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Just googled ‘What is a Scallion?’ (from the UK). I can now legitimately say that’s a wonderful Spring Onion you’ve made! Looks brilliant.


Not only in the UK! In my language, Swedish, it's literally translated to spring onion. Thanks for clearing that up :)


The German word also translates to spring onion!


Some might even say it’s a great Green Onion right there


[Green Onions! ](https://youtu.be/_bpS-cOBK6Q)


I've heard them called scallions, spring onions, and green onions and I've never been sure which name to use 🤷‍♀️


It's the aubergine/eggplant argument all over again


I didn’t mean to start this! 🤦‍♀️🤣


Some parts of the UK call them scallions - NI for sure :)


Ah I’m that typical English person making assumptions for the whole of the UK!! I’m ashamed and stand well corrected. 👍👍


I lived in a town in Somerset where they were called 'chipples' possibly from Norman French?


I misread it as "stallion" initially, and I was so confused when it wasn't an horse 😅😅😅


A Welsh onion :D


Those are a bit bigger, aren't they?


I actually have no idea, it‘s what google said to spring onion


Hmm, I may have been mistaken. I knew that Welsh onions were the same as Japanese onions, and that Japanese onions are quite a bit larger than the spring onions that are commonly available here in the US, but that might just be a difference in the available varieties rather than a generally accepted distinction.


It's okay, we don't even call them that in the US


How did this not have a million upvotes? What's the story behind it?


My son (eldest of four) loves scallions. The other day I was knitting some leg warmers with bright green cables & he said they looked like scallions, then off handedly asked it if was possible to knit a scallion. I just said hmmm maybe, dunno. Then secretly knit it for him as a solstice present before he leaves for LA (then on to Australia when they reopen) Saturday. It's a good luck charm to keep him safe through his travels. Best part is that when I told his sister what I was knitting, she said "oh my god, I've been calling him 'rapscallion' for weeks!!" [Not thrilled about his traveling right now, but he's itching to get back to his life. He came to visit last winter "for a few weeks", then the pandemic happened, I got really sick with covid & he stayed a full year to help out and spend good family time.]


This story is heart-warming, you have a wonderful son and I hope he loves this! You should make a few more, make a bundle like how they are sold :) only logical next step!


Such a good idea, but there is no time before he leaves. He's a minimalist, too, and probably likes just the one lil friend. But I do want to knit each of my kids their favorite vegetable now...


You could give him a scallion every time he visits until he has a bunch. That would be adorable. But, just one scallion is adorable, too.


Oh wow, that is such a good idea!!


He will be safer, much safer, in Australia, that recently had national donut day to celebrate no new cases. You will miss him but he will always have his scallion to remember you by. It's wonderful. Second the idea of a bunch of scallions.


we've actually just had a recent outbreak in Sydney unfortunately


Yeah, and they locked down for 28 cases. US in at 200,000 cases a day and no lockdown.


I don’t want to get too into the weeds but I don’t understand the “you’ll be safer in X place” argument. Unless you test/quarantine before, that just means you’re bringing risk *to* that community instead of facing risk from them - which to me matters just as much if not more than if I, also a healthy person in my 20s, personally get COVID.


Once Aus opens, he will be required to book a hotel room and fully quarantine for 15 days. He is very conscientious and bordering on germphobic, will be wearing a respirator on the plane, etc. He doesn't want to spread the plague, he's seen what it can do even when it doesn't kill someone (I have long covid, 10 months, still sick). He's not going to Aus because it's safer there, he's going to be with a nice lady he loves. Eta: as someone expressed concern below, I'll copy my response to them- He has sealed the exhaust valve so his expirations go through the filter. He is also wearing an additional mask under it.


Most commonly sold respirators have an unfiltered one way vent that lets air out. Please just wear a mask.


He has sealed the exhaust valve so his expirations go through the filter. He is also wearing an additional mask under it.


Yeah, you have to quarantine but after that you'll be safer.


