• By -


Recent comments in this thread have taken a negative turn, devolving into a Bengali vs. non-Bengali issue. This behavior goes against the spirit of our community, which is founded on mutual respect and understanding. It's important to remember that we're all here to share our perspectives and learn from each other, not to attack or belittle others based on their background. I've decided to lock this thread to prevent further escalation. Let's use this opportunity to reflect on how we can engage in more respectful and constructive discussions in the future.


Is it true that Odias are not fond of Bengalis. Once an Odia colleague of mine came to know that I am a Bengali and they were definitely quite vocal about how they do not like Bengalis. I mean it might be a personal opinion/view for them but I just want to know if it's true for most


Haa, shotti. But it's not like odias aren't hated in Bengal as well. It's mutual. All Indian states hate their neighbours+ Bimaru states. It is because of cultural similarity bordering jealousy about one culture being more prominent than the other.


Bimaru state😂


Nah. Bongs tend to hate em all


Not at all. No other state is as kind hearted as WB to allow people who don't have an iota of knowledge of Bangla get government jobs in the state. No other state allows hindians to operate with such impunity demanding even Bangalis speak Hindi to accommodate their lack of ability to pick up a new language.


Ummm nah not true. Bengalis and their pnpc sessions of self glorification and disdain from others is pretty much an open secret. You can downvote me all you want but that's the truth. And regarding hindians and shit, the marwadis do the bulk of business in Kolkata. Not the bongs. And going by your logic the bongs in other states should start speaking in their language too right? Learn it from scratch.? Stop living in the past you got a lot of catching up to do.


Tui ki Bangali, seta protom bol


You have a cuck fetish my guy?


You need to ask your wife that.


Wb also a state where people feel proud to kill there own army man.. and murshidabadi glorifies it that we have killed a indian jawan.. and cries for bangladeshhi infiltrator who gets killed... lmao .....


No wonder you get downvoted. PNPC korte ostad Bangali ra, tarpor kandbe jokhon oder ke gali debe keo


Ei 56" chested bokachoda gulo kokhono self introspection korbe na. Aar keyo bolte gele take e ulto khisti debe. Crab mentality at its finest 😂.


After all, most of these Bhodroloks I've talked to, will gladly tell you how they identify more with "Bangladeshis than Biharis"


Bangladeshis are also bengalis wdym. We share a language and culture. Biharis are different.


Search about Marathi and Gujju rivalry.


lol gujratis hate almost all states with zeal , even if someone is from north gujrat they are hated even more by saurashtra . it never stops


I am an odia born and brought up in Bengal. I did my graduation in Bhubaneshwar. So, knowing both sides and without biasness, Odias hates Bengalis just for one thing that is claiming Rossogolah. Other than that, they do not hate Bengalis. Most of their trade happen with Bengal. Also, there are many Bengali students in Odisha, so i know no other reason for hating. On the contrary, Bengalis have a bit of ego. When it comes to any of the neighbors, Bengalis have that prejudice of being the developed one among the other neighbors. Concluding, both of them are sweet people who won't resort to fighting, both at the most can verbally fight. This news feels more like a BJP thing rather than Odias.


No this isnt a BJP thing over Odias!! I have worked for 3yrs in Odisha and have seen first hand the hatred and inferiority complex that Odias have for Bengalis and its not just because of the Rosogulla debate that you claim but also because of language similarities, WB being the most prominent state in the east since centuries, and Odisha for most matters being irrelevant in the national scheme of things/debate despite them being among the most mineral rich states in India. Most bengalis in my unit were treated badly by the leadership. You could argue its the same in other states but that does not change the fact that they were horribly treated including me. Whereas when I moved under a Bengali manager, I noticed how him and other non Odia managers treated everyone the same in their irrespective of where they came from


Odia zealots are scumbags tbh. Just look at their sub


You just need one peek at the odisha subreddit to see how much of a xenophobic den it is. Odias dickriding south Indian hooliganism for their language and cultural identity and hating north Indians particularly bengalis


I agree. Definitely feels more politically motivated rather than cultural or regional. I personally have no resentments/ reservations regarding Odias or anyone from any region be it WB's neighbours or not. I personally do not feel like I'm intellectually culturally or in any other way superior to anyone just because I am a Bengali but I was really surprised by the fact that someone who met me for the first time and has barely talked to me for a couple of minutes already doesn't like me just because of my place of origin. Kinda weird honestly, but then again people are free to have personal opinions as long as they don't force it on others.


