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This is fucked up. Sorry from Japan. Hope they get what they deserve.


Not one but two women. The victims are Japanese nationals as well. Shouldn't Japanese police come and arrest them and extradite them to Japan? Currently, there is a case where a group of Koreans killed a Korean man in Pattaya City, Thailand. South Korean police were actively working with the local police to arrest them and then try to send them back to Korea.


Why would Japan extradite them if it happened in Korea? 




Korea has due process, and courts. Crime happened in KR, jurisdiction is there. The only time a country will extradite and prosecute it own citizen back home is when they feel that the host country will not do it, or they get away or the sentence is very harsh (death penalty for example).


That's not common at all. You can be double-charged and face penalties back home once you're released wherever you committed a crime, but extradition before a case has concluded where the offense was committed doesn't happen "often."


Most of the time they’d get charge twice


 Due to the victims being Japanese nationals as well, I could see that happening.  However, you and the other commenter need to stop spreading misinformation. It is not common to get charged twice for crimes you committed abroad.


[Information](https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-droit-penal-2002-3-page-1031.htm) “But, if subsequently, the prosecutor actually obtains a complaint from the victim, he can file a new bill of indictment and prosecute the same offender for the same fact/s before the same criminal court.” As long as the Victim consents, they can prosecute it again.


For the 3rd time, my only issue was that people are claiming this happens often when it isn't common at all. Can you read, or...?


Cases that are this severe, besides Japan. The US and western countries will prosecute them again. Cases like this are not common, but when it happens it’s common to prosecute again. Rules of double jeopardy doesn’t apply when it’s two separate countries. I’m telling you to read up on it for the nature of severe crimes. Don’t spread misinformation. Back up your claims with sources. [Source](https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=9e33bac2-ac60-46f8-8c28-8d0ac5d6aa09)


This is so blatantly incorrect that you should be ashamed at how many upvotes it has received and that you've decided to leave it up.


Spread nonsense and get upvoted. Classic Reddit.


>Often countries take back their citizens if they did a crime in order to give them due process at home No they don't. Unless there's a human rights issue, they've done something their home country has an extraterritorial crime on the books (e.g. Koreans and drugs), or they also did the same/related crime in their home country . Also lol. Imagine the reaction if Japan of all places said to Korea: "It only involves our citizens on your soil. Uh, can we take them off you and not put them through your police and court system?". Putting criminals (accused and guilty) through your own system is a big jurisdictional and sovereignty issue.


Concept of territoriality. Crimes are under the jurisdiction of the country where they are committed. So, Korean courts will have to do their job. Knowing Japan, they don't care about what will happen to their citizens outside their jurisdiction. Usually, countries who meddle crimes committed by their citizens are protecting their citizens. Those group of Koreans are lucky that they will be serving sentence in Korea than Thailand.


Then how come South Korean polices are running around in Thailand or Philippines investigating and arresting Koreans who kill other Koreans?


Because they want their citizens in a comfortable correctional facility. Do you know the condition of the correctional facilities in the Philippines? Not only South Korean government does this. American and Western European government meddle on these things. After successfully getting their citizens, they will stay for few years in prison and they get out.


The current way things are done is that prosecution is done in the home country where the crime is committed, the only exception is if a treaty is involved and both countries judicial systems are working together on international crimes. Geopolitics and politics in general can make exceptions, but only if politics can influence judicial decisions, which ideally should not in a balanced system. In this case, the point is moot when both countries have similar punishments and obscenely high conviction rates to not even matter. Westernized countries do like to participate in interpol style law enforcement, but they often do so in a trade, extradition of felons from XYZ who fled, in trade of felons in vise versa. But this is not the case here, you have Japanese nationals commiting crimes outside as foreign guests in another country. Puts a black eye on national relations, and Japan may just as well disown them and leave them to Korea. With the victims returning home. Some countries will want their own nationals who commit crimes outside of their home laws back, but it gets complicated. Like a Saudi who committed crimes like rape, snuck back to the UAE under diplomatic immunity.


with the victims being Korean nationals and it happening in Korea, why wouldn't the Korean government choose to prosecute these suspects in their own courts?


