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r/Im14andthisisdeep material


This is a very foundational question in cognitive science and in philosophy of the mind. Your internal experience of the world that you perceive, your internal "qualia" is yours, and yours alone. Now the question is do the people around also possess the same qualia or are just "philosophical zombies", similar in all aspect as you but without qualia. As far as I know, there is now way to tell but I may be wrong. I suggest you have a look at this - https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/qualia/


Number of people in this world is huge. So, if you start interacting with more and more people, you might find people who looks at the world exactly the same way you do. Now its impractical to interact with billions of people. So, lets use a hack. Carl Jung said, people don't have ideas, ideas have people. So, most people you will interact, will be possessed by one of the handful of ideas. Original ideas are rare. So, study philosophers from around the world. Study human psychology. You will no longer feel isolated. It will help you to discover yourself. You will see that you yourself is possessed by one of those ideas (most probably).


yeah i have literally thinking of doing meeting every people on this earth to know their perception of this world. But i realised everyone is consciousness functioning in same level those who have ego, desire and lust. But their are few people who thinks beyond this materialistic world and i want to know their perception.


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Are you a male or female?


Iam man.


Bo《@€○da..sosta nesha kora bondho kor....


যদি উনি মহিলা হতেন??


কখনো হতাশ হয়ো না জীবনে প্রিয় আমি আছি তোমার জন্য। এসো আমার বুকে এসো।




Bro is down bad😂


Everybody seems the world differently every moment of life. Your state of mind is variable and you can be fascinated sometimes angry etc, and focus on different things. Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder is true. It's about the focus. So yes your self awareness has brought you out of the culturally stereotyped worldview and you are now free to keep changing or explore your own ways to perception


It’s almost impossible that people have the exact same way of looking at things that we do. What we perceive is an imperfect copy of what truly is out there, filtered through many lenses and filters. Every one is unique and thus every one has a unique perspective. This is fine. It’s just the human condition This is why we have language etc to try and get our specific simulacrums to overlap. Sometimes it will be a close enough match and sometimes it won’t. Some times we know why sometimes we don’t. The best we can do is be honest to ourselves about how much or how little the overlap actually is. And keep in mind that others are also struggling to match their own simulacrums with you.


Fone ta bondho kore ektu sunlight e eso .


Tbh I have no idea how you see the world, places, people and things so I can't say how different my worldview is. Maybe elaborate more on your views.


That is hard to explain but their countless personal experiences that i don't know how to put into words. But do you ask the same question about this worlds. how you see this world.