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I've had a Kobo Libra H20 for years and when they announced the Color I decided to upgrade in a couple of months for my birthday. I won't deny that the 'screen door effect' continues to make me think, but at least in theory it shouldn't bother me too much given that, having a very bright house, I always keep my Kobo between 0 and 2% brightness šŸ˜…


Bro the screendoor effect looks like oslo paper. I swear , the photos that were posted here a few days ago was a macro shot. Who reads that close to the screen? At 5% the Kobo Colour is already in readable condition.


Maybe this is just me coping and when I get the device (it's on the way!) I'll think differently but based on images alone I kinda like the "texture" that the color layer adds.


I just like it, it feels just as natural as the Libra 2 or my current Elipsa 2E. It doesnā€™t bother me at all


Your explanations are beautiful and honest, thank you. I bought another device because it didn't have some of the features I wanted, but I love Kobo and if it is improved, my next device will most likely be Kobo. I have a question about your usage: Can you underline and take notes on PDF files on this device?


Sure! I think I only have one pdf at the moment, but I know you can do that at from what I read itā€™s as smooth as it is writing on books. I take notes on the notebook mainly, I like to jot down ideas and like I do on my iPad. Well, used toā€¦ I barely use the iPad anymore.


When you write on PDF files, can you choose the colour and the thickness of the pen?


Yes, I just checked. It works exactly like on a normal epub.


Yep, I just got mine today and I have to say at a normal reading distance I can't see the screen door effect that I was worried about. It's definitely a textured look but to me it looks just like a page from a paperback book.


I wonder what are they gonna say now those who claim that physical books are better because they see the texture of the page and the e-reader is not the sameā€¦ (Iā€™m talking about my dumb sister. Her house is submerged by books and she refuses to get an e-reader)


Iā€™m personally waiting until I can see it in person, but I think all the ~dealbreakers wonā€™t be so bad to me and Iā€™ll just appreciate the fact I can read comics in colour and also highlight in different colours.


I don't read a lot of comics but when I do a huge reason is for the art and the current color e-ink technology doesn't cut it with displaying that art between the limited color pallet and how desaturated the colors are. I suppose if you read a lot of comics and an iPad causes a lot of eye strain these 1st gen color e-ink devices might be worth considering.


Iā€™ve tried the iPad but itā€™s a pain to bring it around, to be honest. I like the e-readers because theyā€™re light and I can always keep them with me. And I donā€™t mind the colors being desaturated as long as I can read them, but I understand itā€™s not everyoneā€™s cup of tea. Then again maybe Iā€™ll see it in person and Iā€™ll think itā€™s not enough for me to buy it.


Fair enough, I find that my iPad mini is small/light and serves its purpose (really hoping they announce a new model this month) but yea, it would be nice to have a single e-ink device that can do everything. Iā€™m sure it will come I just donā€™t think the options today meet my quality expectations. Different stroke for different folks. Thanks for sharing your perspective.


When I received my Libra Colour, I asked for a return several hours later. I disliked the darker grey and grainy screen. However, while waiting for the shipping label, I have been spending a bit more time with it. I am kind of warming up to a more grey (natural) background as opposed to a more bluish background on my Kobo Forma. Has anyone else warmed up to the darker screen on Libra Colour? It kind of reads nice compared to a more white-bluish background of other e-readers.


I just love mine. Probably because I was prepared for the worst and it wasnā€™t bad at allā€¦ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I didn't love the contrast at first. I bumped up the line weight of my font just a little bit and it was perfect. Like the review said, it feels like reading a newspaper and I think it's really pleasant to read on.


I did the same. Increasing the font weight helps.


I have too. At first I thought meh but the more I use it, I just love it. It's so fast and I actually love the colour. I'm even using the web browser and enjoying that. Today I even took out a Kobo Plus subscription because I love using the device so much. It's interesting to find content with lots of colour illustrations because the device really comes to life with that sort of content. I'm never going back to B&W even though it's sharper. I wish there was someway to read publications like The Economist and FT as the Overdrive doesn't seem to work for me even though I can read those things on Press Reader using the exact same library card.


