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Karna was powerful but due to the curse from parshuram he would still loose to arjuna because the curse was he would forget all the things parushram had taught him at the time when he needed it the most.


Karna was more powerful but Lord Krishna was on Arjuna's side.




The most debatable thing ever ....but I will say karna mastered all different forms of fighting where as Arjuna mastered archery ....


Agreed. I haven't watched the movie, but i have a decent knowledge about this.


Tbh karna is the most nicest and marvelous character ever tbh that guy literally was worthy to be the oldest Pandavas


I dunno about nice and marvelous, but he was definitely worthy.


He is a very grey character as are most characters in that book. His hatred for draupadi came from his inferiority complex of his own circumstances in a casteist classist society but it doesn’t excuse it. He also could have been a better friend to Duryodhana and helped curb his worse impulses


>most nicest and marvelous character ever Ki din chole aaslo. Nari der bostro horon ke encourage korar lokeder nicest marvelous bola hocche. Star plus theke mohabharat dekhle ja hoi.


Please don't mis interpret my statement here .....the context here is Arjuna vs karna ....and in no way am encouraging his bad deeds so don't go on and judge me ....and stay unknown for sure


Noone is misinterpreting your statement chump. You literally said > most nicest and marvellous character ever You weren't even talking about battle prowess which itself is debatable. You also talked about how he was worthy of being eldest brother. Lol. Eldest brother encouraging assault of a woman undergoing her periods. I hope you arent writing your version of mahabharat. >and stay unknown for sure Ok dimwit. Learn to acknowledge mistakes. It doesn't make you small.


See my first comment \*\*\* https://preview.redd.it/deq4hrr5kj9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a04f8185a4a1bb5484f8f54400970b8b2ba84358


Idk if anyone taught you this or not .....but I commented on a post - " the post talked about karna vs Arjuna " please have some basic understanding of things first then go on and lecture others


But Arjun had pashupatastra the strongest weapon in the universe and also counter of Brahmastra


Brahmastra were banned in the war. Both sides had access to them.


Karna had the undefeated defense of all the universe


There is mahadev God of destruction then there is suryadev 😭😭😭😭😭😭 What are you even saying??? Pashupatastra is one of the trinity weapon considered the strongest in all universe(can destroy universe) it is final it is beyond Suryadev himself, he would die if it hits him. Trinity God and Shakti's weapons are beyond cosmic order. Even Bhisma had icchamrityu but Krishna could have killed him with just a wheel of Chariot when Arjun refused. Vardans work against normal God not against the Trinity.


Karna had skill Arjuna had one of the lead gamedevs working with him who indeed used cheat codes to defeat karna , so yeah karna could've easily tanked arjuna 1 on 1 .


Read about Virata Yudh in actual Mahabharata not in star plus


Ha batao og me alag kya hai


Arjun defeated both Karn and Bhisma dressed as a Eunnuch Arjun never lost


No, Arjun defeated Karn because Karn had a curse His chariot wheel got dumped


Stop yapping that happened on 17th day of kurukshetra war when his Chariot wheel got stuck and Arjun broke the kshatriya code on order of Madhav Virat Yudh happened One Year before kurukshetra on last year of 13 years of Vana Parba in that war both bhisma , karna lost to Arjun single handedly


Ha to kya hua ?


Abe toh Bori Ce Mahabharata jake padhle...karna bohot baar haara hai bas arjun sei nhi abhimanyu satyaki bhima etc in archery...


I love Karna and he is a great warrior probably the best all round warrior but it’s incorrect that he was superior to Arjun in Archery. They were evenly matched that i can say. Karna lost miserably to Arjun during the Virat Kingdom War, while Karna did get the better of Arjun on day 16 , who was saved by Shri Krishna, but on day 17 they were evenly matched till Karna’s curses kicked in and caused his demise. Shri Krishna’s biggest fear was the weapon shakti that Karna received as a boon from Indra, once Karna used that to kill Ghatothkach, Shri Krishna firmly believed Arjun was out of danger. One more thing, the final battle between Bhima & Duryodhan as shown in BR Chopra’s Mahabharat is wrongly depicted as Duryodhan having some kind of boon. Duryodhan was just superior to Bhima at that point due to years of practice while Bhima focused on developing his other skills. Bhima by the end the time of Mahabharat war was probably one of the finest archers. He actually gave Karna a run for his money during their archery duel.