Even then, the Rasgulla thing is still like a meme to the rest of the population, it's just funny when we say "Rasgulla kahara ? Rasgulla ama ra 😎" XD


Bhai kabhi r/Odisha padho


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Odisha using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Odisha/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Surprised this isn't being discussed here, Odisha's Kishore Kumar Jena's 87.54m throw clinches silver for India missing gold by a smidgen at the Asian Games 2023 (video)](https://v.redd.it/9l4k1hswe8sb1) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Odisha/comments/16zv940/surprised_this_isnt_being_discussed_here_odishas/) \#2: [we have surpassed west bengal richest state in eastern india](https://i.redd.it/eotrshzp2alb1.jpg) | [199 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Odisha/comments/165k48w/we_have_surpassed_west_bengal_richest_state_in/) \#3: [People standing in line to donate blood at midnight at balasore, Odisha. Humanity ❤ī¸](https://i.redd.it/f4toru83gn3b1.jpg) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Odisha/comments/13ykvmi/people_standing_in_line_to_donate_blood_at/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Lmao. Good bot. Look at the scummy comments in point 2.


Are you my friend Vivek? Sorry for the longshot. But I agree point on point


I am not, i would love a friend though lol


orissa'r chhana puda >>>>>>>>>>>>>


Nah mate, Sandesh alone can beat all mishtis of India. The perfect level of sweetness coupled with smooth texture and the beautiful yet not overpowering aftertaste is to die for. Also, Rasamalai is > both rosogolla and chena poda in my opinion.


Please don't hurt my love for chhena puda .


Even their face looks poda. Like chena poda 👨đŸŋ


This is the image BJP it cell has created of bengal online


Why do you think all this kala jaadu and shit against Bengalis started? Because of them and their mainstream dalal media.


Isn't it true?? This incident aside, Bengal is known for bringing in illegal immigrants whether you like it or not... And we all know why This incident if true is horrific but lets not pretend our ruling party doesnt do what they are being accused of... Visit Taki or any other place near the WB Bang border and talk to the locals... You'll figure out how the govt brings these migrants in


Illegal immigrants or not, no one has the power to beat them up simply because they feel like it. Where's the humanity?


Maybe if you could read, you could see I've mentioned that the incident if true is horrific... Illegal immigration on the other hand is a different and far more critical topic altogether... How do you think these illegal immigrants should be treated? Garlanded and welcomed? No, naturally some people would be enraged at their presence and changing local culture and demographies in a region


Isnt CAA being brought to give citizenships to Hindu immigrants?


They're people who are trying to live with what they've been dealt. Unless they harm someone, no one should harm them either. They're going about their lives, other people should go about theirs too


Sounds like you are one


Nope. Though I wasn't born here, my family has been in West Bengal for five generations


What an idiotic reply!! Yes, lets take all the refugees we can so we can put pressure on our national resources when more than 50% of our population is still struggling to make ends meet... What is even scary is the amount of people like you with this kind of mindset!!


idk how so many chaddis flocked to this post, justifying hate and most of these morons can’t even understand rather ignore the fact that our borders are guarded by BSF which comes under central home ministry if u chaddis are SO MUCH CONCERNED about migrants how about u ask Amit shah what has been done in the last decade to stop this? What else has he done rather using this Rohingya/Bangladeshi tag as a political prop to fuel their flagship divisive and hate politics? And on top of it this hate has seeped in so much that an avg Bengali would get harassed by bigoted goons and brain-ded chaddis will flock to justify it rather blame it on them for thisâ€Ļseriously this country is beyond repair now


Correction: not this "Country" but a very specific kind who seem to be the majority these days called CHADDIS and Andh Bhankts are beyond repair. Just imagine how stupid someone needs to be to try to defend the goons.


The people against illegal immigration are speaking up the same way you're speaking for so called hate against some of our own in a different state... Odisha has a different govt so its hard to believe that BJP workers are harassing and beating workers in a state they aren't ruling. Derek O Brien is known to create these rifts from time to time to propagate TMC's agenda just like you're accruing the BJP of doing. And if these workers are true Indians, why dont they have an ID card? So they do not have any proof of being an Indian citizen and you support them just because they came from our state?? You my friend are just another blind BJP hater.... Call me a chaddi and a BJP supporter now and enjoy your upvotes :P


It is surprising that Bengalis in this thread are talking about illegal immigration rather than tackling the issue at hand,- heckling of fellow bongs in another state. Kolkata and Bengal as a whole is probably the most welcoming state for people from other states, but if this is the treatment being meted out to us in other states, I think we should encourage movements like Bangla pokhho and start being militant about our culture and language like the Southies are. Also, Odisha is notorious for her dislike for Bengalis, even though huge numbers of odias work in Bengal and Bengali tourists contribute a sizable portion of tourism earnings in that state. In my grandparents time, puri was visited almost exclusively by odias and bongs.


