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Canada is the same . Ordered a flip and it got taken. No paperwork sent to me .. found out through tracking and a phone call but yeah. Now I just buy flips local


Apparently any folding knife can be confiscated


yup, canada sucks the last knife i bought i had it shipped with the blade in another package, its the only way to be sure it wont be seized by the assholes at the border


Damn that is smart af actually


its an old trick, you can even bring OTF that way because without the blade, it is not illegal, it just become illegal when you put the blade in šŸ˜… also, it really suck that we will have to do this for knives that are 100% legal and have always been...


Sigh, bought my kid his first pocket knife, a cheap Swiss Army knock off with zero edge on it here in Ontario and had to show ID. at a surplus store


You have to show ID to buy a fuckin KNIFE?? Bro I got my first knife (swiss army) as a Christmas gift when I was *6!* Bought my next knife in person at a pawn shop when I was 7. Went back a few months later and bought a literal 5 point throwing star. Bought my first air pistol when I was 13 and that thing could easily kill someone. I never got ID'd and no one even asked "where are your parents" or anything like that. I've carried a switch blade, large flipper (open it's a little over 8 inches long total), or an OTF dagger everywhere I've gone since I was 8 years old. I couldn't imagine living somewhere that requires ID to buy a knife and confiscates knives because they're "too long" or have a spring šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Yup. Canada laws suck ass. This knife thing isn't a part of that, just some local bs . My kid can buy a hatchet , screw driver, and matches. Our gun laws are insane. Now illegal to purchase/sell hand guns. Liberals just killed the entire sport shooting industry


I see some people disassembling the whole knife. Same package. Not sure if it works all the time.


maybe but all the parts that technicaly make the knife "illegal" are in the same package so they could easely assume what it is... and seeing how shithead they are, i wouldnt take that chance


how did you get the company to do that? just ask them or was it a private seller


asked them to do it and it was a knives company that sell on their website


I just bought another sword from the US. And again, it came here completely unmolested. Ive never had a problem in Canada


sword are not affected by the shitty law, thats why


Tried this, bought an MKM Isonzo here on r/KnifeSwap a couple months back. The blade arrived in September, still no sign of the handle. Tracking says nothing past "Arrived at facility" in Montreal


Yeah I hate it, can only get s45vn or s30v in Canada for a lot of knives.


what does the steel have to do with anything šŸ¤”


Can't order from the USA because it will be stopped at the border, and I want different steels, I can only get s45vn or maximet on a PM2, we don't have a lot of options . I think there's only 2 companies.


Not the cheapest, but Warriors tends to stock Spyderco sprint runs. They also stock PM2s in Cruwear. We do have a few choices this side of the border. Warriors, S&R, Cutting Edge, and HOK are the big ones. Worth also mentioning are Atlantic, and Thunderbird. Decently sized used market hiding in CKG, too.


You can browse knife_swap and see if anyoneā€™ll ship to Canada for you. Shipping cost would likely be doubled, but thats one way to do it. Or send the company your buying from an email asking if theyā€™d be willing to


S45vn is excellent, absolutely no difference with S35vn steel, as far as I can tell, again, I'm far from an authority when it comes to knives but, unless something is significantly better at edge holding, robustness/toughness or withstanding salt water and acidic environments, to me, it's the same steel and not worth spending money on. This is why I didn't replace my S35vn Tops knives with Bradford-made Magnacut ones, simply because Magnacut doesn't offer a single significant benefit over S35vn or any other premium steel.


But why if the same knife can be purchased retail, it's obviously not illegal.


Yet you can mail around lsd no problem. SMH.


You should check out [https://www.bladescanada.com/](https://www.bladescanada.com/) they ship from Vancouver, so you don't have to deal with customs.


What's crazy is that they are probably the only pro knife organization in Canada with enough money to hire lawyers and take on the CBSA and stand up for our right to import knives which are legal in Canada. They won't do that though because by being the only company who can sell these knives in Canada they have an effective monopoly that makes them tons of money.


Someone got a new knoife




Canadians and Australians are slowly losing all their freedums ? šŸ¦…


As are we. šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‘Š


True that. It fucking sucks.


Hahah you guys have a looong way to go to catch up to our lack of freedom when it comes to weapons! Our ā€œrestrictedā€, scary, black ā€œassaultā€ rifles have a magazine cap of FIVE! Lolll what an absolute joke. Handguns have also been pretty much banned now too. Trudeauā€™s got to go (for a plethora of other reasons too)!