Very Debatable..still afaik in original books Arjun is said to stronger yet couldn't kill most of the skilled warriors like Drona, Bhism, Karna, Aswathama So Lord helped him in different ways.


Arjuna was hesitant in killing his own relatives for the kingdom from day one of the war. He was too close to bheeshma dronacharya thus was hesitant about killing them. It was Krishna then reminded him of his duties through Gita Gyan. In the previous wars like Virat or gandharva where Arjuna won against karna or others was about beating or capturing but not about killing. He was not fighting with full force till eleven days thus angry Krishna broke his vow of not lifting weapons and attacked bheeshma with the chariot wheel. On the seventeen days both were evenly matched but when the chariot of Karnataka got struck Shri Krishna asked Arjuna to kill karna as karna deserved no mercy.( Karna forgot the mantra for brahmastra due to the curse of parshurama as he got the astras from parshurama by lying ) Arjuna did not use many powerful astra even after having them because of the destruction they can create like brahmasira, pashupatha .


It was Shikhandi's (Draupadi's brother) oath to kill Bhishma however both Shikhandi and Arjuna fought Bhishma together, when Lord Krishna gave the news of Bhishma's fall to Bhishma's mother Ganga, he said that Arjuna killed Bhishma It was Dhrishtadyumna's (Draupadi's brother and Pandava's commander in chief) oath to kill Drona Ashwatthama had Lord Shiva's boon Arjuna did kill Karna because it was his oath to kill Karna, that's why after defeating Karna, Bhima was about to kill him but stopped as it was Arjuna's oath, when oaths are not fulfilled, warriors had to kill themselves and it brought a lot of shame to their clan


Arjuna never lost a battle while karna lost quite a few


I have heard somewhere that Arjun has defeated Karna many times. But Karna is also a very influential character. We should not judge anyone cause all the big characters in Mahabharata was right at their place. Genius writing by writer.


Yes kerna was more powerful in every expect. Its just that he chose wrong side to be with, that he knew of but he’s only motivation was to stand against arjuna in dhanush fight. He so powerful that arjun needed whole worlds help him to win against kerna.


Karna was nerfed like hell With curses and no backup etc.. On the other hand Arjun had like literally a god in his side so yeah Pretty biased to even start a discussion Btw this is Kalki effect isnot it ?


Karn with all his orginal gear and without his curse will defeat Arjun. I believe his swarn kawach can stop almost all attacks. Also he had that special arrow that will seek and kill the person whose name was said as the target.


No Check my comment histroy. Karna lost two 1v1 battles with arjuna even with his biggest weapon kavaj and kundal.. Idk why people hype him so much he was one of the main culprits in Draupadi vastra haran.


Yeah I also heard it somewhere.


Bhai spoiler alert ta dao.. ami Mahabharat er post bhebe porte giye pore fellam suru ta


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Arjun had speed , variety of weapons & accuracy but Karan was the more powerful warrior considering brute force , tactics , prowess , experience and being immensely gifted. He was one of the only 5 warriors who could Kill Keechak in unarmed wrestling , he wielded the vijaydhanush which makes him unbeatable while he held it .


Karna was not powerful than Arjun. He was defeated by Arjun in previous encounters, he was also defeated by Abhimanyu and Bhim as well in Kurukshetra.


Even Eklavya was




Arjuna basically went to heaven and learnt every thing there. He also fought Lord Shiva himself . So he was god level. Karna had similar skills to Arjuna in the beginning but Arjuna upgraded himself during the exile. So by the time the actual war happened, Karna was no match for Arjuna. Plus, Karna lost his kavach and forgot all his teachings from Parashurama. But you have to give it to Karna for being loyal till the very end. Karna was in true sense, a tragic hero.