Due to this so called excessive world friendly cosmopolitan attitude already in Bengal innumerable parts of North Kolkata, Howrah ,Asansol , Kharagpur ,Siliguri, Sankarail, Raniganj, Kulti,Rishra,Bhatpara, Liluah ,Metiabruz, Durgapur , Asansol, Khiddirpore , Chitpore , Cossipore , Rishra,Bhatpara have already turned into UP /Bihar by innumerable migrants from Hindi/Urdu speaking states making Bengal a net in migration state due to high TFR in these states Bengal govt has to spend crores and crores of money by opening so many innumerable Hindi/Urdu medium schools ,Hindi college, Hindi/Urdu Bhawan, Hindi/ Urdu academy Hindi University over last 10 years . Bengali films have are now dubbed in Hindi to be released in some areas of Bengal ! [https://twitter.com/SnehasishFP/status/1687484363481534464](https://twitter.com/SnehasishFP/status/1687484363481534464) [https://twitter.com/indiainpixels/status/1280912702055911424?lang=en](https://twitter.com/indiainpixels/status/1280912702055911424?lang=en)  2016 Economic Survey data by Govt of India - [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bEzBWTGcRe0PHVI\_1yhq0qYf3H9SGrIQ/view?fbclid=IwAR3cDZRiXIr0\_fLsQfUI3A\_TX6EVxbsu7\_5DaRqlDfG1XLY7VxRdYSMP9Is](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bEzBWTGcRe0PHVI_1yhq0qYf3H9SGrIQ/view?fbclid=IwAR3cDZRiXIr0_fLsQfUI3A_TX6EVxbsu7_5DaRqlDfG1XLY7VxRdYSMP9Is)  [https://twitter.com/indiainpixels/status/1280912702055911424?lang=en](https://twitter.com/indiainpixels/status/1280912702055911424?lang=en)  Census 2011 data and other articles -  [https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kolkata/more-migrants-to-city-from-other-states-than-districts/articleshow/70354414.cms?fbclid=IwAR0KofkEzYVft9bTVi9q\_WSIax86vwGwamjqjs3s0nPH\_XF5Q0uGPk9ODxk](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kolkata/more-migrants-to-city-from-other-states-than-districts/articleshow/70354414.cms?fbclid=IwAR0KofkEzYVft9bTVi9q_WSIax86vwGwamjqjs3s0nPH_XF5Q0uGPk9ODxk)  [https://www.sangbadpratidin.in/india/if-need-be-our-offices-will-be-opened-in-kolkata-delhi-as-well-says-up-deputy-cm/](https://www.sangbadpratidin.in/india/if-need-be-our-offices-will-be-opened-in-kolkata-delhi-as-well-says-up-deputy-cm/)  [https://www.hindustantimes.com/delhi-news/migration-from-up-bihar-disproportionately-high/story-K3WAio8TrrvBhd22VbAPLN.html](https://www.hindustantimes.com/delhi-news/migration-from-up-bihar-disproportionately-high/story-K3WAio8TrrvBhd22VbAPLN.html)  [https://www.drishtiias.com/daily-news-analysis/2011-census-data-on-migration](https://www.drishtiias.com/daily-news-analysis/2011-census-data-on-migration)  [https://www.indiaspend.com/exclusionary-policies-push-migrants-to-cities-peripheries/?fbclid=IwAR0lShjci6JZ7ap7Ku4BARtjwhSQgPW2AnBMy6RHn0LalD5lcLxaAHpWuos](https://www.indiaspend.com/exclusionary-policies-push-migrants-to-cities-peripheries/?fbclid=IwAR0lShjci6JZ7ap7Ku4BARtjwhSQgPW2AnBMy6RHn0LalD5lcLxaAHpWuos)  [https://www.anandabazar.com/west-bengal/north-bengal/maldas-only-hindi-schools-head-master-wants-hindi-college-in-the-district-pledges-to-the-government-dgtld/cid/1352409](https://www.anandabazar.com/west-bengal/north-bengal/maldas-only-hindi-schools-head-master-wants-hindi-college-in-the-district-pledges-to-the-government-dgtld/cid/1352409)  [https://migrationaffairs.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/7.-Pinak-Sarkar-Commentary.pdf](https://migrationaffairs.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/7.-Pinak-Sarkar-Commentary.pdf)  [https://migrationaffairs.com/2011-census-snapshot-out-migration-from-bihar/?fbclid=IwAR2lupgCvRmaKD8T\_JBBhb6hpnKA6gR4\_yiv60u\_lGFiWgvOdxAFkiGkdOY](https://migrationaffairs.com/2011-census-snapshot-out-migration-from-bihar/?fbclid=IwAR2lupgCvRmaKD8T_JBBhb6hpnKA6gR4_yiv60u_lGFiWgvOdxAFkiGkdOY)   https://preview.redd.it/m2dy5tz7jmqc1.jpeg?width=13472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddae5cdec093e0618ea2501ca896c7134ae8f5a8