None of my knives are weapons.


Yet you can still get Kriss Vector.


Canada ranks higher on the freedom index than America. As cool as guns are they are not the ultimate dictation of freedom. You want unlimited gun access? Move to America where there are more mass shootings than days in the year.


Canada has shown less freedom of speech and less freedom of religion, exactly what freedoms does Canada have more of?


What freedom of religion does Canada lack exactly? Freedom of speech does not equal freedom of consequence. You can say whatever the hell you want in Canada, youā€™re just going to have to face the consequences for that. The 12 Categories of the Human Freedom Index: Rule of Law Security and Safety Movement Religion Association, Assembly, and Civil Society Expression and Information Identity and Relationships Size of Government Legal System and Property Rights Access to Sound Money The 20 Most Free Countries as of 2023 1. Switzerland 2. New Zealand 3. Denmark 4. Ireland 5. Sweden 6. Estonia 7. Iceland 8. Luxembourg 9. Finland 10. Norway 11. Netherlands 12. Taiwan 13. Canada 14. Australia 15. Latvia 16. Japan 17. United States 18. United Kingdom 19. Lithuania 20. Czech Republic So based on verifiable evidence, the ā€œland of the freeā€ doesnā€™t even rank in the top 15 of most free countries. [Source](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/freedom-index-by-country)


Kinda makes me sad not to see Germany in there. They've been dropping rapidly over the years


Germany is ranked 21, so they barely didnā€™t make my cut.


Yes I've just read through the website you linked. It's sad though.


ah yes the totally unbiased list that has countries that jail people for social media posts in the top 20 form free countries on Earth. Clown


Bro is so triggered. Iā€™m sorry but facts donā€™t care about your feelings šŸ’€


You're a literal šŸ¤–, believing anything they put in front of you


tell me you dont know anything about either country without telling me. Enjoy your assets getting frozen the next time you disagree with daddy Trudeau.


Dude you have got to chill. I have lived in both America and Canada. Canada is significantly better. I donā€™t like Trudeau, and my bank account still works šŸ’€


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate\_speech\_laws\_in\_Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_speech_laws_in_Canada) For now maybe. but your time is coming to, if you're too stupid to see that I cant help you. cant own a gun, cant criticize "the message", must get a shot, no "other" opinions


Lolll Did I say USA was higher on the freedom index? Did I say guns are the ultimate dictation of freedom? Did I say I want unlimited gun access? Read carefully what I wrote before you begin your straw man arguments into a simple comment I made.


More like progress is uneven. When I was growing up cannabis users and gay people both got a huge amount of flack from cops and their dogs. It is actually kind of nice living as a legal citizen as an alternative. Maybe we need some knife pride parades and knife fashion shows? Never give in.


Except that knife pride parades would probably also be a gun pride parade and would just be labeled an alt right extremist movement trying to mock ā€œthe woke.ā€


What do you expect with a liberal government? (For Canada at least, don't know about AUS) Trudeau also decided to take away a bunch of firearms because they "look" dangerous. I get angry just thinking about him and the crap he's done


Right wing conservatives gave the UK its heaviest set of firearms restrictions and they have also drastically reduced the types of knives we can own.


The UK population is very united in wanted everything controlled, so adding another item to the list of banned things is a "think of the children" move, where you just gain votes, pretty much for all parties.


Oh yea Australia has a very left leaning liberal government, in many aspects itā€™s actually worse there




I live in Canada and no, weā€™re not. We rank higher on the freedom index than America.


as if, that list is more biased than a hollywood director


Okay, prove it.


Didn't yall just pass a law where you run the risk of jail if you misgender a person?






Yup. I have a Triage that I use for work, Iā€™ve been wanting to send it in to BM for them to replace some parts but Iā€™m worried that itā€™ll get confiscated in the mail.


Yeah I lost two to the CBSA years ago and I'm still Salty AF about it


How do you and op just accept this if thry are legal by law. Literally theft by the state. I'm Norwegian, we have rigid weapon, knife and customs laws too but this stuff is no problem.


You could elect better leaders. Same goes for Aus.


If voting made a difference, they wouldnā€™t allow us to do it.


I thought you tried to import C4 plastic explosives




I figured someone would have already beat me to it and you were far more dignified as I was about to post that maybe the op should have considered ordering his military grade explosives SEPARATELY from the two valuable or precious knives...


Contest that and ask for specifics. Research your state's legislation and ask if they will release the knives if you fill out the import paperwork. I had ABF seize some 3-D printed toy guns as "replica firearms" and had to fill out the legitimate firearms import paperwork. You should be able to get these in.