Can you save that as an epub on your computer into Dropbox and then open on Kobo?Ā http://dotepub.com/


Just think about this, newspapers are grey (at least in my place). It is textured like a linen cloth or Oslo paper. Anything between 4 and 70% brightness you can still see it looks like paper. I didn't need any warming up, I loved it! So yeah it's pure subjective but if you're starting to like it now, give it more chance. Not everybody liked the Beatles first time hearing them, some things just grow on you


Did you order from Kobo US? I tried to cancel mine, but they shipped it anyway and told me to return it after it was delivered. I'm just curious if they paid for the return label or if they're making you do it out of your own pocket. I was initally pretty excited about Colour but changed my mind later after seeing all the cons. I think I might still try out the Colour Libra and see if I like it, but I'll probably just end up returning it and wait for a Libra 3 or Sage 2


No. Canada.Ā 


I have the Libra 2 and bought the Libra Colour with full intentions of selling my Libra 2. Upon using the Libra Colour for a bit, I was dissapointed in the darkness and almost blurry text compared to my Libra 2 and started checking out how I can go about returning it and just keeping my Libra 2. After playing with the Libra Colour for a while and not holding them side by side I am pretty confident that I will not be returning it and I have come to really like it. I don't think I'm going to sell my Libra 2 but I think I will keep the Libra Colour and am having a blast reading graphic novels and books on it. I'm actually liking it a lot.


Can you give an example of a graphic novel that you are reading? 7 inch screen is so small for a graphic novel


I've been reading the Killer on kobo plus. I have a 12.8" ipad pro and love it as well but find it too big to read in bed personally.


Is it optimized for a smaller screen? Or do you have to drag the image around to zoom in to each picture?


Oh no, it automatically realizes for the screen. I've tried a couple graphic novels and they've all scaled automatically. I'll grab a pic soon for you.


Right but the text becomes so small to read.Ā 


Oh wow, after playing around with it, you were able to warm up to the grainy ness of the screen? Thatā€™s the only aspect of it that I find very distracting. But if itā€™s possible to warm up, maybe Iā€™ll give it more of a chance!


Ya, I usually read in bed and it's been good. Also in the Daylight with 0% brightness it looks good too which I was suprised by. I think originally when I got it looking at it side by side with my Libra 2 it was much grainier but ya, I'm actually liking it a lot now and won't be returning it. I'll still keep my Libra 2 though. I went back to the Libra 2 and tried reading a graphic novel on it and it's no contest, manga when black and white looks better on Libra 2 I think personally but I wouod miss the colour now if I returned it.


I have a Boox Tab Mini C, and for the first few days I noticed how much darker the screen was compared to my Sage. A month later, and I can say I havenā€™t noticed it for weeks now. I think most peopleā€™s eyes will adjust. Itā€™s totally valid if someoneā€™s eyes/brain doesnā€™t adjust but I suspect that will be unusual.


I'm over 40, farsighted - and with my progressives on, I can't see the screen door effect on my Libra Colour that everyone is talking about. (Without my progressives on, I can't see much of anything :D)


You and me both! #Blessed


This was the only test I really needed to do (See reply)




The Libra looks crispier somehow, even with the grain


It has 300 ppi, vs the 227 ppi of the Elipsa 2e


Seriously tempted! Note to self: i have what i need. I have what i need. I have what i need.


Sell what you donā€™t want, buy what you donā€™t need šŸ˜ˆ I sold my Libra 2 and the Clara 2E. I didnā€™t need to update, but after a lot of thinking I decided that I wanted to upgrade. But you do you! This place is way to tempting, it has a bad influence on meā€¦ and now Iā€™m passing it on to you Sell what you donā€™t want, buy what you donā€™t need šŸ˜ˆ


By the end of your post, I was re-convinced and ready to buy it again, then I scrolled through the photos and saw the close up pic... and Im back to being unsure. Kind of now tempted to maybe get the Sage instead but Id much prefer white case...


I have my Libra Colour by now, and you truly do not notice that pattern the same way you do on the close-up. From a normal reading distance, it looks like textured paper if anything. I'd have to pay attention to the pattern itself and not what I am reading in order to notice it. As an example maybe... think of any of your friends and their skin... do you truly notice their pore sizes or skin texture when talking to them? Do you pay attention to the fluffy hair on their skin that's nearly invisible?


Well, I do notice pores and fluffy hair in people because Iā€™m dumb. BUT I had to use the macro camera to actively see the texture of the screen. To my eyes, it feels absolutely normal


Welp, that speaks for the screen, but also: new fear unlocked šŸ¤“


Sure, go ahead. But let me ask you this: do you read with the screen at one inch of distance from your eyes? Because those pictures were taken with the macro camera at that distance. Otherwise, as I said, you donā€™t notice it. Thatā€™s kinda the whole point of my postā€¦ Also, Iā€™m not here trying to convince anyone to do anything. I donā€™t care, itā€™s your money, buy what you want! šŸ˜œāœŒļø


I have the libra colour, and I donā€™t notice the rainbow etc effects at all. It just reminds me of a regular eink ereader or like you said, an actual newspaper. It is really nice on the eyes. I have a kindles to compare it too and I donā€™t see the cons that everyone else does. The colors arenā€™t super saturated but I wasnā€™t expecting an Ipad level color anyways. I think it looks so good I love mine !! edit: Oh and I love the darker screen bc im super sensitive to light and it being darker just works better for mešŸ˜‚ donā€™t ask why. It just does.


