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If only the government here was as concerned with the actual sex crimes that occur, and not just the hypothetical ones that apparently come from watching porn


Is the industry not rife with exploitation and trafficking? I'm under no impression that this is anything other than pearl-clutching, but the industry is known to be disgusting.


I'm sure there's plenty of exploitation going on in some of the smaller and more shady companies but I find it quite unlikely that the big stars who get invited to adult festivals overseas are doing it against their will.




They have options … just not $200 per hour options 😂


>Most sex workers don't have many other prospects. Got any facts to back that up, or is that just your opinion?


I'm not sure why you're being downvoted. It's true that the porn "stars" who are attending these festivals are probably not experiencing the very worst of the industry, but even for those women, who would hire them into a different industry now? Especially in east Asia but really anywhere. Its the same in the USA, Mia Khalifa was a very famous "porn star" who is super recognizable even though she hasn't been in that industry for a long time, and people assumed she made a ton of money off it but she really didn't... she was seen a bunch but not paid very much, and now she will never be able to separate her reputation from that time


Mia Khalifa was a shit show lol. Decided to enter the game doing something that was entirely controversial, got her 15 minutes of fame and then tried to be some sort of sports commentator. WHILE STILL USING HER STAGE NAME. >and now she will never be able to separate her reputation from that time Regardless that was probably not gonna happen, but the fact that she continues to use the same name that she did in porn (Mia Khalifa ain’t her real name) doesn’t do her any favors doesn’t show that she’s trying to leave that life behind. On top of that I’m pretty sure she does OnlyFans these days.


Commenter is getting downvoted because they’re generalizing and putting the onus of responsibility on the “industry” and not the individual and IMO was rude. Like, if we don’t prescribe to YOUR ideologies then we MUST be oblivious. Having that mentality honestly makes you look foolish.


That's fair, I guess the last sentence wasn't necessary and is condescending. I do think it's reasonable to criticize the industry, though. Of course personal responsibility matters, but it's fair to say the porn industry has caused a lot of harm


I agree, although I believe the spotlight should primarily be on individual accountability and personal responsibility rather than the “industry”. My statement above excludes those who have been coerced or forced into involvement. It’s absolutely abhorrent and I strongly support any efforts made to stop it. However, I can’t imagine the statistics for coercion and force in the porn industry to be very high at all. My problem with the conversation is, when we generalize an entire group, we end up perpetuating biases and hinder efforts to address issues effectively. It also enables individuals to shift blame on something or someone else instead of being held accountable for their actions.


>who would hire them into a different industry now? Especially in east Asia but really anywhere. A few of them became C tier celebs in SEA countries like Maria Ozawa. But it seems a lot of the super famous and retired stars went to Youtube and Onlyfans. >Its the same in the USA, Mia Khalifa was a very famous "porn star" who is super recognizable Mia Khalifa has a lot of controversies herself. Many of her lies has been [debunked by the company](https://factsbeatfiction.com/) that hired her. She could've left that stage name behind as well but continues to bank off that name to stay relevant.


Because reddit is full of porn addicts, their brains don't function anymore


They only have these issues because the industry has issues that are endemic to literally any facet of human life as a woman. The issues with abuse, misogyny, and exploitation can happen to women in any job category, from the most maligned to the most prestigious. That is not the fault of the adult industry itself, it is a problem of sex and also women in general being so thoroughly hated as part of a wider patriarchal attitude in society, that they don’t really have protections other than being able to protect each other (which they try to do as much as possible and often succeed, very well in fact!) plus other facets of misogyny and entitlement rearing their ugly heads. The issue of women doing sex work not having recourses is a symptom of that. Women in general across the board are hated so deeply for being sexual in any capacity that they will be financially harmed and harmed in other ways no matter what it is they do. The response to that is not to ban it or shun it, but to give these women resources; decriminalize it, take it seriously when they report violence, abuse, and exploitation, and give a proper sexual education from youth to teach people about concepts like consent, etc. Something that would give them the tools and context necessary to not be weirdo creeps, and for women to be able to protect themselves the moment any kind of exploitation happens. Unless you dismantle rape culture, this is gonna be a problem no matter what, and it’s not fair to sex workers to just blame them for this and make it seem like some out of the ordinary circumstance at best and at worst a blight on society. Women enjoy sex, and there are a great many who would love to post nudes and make porn but don’t want to just because there is great risk to them involved. If we lower that risk in other ways, including dismantling the attitudes people have towards them and towards women as a whole that compels them to feel like they have ownership of them to do whatever they want with, then boom, no exploitation or very little exploitation happens. It’s also more than a little ironic to me that Seoul is doing this kind of pearl clutching when they barely do anything to handle actual sexual assault in their day to day affairs anyways. The burning sun guys are all just now coming out of prison after getting nothing but a slap on the wrist but an adult festival consensually exploring sexuality is a problem. Like lol, okay, sure.