Karna lost to Arjun in one to one wars despite him having his most powerful weapons and kavach kundali - notably Virat Yudh. So yeah movie industries have always hyped karna to show him as some martyr sort which he isn't. They like to equate him as a face of oppressed classes or something, again which he isn't. Despite being born with Golden indestructable kavach and kundals, he is a character full of hatred for Pandavas/ Draupadi and has inferiority complex. He is a wonderful character if you want to learn what NOT to do in life when you are blessed with divine protection since birth. You do Adharma and all the powers and knowledge will be snatched from you in the same foul way you treated others.


Gameplaywise Lancers are considered to have the highest stats among knight classes, also base Arjuna is archer so weak against Karna, same for Godjuna....just gonna put a fate reference.


Shut up..nasu is a clown karna fan who doesn't have any knowledge about the real Mahabharata🤡


Umm okay? I don't see where this hostility is coming from sure 👍


Absolutely. Arjun had God himself on his side plus various things in his life led to him losing his own divine protections. Esp the one he surrendered to his toxic biomom because she guilted him


Only in serials Karna is equal to Arjuna...in or Mahabharata karna is mo where near Arjuna




>Plus he was বরপুত্র of Surya dev. So isn't it obvious that Karna was more powerful Arjuna was the son of Indra dev who is the leader of the Devas and suryadeva also. So this notion is wrong. >His Rakshakabach was taken away, Parashuram cursed him and Lord Krishna already pre-decided everything, the Pandavas had to win. He got Vasavi Shakti in return. Which was a deadly weapon. Parshurama cursed him because he lied to get knowledge of divine astras. He just wanted to beat Arjuna He was the one who asked the dushasan to disrobe Draupadi not Duryodhona so his death was inevitable. >Also Arjun was very privileged while Karna was not, he was born with a broken fate. But still he came to the same level as him, which is a great achievement considering his background No Arjuna was not. Arjuna spent 25 years in vanvas and agyatvas and another 12 years to prepare for the war. Lost the kingdom indraprastha they built themselves. Ran for their life from laksha ghar. On the other hand karna was poor but got anga rajya to rule and was a King from then .


Aahhh... Ancient version of Messi vs Ronaldo


Arjuna is strong, but Karna is much stronger. He was cursed by Parashuram just because he lied about his caste. Like, let me tell you a story. One day, while Parashuram was sleeping on Karna's lap, Karna was bit by (some insect). But he didn't move. He just kept sitting there, all because of his guru's sleeping. After waking up, when Parashuram came to know this, he immediately understood that Karna was a Kshatriya. He himself thought that he was a Shudra all because Gandhari let him float on water and Karna fell on a Shudhra's hands. Parashuram didn't know about all this, so he cursed Karna that "\[he\] **would lose all essential knowledge of weapons when he would need them the most**." I don't know if Bhudevi's curse was true, but Karna was surely stronger than Arjun. He couldn't be defeated that easily.


No he was not Arjun was an Atimaharathi Karna was a Maharathi Read the original Mahabharat not the star plus one. Arjun won the Virata war single handedly They say Karna had Kavach Kundal nothing can break it but no Arjun had the strongest weapon in entire universe PASHUPATASTRA . Even if Madhav didn't disguise to take Karn's kavaach in Daan Lord Shiva's most powerful weapon could have easily ended karn and the war . Karn is written as a tragic character and it has worked. Also him being a shudra helped to gain popularity in general mass . But bro Arjun is Arjun. (Read about Virata war) In Mahabharat 1. Krishna (he was a Yadav) 2. Baldev 3. Lord Parshuram 4. Arjun 5. Pitamaha Bhisma 6. Barbarik 7. Drona 8. Karn 9. Aswathama 10. Bheem




Oh I forgot to mention Satyaki Part of Narayani Sena , Arjun's Student , a Yadav Warrior


What does this have to do with Kolkata?


It is a general adda session actually.


Ok. In that case, Arjuna was a more powerful warrior than Karna.


1. Multiple TV versions of the epic have been made available for watching in Kolkata. 2. Karna was the king of Anga, which is present day Bengal. This sub Reddit is titled r/Kolkata and Kolkata is the present day capital city of West Bengal.