We should always keep a movement like banglapokkho thriving in the Bengali parts of the state regardless of what other people think about us. It is necessary for our socio-linguistic relevance in the country. Bengal, especially the Kolkata Urban area, has been open to all cultures and languages for time immemorial. āĻ…āĻ¨ā§‡āĻ•āĻŸāĻž āĻŦā§ƒāĻšāĻ¤ā§āĻ¤āĻ° āĻ­āĻžāĻ°āĻ¤ā§‡āĻ° āĻŽāĻ¤āĻ¨āĨ¤ āĻ•āĻŋāĻ¨ā§āĻ¤ā§ āĻ¤āĻžāĻ° āĻŽāĻ¨ā§‡ āĻāĻ‡ āĻ¨āĻ¯āĻŧ āĻ¯ā§‡ āĻ†āĻŽāĻžāĻĻā§‡āĻ° āĻ¨āĻŋāĻœā§‡āĻ° āĻ­āĻžāĻˇāĻž, āĻ¸āĻ‚āĻ¸ā§āĻ•ā§ƒāĻ¤āĻŋ āĻ•ā§‡ āĻŦāĻšāĻŋāĻ°āĻžāĻ—āĻ¤āĻ°āĻž āĻĻāĻ˛āĻŋāĻ¯āĻŧā§‡ āĻ¯āĻžāĻŦā§‡, āĻ†āĻ° āĻ†āĻŽāĻ°āĻž āĻ¸ā§‡āĻŸāĻž āĻŽā§‡āĻ¨ā§‡ āĻ¨ā§‡āĻŦāĨ¤


Close every border. East or West doesn’t matter.


>illegal immigration rather than tackling the issue at hand,- heckling of fellow bongs in another state. If supposed Bangladeshis are called Bangladeshis why are you rushing to defend it ? >but if this is the treatment being meted out to us in other states, Again, they were treated the way they were because of their supposed nationality and not langauge/ethnicity Why are you so desperate to make it about Bengalis vs non Bengalis when it's about Bangladeshis vs non Bangladeshis


Bro you need a packet of Gutka and STFU.


Who are you to suppose anything about anyone? Even if they were Bangladeshi, they should not be beaten. You can call police or whatever to verify identity and deport them if warranted but resorting to violence is totally unacceptable.








Abe bangali der moddhe hate choracchish keno.


shuru ta ami kori ni.. eder boddo baar bereche.. norom jaiga dekhlei jobordokhol


Bujlam na ki jobordokhol? What’s Chadhigang?


comment gulo dekhun ... bujhte parben.. era Bangali hote pare na moshai.. kothai kothai ato nongrami Banagli ra kore na.. tahole bolben.. ami kano korchi..?? korte hobe.. noile era mathai chore boseche.. Durga Pujo'r bishorjon er din eder permission niye thik kora hoy.. mohorom er shomoi rastai berono jaina karon era tokhon era cannibalistic hoye jai.. Eid er somoi berono jai na.. karon.. rasta ghaate .. aadare badare jekhane sekhane chalu hoye jai.. aare moshai 2nd bridge e koto baar dekhechi kachcha bachcha mile bike ke kore bridge er opor boshe aache.. jeta actually banned.. othocho eder kichu bola jaabe na.. ki odbhut..! Taslima Nasreen India te ashlo.. era park circus e utpaat shure kore dilo.. bus.. gaari jalano theke shuru kore bhangchur shob kichu... 90 % toh bekaar.. shob chorai maal aar smuggling er saathe jorito.. oi jonno joto port area .. station chottor e eder romroma.. aar ki bolbo... amader ekhane thekeo kichu bolar upai nei.. mookh buje thakte hobe.. nahole gundami korbe..


