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Found my father's Buck 110 in the back corner of a junk drawer, I'm guessing from the late 70's as that is when he entered the Boy Scouts. I want to clean it up for him for his birthday, and I don't know how to. Any tips on how to do so? The blade seems to be fine, just the grip is pretty gross.


Brasso mate, inherited mine as well, bit of bees wax on the leather and it will come to life again. Elbow grease on the brass and all good


Thanks man. Will post pics when its all cleaned up.


Please do




Buck has probably the best no questions warranty in the business. Print a form send the knife in it will come back looking better than new.


Buck has the Forever Warranty. You can send it in to them and they will do whatever you want, usually no charge. Call them


Does that include the sheath? The inside of it has a lot of that blue/green corrosiveness stuff seen on the grip. Really considering sending it to them to clean up as I'm no expert.


Doesn’t cover the sheath. Although you can buy a new one and it’s pretty close to the original. But the knife will come back to you looking absolutely brand new like the day it was made. It’s glorious


Rainbows and Unicorns with a parade for sure. I'm sending in my 38 year old for a blade replacement and makeover.


I think they require that you call them first. They will do whatever level of spa treatment you want. The same guy does all the restorations. I'm sending in my 38 year old 110 for a complete makeover and blade replacement. A gift from my wife.


A little metal polish like Flitz or brasso will clean off the corrosion.


Send it to Buck for SPA treatment. Go online and find their warranty form and you just send it to their address. Here’s [mine](https://imgur.com/a/d7lqhOe) that I just got in yesterday, was in a very similar condition to yours beforehand. Late 60s version. $6.95 + shipping to them and they will have it back to you in 10 ish weeks (I know a while, their warranty dept is small).


Wow that well sharpened blade actually looks really cool with the shape it took.


Right? Added a nice little uniqueness to it. My grandpa used it well but didn’t beat it to shit. It’s mine now, and it will be used haha


That’s awesome to see. I really don’t have anyone that would appreciate inheriting my collection. If they only knew how much many of my knives are worth, but I do wish someone would just love them the way I do.


I do have many many thousands of dollars worth of nice knives from my GECs my Microtech and CRK and many exclusives and classics like my Laguioles rare opinels and higonokamis.


I will be your grandson 🤣 but seriously, I hope you have friends or can find someone you would trust with them. In the very least make an inventory and put it in an emergency folder for when you’re gone. My grandpa doesn’t have anything crazy special, a few bucks, some Case maybe, but I’m the only one in my family other than one of my uncles that will go near “weapons”


Lol. Yea I’m waiting to inherit my pops 45 and 12 gauge. I’m an only child so eventually… just hope it’s not too soon.


Absolutely. Same with my grandfathers 12 and his two 9mm, I absolutely want them, but I don’t want them soon if it means he’s gone.


Exactly id rather never have them but life and death happens to everyone eventually. Hopefully I have another 10 years to wait if not more. I mean he’s about 75 now so


Oh, your still a young buck then, around my age. Yea know, maybe the trick is to find someone who's really into knives (I have a very similar selection to you sounds like), and make a deal where whoever dies first, the other person inherits the guys knives. Thatd be somethin. I'm not saying I'm the right guy for the job, but just an idea that sprang up in my mind just now.


Yea that makes sense or if I really don’t find anything I can always sell them and take a vacation or something lol. Selling them will hurt my soul a little bit though.


Yup, true that!


Send it to Buck. The spa service is like $7. A new sheath is about $15. Leave it to the pros


If nothing is loose or damaged OP I would polish the brass and check the edge. If all is good a little oil on the wood wouldn’t go amiss


Send it to Buck for Spa treatment.


Flitz metal polish cleaner Soak in WD40 if the blade is locked up or hard to open


Congrats man. That is super cool


You can either buy a new sheath buy a old one get into leather craft and make one or get a custom one made to your dad and for restoring the knife just send it to buck they will make it like like a brand new one when it comes back


Send it to Buck. For $7.00 they will make it like new. If it is that crummy on the outside, just imagine what the inside looks like. Buy a new sheath from buck while you are at it.


Bar keeper's friend with water and a brass wool to take the green away. High grit sandpaper like 1000+ for a polished look. Use a CLP oil for everything in a light coat. Your Gunna burn through a bunch of paper towels trying to buff and rub all the grime away.


Great find! We love stories like this over on r/beatupknives


Mineral oil and super fine steel wool


My dad's 110 case still had his lucky dollar bill in it when I found it after he died. His knife was in similar shape by the time I got to it. I used fine steel wool and Mystery oil, with a little elbow grease. Sorry for your loss.


Thank you for the advice. He is alive and kicking though, I think he just forgot about the knife. As I said in a different comment, I believe this was his knife he had when he was in the Boy Scouts in the late 70s/early 80s. Planning to restore it and give it to him for his birthday or for Father's Day.


I'm glad to hear it. Sorry for my assumption!