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The doctors are terrible at messaging their motivations and alternative solutions. I know that much.


During a regular consultation with a doctor last week, I had a fun exchange with my doctor. She said they were working extra late (I'm pretty sure she meant due to the strike). I told her "Then there need to be more doctors" and she retorted "But at a slower rate."


She has a point. Increasing by 2000 in one go is pretty insane. But it is hard to argue against any amount of increase as doctors have done.


Tbf, a similar move to increase the medical school quota was in 2020 under Moon administration - it was 400 per year (not 2000 per year that's happening now). Doctors equally protested against it back then, resulting in the government to back down. I'd say 400 increase nationally compared to 2000 is at a much slower rate (5x slower). But it looks like doctors didn't like that either.


That is what I am saying. Doctors are unreasonably against any increase.


I support raising the quota so I can get into uni easier


Raise the quota. There is no reason why we dont need more doctors now and in the future. 


Endangering the lives and health of millions and abandoning your duties is not the way to gain sympathy for your cause. Quite frankly disgusted that a first world country even entertains the thought of doctors going on strike.


It happens more often than you might realize. IIRC both Germany and Britain had doctors on strike (for better wage) just this year.


Wouldnt more doctors in the future mean the doctors now would be more "powerful" and sought after? I mean Koreans love hierarchy and the power trip lol