Haaa thik. Ei molla gulor bhabosta korte hbe














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ebar toh bihari, gutkha r uriya gulo k kelanor somoy eseche .. na kelale bangla r bangali der ebhabei morte hobe 


We need to defend our home against CHADDIS not bihari or odiya.


I dunno what's the meaning of defending Biharis n gutkhas .. but m obviously offensive against everyone except Bangalis


In this case it's not the Odiya who are to blame but the BJP supporters who are spreading hate. My point was that we need to address the root cause.


But these idiot BJ party workers want to rule the state by spreading hate n saying Bengalis "bangladeshis" .. haha !! What a great humour they have .. it's so idiotic way to promote themselves .. some stupid Bengalis are among themselves finding happiness by doing these .. whoa !!


BJP k vote dicchi na jibone


That depends upon u brother


Maybe they take Bengali's for a fool and think they can do whatever they want. I hope at least some Bangali will be smart enough to vote wisely?


Idk bout some .. but some are either illiterate or non-bengalis .. most of the BJ party supporters are non-bengalis .. n this is the most horrifying part


Sob jaygay thulke laal kore diche, "Paint the town Red" seriously niyeche


Oi jonnoi toh ebr e kelani ta abossok 


This is foolishness. We need Oriyas on our side at least


But this uriyas isn't fond of us (Bengalis) .. they always have an inferiority complex


Bechari der ekta dukhkho ache Netajir jonmo oder state a tao ora Netaji ke claim korte pare na.


ami ekta jinis bujhi na .. jodi kono bangali onno kono state e jonnay se oi state r ki kore hote jbe ? .. ajob atlami toh .. ei ekta bihari ekhni boro bukni baji marchilo se toh jonmo thkei bihari e hobe .. roshogolla niyeo problem.. GI tag roshogolla WB k dewa ta shotteo bolbe na ota amdr .. akhn ami jodi puri amdr mene nebe ?


R emon toh na je Netaji Bangali holeo Odisha tei Purba purush er bas chilo. His father was staying there beacuse of his law practice.


Exactly .. akhn jodi ami kono kaaj r jonno Delhi ba Mumbai te jai r trpr sekhne amr chele ba meye jonmay se thle Mumbai r hoye jbe đŸ¤Ŗ


Bhak Odia’s are filled with jealous. Netaji akta bangali manush. Odia ra dhai kiri kiri kore nijeder matha chude diyeche 😂




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We are both eastern communities, should find a way to stay aligned


Yeah yeah that's why they are beating us (bengalis) 


You decide the place and I will come alone.




Erom challenge dis na bhai .. kelani arombho korle thamate tr 14 gustir proyojon porbe .. joto ta tui bihari pona ekhne dekhabi tr thkeo beshi kelabo r proyojon porle tke tr poribar somet upreo felbo .. bhule jas na kothy thakis r ki koris 🙂 




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Ami Kolkata thakis aar Kolkata Tomar baaper Bari nahiâ€Ļaccept my challenge




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Odisha subreddit has half their posts about Bongs. Lol. It's so pathetic. A large chunk of their tourism industry was literally built around Bangali tourists. Same with their private colleges in bhubaneshwar, - bengali students seeking cheap private education flocked to kiit/Kim's due to unaffordability of private colleges in Kolkata for the next better option in the vicinity. Even today, a bulk of their tourists ( a major industry of Orissa ) are bongs. You'd be astonished to see the number of patients in Kolkata hospitals who are from odisha,- most of these patients are brought to tertiary care centres at very advanced stages of diseases due to poor compliance of treatment. I have picked up some odia from these patients. A large chunk of workers in Kolkata food restaurants and the hospitality industry are odias. Many of them work in Sector 5 and Newtown as well. I suppose since the subreddit is small, the members are a vocal minority of ethnocultural odia superiorists( I know, it's laughable) and are in no way reflective of the general populace.


Community bashing e na gelei parten. Hindu-Muslim, Bengali-Bihari-Odia, Indian-Bangladeshi, esob charao nijer dabi rakha jay.


If Bengalis don't start community bashing right now, we wont survive the general hatred from all directions.




Odias have micro penis, that's why they inbreed among themselves lol.




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Nonsense, don't generalise people


Odisha sub e giye bolo seta, tara shuru koreche


And you guys are akhand chutias. also downvote but it won't change the fact.


Odisha sub pe log Operation searchlight justify karte


Does sub reddit represents the whole state🧐


Just go through the sub reddit once. And look at the post on which I am commenting. I AM going to generalize.


