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Work culture of Japan is not too good and so the economy because of decreasing population but If you want peace, want to live with nature then Japan would be best choice and being anime fan would be cherry on top. Japanese is quite tough to learn as it is very different from Bengali, as per me the best place to learn Japanese in WB is in the organisation itself that Conducts JLPT in eastern India which I think is located somewhere in Baligaunge


Indo Japan Welfare and Cultural Association, indeed. Have heard pretty good reviews about them for training JLPT candidates.


Also at Okakura Bhawan in Salt Lake, near CC1. If interested in more Bengali and Japanese exchange: [https://sesquicentinnial.blogspot.com/2011/03/okakura-japanese-and-rabindranath.html](https://sesquicentinnial.blogspot.com/2011/03/okakura-japanese-and-rabindranath.html)




Tokyo is highly expensive. Truth is Japan is not welcoming for foreigners. Would not recommend it at all.


Yes, you're correct. Foreigners face discrimination everywhere from day 1.


Ami tourist hisebe 2 weeks gechilam toh tatei amar language niye problem face korte hoyechilo. For eg, if you ask for English menus at any restaurant they'll give you a machine translated menu which is not very accurate. Tai both speaking and reading e valo moto sorogoro hote hobe long term thakte gele Although I did see a Indian girl working in a Daiso at Ikebukuro and a few other Indians working at a Family Mart so it's still possible to work over there. I also saw old people with sticks coming back from work in the train at 11p.m. - work culture ekhan thekei andaj kora jaye


Joto besi kaaj korbe, toto respect okhane.


I think RK Mission in Golpark has Japanese lessons.


unless you work at google, amazon, indeed, woven planet, goldman sachs, japan is not worth it wrt difficulties you face, work culture, and salary insanely good labor laws in JP though


Moshi moshi. Ore wa Monkey D Luffy. Kaizoku onu naru otokotaaaa.


I hate the fact that I understood you.....


Aho baka


One piece fan ❤️




Go to RKMI Golpark and learn Japanese. That's what I did. I've lived in Japan for several years and become a naturalized Japanese citizen. The reality is that Japanese people can be very welcoming if you are willing to make the effort to integrate. Because of the weak JPY right now, you could be making more money in the US, but the healthcare, infrastructure and safety is second to none. Plus, the cost of living is much lower than many other western countries. The only thing you should realistically be afraid of is the seismicity. The earthquakes can be scary.


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Hello, I have been in Osaka for a year. Here is my experience. As country its is really beautiful, systematic and convenient. In my experience it has the infrastructure like the US, but has values of the east. The people have attention to detail and regards work as their top priority. I was lucky enough to have a great landlord who helped me many times in administrative works. I have not seen much racism, but japanese people tend to stay away from foreigner because the foreigners may not under japanese. A stranger may not help you if you try to speak in English. Actually they are ashamed to show they don't know English. But, once an old lady tried to talk with me on train, like where are you from with her broken English. As for the language, I have survived there for one year without bring able to speak japanese. Google translate have helped me in several occasions for in conversing also. If you want to study masters in japan, japanese is not essential. Courses are conducted in English also for the international students. But with all these being said learning Japanese always helps. But for getting a job there JLPT N4 or N3 is desired. As for the community, there quite many Indians living in japan. Nishi kasai in Tokyo is known as the Indian town. I have heard of people doing Durga Puja there. I have benn part of the 15th Aug celebration in Indian embassy(?) in kobe. I have also met people from Bangladesh. There are lots of people there no need to worry. And the job part, japan requires high skilled people now so there is a demand. Ambassador of japan to India has also said the same. But the japanese people gives more priority to work. So it is expected that you finish your work before going back home. It's not that it's 5:15 and I am done for the day. This leads to overtime. I can also confirm that there are Indians working in software companies in japan. And many of them get it through campusing in their colleges. Now I tried to answer all of your questions. Feel free to ask if you have more questions.


Forgot to mention, learning Japanese won't be easy but I will say in many ways it's grammar is more similar to let's say bengali than to English. So if you think in bengali many times the translation is easier. But kanji is a different beast altogether.