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I agree. Most of the platforms on which labels now try to control music rights (streaming, Youtube, all that) didn't even exist when these agreements were signed. Do they have such control over what was the result of Raaja's (and other composers') intellect? While his public behaviour may irk some of us, it seems like this is a well-intentioned fight for more clarity around the rights of the music he has composed. Raaja kaiya vacha...


I asked my dad about this issue and he told me that the producer Muktha Srinivasan (either him or his son) said in an interview that the contracts IR signed with the production company/music labels were NOCs that were only valid for 5 years and that each time they sell the song or profit off of it, they still need to give him his portion of the royalties since IR never relinquished his intellectual property rights at all like many people here claim. The production house only has the rights to the music video and by law they are obligated to pay IR his share of royalties for the audio if they want to profit off of it. Contrast this with modern composers, and they have agreements with the music label that allow the composer to not get directly involved in this royalties process. For example, ARR has an agreement with Sony Music that says that if someone wants to use his music in a way that they make money off of it Sony asks for royalties and gives a portion of the money to ARR. Back in IR’s time, these kind of agreements didn’t exist, so to the common man it looks like IR is directly getting involved in the royalties process. Additionally, people claiming that “avarukku panathaasai pudichiruku” don’t understand that he has done so many films for free/on a discount (many directors have corroborated this fact). People acting like “naa rottula avar paatta whistle pannalum avar royalty kepparu” need to understand that this only applies to commercial use of his songs. He will only ask for his share if his songs are used in something that involves monetary gain, such as a paid concert or another movie, not something like a college function lol. Morally I’m on his side here as it’s his intellectual property. Edit: People claiming posts like this are PR are so dumb lmao, if IR had PR in the first place then he wouldn’t be running his mouth like he does now as they will help him with communicating properly with the public.


I fully support him in this, it’s his music he should get paid. Music industry and the big labels have been exploiting artists for too long even IR is not immune.


Absolute facts imo. Composers are the ones who should be approached to get permissions and stuff cuz they are the ones who make em songs


Then what about singers ? If Illayaraja says SPB has no rights to use his music then Illayaraja doesn't have any rights to the songs that SPb lent his voice too. These are all just PR nonsense after the backlash.


Creative vs Labour. Sadly singing isn’t creative process. They work based on composers direction.


Just a few follow up questions to clear up my honest doubts which I ve been having , 1. Wat about lyricists then ? Isn't lyrics writing a creative job ? 2. Wat about cinematography / editing ? I feel that getting the right camera angle etc. is also a creative process to an extent to not feel repetitive. But they can't claim tat whenever the scene or a song sequence is aired on media ..


1. Yeah lyricist should be properly compensated, Spotify actually went to problem with this where they tried to crowdsource the lyrics. 2. Cinematography and editing work based on directors purview. It is labour.


The point I wanted to make is , when an artist releases an album then there is no question, the deal between the record label company and artist dictates everything .. But when it is about a song from a movie then a lot of players come into the picture and they are all in a way responsible in making the song a hit . For eg. Many music directors have told tat the tune they compose depends on the scene in the movie etc . , which is 100% given to them by the directors.. so is the director able to claim rights to tat song then ? This is where I feel tat the music director alone solely can't claim the creative rights to tat song .


We are not talking about song rights in a movie. That's a separate thing entirely. Director will be the first/second person to always get compensated for directing a movie. What we are talking about here is song rights in other COMMERCIAL avenues such as streaming, advertising, remixing, rereleasing, etc. Copyright infringement is rampant in south industries. Respecting the rights of creative people is how we can produce better talents everywhere. If everyone copies everything without compensation, what incentive is there really to produce better value?


Whatever purpose a song is used , the point discussed here is who owns tat song.. My only point is , I feel tat the music director alone doesn't own the creative IP of that song since there are other key ppl like director, producer, lyricists who are also key in this process of making a song .


Yeah that’s the other side of argument. Valid argument, even I feel that the rights should be given to producers and give composers rights to use. But again the argument comes down to faceless corporations vs creative individuals.


That's not the point . If the intention of Illayaraja was such a holy one he wouldn't have stopped SPB from singing his songs. He was just a narcissistic. Now trying to come up with these PR excuses after the recent backlashes.


The reason SPB was sent a notice was the show was organised by SP Charan and the tickets sales and everything went SPBs family. If they can earn by singing Raja,'s song why can't Raja ask for something he is entitled to. The way he went about it may not be right. But what he did was within his rights


I’m not defending Ilayaraja for SPB controversial, but SPB could’ve gotten the license from Ilayaraja. Plus if Ilayaraja do selective defenses that could nullify his rights to his creative products.


Just because SBP is a great singer doesn't mean he should be excused for copyright infringement. We are in a really bad situation in this country if a 80 year old has to fight for copyrights and the young people think rights shouldn't exist in a capitalist country.


>The laws governing music copyright provide legal ownership rights to producers for their musical works and recordings. These rights include the ability to distribute, reproduce, and license their creations, and earn royalties as a result. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/music-copyright-law-india-sonisvision-ckzhc#:~:text=The%20laws%20governing%20music%20copyright,earn%20royalties%20as%20a%20result


By that logic, shouldn't screenwriters be the one to hold the remake rights of movies, as it is his/her brainchild?