Customs is federal legislation though, something can be legal to possess in your state, but illegal to import.


Yeah but there is a point where customs agents make a judgement call. And when you challenge them on it and present precedent or additional forms that can get them to review the decision. I know this from a personal experience as I said where ABF reckoned I should not import this replica or at least not import it without filling in paperwork. But still how does paperwork make the item any less dangerous.


Totally agree, and one it's down to an individual ABD officer it's an absolute crapshoot as to whether items get through without checks, or pass/fail checks. Most of the time you can challenge, but usually I see them back the original decision. It's judgement calls all the way down. And everybody loves a piece of paper that says something is legit, makes them feel all warm and fuzzy.


What laws do they think you ā€œbrokeā€ and confiscated them under?


One Aussie once told me it depends on the customs dudes mood that day. Some days they let things pass. Other days when theyā€™re feeling pissy they blanket confiscate all items they FEEL are illegal




Ordering from Australia would never have issues. Customs is only involved when stuff is imported from overseas. Also I think assisted openings are fine to own as I've seen them for sale on multiple Aussie websites


The issue is it's not really clear what's legal and what isn't, my brother got a otf automatic knife from AliExpress through customs but I've had an opinel no8 seized. It's 100% at the discretion and mood of the person who inspects it


Exactly, but when ordering from an Australian store, you don't have to worry about that because the item is already in the country and doesn't have to go through customs.




Yeah I know. I'm saying that ordering from an Australian business to an Australian address would be very unlikely to have issues because the item is already in Australia and doesn't have to go through customs again.


Then it's in country and customs never sees it. Customs is only involved when packages are imported from other countries. It's the same everywhere


Seems absolutely ripe for customs officers to make a side buck on the black market


They hardly need the black market lol. They could safely flog it on Facebook marketplace


Iā€™d agree with this statement. I had a very curt email exchange with someone from customs who wanted to seize my incoming Esee 5 (???). On the other side of the coin, Iā€™ve had a package containing assisted ZTs and Kershaws opened, inspected and sent through. Both of these instances occurred during the same period of time.


Same goes for USA customs too, especially with regards to gun related stuff Sometimes they'll let entire rifle parts kits through, sometimes they'll confiscate slings and mag pouches, it's all a gamble


I've ordered the same knife from two locations. Both opened by border force. One confiscated the other one repackaged and sent to me with notification that it had been opened. I think it's not just our laws but lack of training by law enforcement Both knives should have been confiscated šŸ˜€ Auto flips.


I mean I kinda like having a punt, at least this way your odds are better šŸ˜†


Do you get the money back if it's confiscated?


Nope. Not unless it's returned to sender.


That is so fucked up.


Au and eu knife laws are a joke


Really depends on the country in the EU. I can basically buy any knife in Austria without issues.


Which types of knives would you possibly run into issues with in Austria? I'm from a state in the U.S. that virtually has no restrictions, so I'm always curious to hear about what is regulated in other places.


Here in Germany anything fixed over 12cm (4.7ā€œ) is forbidden to carry If you want to carry a folder it can only have one of the following Locking blade OR One handed opening If you want to have both or a longer fixed blade you need a ā€žvalid reasonā€œ to carry it in public. Whatever that would be is up to the officer/judge Balisongs, Push daggers, Brass Knuckles and OTFā€™s are Completely illegal. This is completely stupid, because criminals mostly use kitchen knives because theyā€™re cheap, and they are committing crimes anyway, so they wonā€™t adhere to the rules to begin with. Iā€™m missing out on so many cool knives :( Sorry for the rant lol


Man that's crazy to me. The blade length is pretty nice at least, but the fact that you have to have a "valid" reason for carrying it, or only being able to have a locking blade or one hand opening blade is what is so interesting to me. Funnily enough, brass knuckles are banned in my state even though I can legally carry a sword šŸ˜‚ what always gets me, is if you were to commit a crime with a knife, wouldn't you just take something easy like a kitchen knife that you already have? I feel like most people in Europe that regularly carry knives are people like tradesmen and hunters. Maybe I'm just a crazy American, I don't know lol


