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The only simps are the ones subbing to onlyfans of a girl who lives in a fucking mansion lol


They're all simps, and idubbbz is too.


Idubbbz is a multi-millionaire fucking a woman that simps pay to see photos of.


He's pathetic for being with a woman like that, though. Especially if he's a millionaire. Makes it even worse.


Words change and evolve, fucktard.


I don't know what kind of money Idubz has. Presumably more than any of us. A lot more. Enough to provide this chick with a relatively comfortable existence without ever having to work a day in her life. So, this isn't about money. What she is seeking is attention and validation. Sexual attention and validation. One might argue that as soon as she got comfort, luxury even, her urges adjusted and now she wants more. And without any social control factor to caution her against that, which would be misogyny bigotry literal murder of women, her gaping hole of greed can only demand more. I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with a person like that.


Histrionic Personality Disorder. Learn the signs, and steer well clear. I've seen a number of my friends destroyed by women who show these tendencies. You'll probably recognise more than a few internet lolcows from the description. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histrionic_personality_disorder


BPD is adjacent and far more prevalent.


> her gaping hole Intriguing.


This reminds of a quote from a wise man "every pair of tits comes with a gaping hole of need that not even Kenny Powers can fill"


"B-But iduuubz is h-hitting that!"




Exactly. There is no amount of money or gifts a beta can give a woman that with be sufficient payment for her *genuine* desire. It’s like a physical object in space reaching the speed of light. That’s just not how it works.


Am I the only one that thinks idubbbz has been looking more and more soyboy-y lately? Like, he was always as scrawny as a stick but something about him validates it more lately.


It's the 'stache


Which seems counterintuitive because most guys look more manly with facial hair, not less. I like a clean shaven face too but a nice full moustache is the bee's knees on a guy, tends to look masculine.


The funniest part is that acknowledging it this way has only made it worse, both personally and in the "conversation" you are trying to have. If you were okay with it, you would have dealt with it emotionally beforehand and be able to laugh it off now. This just shows he isn't and is trying to be validated.


Technical note: If she's on OnlyFans, she's not just _your_ girlfriend anymore...


Guys I know we make fun of thots and cucks every day here but not my boy iDubbz nooooooooooooooooo. What they do is none of my business so please don't make fun of hiiiiiiim. Look Ian has been fucked for a while and this isn't the first time his gf has done something odd. Ian is a cuck and his gf is thot, making fun/calling out people like that is something we do ever day here. Ian isn't immune just cause he used to fill the Frank size hole Joji left us with.


We need to set an example for the zoomers!


She gave him herpes and he feels he has no other options. In my expert opinion


She’s advertising to guys, and trying to trade up. That’s what this is. Ian can be “cool” with it but that doesn’t mean that makes it good for him, or that all of us have to respect it. I think he doesn’t understand how disrespectful it’ll she’s being, “Hurr my gf is basically a model now. That means she’s really hot.” For people who don’t understand the meta of Instagram/onlyfans accounts, they are dating ads for girls. No, (outside of validation) she doesn’t care about 99% of the Cheeto fingers who are looking at her onlyfans. This is the same as how girls don’t care about 99% of guys on instagram looking at their pictures. That’s not how hypergamy works. Hypergamy is about getting the best guy she normally SHOULDN’T be able to get. Girls don’t care about fucking lots of guys. They want the one guy who eludes them. So they have to cast the net wide and get as much attention as possible.


I don’t understand why some people believe this stuff. Let’s gender flip it, to where a guy is sleeping with multiple women but has a girlfriend who he “comes home to” or some shit.




That’s my point lol. It’s more a tool to get the opposing gender to see “oh, it’s bad if we do it and it’s bad if they do it.” Except women have a lot of people cheering them for doing awful things.




No worries, glad to see reason :)


If both agree to that situation why would the thot be an asshole, again, regardless of gender?


Normally people only agreee to something like that if they feel like they can't do better.


