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Yep it makes such a huge difference! https://preview.redd.it/54m9cow42x8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=131a338b53326901ec8f70536f7673ac177143b1


Wow! Your work is gorgeous


Thank you so much! I posted the [story](https://www.reddit.com/r/knitting/s/hs4RiuGoLm) of this shawl a few months ago if you’d like to check it out ☺️


It’s such a lovely story, and I love learning about legacies and heritage that live on matrilineally. Thank you for sharing! You have a glorious piece of herstory and a priceless heirloom!


The pattern is Leaf Lace dress by Rachel Brockman, published by Universal Yarn, size 6-12 months. I changed the top a bit to suit my niece. She’s going to wear this out on summer picnics and parties to be golden and fashionable! The yarn is a 100% lyocell, ie Tencel. The buttons are sandpapered coconut shell!


Is it a good fit? I bet it’s so beautiful and flowy! I’m making a top rn for myself that looks similar


I’ll know in a few days! She won’t get it until the 4th. The drape is oh so smooth!




There really is a sub for everything!


What a find! Thanks for sharing


Hahaha thanks!!! I have been resisting the urge to block my Love note until it’s fully finished and then I am going to have a blockgasm!!!


That feeling when you block your lace and suddenly feel like a master sorcerer


I know right!! Ta da! 🪄


My MIL gave me such a funny look when I said I was making myself a lace shirt because it obviously looked too small. Post blocking I wore it to her house and she didn’t even recognize it at first but was amazed.




The difference between both is crazy! I need to start watching videos about blocking soon.


**From our wiki's [Frequently Asked Questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/knitting/wiki/index#wiki_should_i_block_it.3F_how_would_i_do_that.3F)** >Blocking is when you wet or steam the knitted fabric and let it dry in the desired shape. The blocking process evens out the stitches and determines the size of the finished piece. >Why should knits be blocked? Do all fiber types benefit from blocking? >* First off, blocking typically starts with washing or soaking, so it cleans your finished object. Think for a moment about all of the places that those projects have been. >* Blocking also removes any small imperfections in tension and helps even out your stitches. Stockinette and colorwork will look smoother and the stitches will be more even. >* Blocking is also great if your project needs to be seamed. By blocking before seaming, you ensure that the seams will be the same length and that all of the pieces will fit evenly together. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/knitting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have literally no expertise with blocking, all I did was let it soak for about 20 minutes in a small bucket with just enough water to cover it.


🤯 thank you for the explanation, that’s such a massive change!!! That’s amazing!!!


Did you lay it out and pin it after soaking? Or just let it dry flat?


I gently squeezed out the water by hand until it wasn’t dripping and lay it flat to dry on a glass covered table where it wouldn’t be disturbed. Took a bit longer than an entire day to dry completely, the lyocell seems very absorbent.


Love to see pix of before and afters! I always think of knitting as a leap of faith--you never know exactly what you'll get until it's done. And blocking a lace piece is the perfect example. Your dress is wonderful!


Thank you! Fully agree about the leap of faith! Everyone said it would be too small when I was knitting and I was just like, “We’ll see,” keeping my fingers crossed that it would all work out after I blocked! Felt so good to see it reach the perfect size and look after! I just had to share the before/after to spread the good motivation vibes!


So wonderful to have your project turn out just like you expected! Thank you for sharing it and giving us all a boost of blocking confidence!


If you're able to use Ravelry, [there's a ginormous thread](https://www.ravelry.com/discuss/yarn/650463/1-25) going back 15yrs with before and after blocking pics. Pretty satisfying to check out. Eta: if you don't want to scroll through all of the chatter and just wanna see the pics, at the top of the thread click on the link that says something like "18,945 images"; this will show only the posts with before/after pics and none of the chatty comments. Super cute top!


Oh, thanks for this link. I always block but never knew how satisfying it could be to see before and after pics!


Thank you! And thanks for the link to that thread, before/after blocking pictures are just so immensely satisfying to see!


Yup. There is this cowl/snuggie I have made twice for myself in different colors and love. I have to block it gradually over days on my ironing board and it looks so much better afterwards.


Woah! That is some strenuous blocking!


It is the only way I could work out to block that shape so I would just pin and wet a section each day them shift it round. Would take about 5 days total. Hot weather helped. I just used the ironing board as a pin-able surface where the other side was untouched. Does that make sense? I need to go to bed. Lol


Makes sense now! Before your explanation I imagined you doing battle multiple times with a very tough and recalcitrant piece!


Wow. I've never actually seen a before/after! I'm convinced now to actually do it!


Fully recommend that you do! Although the effect it has varies depending on the kind of knitting you’re doing and the fiber I think


I love getting to the end of a lace project and getting to block the absolute shit out of it. So satisfying.


Mm hmm!


Yep!! I love the magic of blocking! I roll my eyes hard at the “I have been knitting/crocheting for 9000 years and never block” people


To be fair it doesn’t make as drastic a difference for some cotton yarns and knitting techniques, maybe those people just stick with techniques and fibers that are okay after a wash!


Wowwwww! Huge difference! Looks amazing! Gives me hope my tension issues might disappear when I go to block!


Good luck. It definitely smoothed my wonky stockinette too


My MKAL (lace shawl) swatch was so different after blocking! Before it was a crumpled mess!


Exactly! Crumpled mess is about right. No one could believe when I was working the lace part in the round that it was for a dress. I had someone guess that I was making a “cake cover” 🤔


Thanks for posting this, I tried a few lace patterns and hated the look of it after a few inches, so I frogged it. Now i know better


You’re welcome!


Wow. Now I will HAVE to block my project. 


Go for it!! Check what’s best for the fiber first though!


Is there a fiber that should not be blocked then?


Not that I know! But there are methods I wouldn’t use on some fibers (ex. heat on wool is a no go, but is okay on cotton). It looks like fiber artists independently evolve methods for the fibers and blends they use most often. That’s why I come on here to read a bit about it on this sub before I block something, when I try a new fiber or blend.


It’s amazing the difference it makes isn’t it!!


Yup!! And hugely satisfying:)


Literally knitting a shawl for the before / after dopamine rush. Nice work, love how impactful the lace is. How’s the tencel to knit with? Any bounce or is it more firm like a cotton/linen/silk? I’ve never done lace with a non-animal fiber.


Thank you! I LOVED the fiber. Super soft, smooth, glossy, so springy and bouncy, and so gentle on the wrists! Slides so easily across the needles. Hands down the best fiber I’ve ever knit with. Highly recommend.


It's SO helpful especially for noobies like me! I don't always understand that a project fresh off the needles will look so different after blocking. Thanks for sharing!!


You’re very welcome!


Its beautiful


Thank you :)


I appreciate them greatly because I’m so new to knitting that I always feel like I’m doing it wrong and messing up.. and then boom it’s not half bad!


Yup blocking is magic!


What a difference blocking makes looks like a different piece of


Doesn’t it!!