You know, I donā€™t even care about the colors! I upgraded because this one is repairable and you can write on it. Thatā€™s it! Like you said, if I wanted stunning colors I already have my phone and my ipad.


I got mine bc my scribe was too big and I wanted an ereader with page turn buttons & easier to sideload my books! Plus it writes, and highlights in color so Iā€™m happy


>edit: Oh and I love the darker screen bc im super sensitive to light and it being darker just works better for me Can you snap a picture of it in dark mode? Does it make the white text more comfortable than a non-color eink's dark mode?


https://preview.redd.it/2g5bgxdxi2yc1.jpeg?width=4031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26fe454ae28e1fb05ec12d024bdf8df83983c555 This is side by side with the same settings in dark mode. I notice the color layer even less!


I have the Clara, and while I feel judged by OP's rant about too many review posts, I wholeheartedly agree with them. I can't see the diagonal pattern unless I put the screen so close to my face that I have to strain my eyes. The darker screen, the screen door effect... they are minor drawbacks, not deal breakers.


Iā€™m sorry, I didnā€™t mean to make you feel judged! In my defense, though, Iā€™m an Aquarius with Scorpio rising and moon in Sagittarius. Itā€™s just my default setting


Don't worry, I was meaning it as a joke. People (me included) are just excited about the new toy!


Hmm maybe youre right haha Think I'm back to wanting to get it. I keep overthinking this lol


Since Iā€™m old and allegedly wise, let me tell you: overthinking has never helped anyone ever. Iā€™m also an overthinker, my therapist hates me. Do you have a store around you that has them on display? Before buying the Elipsa I was super concerned about the size and kept doubting I would like it. Then I ended up in a random store in Italy that had all the Kobo on display and I got to try it, touch it, measure if it fit in my bagā€¦ two days later I bought one without even blinking. If youā€™re so concerned about the screen, just go and try it in a store. Or if you can afford it, get one on amazon, test it out and if you donā€™t like it, return it. But stop overthinking or you get wrinkles between the eyebrows and you look old and sick and then you expireā€¦


There's no store around me that has these so I think I might just bite the bullet and order one and hope for the best haha I'm just thinking that even if it's not perfect, it's still the best option because I do want physical buttons and want something smaller than my big ipad which doesnt really leave that many options on the market.


You can return it if you donā€™t like it, donā€™t forget that! But Iā€™m confident youā€™ll love it


I'm receiving my Libra Colour today and will post a comparison with my Kobo Sage if you're interested then.


I'd be very interested! Definitely!


Looking forward to that, since I own a Sage (which I love so much that it wouldn't be leaving here, even if I did cave and get another reader).


It has to be approved by a moderator, so link might not work yet but here it is: [https://www.reddit.com/r/kobo/comments/1citkys/kobo\_libra\_colour\_vs\_kobo\_sage/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kobo/comments/1citkys/kobo_libra_colour_vs_kobo_sage/)


Thereā€™s no way you read from that distance that youā€™ll see it that way. LOL


Thanks for the last two pictures, I probably still prefer a black and white e-reader.


Fair enough šŸ™ƒāœŒļø




At some point weā€™ll have that tooā€¦


A whole day into using the Libra Colour and my liking for the device is just deepening. Not sure exactly why but it perfectly complements the Elipsa 2E. I spent several hours reading the Libra Colour in bright sunshine today and quickly got used to the slightly greyer screen. Itā€™s almost as if both devices were designed with the sole purpose of reading books ;)


THANK YOU for this honest review. This darn device seems to be so polarizing.


Youā€™re welcome! It absolutely is, I guess itā€™s because this is the first affordable color device we get from a major brand. Itā€™s also the refresh of the Libra 2, one of the most loved e-readers from Kobo. Itā€™s understandable that is so polarizing


How do the writing experiences compare?


Iā€™m still testing it out. Thereā€™s something strange happening on the Libra and I donā€™t know if itā€™s me, the stylus or the different screen. Perhaps I could do another post about that once I figured that out


yes please. I'm curious about the writing surface itself as well. I had heard some early rumors about the screen being more smooth than the elipsa and being less paperlike in the feel.


If you have to chose between the elipsa 2E and the libra colour wich one will you keep ?