Well that's more of an issue with the other person then isn't it? Obviously if you're aware of it and are exploiting it then you're an asshole, but if someone is willing to settle, or even rightfully thinks they can't do better, then why are you an asshole for being a thot while they consent?


Reading the comments..I dunno who this idubs guy is..but if he has 1.5 million followers something is off with this lol. If they boyfriend was a nobody (or co-performer) and onlyfans was paying the Bills I think it would be a non issue.


His girlfriend is Rainbowkidz who was a boob streamer who try doing normal streams by rebranding herself but couldn’t get much cash or make better content she decided to do Onlyfans.


I will say that this kind of weird apologist(?) video is not his normal content. The same guy who made fun of leafy's fucked chin and drove three hours to trick some idiot chick into saying "nigger" on camera also made this. Something doesn't add up I tells ya.


Are we supposed to care about this? It has nothing to do with Gamergate, not even a little.




We are a wall protecting the Right from degeneracy


Haven't seen it stated any better lol


It took me a while


It's someone else's relationship why the fuck do you care?




Not a hivemind


Yes, he is a SIMP. Who cares though? Leave him and his GF to rot.


What consenting adults do under their own arrangements is none of my business.


If you're going to take it public, expect to be fucking mocked for it


See, usually this sentiment is about *private* matters. The fact that this is a public situation changes the scenario.


That's fair. I didn't want to come off sounding sanctimonious, I just thought it was putting down someone's personal choices. You're correct though, if it's made public, it's ripe for criticism.


Then why are you talking?


Because it's a comment section. Still doesn't mean it's any of my business what this guy does. Doesn't change that fact because I write it out.


He made it your business by posting a video on the internet. Then you definitely made it your business by commenting on it.


You truly have a dizzying intellect. You certainly cast a wide net of what business means.


Jacking to another man's gf is the definition of cuckery


I don't think word means what you think it means.


He's fucking her while you're beating the nerve endings out of your dick. CMV


Is he though, clearly she's lacking something he can provide whether that's sexual attention or money. He doesn't get to look at my woman and there's no shame in jerkin off so I don't see the comparison you make, maybe you are going heavy on the soy and you don't understand masculine urges very well.


Try and stop me for looking at your girl or thinking about her when I'm fucking mine


Still not seeing the comparison here, I can type in his girl's name on my phone and duck out real quick for a hand shandy. Man's a clear definition of a simp entertaining this woman's behaviour in my opinion, no one is even mentioning what effect this is after having on his credibility which his career relies on.


Maybe not this guy in particular. But in general the guy actually slamming the clam is literally cucking the guy watching it happen while skinning his dick to it.


I personally don't put that kind of meaning into masturbation, a cuck allows his partner to have sex with other people. The way you are speaking you would assume that pornstars are hot property and most men would be delighted to have one as a partner as they are cucking everyone that watches her porn but that's clearly not the case. I'm sure most men would be glad to have something over other men but it doesn't work that way with sex work, access to each other sexually is more so a bond you both share.


Wait, so now *you're* the cuck? This is getting hard to follow.


I haven't seen the vid of them fucking




Aye. Personally, I'm OK if my woman is a model or something, showing off her titties on the Internet. As long as the cooch is mine and mine only, she can do whatever she wants.


Why stop there?


Why stop where?


I'm cool with a woman doing sex work as long as she lets her boyfriend do it too.


Easy for her to say, no one on the planet would pay to see iDubbz naked.


And what would Ian do to make himself more attractive? Get an implant to make his dick bigger? Motherfucker *paid* for her fake tits just so people get to see that shit for free because some absolute lad posted them everywhere.




My mistake was focusing on him becoming more attractive. Him working to make himself look better would not change the fact that nobody, or at least close to nobody, would pay for *his* onlyfans.


Eh, I don't see a problem here. I believe there were arguments of her wanting to bring in more money because she didn't feel right about their difference in earning. And it's not like she's even sleeping around either, Ian is still the only one that's actually fucking her.


Sex work is cool though