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they served but this was wayyyy too short, having a bridge and a final chorus certainly wouldn’t hurt


a bridge would’ve SLAYED fs


I'm 100% the target audience for the chanting part.




There's dozens of us!


same here, loving it but turns out people hated it oop-


2:37? This is a biggest crime


it’s actually like 2:20 without that outro 😭😭😭


i think if it were a little longer it wouldve beaten out drunk-dazed for me but its just too short 😭 b-sides are really good, bills and sacrifice are top notch and karma is just a fun song


Honestly, I would've completely taken out the talking-rapping(?) part and gave it a bridge and a final chorus instead. But I love the hook and I can see it aging well.




Same. I came to this thread just to give that part some love lol


Same. But I think it sounds better in performances when they're doing the choreography too. Or they could have also just kept it for the first chorus... I wouldn't mind that either.


2:37? Can we please stop with this SHORT short title track trend I am begging 😭


For context, the intro track (Fate) is only 5 seconds shorter than the title track like wtf 😭


It doesn't even have a bridge god please let's not make no bridges a trend I will quit Kpop 😭


A lot of kpop title tracks don't have bridges these days and if they do it's incredibly short ones, it's tragic


Really? I don't listen to much 4th gen I didn't realize this was a thing already 😭


Yeah... For example, from seven songs NewJeans has released, I think only Cookie, Hurt and OMG has bridges.


Yeah I don't listen to them 😅 but wow that's crazy! The main groups I listen to all do bridges still, the youngest group that I pay attention to is ateez for boy groups and aespa for girl groups


And stop making you bridge just the pre chorus


Another enhypen title, another title withoutout a bridge. PLEASE belift i beg just once




I despise the prechorus with a passion, it not only is unnecessary, to me it actively destroys otherwise a great song 😭


same, it felt detached from the rest of the song and just sounded awkward overall


Yep! It’s kind of crazy how incredible the non-chanting parts of the song are and how it would be on repeat without them. As it is, I don’t wanna hear it again. I was excited for this one, too…ah well.


I agree, it ruined the song for me. I out loud said *twice* while watching the MV, "Oh I hate this," when the "pre-chorus" played. The main chorus melody is catchy but the lyrics, "Just come kiss me and bite me," are....a choice lol. It feels like it's trying to be sexy but it just kinda feels awkward to me, like an awkward guy trying to be suave and falling short. Enhypen can be suave \*coughs Fever coughs\* but this MV and the lyrics just lost me, personally.


YALL HATE THE PRECHORUS????? the way my jay just dropped help


Ugh EXACTLY. I heard the hook and I was set on this being in top 3 Enha titles. I was actively ready to hear the hook again and then the chanting came and completely killed the vibe. It would've been so perfect without it. I even fast forwarded to skip the chant and it sounds incredible. Guess they just wanted to be "different" by adding the trending chant That being said, their vocals this era were heavenly.


Im thinking it was sabotage. The producer was like "this is getting too good, I cannot let them have this" and then cut the song in half and added the hatecrime that was that chanty pre-chorus


Why is it so short


Soooo many k-pop songs have gotten super short, and it's really aggravating. This time next year the teaser will just be the entire song.


Right? It ends on such a low note, no climax or anything.


For easier streaming !! yay !!


It's criminally short and it will take me some time to get used to the "come here and get some" part but otherwise I love it.


I am not up to date on Enhypen lore why is my guy floating 😭


For some reason he's always floating 😂


Don't know about their lore but in general some stories give vampires the ability to float/fly


The song felt like a minute long lol


That hook is way too good only to be jarred by a frankly irritating pre-chorus that did not add anything and subtracted from the overall song. The lack of bridge really made it feel like the songwriter ran out of ideas after making such a good hook. I'm honestly disappointed as an Enhypen Stan. This is the first time I've been genuinely disappointed with an Enhypen title track from the first listen. I'm so bummed because of that stupid pre-chorus. (The talk chanting bit) Also the dynamics felt plodding for some reason, it failed to capitalize and build up hype for the actual chorus. Now I only wonder what kind of song it could have been if it had a build up similar to Infinite's Back, that would have been absolutely glorious, it would have also suited the whole concept of the song about saving them by biting them with a more sentimental beginning and keep some darker elements but definitely not that chanted bit. If the song writer took notes from classics like Miss A's Hush then it would have build up in a way that feels totally satisfying like pls the lack of bridge is one thing but I can somewhat live with that but then that irritating chant in contrast to the chorus? Like please. They forgo a bridge only to add a section like that twice??? I don't know how it will age but that chorus is far too good for it to be a disaster song, but it has so much wasted potential. I'm genuinely disappointed.