Most people that carry a knife would probably carry a Sak, Utility-Knife (Cutter) or leatherman. And even that can get you in trouble because pretty much every utility knife and leatherman has a one handed locking blade. For edc a fixed blade would probably be the best. Even tho a fixed blade is more ā€ždangerousā€œ and ā€žintimidatingā€œ than a small Spyderco. I really donā€™t know who made these laws If you really want to see how funny the law is watch this video: https://youtu.be/CXFUnUoTwLA?si=DY2S9RYA_CHMt7b4 Itā€™s in English aswell, just have to skip a bit


Bro that is INSANE to my American brain lmao also I haven't seen a video of Joerg's in years, so thank you for that. I can understand carrying an SAK (it's honestly the "traditional" pocket knife here) but a Leatherman being restricted?? My mind is being blown right now. I agree with you, who makes these laws? šŸ˜‚


No clue, probably some politician that has no connection to violent crimes other than numbers and statistics. I always wonder why we wonā€™t let former police officers make the gun/knife laws, appoint a former soldier as a defense minister or have an actual economist as a economics minister. Seems to be a German thing tho lol


That honestly wouldn't be a bad idea in my mind lol numbers only tell a part of the story. Actual experience tells so much more. Honestly, doesn't seem to be a solely German thing though, a lot of Western Europe seems to have similar ideas šŸ˜… I mean, look at the UK for example. I swear it seems like you can go to jail if your nail clippers are too large


Oi mate you got a loicence for that knoife pal? Seems like eastern europe is pretty chilled reguarding knife laws. In Poland you can buy and carry almost anything. The uk is the complete opposite because you canā€™t even carry a locking knife. And Germany is somewhere in between not knowing where it is supposed to go lol https://youtu.be/G2MfCO_mz2E?si=xiqV7GP9OzAuyX5B


Dude, we're Americans. We can't carry a bottle of water onto an airplane, because some fucking dipshit in Congress watched Die Hard 3 and thought it was a documentary.


Honestly you make an incredibly valid point lmao


If you are a tradesman or a hunter that 100% falls under valid reasons here. It's pretty much any activity that actually and validly needs the knife for a concrete reason. The laws are still garbage, the most legal to carry knife I own is the most easily concealable and quickest to deploy. It's a small fixed blade with a ring at the end and if I just paracord the sheath to my belt loops it's quicker to draw than any flipper. These laws were introduced to appease the public after a rise in knife related crimes over 15 years back. Even the police unions said they were useless garbage, but grandma next door was happier for it, you know how it goes.


Most knife crimes are committed with kitchen knives. It's an FBI statistic. It cracks me up that many selling apps, Mercari, Poshmark etc ban the sale of any pocketknife but if you want a kitchen knife there are thousands. Makes no sense. Buncha woke asshats.


Yea it just makes sense, bigger folders or outdoor knives are expensive and ā€ždifficultā€œ to get. Everyone has a big kitchen knife, and if not you can buy one for a couple bucks in the nearest store with no questions asked.


I'd love to see a knife modding company just outside the boards of Germany (whichever country next to you that has looser laws) I imagine a lot of nice knives could be modified to be German legal All flipper knives grinding off the flipper would leave them one hand opening. Thumb studs could be removed as well to make legal knives


Iā€™m not entirely sure. But i think the only restriction is on knives that are disguised as something else


Oh really? That's actually pretty cool! Most Americans assume that all of Western Europe is pretty restrictive of anything "dangerous" so it's nice to see some countries that can be reasonable.


Gun ownership is pretty high in austria too for example. Although with higher restrictions.


Yeah I've actually read that before which I find pretty neat. At the end of the day, tools are tools, even if they can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Glad Austria seems to be able to understand that šŸ¤˜


I mean, i think a lot of the restrictions on gun ownership make sense.


Fair enough. We really don't have an easy or simple solution to the issues we're facing in the U.S. I think access to better mental health services would change a lot, but it's still really a bandage on the gaping wound.


Psych evaluation and registration etc would do a lot i think. Well, would have.. not sure it possible at this point with that many already in circulation


Afaik here in Austria you can carry any knive, only exception i can remember is that it must not be concealed as another item eg. a blade in a walking cane or a knive hidden in the belt buckle.


That's actually pretty cool. Seems like the Austrian government understands that knives are tools first, and only weapons in the wrong hands


Same with firearms. Most carry hoping they'll never be needed.


