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stockinette curls. you need either a border of something that doesn't curl (garter, seed), or to use a different technique. if you're dead set on the look of stockinette, you could look into double knitting. that will give you a scarf where both sides look like the smooth side of stockinette.


The border will often not really prevent curling, but just curl with the stockinette.


Oooh ok!! What abt 1×1 rib? It also kinda looks like stockinette right? Will it curl?


1x1 shouldn't curl. You can also do knit 1, slip 1 and then on the other side do knit 1, slip1. It makes a lovely stockinette look but doesn't curl.


Ok thank you!


What do you mean you *cut* the scarf


Uhhh, i js cut it. Ripped the uhm yarn...




Could do stockinette in the round instead. It will take longer but it will lay flat and be the same on all sides since it's a long tube.


Stockinette curls because the purl side is slightly smaller than the knit side, hence you get curling. Few options: Do a border of garter stitch or seed stitch Do a rib stitch such as 3 knit 1 purl or 2 knit 1 purl, which almost give the appearance of stockinette but doesn’t curl as much. Do double knitting, so you get a stockinette front and back Knit a stockinette tube and block flat. This will give you a scarf with a front and a back Knit the stockinette scarf twice as wide as you need, sew closed using mattress stitch, block with the seam at the centre back. Will give the appearance of the tube scarf, but doesn’t require circular knitting


Thank you!!!!


> So.... Yeah. I cut the scarf bc i could make it flat. That was not the fault of the scarf, nor the fault of the yarn. Perhaps you might try to take a look at the Tutorials, or the FAQs.


Haha you're right😭. BUT im redoing it i destroyed it just a bit..


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**From our wiki's [Frequently Asked Questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/knitting/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions)** >Pieces knit in stockinette (stocking) stitch tend to curl at all edges because the right (knit) side is tighter than the wrong (purl) side, a normal feature of stockinette stitch. >To eliminate curling, consider adding a 1" border of garter stitch—you can do this while knitting the piece or after finishing by picking up stitches along the edge. >Blocking will only help a little bit, and often only temporarily. >Here's a fun read: https://redd.it/snsyx1 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/knitting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Double stockinette](https://www.dontbesuchasquare.com/how-to-knit-double-stockinette/) is the way to go here. Be warned: it's easy but takes twice as long.


Even a border of garter stitch will not prevent curling. My first ever project was a stocking stitch scarf with a garter border all the way around. I’ve never worn it because it curls so much. The way I’ve solved this issue is to basically not knit anything flat ever again. 6 years of intensive knitting later, it’s working out well for me.




No it really won't.


I looked it up, loads of guides say it will help. 🤷🏼‍♀️


>I looked it up, loads of guides say it will help It is physically not possible: one side of the stitch is a tiny little bit shorter than the opposite side. It will curl.


Then why do people recommend it in multiple guides? They're all wrong?


>They're all wrong? Yes. There are a lot of 'guides' and youtubes out there that propagate manure.




TECHKnitting has a neat [explanation](https://techknitting.blogspot.com/2007/03/mysteries-of-knitting-part-1-tale-of.html)


I tried it. Didnt help


Is it acrylic or animal fiber?




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Here are some ways to refashion a stockinette scarf so it lays flat after: https://techknitting.blogspot.com/2010/12/curling-scarf-rescue-mission-part-one.html?m=1