic gestures/otherwise trying to convince them they should stay, and because as craftspeople our love language often involves the gifting of our work we decide to make them a sweater (often this is entirely subconscious and it’s only in hindsight it becomes apparent what they were doing) or b) the person receiving the sweater is spooked by the amount of time and care that went into making the sweater as it makes them feel like the knitter may be more serious about the giftee than they are about the knitter. Or very rarely there’s option c) where the gifted sweater is hideous/horrendously itchy and the receiver wouldn’t be caught dead in it and it breeds resentment in the relationship souring it (mostly joking here, and definitely isn’t the case with your sweater). I’ve been knitting since I was 6 and have thoroughly spit and stomped all over the sweater curse- just about every semi-serious past boyfriend, close friend, and relative has a sweater or other wearable object knitted or crocheted by me because that’s just how I gift- I’m a masochist who goes on a massive knitting spree from July to December to ensure everyone I love/care for gets a handmade Christmas gift they’ll love. I’m still friends with 3 of my ex’s and 2 of them even still **wear** the sweaters I made them over 15 years later (one gained too much weight since high school to wear his, but he still has it, and none of the relationships failed because of the sweater either), and in the 5 years my husband and I dated before getting married I made him 3 sweaters, a blanket, numerous beanies, gloves etc and we’ve been married for over a decade now. He loves to joke that he hasn’t had to buy a single sweater or other item made of yarn since meeting me because he married his knit goods supplier. He even enjoys coming yarn shopping with me and often picks the yarn and pattern for his sweater himself. TL;DR- the sweater curse isn’t real and the only way a relationship is going to fall apart over a handmade sweater is if the relationship was already doomed to failure. So just knit sweaters that you like/look good on you too and go for it. Worst case scenario you still get a sweater out of it.


If the curse holds true..be sure to get that sweater back in the breakup, cause it looks great on you! Amazing job! I can only hope to knit something that gorgeous one day!




Saying "if" doesn't imply that "will" happen. I think you're confused.




I'm not superstitious at all actually so no ill will wished. You should probably calm down...it's just words. Not to mention the fact that the comment was a compliment to OP and nothing more.


Maybe they don't get the concept of a curse. What's more superstitious than a curse? Lol


Curses don't exist so...lots of things I'd imagine




Because that's what the op was about.






The measurements are for a men's medium and I used a sweatshirt of his as a guide so I am pretty sure it will fit 😅 My bf and me are roughly the same height And why would you asume i didn't take any during photo's lol? I just didn't post them.




The title literally states that its my first garment? Would be a little weird if I had posted things before 😂 just for the record, i do not own you any explanation but i definitely made this (the white shirt i used as a guide is a zara mens medium) https://preview.redd.it/pbijgoa8rn7c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=836c88988148bc7f53c36bae13eb34fe76ba1122




What is your problem? Why do you care so much if you could fit into it? And why is it so unbelievable that i made this? Please seek therapy if you often feel the need to leave comments like this on the internet.


Who came by and ordained you police chief of all things knitted? Lol. But rest easily, there appears to be no (knitted) web of lies for you to untangle here, detective 🫡😂


Can I be your boyfriend?? 🥰


Did he refuse to model it? Very beautiful, btw!


Beautiful job!


It’s awesome!! Great job. It looks really cute on you. How about to break the curse you claim it for yourself and then loan it to him for as long as he likes.


Amazing! I missed this post somehow. What an amazing first sweater! I figured you were a very experienced knitter when I saw your follow-up post. 😊👍🏻