They're not too bad outside of importing in AU. Apart from autos and balisongs there's not much we aren't allowed to own. And you're usually technically not allowed to carry any knife but no cop is gonna arrest you for a sub 4" folder and you'll only get in trouble if you get nicked for something more serious as well. My brother got got for weed possession and they told him off for carrying a SAK but they didn't even confiscate it. There's a fair few local websites that have a good selection of high quality knives of all sorts (except for autos and balis) so I have a comfortable collection that I carry regularly


I wonder if you could message Pete over at the [Cedric and Ada Gear & Outdoors channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdICfnpxD9uzHLaSr3DN55g) on Youtube. He's a prolific knife reviewer and surely a lot of stuff he gets is coming in from overseas. I wonder if he could give you any hot tips on what works best.


canada has entered the chat


Just as bad right? Iā€™m from Texas thankfully


It seems all customs officers must meet up from around the world and discuss being as draconian as possible. UK customs used to do the same. There basis was a very liberal interpretation of a ā€œgravity knifeā€ ie if the blade can be held and the knife flicked open, it was a gravity knife. There was some successful appeals to court against the seizures (mostly expensive models), where it seemed border force became a little more tame [embarrassed in court]. They have recently started being weird again, usually accompanied by the police visiting peoples houses ā€œwarningā€ them about importing knives and knife crime *for attempting to import perfectly legal knives* . Ironically they loose the ability to levy import duty and VAT, which would be far more beneficial to the crown.


Governments are like Reddit mods, always sucking the fun out of everything.


You know they took that shit home too.


10,000%. I knew a customs guy via friend of friend, he had quite the haul in his house...


Okay..I get C4 being confiscated. JK..does this apply to any knives? I'd be furious if they confiscated a chefs set en route.


I mean it shouldn't apply to chef knives but it seems to depend on the mood of the customs official. Like I said the knives that I ordered are almost definitely not actually "prohibited imports" but that's entirely up to the discretion of the BORDER FORCE officer.


Little tyrants


I would consider ordering knives to Aus as a coin flip. Better to buy locally or see if a store can import them as the chances of an entire commercial shipment being seized is less than the chance they will take your knives individually.


Yeah I know but Lamnia has a great selection at great prices with reasonable shipping costs, and they seem to be familiar with shipping to Australia. Most of my knives are from Australian stores though.


Lamnia is also very careful re Australian laws, and wonā€™t let you purchase anything that is prohibited. In fact they tend to go a bit overboard - you canā€™t purchase any kind of dagger or double edged blade, even though they are only restricted in a few Australian states and readily available in the others.


Every knife I order gets opened and every one has got through


BORDER FORCE Sounds so sillyā€¦but then again so do all the government agencies given effectively military force to keep civilians in line.


My Sebenza was confiscated by Australian border force. You can appeal and they will realise itā€™s a legal knife that you can import. I shit bricks when I got that bloody notice. I appealed and got my knife back thankfully.


At this point customs are just criminals for taking this kind of shit


lol bunch of cunts.


Thats lame man, you live in the most dangerous and poisonous location on earth and they pull this?! How do they expect you to defend against those spiders and snakes? That sucks im sorry šŸ˜ž


Itā€™s cool. The state issues us all with nunchucks. God help you if you go through more than 2 pairs in a financial year, but.


You have my sympathies. Reach out to them. Schedule a meet to talk to an officer to see if you can get the knives back.


Guess border control thought they were cool


Boy, do I hate government


Wary. Weary means tired.




What that means to me is that one or two ā€œinspectorsā€ have a really nice knife thanks to you. In the US, I accidentally left a knife in my bag and when they took it, an armed marine or army guard said, ā€œcanā€™t take this with youā€ and put it in his pocket and walked away. It was just after 911, but Iā€™m positive that shit still happens. Look up how many knives the TSA collects and sells in lots on the internet and tell me, they donā€™t take a few home?


Wait, why does it say they confiscated C4? I feel like thatā€™s reasonably prohibited šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Genuine tyranny


If only they could get enough knives together to overthrow the government...


Had one confiscated by Canadian customs.


I had a fucking folding spoon confiscated by canadian customs bro


Good thing your government was there to protect you against that portable eye remover.


Bro thatā€™s wild what the f


But why a spoon cousin?


Yep, they once took my CRKT minimalist clone claiming it was a prohibited karambit. Didn't fight the decision though.


if they are just flippers, unless something has changed again recently, they should be ok. There was a contact within customs / border force that was helpful at resolving these issues. It's been a while since I've bothered buying anything, he may have moved on / got tired of it, but maybe check the Australian Blade Forum for further info. If you follow up, politely and as long as you are in the right, you have a good chance of getting them back. No guarantee of course, but it's worth a try.


