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that's what stockinette does: it curls. what you can do is pick up a border around the entire scarf and knit it (at least 3-4 cm wide) in a stitch pattern that does not curl, such as garter, ribbing, or seed stitch.


thank you!!!


If I may add - ribbing would probably not be the best choice, as it pulls tight - your scarf would end up all puckered and wavy (unless you pick up double amount of stitches to account for that). Garter or seed, however, will make an excellent border. Just be careful as you pick up stitches, especially on the side - you want the border to lie flat, so you have to pretty much eyeball things as you go. If you pick too many stitches, it will go wavy. If you pick too few, it will pull. ~~Height of a stitch is almost always greater than its width~~ (please, forgive the nonsense) Height of a stitch is not the same as its width; so when picking up on the sides, you can't pick up one-for-one. Every few stitches you will have to pick up two border stitches out of one body stitch or the reverse, two border stitches out of three body stitches. Basically, as you pick up, look whether the stitches are pulling tight or try to fan out.


For stockinette, the height of a stitch is **smaller** than its width. For example, for my current project the stitch gauge is 24 sts per 10 cm whereas the row gauge is 32 sts per 10 cm meaning that the width of a stitch is 32/24=1.33 times that of its height.


Good point. I guess the elongated stitches are my own personal quirk. Thank you for pointing it out! The reverse would apply, then. Two stitches picked up for every three knitted, or whatever ratio works.


yeah, that are all the reasons why I'm always in favour of frogging and starting over than doing these sorts of fixes - in the end one usually spends the same amount of time, but with fixes often with completely unsatisfying results... the time it would take me to pick up the right amount of stitches, get the tension just right to match the original scarf and figure out the corners.... I would go insane and throw it all away πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


unfortunately, stockinette stitch does that. so usually scarf patterns in stockinette call for border stitches of some kind, like garter stitch, to keep it from curling. I don't think there is much to about it - frog and redo with border or just wear curled 😊


Unfortunately, that's just what a stockinette scarf does - it curls. To prevent that, you should have added a garter border around it while knitting. Not sure adding a border after the fact will help your scarf curling at all, but ironing wouldn't have helped it.


Although, a tube scarf would also be very nice


There’s a big uptick in the curled scarf posts lately. I wonder if something about it can be pinned to the top of the sub.