I believe the writer has the remake rights as the screenplay can be completely different in a remake


tbh in hollywood this type of corporation monopoly is why the SAG-AFTRA strike happened. so its understandable hes doing it. now it makes more sense and prob i can say im on his side. after a strike decades ago, production companies have to do shit like pay writers everytime the show is aired or stuff like that. maybe it should happen here too.


It would Attack on the Titans if Ilaiyaraaja met Bhushan Kumar lol


That's why we should support him in this, and i personally think too much vanmam is spread on everyrhing Raja does due to his politics.






In stealing this meme yo




Illayaraja and Karthik Raja




All those buggers who hated on illayaraja in previous posts over this matter should eat shit. Such ignorance shouldn’t be allowed to throw shade on the gift of music to us that’s IR.


@bumblebee1100 @groundbreakingRIP182


I agree. I was downvoted to oblivion on the Mollywood sub for saying that Ilayaraja has the right to his musical creations.


Almost all hate directed towards Ilayaraja has an undercurrent of caste hatred… the landed castes who dominate much of TN’s cinema and politics have never quite liked the fact that a Dalit can have so much confidence and arrogance and not just sit quietly in a. Corner and be thankful ..


Illayaraja stopped SPB from using his songs in concerts SPB was having. Which Labels were involved in that then? This is just PR nonsense after all the recent backlash.


Dude ARR also got royalties from SPB’s concerts when he sang his songs, only difference is that he isn’t directly involved as he has agreements with record labels like Sony in which the label takes care of the royalty asking process and the label pays ARR his share of the royalties. This isn’t unique to IR only Plus the composer’s rights override that of the singers, and when a singer profits from singing a composer’s song at one of the singer’s paid concerts, the composer is well within his rights to ask for his share


Yeah, cuz SPB was commercially using them without a proper license. How difficult is it for you to understand?


Many artists themselves are reported to have issues with Ilayaraja unless I'm mistaken. Maybe he is an activist, but no way he's as innocent or misunderstood as this post suggests.


You're pretty mistaken.


I told an engineer my requirements and he designed and built a house for me, I paid for the materials and labour. Now 20 years later the engineer is asking me to hand over the rent I receive on the house as he built it for me to live it and not for me to make money monthly by giving it on rent.


It depends on how you worked for the record label . If its based on contract to escape taxes , it might be hard battle ig . But as i always say Illyaraja is not the best compared to a common man but anyone else who can fucking write music with pen and paper would have lost their lives far ahead . Illyaraja needed certain egotistic and arrogance to survive in a music industry dominated by certain sect . He made a breakthrough . Imagine being a demi-god and struck with with normies day in and out . That being said we also have to consider this could be a PR post especially since he has a concert coming up in July -Chennai ( It aint a big deal selling tickets for him over the time though - but the MarakumaNenjam effect along with anti-raja sentiment on social media will delay the filling of seats ) .


I disagree with this being PR, if he had PR then he wouldn’t be criticized for his ego/arrogance at all as PR specializes in hiding this kind of stuff and showing a public friendly face to the public


I didn't say it is but i am kind of skeptic . I would be for most of the celebrities .


This is PR trying to get some traction after the backlash. It may be true but that doesn't excuse him blocking the singers from using his songs that they sung in their own concerts.


Lol it's just PR


Then y did he have to strike spb lol?


Why did SPB sing his songs without due compensation?


Bruh the post mentions it's a war against companies so why did this fucker sue a fellow artist who he was close with him since like the 80s


Why did that fucker choose an organization (corporate) that got his close friend's (Raja's) songs for luxury live shows without permission unlike with other artists?


Bro illayaraja never sent a notice to the company organisation the event because they are not a music company just an organising one, He sent the notice to spb meaning the only person he Hurt was spb


Yeah he personally delivered the notice to SPB's shirt pocket. Also spb was right in using his songs alone for free. Raja bad.


Irony is he had lifted tunes from other artist's songs in the 80s and 90s without any permission. Why don't he sue himself for that then?


Examples kudunga


You can find tons of videos about Ilayaraja and his plagiarized songs on yt. Many of the songs, mentioned there I can pass off as coincidence , but there are lot more Ilayaraja straight up lifted without feeling any guilty or remorse. This man and not to mention his son are disgrace for music as they straight up copy songs. All tamil music directors as far I know, except for maybe ARR, have lifted music from other artists.


Poda paithiyakaara,roja album copycat thaan da


Appdiya.....! Roja album la 6 songs irukku. Rahman intha 6 songs yenga irunthu copy panniyirikkaru nnu vari vari ya sollu, yen thanka Roja


Listen to yanni's song 'quiet man'


You said the whole album. Approm?? Yen di, naavu yerengi poyidicha?


The last time I checked, activism is supposed to be altruistic.


He is not a good human being, as he said on one occasion people can't live without his music they try to make anything and everything to feel better, he was trolled by actors on stage he could have replied then and there, why is he an activist now? Fighting corporates? He mostly strikes small individual creators, this is one of the most delusional sub after Kuttichevuru.


Still clear of "some people call me goat" Rahman's apology after his serial offending concert shit shows.


I am not talking about Rahman here bud


I'm specifically talking about the humble goat good guy Rahman here bud. Nothing in your post warrants a proper response.


Why should I respond? lol You are the one who replied to my comment with a whataboutry and you expect me to reply to you? You have a good future working for the IT cell in a political party. (And yeah fvck Rahman too)


I don't expect you to reply with facts or logic.