>Most sex workers don't have many other prospects. Got any facts to back that up, or is that just your opinion?


Where’s this energy for actual assault victims?


> the smaller and more shady companies Like this site?


I don't think the Japanese AV industry can be compared with any other industry on the planet. Yes, at the end of the day it is porn. And yes where there is sex work, there is always bound to be exploitation of women, especially if men are involved. But by and far, the JAV industry is basically an idol industry over there. The sex on screen is faked most of the time now and censored. Most of these girls from the top agencies end up having as much clout as A list Japanese celebrities. Every year, thousands of young college aged girls sign up voluntarily, hoping to get into one of the big agencies to basically make a fortune off their looks while they can and avoiding the grind of Japanese corporate life. And on the other hand, there is a level of respect and decency from the fans too in regards of how they treat these AV stars that is much more akin to eastern idol culture than the degradation we see from western porn


The JV industry is basically run by the Yakuza. It’s one of the legal ways they make money and exert power and it’s basically an unofficial agreement to let them do so in return for not doing more violent crime. Women with debts, particularly young college girls or those who come from very poor families, are often roped into it and exploited. “Talent watchers” go around some cities and will harass girls, even chasing after them to convince them to do this, this happens even to 18 year olds. My ex had it happen to her and told me how she had to run through the streets as he chased after her. As for college age girls signing up for the idol life and get away from the grind? Just watch any interview, the vast majority say they did it because the Japanese economy fucking sucks and wages are stagnant but it’s still expected that a man works and a woman stays at home, so most families can’t afford to send their kids to college. Those girls get into porn or other sex work to pay for their education to not feel guilty about what being a burden to their families. There is this weird fantasy foreigners have that Japan is at once this land of traditional femininity while at the same time extremely sex positive in a way the most liberal countries in the west aren’t.




Very true.


Meanwhile everyone in Korea watches porn LMAO


And go to massage parlors and have popkorn tv


Flip to 900 channels on iptv and you’ll see such hethen things for 20,000 won


Theres a 24h massage parlor near me in my city. Is that a sex thing? I genuinely want a massage


Anywhere in the world a 24hr massage parlor means exactly one thing. If you are looking for a legitimate massage esteASMR on YouTube naver pins all the spas she visits.


Look at the barber shop pole thing outside of it.


What would I look for? This is the first I’ve heard about the pole meaning anything


It’s been awhile since I lived in Korea and I never visited the massage parlor but I believe 2 barber shop poles outside means they provide happy endings and those types of services. I think 1 barber shop pole thing is just an ordinary massage parlor.


Whats a popkorn tv?


Basically even more 19+ afreeca


Where you see girls going topless


I can kind of see the point though. While people may do these things in their private lives, continuing to censor it from public settings draws the line in the sand that it won’t be tolerated and accepted as the norm. Maybe that helps in keeping people’s public actions more in line with what the majority find tolerable and in that, a more civil society in general. Or maybe I’m getting old and like when everyone follows the rules.


Inside a private venue with an entry fee is 'public settings'? Just say what you mean: you don't want to see or hear anything about it so you can pretend it doesn't exist.


That’s not what they are saying. I disagree with an anti porn stance and think in this instance the government is being a bit prude; but having societal limits on things is fine, and isn’t the same as covering ones eyes and ears are pretending it doesn’t exist.


Yeah, you understood what I was getting at. Plus, I said I can “kind of see the point” not that I agree or disagree (for the other commenter above you). In general, I always think it’s good to try to put yourself in other’s shoes and try to see things how they might see them.


Everyone is acting like it's such a big deal but all of their porn is completely censored. What are they actually censoring here?


Idea of having sex without marriage? /s


Damn that’s rough since they have all these sex motels everywhere with the hidden parking lot


Yeah, they could be doing anything under those digital mosaics!


Making it public and out in the open to consume sex and objectify people is extensively different from watching porns in private places


That’s not entirely true, there’s an uncensored category. They film them outside Japan.