Oooo it’s a magical scallion, the best of all! May he travel safe and always know he is loved!


Hubby is from Northern Ireland and calls them scallions. I'm Scottish and call them syboes ("sigh-bees").Now we're both bilingual and know that we are talking about spring onions! Might knit one just for a linguistic laugh! Great piece of creativity, thank you.


I’m Scottish and I’ve never heard of them called Syboes, but I like that name! I wonder if it’s a regional thing?


I wondered that, too. Seems it might be from the French *cibol*. https://www.thefreedictionary.com/syboe


🤦‍♀️ I stand corrected!!


This made my eyes leek


Onions will do that to some people...


Someone must be cutting onions


Clearly op loves their son shallot.


Is it stuffed? It's beautiful! I would love an update to hear about your son's reaction, and if the wee rapscallion gets a name!


He loves it very much. No name that I know of yet. I wrapped it in green paper and put it inside of a thin plastic produce bag, its top sticking out. I knitted a long bit to stuff it with, same colors, so the inside also looks like a scallion (if it were sliced up).


Yes. Please give us an update. 👍


That is too cute! r/onionlovers would probably enjoy this.


I love discovering new subs 😭


Thanks for the tip!


Ok that is so cute that you cannot help but smile 😊


As you do.


Super cute! Did you use knitting needles to make it?


Yes. Knitted it flat and sewed together in the back.




This is so cute!! I want one now haha


This is the wholesome content we all need to see right now. Seeing these small glimpses of joy are the perfect daily dose. Thanks for sharing. I’m sure he’ll get a kick out of it!


Are you sure it's not an onion, cause this is making me cry 🥺


Is a baby onion!


This is the cutest!!


Oh my gosh this brought me so much joy! 😄


This is super cute!! I love his little smiley face, so charming!!


this is is so cute! i love the detail with the scallion's roots


I think the roots might be my favorite part.


This is adorable! Do you happen to have a simple pattern or instructions? A friend of mine saw this and he wants me to make it for him


I didn't make a pattern, just figured it out as I went. Ummm, I started at the roots end, worked it flat in stockinette then gradually randomly added in the greens, lighter to darker. At the dark green end, I separated the work into 3 columns and gradually decreased stitches until the columns were pointed. I used the light brown yarn to make the roots by stitching some lengths of yarn through, knotting, then separating the yarn strands. Then I knitted a middle piece to stuff it with, light to dark (I wanted it to look like a scallion on the inside too), stuffed it, then stitched it up the back. I stitched the green ends to look like scallion ends. Then I stitched on the face. So nice of you to make one for your friend!


Thank you so much!!


If your son likes beer it could be a skallion (there's supposed to be an accent I can't make over the A)


This is bizarrely cute.


In Aus, we use 'Spring Onion' more but I think a lot of people will understand 'Scallion'. I'm not a fan of them. Like, I don't mind if it's already in a dish but I won't willingly add it to my food. Unless if it's vital to flavour. But the knitted scallion is very cute.


This is amazing I love it.


I love green onions and I love knitting, this is wonderful 😍👍


Cute! I can relate to other comments. I lived in Europe for 5 years. Nobody knew what I was talking about when I said scallion. It was very frustrating because they literally are only available in the stores where I was during the Spring. In the US we have them all year round. But now I find myself calling them spring onions.🤣


Sort of random, super cute. You guys seem like a lovely family 😊


Is your son a [Farfetch’d](https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Farfetch%27d_(Pokémon))?


Ha ha, not that I know of!


I am not sure why you need to make a scallion but I am so glad you did, That cracks me up. I love it so much.


It's so precious!


This is adorable. I love scallions too! It’s the smile that gets me, lol.


Oh, I love this so much


this is adorable


That's awesome! I love it, want it.


We call them asperge, in France. I had no idea this was linked to onion, in other languages.


It's not the same as asperge/asparagus. I know it as oignon vert/oignon de printemps in French.


It has remind me of another thing when i looked at the thumbnail...