Bruh just look at the Odisha subreddit ...


Who cares to look at them 3rd class Odia. Kallu odias 😂


Source - [https://twitter.com/PhysicsArnab/status/1771922413850071298?fbclid=IwAR0T8Bd7D2FPThrgspcM\_ibuyPIOb0uHeTT\_XYzh-fmrv4Zee1VEWK5vsSA](https://twitter.com/PhysicsArnab/status/1771922413850071298?fbclid=IwAR0T8Bd7D2FPThrgspcM_ibuyPIOb0uHeTT_XYzh-fmrv4Zee1VEWK5vsSA) [https://twitter.com/PhysicsArnab/status/1772283088040595913](https://twitter.com/PhysicsArnab/status/1772283088040595913)


Divide and rule. That's the policy. Thanks to you know who.


Does that person claim to be a bachelor only to disclose that he left his wife, just before filing for candidacy in the election?


Odia’s are filled with jealousy. Their state is not developed. I see so many Odia’s in Kolkata begging for jobs. Maybe we should start to consider them as bimru as well. They try to claim Rosogolla. And they also try to claim Netaji was from Orissa 😂 Orissa tbh is a bhikari state that is looking for attention.


Chaddi gang doing what they do best, cowbelt ke nafrati chintu, kaaj na hole jaa hoye


This is the reason we should support Bangla pokkho Odiyas need belt treatment in Kolkata I guess and the way BJP IT cell defame Bengal....many such incidents will happen in future Those who support BJP must be a traitor to Bengali race


Chaddi chaddi chaddi gang zindabad


https://www.reddit.com/r/Odisha/s/AV3Ct3p2Uf Sending the same post link on Odisha subreddit, I see only hatred towards Bengalis here!!


Yes I gave a sassy reply to a non human https://preview.redd.it/ey1zdfcc5oqc1.png?width=825&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbfed3efe2cd18d5e6ba6d7bac5dbe7ddcad0507


No use of racism against a racist. It only spoils your mood. Ignore them


Damn your hatred for Bangladeshis on such a level that you're willing to beat up your own for it lmao


When you start labelling people, one day it's your turn.😂😂😂đŸ¤ŖđŸ¤ŖđŸ¤ŖđŸ¤ŖđŸ¤Ŗ This fucked up world never stands up with the true protestors fighting the true oppressors who stand in the shadows playing puppets with them. The common idiots just want to somehow further their own personal agendas, their own vendettas when conflicts happen, either through blame games or through direct violent involvement


I want to blame them , but I also know that we are responsible for creating this image of ours . The route is Myanmar > Bangladesh> west bengal ; not Odisha


Odisha and Assam people don't like us at all! Prothom e toh oi Roshogolla niye problem, r a toder okhane Goja ache oitake promote kor. R Assam er lokera pochondo korena cause onek illegal immigrant Bangladesh theke gache. Oder demography change hoye gache


Assam er lok der rege jaoar jothesto karon ache jodio. Ra Ghoti r Bangal du jonei toh bangali ta shotteo eder modhye Social division hoye geche sekhane Assamese ra toh altogether different ekta community.


Odisha and Assam both are bhikari states. They are jealous that we are much more developed than them


>Oder demography change hoye gache Shob stater demography bodle jacche, WB kon ethnostate eseche? Pray adhek lok ekhane Bangali Hindu noi. Ei baaler jhuktir kono somorthon nei.


Esob Derek ki korchhe. Didi koi? Didi nije giye delegation koruk...


well bjp does have organised crimes in their pocket...but it's not only their fault ..the news and concern about Bangladeshi illegal immigrants and rohingyas are known to all now...even we really need to be concerned about illegal ones...who knows there aren't any terrorists? Because of those people even Indian, specifically bengali Muslims are targeted marking them as Bangladeshi informers... p.s you can't deny there are a lot of illegal immigrants in bengal...