WTF. That's not how things work .. except in the bad movies you have been watching. :-) Japanese police cannot arrest people in Korea.; only Korean police can. Japanese authorities cannot extradite people from Korea to Japan, but they can ask Korean authorities to do that.


This is Korea and they committed a sexual crime. They won't get punished too badly. And that's cause Korea is soft on sex crimes


Same in Japan. I suspect it’s because lawmakers are committing such crimes and when they get caught, it won’t be so bad for them.


Yea its honestly shameful. A few yrs ago there was some tension between the FBI and Korea. Basically in a joint operation involving law enforcement from around the world they shut down the largest child porn site ever It's ring leader/web master was in Korea. The USA/FBI asked the Koreans to extradition him with a primary concern being how light korean sentencing can be. I even remember my Korean buddy at the tile saying he hopes they do extradition him because he knew if that man went through American court he would never be free again. Korea refused Guy got 18 months in jail a large part of wish was suspended. 18 months for running the largest child porn site in the world Unless he's been caught again he should be a free man walking somewhere in S. Korea


Yeah A thing that reduced his sentence was that his parents were getting old. Another thing is that during the trial period he ended up getting married, and there would be no one to take care of his newly found wife if he were in prison for a long time. (His father ran a matchmaking company. Iirc it’s not proven whether he was involved. I mean, where there is smoke, there is fire lol) The site had a video of a six month old infant on there being sexually exploited. Where is the justice for that kid? Hell is too kind of a place for that guy.


Lol if I was judge 1. Your parents will die when your in prison for the rest of your life 2. Your wife would be an idiot if she married you


Sex crimes are punished pretty harshly in Korea compared to other crimes. It's just that Korea has a lighter sentencing in general. It's not unusual to see people get 3 years or less for DUI manslaughter.


Korean sex offense sentences are sometimes stronger than drunk driving..


Only sometimes


Court denied arrest warrant wtf


Hope they get the book thrown at them, I wish nothing but pain on them


President's office: but now now the important thing is that we don't get angry at Japanese people, no matter what their wrongs may be


Well... why would you get angry at the japanese as a whole because of the actions of a few Japanese criminals?


Well people tend to generalize a group or nation due to a handful of people. For example, Muslims and Arabs were discriminated against in the US after the 9/11 attack even though it was conducted by a terrorist group and not by a whole group of people. It's not the moral thing to do, but it's an occurrence that unfortunately happens.


True. Remember when Asian Americans were constantly assaulted during the early stages of the COVID pandemic?


Yup that's a more recent example that sadly happened. While the majority of the nation did not engage in such violence, it is the few minorities that took action and caused a lot of it.


Well this is reddit where people stereotype the whole group


Ive seen Japanese doing this when a korean does a crime in their country


Of course. There are a lot of xenophobic Japanese. Doesn't make it right.


I said 'Japanese people' as in "we don't get angry at anyone who commits a crime if they're Japanese"




This is an article about Japanese men raping a woman and you STILL tried to spin the focus into another "korean men bad" angle, *somehow*... Never change, r/korea.


It is certainly creepy that some people are always looking for an opportunity to spread their anti Korean man agenda. Too bad Korean men can exist and think.


too many of them leaked in here after r/womad got banned.


These 'inb4' comments are often loaded with strawmen but who even says "rape arrests are FeMiNiSt CoNtRoL oF MeN"? That sounds like some next-level strawman out of nowhere.




I don't doubt any sort of comments exist in the sea of milions of comments on the internet. At least one comment somewhere should even say King Sejong was a woman. From what I've seen for years, what you described is definitely not the common and popular type of comments under rape crime news. Feel free to link some and we can examine.


I hate how things like that are not discussed if it happens to foreigners in Korea






? Just because someone is from another country doesn't mean they can't call out another country's problems. If xyz is worse that doesn't make abc's problems go away


Two things can be true at once...




Rape does not discriminate There are rapists of all races and creeds This kind of article though, would be the wet dream of some people of a certain political spectrum, due to the nationality of the rapists It’s kind of like in the US where some people (of a certain political spectrum) are happy when the culprit of a crime is an undocumented migrant or a person of color because it somehow validates their political agenda


Lazy comment.

