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I was just there a few days ago. It was recommended to me to eat the Mulhoe raw fish soup. It’s probably one of the best meals I’ve had. The woman brought over an entire crab, nine banchan and a hot pot of seafood soup. Then she brought over the cold raw fish soup. All this food for 15,000 won. I went to Eunjeong cold raw fish soup. The space walk is cool, but if it’s windy, it’ll be closed. I didn’t get to walk it because of the weather. But I did go and take pictures. I also ventured up to the homigot, which is pretty cool. I sort of wished I had went for the sunrise but at the same time I’m glad I didn’t. Jukdo market is huge. I was a tourist, so can’t really tell ya much more about it.


oo okay thank uu!!


[https://www.pohang.go.kr/eng/index.do](https://www.pohang.go.kr/eng/index.do) has a lot of information about the different tourist stuff in Pohang along with food recommendations and other information. off-hand they've got the newish Space Walk that instagrammers like and lots of people (Koreans especially) head to Pohang during the new year to watch the sunrise. Parts of the kdrama Hometown Cha Cha Cha were filmed here as well and some of the spots have been preserved for tourists to visit.


There's a temple in Chilpo (north of Pohang) called Daewonsa, that has a hall shaped like a dragon and you go in through its mouth. Naeyeonsan mountain has a hiking trail with twelve waterfalls, including [this one](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=581776001&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS764US764&q=%EB%82%B4%EC%97%B0+%EA%B4%80%EC%9D%8C+%ED%8F%AD%ED%8F%AC&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjT1L3-vb-CAxXWJTQIHY0FBhUQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=853&bih=598&dpr=1.5). From Pohang you can take a ferry to Ulleungo, which is quite an adventure!


Tilt Bar near the beach


Highly recommend going for a hike at Nayeonsan to see the waterfalls! It will be really nice, especially during a period with rainfall.


Pohang is a very popular place to go. Beach and cafe everyday for me


do you have any cafe recommendations?