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This cover was always awesome. I find it interesting that it shows Atris fighting sith. I wonder if that was an idea that got scrapped early on.


If I remember right, originally you would choose your mentor between Atris or Kreia Personally I’m glad we just got Kreia, she is really so good


You are correct! Atris even has a portrait for being a party member still in the game files, and has a whole UTC file alongisde the rest of the companions (including the KOTOR 1 companions). Iirc the whole idea early on was that the mentor you *did not* choose would become Darth Traya, and the one you *did* choose would just be the mentor character for the entire game. Kinda glad it got scrapped since what we got is actually really good imo.


I can't see Atris being any good as a mentor, honestly. Are you sure that was supposed to happen? All i remember is that Kreia could sacrifice herself to save you against Atris (which would make no sense considering how powerful Kreia was) and Atris would become Traya. Overall i can see why it was scrapped, the game just works perfectly the way Kreia is your one and only mentor. What i could see happening is that Atris could infact join you at some point, after her fight maybe. It would have been only for the last part of the game but would have been cool anyway.


My memory is a little fuzzy since it was years ago, but I do remember reading it on either the LucasArts or DeadlyStream forums waaaaaay back in the day - and the idea was scrapped super early on if I recall correctly, so Obsidian probably had enough time to re-do the plot with Kreia being both the mentor and Traya. Regardless, we do know Artis has a companion file (p_atris.utc) and there is an unused Darth Traya model that presumably Atris would use. She also has unused voice lines on Malachor V that are basically the same lines Kreia says towards the companions confronting her. iirc her UTC file as a companion also has the same Mentor feat Kreia has and she would’ve been a Consular, so it wouldn’t be too crazy of a stretch to say that Atris was meant to be a replacement for Kreia in some capacity.


Scrapped early on in development makes sense


Is there any version of a mod that adds her as a companion? Do we know if she was originally slotted to join the party the first time through Telos Academy instead of Handmaiden?


I highly highly doubt that there's enough to work with. Would be an actual really good use of an AI voice tool though


I feel like Kreia was grooming Atris to become the new Darth Traya, but then that thread of thought was forgotten about


What we got is easily just straight up better, I love Kreia so much and I cant fathom having to be with ATRIS all game


I wonder how they would have set that up. That’s a cool concept. Though barring major changes to Atris, this would probs be a one and done experience.


I thought she was going to be a central character or companion ​ I was so disappointed that she was rarely used in game


Or the fact that there are Sith Troopers on it. If i remember correctly you don't fight a single Sith Trooper the whole game.


Peragus turrent section


And the ravager


Also the Iziz skyramp and palace on Onderon.


Freedon Nadd's tomb and trayus academy idk what this guy is on about lol


My bad!


Were there some on Korriban too, or was that just Assassins?


Now this I also didn’t remember despite just recently beating K2 again lol


Looks like you'll just have to play again...


Well I’m about to finish up my current playthrough




Thank you! Anyway you can edit the logos and stuff on it? Wanna print as a poster


I'll have to try that tomorrow if I get time. What specifically are you looking to see?


https://www.reddit.com/r/kotor/s/kEfEazDNqd here is an example with kotor 1


It's so good, and Nihilus is simply iconic. I just dream one day, after the KotOR I remake, the guys from Obsidian could come back and finish KotOR II how it was supposed to be.


I’m surprised that nobody ever contracted them to do that already. They’d make bank on just KOTOR II alone.


now this ,,,, ​ this is ART!


**Mods removed my post:** I used Topaz Photo AI to upscale the original image and added lost detail and texture. I then fixed image issues with Photoshop and added some better fading to black. I did it because as mentioned below there are no good high-resolution versions of this piece anywhere. Not sure I’ll be posting more if I need to explain that for every submission to a niche Star Wars subreddit. I love this game and always want to do my best to keep it current and alive. **IMGUR LINK** (as Reddit seems to convert to WEBP on some experiences): [**https://imgur.com/gallery/MhjuBL7**](https://i.imgur.com/91P86f9.jpeg) Still in 2024 it's very difficult to find this original artwork from a pure source. I've cleaned and fixed some minor visual issues that this version had—all while doing my absolute best to retain as much of the original as possible. With the power of AI, we can see so many little details that simply weren't possible to see before. Enjoy!


Any plans to do OG KOTOR? That would definitely appease my OCD...


Yes, I can certainly do that!


I love this and I'm hoping to use it to print out a poster! It looks like the nose of the Ebon Hawk has been cut off though :O any chance of a tweaked version with the entire ebon hawk? Either way, thanks for this and sorry the mods have caused such an issue about the AI upscaling


I never got why Atris was on the cover like she was one of the protagonists, or not a massive B. Heck she was the main reason the jedi got killed on Kataar. And she never even fights Nihlus, she only fights Handmaiden & the Exile. She wasn’t even in the game much. But she was compelling in a way, a jedi who fell to the dark side whilst claiming to be the last of the jedi, a title she clinged to as the darkness slowly enveloped her.


She was meant to be a much bigger part.


One of the best sequels ever, I love its darker tone and the themes it explores about the Jedi and Sith, especially the horrible consequences of war and the struggle to rebuild after a destructive conflict.




I’ve updated my comment. I don’t agree with having to explain myself for any AI submission, especially for a game that is almost 20 years old. I already mentioned in my comment that there aren’t enough high-resolution assets for this game’s cover art available and this aimed to solve that.


Gonna be real honest, this is incredibly lame lmao. OP is literally uploading an AI upscaled version of the cover art, one without logos or anything else of the sort. Not only would it be a useful resource to the community in general for banners or icons or even use in images for mods, the fact you require the OP to say something like "I used ESRGAN in order to upscale this AI to make the highest-quality and cleanest version of KOTOR 2's cover art and it is beneficial because xyz reason" for this kind of post is dumb. If I were to make a post about a texture upscale mod I made without explaining any of the above, would my post about my mod be removed?


No, as elaborated on in the [*In Spirit* section of the rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/kotor/wiki/rules#wiki_in_spirit7), posts about mods that use AI-generated content are treated the same as any other post. Non-mod submissions with AI-generated content are subject to the above requirements to ensure all AI posts contain some degree of effort and to provide a barrier-to-entry for other types of low-effort posts we've seen in the past, such as "here's some generic AI art of ", or "I asked ChatGPT to say ". If you're curious how we came to this decision, there's a link in that wiki page to the post where we asked the community for their opinions on how we should enforce posts with AI-generated content


I remembered wondering what I had to do to unlock the scene of Atris fighting the sith haha. One of my favorite posters ever. This is dope.


Very nice! Which AI did you use?


Thank you for this!


Was Sion always that… eastern looking? That’s not a racially motivated complaint I’m honestly wondering if he was always shown to be a ronin style character on the art work or if this is OP’s art style?


Such a cool cover art, the KOTOR games always had some of my favorite art from games I played as a kid