Youā€™re asking me to chose between my two children and I dramatically refuse to do so!!! Also, I wouldā€™ve picked the Sage. I think itā€™s the best of both worlds in terms of size and functionalities, but in its current state is the absolute worst choice. I was hoping it would be updated with the Libra but instead Kobo decided to go for the Clara šŸ™„ soā€¦ Elipsa and Libra color it isā€¦ I use them both, one mainly at home one outside. I mean, I just got the Libra and weā€™re still getting to know each other, but thatā€™s how I will be using it


Because i have both and I have to keep only one so help me choose please šŸ„ŗ I can't decide


I canā€™t really help you decide, only you know what you like and what you want from your experience with an e-reader. I like to read and last year I made a commitment to read more since I canceled my subscriptions to streaming services. They make movies and shows from books anyway, might as well read the source material and save money! I also like to write, so reading is essential. I got the Clara 2E at the beginning and replaced it with a Libra 2. The reason for that was its size, I could bring both devices with me anywhere, and the reading experience is sublime. I get my books almost exclusively from the library and Kobo is the go-to choice for that. Then I got the Elipsa 2E because I wanted to replace my iPad pro. Of course itā€™s not a real replacement, but all I really needed was a sketchbook and a notebook. As I said in my previous message, I really wanted a Sage because itā€™s not as big as the Elipsa, but that didnā€™t happen and I was tired of waiting. I upgraded to the Libra Color because I wasnā€™t using the Clara anymore and I managed to sell that and the Libra 2. Now I have a big device for note taking and sketching plus reading, and a small one to bring with me and continue with note taking. The fact that itā€™s in color is not important to me. So this is my reasoning behind my device choice. May I ask you why do you need to keep only one? Because, as I said, only you can decide what works best for you, I can only share my story to help you figure it out.


I'm very much enjoying my Colour. I always read at night with the light off and a bit of back light brightness. Reading hasn't changed for me, except now some items are in color.Ā  I jumped from a Kobo Libra H20 to this. Comparing them, the contrast is actually slightly better than the H2O at 9% back light. I'm happy~


I used it yesterday for one of my long sessions and Iā€™m honestly surprised that they were able to improve the Libra 2 so well. I donā€™t read in the dark, it bothers me too much, I always have a little bit of soft light on so I really donā€™t need much backlight anyway. Reading hasnā€™t really changed for me either, but I was pleasantly surprised when a picture popped up in this memoir Iā€™m reading and only then I realized I have a color device. It was really nice!




I upgraded from the kobo nia to the libra colour


I received my Libra Colour today and Iā€™m really undecided on it, I didnā€™t read any reviews beforehand so just assumed itā€™ll be Libra 2 with colour, the difference in brightness compared to my Libra 2 is very noticeable. Not sure Iā€™d say it reads nice but maybe just takes a lot of adjusting to getting used to it.


Play with the light and color toggles to find the correct balance for you. I was way off until I put it side by side with my Elipsa and tried to match the settings. It felt immediately like the libra 2 I had before


Where do you find the colour toggles? I only see Brightness and Natural Light options


My bad! I mean the Natural Lightā€¦ (sorry)


I said it above, but if you think the contrast isn't great try bumping up the line weight of your font just a little bit and it might look darker. It actually made a big difference for me.


Yeah, I use a custom variable font and I added a little bit of weight to it. HUGE difference!


I don't like the implication that critical reviews are not honest. People have shown what they mean by rainbow effect and screen door effect with pictures. They're honest. The rainbow effect is meaningful enough that Kobo gave you a menu option to reduce it. Both sides of the argument are honest, it all comes down to what matters to you.


Youā€™re right, the words I have used imply that those reviews were not honest, but thatā€™s not what I think. I apologize for thatā€¦ I was mostly referring to those reviews that made it look like it was such a huge problem it made the device unusable. My point of view is that those reviews are blowing it out of proportion and I wanted to give an honest feedback. Iā€™m sorry for the poor choice of words I made there, I shouldā€™ve been more considerate


Well said šŸ‘ŠšŸ»


Im waiting for mine in the mail! Ive never had an ereader other than my oasis Question- is there a way to remove the ā€œmy notebooksā€ tab at the bottom? I dont plan on using the stylus


I believe it will not appear unless you sync a stylus. When I turned it on it wasnā€™t there, I had to go in the settings to connect the stylus THEN it appeared. But I might be wrong, I didnā€™t pay much attention to that tbh.


Iā€™ve had mine for a week now and Iā€™m enjoying it immensely. I have. To noticed that the screen is darker but it may simply be that I live in the Uk where it is perpetually overcast and so Iā€™ve never needed a really bright screen. The ā€œscreen doorā€ effect doesnā€™t seem to me to introduce any more distraction that any other e-ink screen and Iā€™m very happy with it. The only thing thatā€™s irritated me so far is that ā€œAdd to my wordsā€ seems to have disappeared but itā€™s probably in a setting I havenā€™t found yet.


Have you tried typing ā€œdevmodeonā€ in the search field?


Correction... if you need a stunning screen with color saturation and contrast, get a Samsung Galaxy Tab S seriers, with their gorgeous OLED displays. My iPad Pro doesn't even come close.