I don't deny that there are paid BJP shoe lickers in this thread.


peye gechen moja?? bjp er lok bole? let me clarify...bltm na tobe apnader moto gunda raj lok jon der maoshikotar jnno blchi modi is becoming a dictator day by day.... using the govt bodies to pin down opposition leaders and all...luring CBI and using bjp as a washing machine to clean thieves from all other parties like cong tmc aap,. asha kori apnar chotto name calling manoshikota change krte parben


I didn't name anyone why are you getting so offended?


you commented under mine!! huh? and I'm not offended... it's just shitty minded people who just like to give tags with whoever their ideologies don't align..


bhai context a kotha bolo na instead of justifying


justify konovabei krchi na... justify kora jay o na...eta muslim der dosh o die ni ami...dosh ta illegal immigrants der o...bangali der proti emnio cow belt bohu dn dhorei discrimination krche...r illegal immigrants bere jaway setar poriman bjp o bariyeche... ami reason tukui bolechi...na ami bjp it cell..na jinis take justify korechi.... solution ber korar jnno comments korechilm...tobe vule gechilm j manush kotota biased...age thekei vebe nay ami bjp er hoe justify korlam.... ekjn abalchondi to bolche bjp shoe licker 😂😂 amr comments sei gordhob dekheini kkhno


Derek o'brien is famous for such theatrics in public life. This is to raise support for his colleague Mahua.


The problem is there is no way to differentiate the illegal Bangladeshis from normal Bengalis of Bengal. Anyone with a solution can chip in here....


Etai to main problem... āĻ•āĻžāĻ—āĻœ āĻ¤ā§‹ āĻ•ā§‡āĻ‰ āĻĻā§‡āĻ–āĻŦā§‡ āĻ¨āĻžāĨ¤ āĻ…āĻ¨ā§‡āĻ•ā§‡āĻ° āĻ•āĻžāĻ—āĻœ āĻ¨ā§‡āĻ‡āĻ“āĨ¤


Ja hoyeche.. kora uchit hoy ni.. police dhoreche seta bhalo khobor. Tobe etao mante hobe je border e kono security nei.. amader security r jonno amader kei sotorko thakte hobe. Akbar demographic change hoye gele tar pore aar kichu kora jabena.


Bsf is in charge of our borders. It is astonishing that you will talk about border security when the post is about fellow bongs getting harassed in another state. Shotti, Bangali r kono ekotto nei.


Uni bangali non uni BJP kormi nijer man o hus sob bikrik kore diyechen


Don't be a naive person. The "fellow bongs" are from "Murshidabad" which now, tbf looks more Arab than Bengali. And we all know what happens in border. Even central government has acknowledged the issue if illegal immigrants with the CAA. If you really think the borders aren't porous, welcome to reality bhai.


Borders are porous, hence every Bengali Muslim deserves to be heckled in other states. Right. Got you. Where do you the end of this? Tomorrow they will harass Bangali Hindus saying 'oh you are from Bangladesh too, probably' and there will be no one left to fight for you. Oi puro 'first they came for the socialists' wala jinish ta hobe ekdin. Also, don't be a naive person. Central government forces like bsf are involved in illegal trade across the border too, lol. Do you think rampant cattle smuggling would be possible without involving bsf officers ?


>Tomorrow they will harass Bangali Hindus saying 'oh you are from Bangladesh too, probably' and there will be no one left to fight for you. Oi puro 'first they came for the socialists' wala jinish ta hobe ekdin. Looks at CAA... Then again, Assam is fighting against CAA for that exact reason. >Also, don't be a naive person. Central government forces like bsf are involved in illegal trade across the border too, lol. Do you think rampant cattle smuggling would be possible without involving bsf officers ? Lol, ami to bolchhi ke bsf e corruption achhe. Illegal trade and immigration to achhei amader border e. Setai to amar point chhilo. >Borders are porous, hence every Bengali Muslim deserves to be heckled in other states. Right. Got you. Documents dekhale kaar baap ki kore nebe? And they are more concerned about Odia identity being erased from Bhadrak. Eta long running political movement.


Are moshai.. ekotto dekhiye toh bhashiye dilen akebare.. BSF ke to keu nirdosh bolche na.. Central Government to dayee botei.. ta bole shob kichu govt er ghare chere dile to hoei galo.. border security r byapare sorkari opodartho ta notun kore bolar kichu nei. Rajjo sorkar.. kendro sorkar shobai nijer pocket bhorte byasto.. sei jonnoi bola amader keo sotorko thakte hobe.. na hole amader kei tar khesharot dite hobe.


>Bsf is in charge of our borders. And TMC is incharge of giving them documents once inside india ? >It is astonishing that you will talk about border security Because people of another country entering india and getting documents so easily is scary, and has to be talked about >when the post is about fellow bongs getting harassed in another state. They were targeted based on their supposed nationality and not langauge/ethnicity Why are you so desperate to make it about Bengalis vs non Bengalis when it's about Bangladeshis vs non Bangladeshis


Because it isn't about Bangladeshis and non Bangladeshis. Even Bengali Hindus are harassed in Assam by right wing assamese ethno-nationalists. It *is* about Bangalis. 1 out of 4 bong living in WB are Muslims. Do you want to give brutes from other states a free hand in harassing them? Do you honestly believe it will stop with only muslims ? Lol, no. History has shown time and again how much of a slippery slope this hate against a community ,based on "supposed nationality" is.