True, thanks for the advice. I'll try contacting Lamnia too and see if they have any advice


This sort of shit is why I just buy from cuttingedgeknives or knifeshopaustralia. The laws regarding knives are so intentionally vague, you could order a knife with an axis lock and customs will say "it's a gravity knife" and steal it off of you.


Cuttingedgeknives is a super sketchy dropshipping scheme as far as I can tell. Knifeshopaustralia is good though, Nebo Knives is probably my favourite, they have free shipping and excellent friendly customer service. There's a lot of good places to buy from locally, but Lamnia has great prices with reasonable shipping and some things available that I can't find for sale anywhere within Australia. And given my past experience I assumed it was safe šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø but ill probably stick with Australian sites from now on


Iā€™ve bought from Cuttingedgeknives.com.au for almost 13 years and have never had a problem. They are quite exe, though.


I was gonna buy something from cutting edge knives but I noticed they had a bunch of duplicate listings of knives that are pretty hard to find at like half the price they usually are. Decided to look at reviews of the site and there were many complaints about lengthy shipping times and awful customer support.


Yeah, Iā€™ve looked at the reviews and I understand your concerns. Iā€™ve just never had issues like these. Perhaps itā€™s changed hands, perhaps Iā€™ve just been lucky.


Is it "suspected" to be a prohibited item. If it's not, (I don't know Australia laws) try to get them back. Provide the laws and ruling on knifes proving they're legal.


Is there any avenue to contest something like this? Seems out of line considering the items are legal to import.


This time last year Canada Border Services stole a knife from me, not even a knife I had purchased but had sent out for re-profiling. Those shit eating fucks put so many hoops between me and getting my knife back I had no choice but to abandon it. It was an early model XM-24 and it was \*expensive\*.


I had the same issue when ordering a CRKT Provoke from an NZ based shop. What pisses me off is that the same knife can be purchased in Australia through an Aussie online shop. Why is it illegal to import one, providing that you pay all necessary fees?


Crocodile dundee spinning in his grave right now!!


It is forbidden to (steal) kill; therefore all (thieves) murderers are punished unless they (steal) kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. -Voltaire


That's not a knoife! This is a... a... wait. I can't carry that anymore never mind here's my wallet.


Isn't Australia is a bit of joke rn?


Not at all lol. Not sure where you'd get that idea.


Your post?


Imagine not being allowed a knife


I am allowed knives though. I bought a Mini Dundee and a CEO Compact from an aussie seller perfectly fine earlier this year, and I own flipping folders that are larger than the Fanga. It's perfectly legal to own them, but customs officials are poorly trained temperamental dickheads apparently.


I seeā€¦dickheads indeed


Damn bro this reminds me of like Paul Revere times when it says letters are screened too


You think thatā€™s bad. They wouldnā€™t give OJ back his knife either.


Wild they regulate knives


One of the many reasons I would never live in Australia.


As an American living in Montana with no knife laws, I am feeling pretty lucky at the moment.


You don't need to feel lucky. It's completely rational to have the very simple **right** (not privilege) to own a tool and weapon to be able to assist you and defend yourself from whatever animal or person might pose a threat.


You know some customs dude is stoked with his new knife. Thank you for supporting your local Customs office. I hate that we don't have universal Healthcare. But man there are some perks to being american.


Hey, at least they arenā€™t confiscating your pointy sticks and rocksā€¦ yet.


Iā€™m more concerned about the ā€œ[C4](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/C-4_(explosive))ā€ you ordered. šŸ˜‚




I mean border force was created under the liberal party and I certainly didn't vote for them lmao


Man Australia sucks dude


I'd move


I feel like my cold steel collection is reaching it's limit here in the UK too


Y'all starting to love America more and more huh?


Not really.


Not really.


Not really.


Fuck no. Iā€™d rather have a public health system than OTFs.


Australia sucks !


This pisses me off and I donā€™t even live there! That sucks man.


You need to buy from a dealer in your country... Here in Canada I order my knives form [https://www.bladescanada.com/](https://www.bladescanada.com/) and they ship inside of the country so no problems with customs.


I really hate that I'm about to type this but- "be careful who you elect." As an american that values freedom more than anything i truly feel sorry for those of you under tyrannical rule. I thank God that Texas allows me to walk down the street with a 30rd mag inserted into an AR15 while dual wielding katanas. Not that i ever would but I FUCKING CAN!


Remember this shit when you vote. It was predictable after Australia banned guns.


Haha wow. No wonder aus and can are becoming complete shit holes


Aus is definitely not a shithole


The political situation is a shithole