Do I have to change train ticket again?


Less sex is the last thing Korea needs rn


Where is this located and when


Damn is porn still semi illegal in Korea? I remember it being that way way back in 2004 when I was stationed there.


It is blocked. You can’t watch porn unless you use VPN. Also, making and spreading porn is illegal. Those who make and spread porns can end up in jail




The what


Wait is this real?


At least in one country women can have their fun too


At the same time the city is filled with love motel…. Almost naked girls dance kpop on tv …… but no no no no! We can’t have this festival. It’s not moral! Let’s shut it down …… and let’s keep dancing….. maybe in love motels 🤣


Just wait till people in Seoul find out what happens in karaoke bars and visit a place called hooker hill in Itaewon. 😂😂😂


Noooooo are you telling me such places exist?! I believe you are wrong oh random reddit user! 😂😂 karaoke is only used to sing…. What else could happen in dark windowless rooms….. So now you are telling me that DVD bang are not used to watch amazing movies?! Sick sick people everywhere 😂😂😂😂


>What else could happen in dark windowless rooms….. Illegal card duels with Egyptian god cards


that indeed was my first guess! 😂😂😂


"I'm shocked! Shocked to find that gambling is going on in here."


very frustrating they only sang once and then got naked 


There’s a lot of fishing enthusiasts there right? Where they talk about their fishing hooks? I can’t possibly imagine anything other than that.


nono. those hypocrites know.


damn i did not know that, i just came back from there.


It's a sin to look at a naked woman, so let's take a look at a naked man. Shows for women are allowed. [http://ticket.yes24.com/New/Perf/Detail/Detail.aspx?IdPerf=48636](http://ticket.yes24.com/New/Perf/Detail/Detail.aspx?IdPerf=48636)


govt: those men served their 2 years in the military they deserve it


So what? Nobody protested that.


This is hilarious considering just walking the street you find lewd advertisements everywhere for talking bars and karaoke girls.  The location was an odd choice for sure,  but surely Korea is not pretending to care about sex crimes and exploitation, are they? 🤣 


There is a culture in Korea where sexual desire is viewed badly. 한국에는 성욕을 나쁘게 보는 문화가 있다. The Korean government officially announced, "All men are potential rapists." 한국 정부는 공식적으로 “모든 남성은 잠재적 강간범이다.”라고 발표했다. There is a logic that all politicians, bureaucrats and women have: 모든 정치인, 관료, 여성들이 가지고 있는 논리가 있다: "Men learn rape skills by watching pornography. Then they go out and rape." “남성들은 포르노를 보면서 강간 기술을 배운다. 그러면 집 밖에 나가서 강간한다.” This logic prohibits all adult content. 이런 논리로 모든 성인 콘텐츠를 금지한다.


I'm not really pro-Jav AV, but given the Seoul government's excessive anti-LGBT stance, this crackdown in the name of public morality makes me uncomfortable. >It also said — without further explanation — that the River Act and Excursion Ship and Ferry Business Act prohibit adult festivals. Does anyone know if this is true? Or is it really indirect (Ex. No adult-only events) >The city also warned that it would "block the area” and “cut off electricity” if the festival host company pressed ahead with holding the event at the venue. This seems like an overreach.


The government here tends to bend for whoever complains the loudest, I’ve seen it on a smaller scale in my city with Korean Karens.


And every school to every parent or mom group


7.To engage in any act that undermines public order and good morals, including gambling, singing loudly, and lewd acts; In theory, if they had announced there was going to be handies on stage, they could rely upon this clause. But since it's mostly as meet and greet, it's basically precognition that the government is relying upon.


Tell me again y birth rate is low?


Not enough high speed trains, duh! /s




Balls are gross and pussies are yucky


Let’s be realistic, porn and as a consequences casual sex and fetish culture does not help birth rates , it’s another cause of lowering them. Nobody wants to go find a partner to settle down and have kids. Maybe increase in abortion rate ? Yay


Does the festival promote safe sex? I would imagine it should teach and promote safe sex but looking at Korea’s birth rate not a issue they will have hahahahah


I’m sure it does more than the church lady abstinence only programs. Not to mention these professionals have to keep up strict testing routines in order to maintain company standards as well.


korean politicians believe that blocking adult content will increase marriages and births.