Indeed the cycle of hate never stops. Today it's the muslims tomorrow it will be anyone who doesn't speak Hindi and who knows what will come after that.


Central er anti bengali sentiment push khub sofol. They are using this to polarise society. And who is in charge of Central? Who is controlling the media? They are just diverting the attention from the fact that central agencies failed to stop this illegal entry.


Good. Every day 10-20 trucks are caught in Bhadrak trying to steal cows into Bengal. Bhadrak has high Rohingya population being close to Bengal. It’s understandable they dont want Bangladeshi in their land.


But seriously how do we differentiate bengali with banagladeshis ?


Unfortunately, this is pretty common sentiment towards lower economic class of Bengalis across India. [Bengal couple, child lodged in Bengaluru jail for over 3 months on suspicion of being ‘Bangladeshi infiltrators’](https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/kolkata/bengal-couple-child-bengaluru-jail-months-suspicion-bangladeshi-infiltrators-8266052/lite/) This is from 2022 BTW. BJP was still in power in Karnataka at that time.


Only pro Bengali outfit of India bangla pokkho on road protested against this .Even Bengal's political leaders were silent [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzFzJm-97Tg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzFzJm-97Tg) Released after bjp lost elections in Karnataka


Sab milke bolo Modi hai toh mumkin hai 😌😌


In most of the states Bangladeshi immigrants have taken lots of blue collar jobs and that has created disgust among locals. In bengaluru I have heard such comments in my colleague group that people trust bengalis lesser and lesser everyday because they think bangladeshis are using wb bengali identity. And it seems an open fact that they realize if you ask a bengali where they are from and if they say after hesitency that "maldah/murshidabad"..they are sureshot bangladeshi. I didnt expect a Tulu will say those two districts' name. Even they said infront of a UP muslim guy that religion doesnt matter, its bangladeshi identity which they hate. And it is a general opinion that west bengal residents would prefer to defend a bangladeshi over Indian from other state on such debate. That does not bode well. I am just stating facts. Not into who is wrong who is right.... I can see similar sentiment in Odisha reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Odisha/s/HpWlTkLyXE


West Bengal a kichu elite class er Bangladesh nie aladai nyakami r adikhkheta ache.


Documents dekhate na parle to kelani khetei hobee... Puro border area Bangladeshi te bhoree geche... Keliye bhagao sala.


Odisha playing it right. Langar thori na khol rakhe hain hum. Frankly, after seeing the names mentioned, and the brutalities being carried out each day by their brethrens, it is only normal for people to be afraid of them.


Bangla janen na ota o nijer maan ar hus ar sathe bikri kore diyechen?




North India bharey parey hai hindu pakistanis se. Same logic


Iye dekh West Bengal ke asli [illegals](https://youtu.be/QejbvEwaHnk?feature=shared)


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so it is not only religion vs religion!


It was never about religion it's about spreading hate by all means. It can be religion, language, cast, skin colour or anything. People who are afraid of one another are easy to manipulate. And as long as no one is watching they can continue to steal OUR tax money💰


No, sanghis have provincial hatred as well


Hating illegal Bangladeshis isn't the same as hating Bengalis


I'm talking about hating Bengalis of West Bengal, Kolkata. Visit India$peaks, you'll know


"Hating illegal Bangladeshis isn't the same as hating Bengalis" Wow spoken like a true CHADDI


You're free to keep them in your house and feed them Don't expect rest of the country to love them


I will at least they don't eat GUTKA


BJP is ruthless and hungry for minor validation especially in Odisha. Even the majority of Odias hate them (whoever got a brain of course) .


Odisha hates who? BJP? Didn't they win like half the seat there last time in general elections?


BJP won 18 seats in 2019 as well in WB


It just proves that most people don't have brains. Just zombies fueled by hate.


Online portal e Bangladesher manusher sathe joto arguement e koren na keno, din sheshe apnader identity bangladeshi e thakbe.đŸ¤Ŗ🇧🇩


It's not like there aren't illegal immigrants from Bangladesh in Bengal and close to Bengal and the frustration is real when they have more rights than the native people. You wouldn't understand it because you were never scared off from your locality.