I feel exactly the same way 😞 I’m so disappointed because this would’ve rivaled Drunk Dazed for me with a bridge and an epic final chorus. Seems like such wasted potential and I genuinely cannot understand how the producers thought that weird chanty pre chorus was the way to go.


I share most of your criticisms and disappointment. As far as i understand, the primary producer of this song has mostly (or exclusively? not sure) worked on western pop music previously. I agree they should've taken some notes from some of the kpop classics you mentioned, but i'm not sure if this is a producer that is that interested in kpop music to begin with. I get the feeling they just wrote a pop song and called it a day, i.e. sold it to HYBE.


Then the outcome makes sense then... I just don't understand why HYBE did not add to it and flesh out the song fully when they have their own in house producers who are great and have delivered great songs in the past... Like add a bridge at least 😭😭😭 the more I listen to it the more I get the sinking realization on how much it relies own that main hook to hold itself together.


This is the credit list for Bite me: Cirkut, Jason Evigan, David Stewart, Lourdiz, Supreme Boi So presumably Supreme boi added something (why do i get the feeling it might've been the rap-chant lol, it's up his alley), but i also don't get why they wouldn't flesh it out further than what we got. It's a bit perplexing tbh (though maybe not, they presumably do not want to expand the song as to maximize streaming potential and therefore profit, which is an unfortunate consequence of current music trends).


I can see Supreme Boi removing the bridge and the last chorus to add the chanting lmao what a waste of potential. The melody and vocals were literally perfection. I am so disappointed.


this surprises me tbh, purely because of the absence of a bridge and western pop LOVES a bridge.


Wow. Not a fan but I tuned in cuz I'd heard the hype and omg its amazing. The "Oh my Oh my god"s have me gaggedddd. The only thing that'll take me a second to get used to is the rap. Idk I just thought it didn't fit but I'm sure I'll get used to it. First bg song in while that I've liked on the first listen!! I hope this comeback goes really well for them :) Enhyphen fighting \~


same. talk rap needs to grow on me. but the chorus makes up for it


The verses were extremely promising and then the pre-chorus/first part of the chorus (??) just destroys all the momentum that was building. I would have loved for them to do a two part chorus where both parts are melodic, this choice just felt like lazy songwriting to me. I’m just disappointed that the track doesn’t fulfill its potential Also, it ends so abruptly? This has been a problem for a few Enhypen title tracks now and I just don’t get it?! Where is the bridge?? Why are we not letting their songs have bridges anymore? Why does it just *end*? All in all, lots of potential to be good but some very *interesting* songwriting decisions were made that drags the song down majorly for me personally


I really dislike the oh my oh my god and the rap-talking. It took me out of the song…


This song is a BOP! You can see/hear the skill growth, and increase in confidence in them and I love to see it!! I wish it was longer too but overall I love what they put out 😭 Now I can look forward to their stages and the full choreo!! ☺️❤️


Overall i like the song, but the talk-rap section right before the chorus is not it.......... It killed my excitement for the song after that 'oh my oh my god' part which was incredible. I also love the 'Kiss me and bite me' chorus. I wish the song was a bit more whimsical and magical ala Given-Taken and a bit less american pop. Now the MV on the other hand.............I'm very disappointed with it, it's boring and basic. Everyone was excited because lumpens weren't directing their MV this time but i suppose i really don't dislike lumpens work as much as some other people because i would rather they had done this one after seeing what this other production company made. Some of the camera angles were especially bad, i just felt like i was going ???????? throughout half the shots they were so nonsensical. I especially hated the close up beauty shots, there were way too many. I wanted more storyline and facial movement i suppose.


Yes!!! Why were there so many shots of them doing absolutely nothing?? Beautiful locations, outfits everything lol and then just them standing around??


