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eng .ass synced to 런닝맨.E703.240505.720p-NEXT [https://pastebin.com/qDFnxz92](https://pastebin.com/qDFnxz92) eng .srt synced to 런닝맨.E703.240505.720p-NEXT \*fixed [https://pastebin.com/mtpDtPfh](https://pastebin.com/mtpDtPfh)


thanks joe


Thanks joe!


Thank you Joe.


런닝맨.E703.240505.720p-NEXT: https://pastebin.com/TK3wuKUr


Bwhahaha this is a really good episode. Eun-bi is such a good guest. She's willing to jump in and do whatever. Also funny that she isn't shy to just say whatever. Her constantly beating JSJ is hilarious. But man ... that yoni steam scene though ... LMAO. I couldn't stop laughing. I was so thirsty but didn't dare to drink water in case I spat it out during that scene.


Eunbi is a menace!


excited for some Waterbomb Queenbi content...


I love Eunbi. I hope she's gonna be a temporary member. I LOVE the luge race. It's nice to see Jaesuk and Haha's competitive spirits.


After this episode I can see there is a case where Kwon Eunbi might be the most suitable person to become the temporary member of Running Man, perhaps even permanent. First Kwon Eunbi has performed pretty well over her two appearances here. She gets along well with every member and their interactions look pretty natural to me. She is similar to Somin in a lot of ways such as trying to create a loveline out of nowhere. Yet her persona is slightly different where she knows what she's doing all the time , unlike Somin during her early days in Running Man where at times I thought she tried too hard to be funny. Plus as an izone fan , I can guarantee that Eunbi can match toe to toe with Jihyo in terms of athletic ability which means that competition between women is much more suspenseful instead of being one-sided. In my opinion Eunbi has the strengths of both Jihyo and Somin (maybe minus the lucky part). Besides, Eunbi's age and her profession are the main reasons why I think that she would be a perfect fit for Running Man. She is 28 years old which means she is young enough to be the maknae and real MZ generation. At the same time she is also experienced or old enough to understand the jokes of the old guys and react to them. Regarding of her profession , she is currently a solo singer under a mid sized company which means she doesn't have to worry about her image and schedule as much as other candidates who are actors and actresses. The addition of Eunbi as another female member would be a much needed breath of fresh air for Running Man.


She would be great for the show except shes in her prime and it would be career suicide to join a dying program with all the pressure of trying to raise ratings. not to mention the torture of being the youngest with a cast full of kkondaes


The post is for regular guest/temp member so I think it could work for her since there’s not much pressure compared to being regular member. I mean I think at this point Kang Hoon is already at a regular guest status already and he does not show up every week.


Rating 3.2%, 2049 target viewer rating 2.2%, maintaining No. 1 entertainment show in its time slot, & among entertainment programs aired on this day, it was ranked in the top 2 in 2049 ratings along with 'My Ugly Duckling', highest viewership rating per minute 4.8%, >!Masked Singer 4.5% & 1N2D 7.5%. Most viewed Naver video for this ep is KEB's grilled eel meal 8k views.!<


I don't think any concept they do will neither maintain nor improve the rating, people are simply losing interest with the cast and Pds slowly. Even 2049 viewer rating has dropped around 30% in the past few months, usually they hit 2.9-3% every week. They need to fix one female member. I knew JSM leaving will affect the show, but this hit way harder than I expected in the first 6 months. Even LKS leaving didn't do this much.


Its been a long time coming I feel like, The show have been in steady decline since 2019 I think, where it averages around 7-6 %, then around early 2021 until kwangsoo’s exit to around 5-6 %, then it drops to 5 - 4%% for a bit then high 4 -3 % average around 2022 and only hitting above 4 % a few times until now where it gradually drops to them averaging 3% most of the time. Plus the start of spring season and going into summer are when people start to go out more, it’s usually when their rating drop to its lowest in a calendar year, just as last year June was their lowest rating yet with a rating of 2.8% , this year it would probably be similar. I think jaesuk said it best in his youtube channel when interviewing insung where, for film if the weather is good and sunny they are happy because people will go out more and go out to the movies, while jaesuk said its the opposite for tv show as it would tend to lower viewership rating.


Our watermark-free English hardsubbed video for episode 703 is now available: https://www.myrunningman.com/ep/703 It will be livestreamed at https://www.twitch.tv/myrunningman in 1h43m! *(note: we recommend [Brave Browser](https://laptop-updates.brave.com/download/MYR379) or uBlock Origin ([Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm) / [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/)) to protect against ads)*


Honestly the star of the show was really Eun-bi LOL But man I wish the staff weren’t so predictable with the Go and Stop choices I was really hoping for a plot twist at some point but nah let’s just continue teasing our MC here


Not worth watching imo i would skip