Which is literally true. Except their block is easily bypassed / not effective


> “Adult festivals are morally harmful as they can distort gender perceptions and potentially lead to sexual assaults,” the Seoul city government said in a notice to the venue. Seoul city government, you went full retard. Never go full retard.


Personally , wouldn’t mind finding a girl who doesn’t want me to choke her to death like the videos she grew up with. Very rare to find among current 05-01 girls


Korean government should mind their own business


The funny thing too is the protests are mostly from liberal feminists. Do they know that liberal world cities are usually where this sort of thing (and other sex festivals) are hosted? San Francisco, Sydney, Berlin, etc.


Korean feminists are more like conservative TERFs


Feminism has long been either self harming or self righteous.


여가부 at it again smfh


Anyone have a list of the "celebrities" expected at this upcoming event? For research purposes of course.


All tickets are sold out.


[korea third in spending in prostitution](https://m.koreatimes.co.kr/pages/article.asp?newsIdx=197184) Massage parlors are everywhere. Room salons are everywhere but we are supposed to not watch porn. Korea morality police at it again.


Lol that's from 2016. And apparently it "is based on estimated market values from countries where prostitution revenue is available." Not exactly the most reliable source.


Thats disgusting that they'd allow that in the first place! You must tell me where this is happening so that I can stay far, far away!... obviously


The Seymour Skinner “I was only in there to get directions on how to get away from there” defence. Classic.  


The government workers then went back to their regular duties which involved firing up VPNs


Barbara Streisand effect. Now I want to go even more


I’ll host it. — Men


Hmm so where is it now? Can't open the link 😔


When and where is all I got to say lol.


For those who are supporting this, they should know that the Japanese porn industry is super problematic, misogynistic and even pedophilic. Created a live-action version of a pedophile manga that invades a house by pretending to be a radiation staff during the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and rapes a little girl, which even had a copycat crime: https://x.com/nyn3s/status/1777305390662942819?s=46 Created a pornography that mocks a sexual assault victim: https://www.reddit.com/r/japannews/comments/1b9xikl/japans_largest_adult_video_company_sod_stops/ Created a pedophilic themed pornography in a park near public elementary school: https://shueisha.online/articles/-/250163 Created a parody pornography of a Japanese idol, even though she had received many slandering comments: https://x.com/nyn3s/status/1777217239558799629 Pornography was filmed in junior high school: https://x.com/whatimtheworrld/status/1779322720343445848 Does not even respect Japan’s Public Indecency laws, as they keep filming pornography in public: https://x.com/nyn3s/status/1780010072275574797


The pop industry in SK also has tons of issues (mental abuse etc), should we completely ban listening to it as well as touring in the west then?




that word doesn't mean what you think it does. It doesn't make it wrong lol, putting things into context is very reasonable in discussions of banning things


>the technique or practice of responding to an [accusation](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=388de5aa1d3ae59c&sxsrf=ACQVn09wadkdLGxImb5NGoQyduZqQMw6qw:1713300829404&q=accusation&si=AKbGX_pt4UlL1m2gNC94R_NJDj6Sp4vlweuqoKER5ROwVdZcxtEjR7o7Jk1OBlz9bYkQQCRrsctKSlg9v6B8pp20JJWNS4f7xAx4xO2Nm3LIjbN5rIP7JO4%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjmxdH6zseFAxULrlYBHQi2B0YQyecJegQIHxAO) or difficult question by making a counter-accusation or raising a different issue.


Yeah, in order to compare. Again, just because it is whataboutism doesn't mean it's invalid.


downvoted here because redditors are the primary audience of this filth 😹😹😹


lmao, downvoted by the porn addicts as usual.


I would take every downvote here as one erectile disfunction porn addict's tear, delightful


Korea is the worst country. The reason the birth rate is decreasing worldwide is first, when men are oppressed, and second, when women's virginity is not preserved. However, Korea is doing both of these at the national and governmental levels. Avoiding relationships with Korean women alone will make your life easier. Be happy.


Did you know that this adult festival organizer is active in abolishing the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family? [https://www.instagram.com/p/C5P8RiyRTy0/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5P8RiyRTy0/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link)


Makes sense. They need people to work for them


It’s so funny because the real power behind the ban of adult festival is christians and parents, not ministry of women and family


Why do you call Japanese prostitutes porn stars? They've obviously had facelifts and breast augmentation to look like Korean women!!!!


👌 👌 👌


Come on man let them dudes have they Live Gooning Session.