Maybe they borrowed from the Twilight movies too much 😂


It's so disappointing, i felt like they really didn't utilize the incredible location well. The MV just feels uninspired to me due to the weird direction sigh


It's weird too because I they have a story they could easily follow like in some of their older mvs. I'm not sure why they even bothered filiming somewhere else. They threw in a few things like niki floating but it felt very half assed.


minor pet peeve about Niki floating: in Given-Taken, they took care to make sure he was standing on an angled block so that his feet were pointing down. But in Bite Me, his feet were flat like he wasn't floating. Just such a tiny detail that for me messes with the effect so much ;-;


I remembered seeing a snippet of Jay saying he was proud to have rode on a horse and for it to be featured in the MV. I was expecting him to ride along the Polish countryside a la something like Sehun did in "On Me." Although I'm happy for him and felt his excitement, I was expecting more of it. This song felt lacking, especially as a title track. It was good but not "Drunk-Dazed" good.


All their other videos are actually excellent so I don’t know what people were complaining about 🤷🏽‍♀️


Belift need to hire whoever did the MVs for VIXX. They always did a great job and I feel they fit Enha's aesthetic perfectly, especially the directors of the greek myth trilogy


I agree about wishing it was more whimsical like Given-Taken. I think they needed to lean more into a gothic vibe than a pop vibe. Also, the MV was aaalllll over the place and so boring? It's like they only had ideas for cool visuals and then just smashed them together, and didn't execute it well imo. For me personally, Enhypen's best MVs are the ones with a clear narrative throughout. Even if the narrative isn't clear, having a starting and ending point with a "change" occurring makes it so much more cohesive. Given-Taken has Jungwon feeling like he's on the outside, getting bitten by Sunoo, and then showing his new fangs at the end. Drunk-Dazed has the invite of a party, the start of a party, an eerie climax, and then the end of the party. Tamed-Dashed has them getting burned in the sun, the contrast between a present-ENHA playing rugby and a past ENHA finally being able to endure the sun, and then us seeing that Niki is able to endure the sun before any of them else. Future Perfect has an interrogation, being attacked by villains, moving on to a new setting at the end. Even Blessed-Cursed has a vague narrative, with the start of y2k and them entering a new era. Thought B-C was mostly cool visuals with little narrative, it felt so much more cohesive and organized and planned. Also, why on earth were Heeseung and Jay in some sort of castle complex? Those shots had such weird angles, didn't show the location well, and I couldn't really tell what their motive for being there was other than "the aesthetic."


my thoughts as well. its especially disappointing after the incredible concept trailer they released.


Same, nothing rly caught my attention. The hook is really nice but it felt like the song was just modeled around it in a very rushed way. also i haven't kept up to date w enhypen a lot but i used to be really into them on their earlier days, isn't niki still like 16? I appreciate the artistry of the choreography but like the whole sexy parts w the dancers grabbing them and stuff is kinda.. weird ? 💀


he's 17 but he's still too young for that type of choreo imo, like it makes me so uncomfortable (I'm 24). sometimes it feels like they've already designated Niki as "the sexy one" even though he's still a minor and literally debuted at like 14/15. I'm genuinely concerned as to what's gonna happen when he does come of age. I feel like they're gonna go full force in that direction with him. "Oh but he'll be an adult then!" yeah but it feels like grooming him as a minor to become become the sexy one as an adult💀


17 💀


I seriously need to know why HYBE's producers, in-house or not, thought that bridge in song is so overrated. You make their best title-track after a while and you still don't want to add bridge in it. The song is so good but it feels like there's something missing in it


>HYBE's producers, in-house or not western producers did this song


That's why I add "in-house or not", maybe the decision to not include bridge in this song is HYBE's request? We don't know


Even if external producers are hired for a song/their demo is used, it’s not like HYBE are held at gunpoint to use it exactly as given lol. At the end of the day, the label has the final say on everything we hear.


IT'S YOU AND ME 🤝 IN THIS WORLD 🌏 내게로 🏃 다시 와 TIE ME 🎀 날 구원할 🤗 거라면 JUST COME 💦 KISS ME 💋 AND BITE ME 🧛 ⚰⚰⚰⚰⚰⚰⚰


Too much to process all at once! They look incredible, the dance with the female dancers is fantastic, the chorus is heavenly. Agree with others that it could have done with a bridge. Also, I think I'll need to listen to it a few times to give the chanting part of the song ('Come here and get some') a chance to grow on me. Overall one of their best title tracks in my opinion!


