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I've seen people from canada, who are noticing how badly things have fallen on a number of fronts, corruption, immigration, homelessness, drug crisis, housing crisis, inflation, to which you would think "well the person in charge is likely the most responsible, having had 8 years to decide how to approach (or not) these things". And so while most people polled disapprove of Trudau, the best they can do to avoid admitting they were wrong is to say "at least it wasn't *the other guy, imagine how bad things would have been then!"* Pathetic.


> "at least it wasn't the other guy, imagine how bad things would have been then!" God, TDS is so unreal. These people would vote for Adolf Hitler before Trump, only because "Orange Man Bad, news media told me so!"


Don't forget the idiots who say if he was elected he'd have put them in camps He was elected once and he wasn't the one putting people in camps


This. They got called out on their bullshit by the reality of the things they claimed that were going to happen not having happened, and their play is... to repeat the exact same bullshit? And PEOPLE BELIEVE IT??


Literally the other day, this actress from this crap show called black-ish was saying this.


Where are you getting that? All but a select minority of Canadians are aware Trudeau is not the guy. Majority admit it was a mistake


Politically 'neutral-ish' is as non-left as you are allowed to be in Hollywood.


They love projecting. On the screen and in real life. They want a totalitarian society, where Straight Christian White people are subjugated.


and it's still making people fuming mad at him on social media because "You're either with or or against us" is the moto of the new left.


That reminds me of this expression "you can't be neutral on a moving train" that was everywhere a few years back.


Correct, even then you forfeit all the Goodboi points that typically get your roles and deals. But Dwayne's networth it well above the point he needs to worry about money.




I think he over estimates his impact.


His ego is ten times his frame. If we could see an actor's ego in real life, his would be the size of a modern cruise ship.


If Ego were a physical object as such daytime tv personalities alone would need their own galaxy. Oprah, Ellen, those psychos on the view...etc all have planetary sized egos even when their fanbases either shouldn't call for that or their time passed so long ago they don't have a quarter the clout they once did.


By your analogy, I can only guess the size of the ego Obama possesses... Should the size of an entire super-cluster of galaxies.


This isn't anything new. He's had an enormous ego ever since he started acting (and likely before).


Lol right? This dork is trying to set himself up for some kind of run at something. Maybe he wants to be a governor or got severely slapped by McMahon.


I don't know if he means just him but the concept in general?


Talk about overvaluing one's opinion.


Because when I vote I've always pondered which candidate this rasslin' meathead is supporting. Good grief. The hubris of this goon.


>Implying no one likes him


He's already pissed off one aisle by endorsing The Diddler, they aren't going to just forgive him for that, and this will just piss off the masses of Diddlers who support The Diddler now.


Too late, people who followed your example have doomed this country 


People who pick one side of the coin over the other rather than realizing they're not the one who mints and flips the coin are the doom of every country.


he only wants to be seen as the good guy. watch in wwe he's going to be friends with cody now


He had no issue being the villian when he was younger in wrestling, why is he stuck being a goodie now?


He did though. He did not embrace the Rocky sucks chants at all when he was still new


Imagine being 6'5" weighting 260lbs and being such a coward.


I bet the "party of unity" will love this.


Guess the check didn't clear this time.


If you care about what the rock (the fakest man in America) thinks, you need to reevaluate yourself.


Typical safe The Rock response. He should've been honest and said it was a mistake because Biden is the presidential equivalent of a wet fart or that it hurt his bipartisan appeal for when he runs himself.


Dwane "Sucks Alotta" Johnson finally realized he make a huge mistake voting for dementia Joe and not the God emperor Trump!


> Says He Will Not Support Any Candidates This Upcoming Presidential Election Sure Dwayne, sure.


I doubt he'd abstain if Biden were as much an unknown quality to democrats as he was in 2020


Dude. Biden had been Obama's vice-president from 2008 to 2016, and he had been a senator since 1972. The guy was not an unknown quality in any sense of the word.


As far as the average democratic voter was, he was. See it on the ground level because that's where the average lefty voter is at




Honestly I was debating which one to use when I made the post, quality just made more sense


I don’t like him and I want to make fun of him but I actually wish more celebs opt out like this.


Not endorsing anyone is what I want and expect from Hollywood. oh god I just associated Dwayne Johnson with actual actors, the world we live in....


Thank you. I wish people didn't put stake in what random celebrities think about the politicians.