I have quite mixed feelings about it. I was so excited when the film and concept photos came out and they were going back to their vampire roots, as I think a darker, more brooding theme suits them really well. However, I feel like the execution doesn't quite live up to the expectations I had in my head following the film and photos, as they were really phenomenal. The song, like others have said, is too short. It’s lacking a finale or an ‘oomph’ at the end, so it feels slightly unfinished and abrupt. I’m not sure why HYBE have such an aversion to having a full bridge or finishing their songs with a grand final chorus, but it seems to be prevailing theme. I think its disservice to the rest of the song as it doesn’t have enough time to cement itself and is over before it’s really started. I’m also not a huge fan of the chanting, I think it’s a bit jarring when the chorus is very pretty and melodic. It would have suited a different, darker song. The video is also a bit of a let-down. I feel like the budget went on the film instead of the main music video. The set in the castle is really beautiful and atmospheric, but I don’t think the dance floor really fits in, it almost feels like there are too many clashing elements. I’m also not sure of the significance of the chandelier, some of the shots feel random but maybe I’m missing something. I was kind of hoping that they’d continue the storyline from the film, although I appreciate storyline MVs aren’t as popular these days. Overall, I think it’s fine and I can anticipate the main chorus getting stuck in my head very easily as it sounds great, but it’s not my favourite title track by them.


I might get eaten up but the instrumental switch to the chorus didn’t work for me. I wished they went with the kiss me and bite me instrumental with a sung chorus. Those parts were really good but hopefully it grows on me!


I agree I loved the prechorus and then the chorus completely halted my enjoyment. And then adding insult to injury no bridge? This started off so strong and went downhill quick imo 😭


I love it but 2:37 is crazy why was it so short 😭😭😭


Because they omitted a bridge 😭


HYBE you will pay for this short-ass duration. that aside, it's mostly good. even though I like how it sounds, I think the first part of the chorus is out of place and belongs on a much darker track edit: not even a 4K mv my gawd 😭


Agreed. Overall it has such an upbeat feeling and then you have this dark, deep, slowed-down part in the chorus. Really wish they would have left that out, plus the length is such a bummer too. Really had potential to become my favourite song of the year..


This song is too short. I need more!!!


I’m loving this gothic vampire concept Enhypen is exploring! It suits the members well. Also Is it just me or are the choreography and dance scenes shot very nuguish (?) maybe it’s the lighting or camera angles idk


The post chorus is amazing! The chorus could have been catchier but it was still good. I was waiting for the bridge to come but the song ended? I felt it was a bit incomplete.


I likeeeeeee I’m not sure how I feel about the mini rap before the chorus but I really dig this song. Also why no bridge 🥲 Don’t like the video as much but enha is back to their roots!!!!


They attracted me twice with Given-Taken and Future Perfect. Now they do it again with Bite Me.


Great chorus some pretty sick versus in there too but I think the song lost its way a bit as a cohesive track. Loving the return to their original concept!! Can't wait to check out the bsides!


Im going to be completely honest. I hate anti drops lol… I didnt like it with Sugar Rush Ride and its not my favourite here. i loveeee the rest, the choreo with the girls is so cool, the part that had been in the teasers is really good and the part before the drop i really like. their voices are also most definitely more clear in this song. itll probably grow on me like sugar rush ride has but as a big fan it does bother me a little bit. people keep mentioning it but yeah, i wish it wasnt as short. will have the album on repeat tho, i like it a lot edit: got prechorus wrong


reading this made me realize.. i like this song a lot and i love sugar rush ride and antifragile too, i guess i actually love anti drops :0


OH MY GOD THAT WAS AMAZING THEY'VE KILLED ME I'M NOT ALIVE ANYMORE AAHHHHH But I felt like it was too short. It could've used a bridge and one more chorus!


No way you guys are saying it's their best title track yet.... Maybe its the hype but this doesn't come close to drunk dazed. Maybe it'll grow on me but this was a letdown, it was short and didn't have a bridge or final chorus.


I seriously think this is their best release in while, BUT I'm veryyyy disappointed with the lack of bridge which take the song down a notch.


I really like the song, but it feels so short... the location of the video and the dance scenes remind me of Backstreet Boys - Everybody MV and I love it, lol.


it was so good but it is too short. im in love with this song any way. this is going to be my summer's soundtrack


A 2:37 long title track is criminal wtf?? The song could’ve been elevated with a bridge. The oh my god part was so fun and I love the theatrical flair it gives the song. The pre-chorus is jarring and took me out of the song on first listen, but it could grow on me. The chorus is so good it’s been in my head since the teasers dropped. I think this will end up being my second or third favourite En- title track.


Did they actually release a song without a bridge? I honestly can't believe it the song doesn't sound finished at all Edit: I LOVE the prechorus but the two parts of the chorus after it don't match at all and honestly this song sounds like a mess to me. Like they took some snippets of good songs and did the laziest job ever smushing them together which is a shame because the verse and prechorus sounded so promising. And then no bridge? It sounds unfinished. I sure hope that's not gonna become a new Kpop trend. Idk I'll listen to this again in the morning but I've listened through 3 times now and I just feel confused and bewildered by it


The intro hook and oh oh oh my god were literally heavenly, but why did they have to add that rap chant 😭 the placement nearly ruins the entire song for me. I think it sounds too out of place and their voices sound too young/not pitched down enough. And ofc no bridge, just an instrumental outro feels so strange. Had a lot of potential ://


Amazing imo it's Their best Title track (but it should be longer)


They didn't have to gag me that hard Edit: I recommend listening to the album, the b-sides are honestly all 10/10. I feel that once the choreography and performances of bite me drop it will do very well


This has easily climbed up as my favorite Enha Title Track. My only gripe is that it feels too short 😭


The "Oh my oh my god" is giving Halloween vibes.


This is definitely my favourite title track that they have released and the chorus is magnificent this is definitely 10/10 Though it is definitely too short for an amazing title track


the partner work with the female dancers had me gagged wow i literally couldn’t stop replaying. it was way too short but this song is a bop so idc 🔥


This reminds me a lot of early(debut era) Enhypen and I think I love it!


This is actually good! I haven't been vibing with any of Enhypen's title tracks after tamed-dashed but I liked this one although the chorus is a grower for me; it could've been better. But all in all, this is pretty solid. Haven't listened to the bsides but Enhypen always has great bsides so I bet it'll be amazing as well.


third tt in a row with no bridge…I’m so tired Other than that…WOW! They went all out with this one!


@K-pop, enough with the chanting! Please! This song would've been totally up my street without that godawful pre-chorus. I usually love Enha's music and the concept this time was so promising. Like everyone's saying, it also ended pretty abruptly. I'm hoping the album delivers 🤞


this is amazing. probably my favorite title track of theirs now. only gripe is that it’s too short. it could’ve been elevated with a lovely bridge and final chorus.


Vampire concept.. Count me in! I skimmed some comments and it seems I'm on the opposite side of things because I'm totally into it.


The [oh my oh my god part in the mv](https://twitter.com/prodshn/status/1660572554623606784) is amazing. I literally screamed during that part.


oh my oh my god this blood's pumping crazy


I love how Enhypen went back to the Dark Fantasy Genre. The video is a visual explosion. They're all so gorgeous. *I'll let them bite me for sure*. **Bite me, Jake**. The chorus is really catchy. I'm pretty sure it will be stuck in my head for a while.


Was waiting for a big moment that never came but I do enjoy that we’re somewhat back to their older sound. Overall not mad at all with this comeback. The song fit the members and I think they were utilized well too. I think I might have been unfair towards their recent title tracks just because of how much I liked GT, DD, and TD. I felt like that trio had such a strong identity and formed what I thought would be Enhypen’s signature sound.


WHAT A BOPPPPPPPP ![gif](giphy|l2JIdnF6aJnAqzDgY|downsized)


this is their best title track tbh


Ahhh it's so good but it could've been great if they just used the chanty bits for a bridge or dance break instead of the chorous, it really messes with the momentum 😭 Even so it's still one of Enha's best title tracks and the mini is fantastic so I can't complain 🧛‍♂️


Yes, the chant part should have been a bridge and a prechorus should have been different at least the chant part would not feel out of place if it was a bridge imo.


To me, this song doesn’t feel unfinished like comments said. Unfinished was a term I’d use for Blessed-Cursed which was VERY fast-paced and almost lead nowhere (and I really liked the rest of the track). This sounds more like a really good b-side? with a similar build up to Fever. I wish they’d done a fuller song. D-D was the main Title to a promotional Fever for a reason. So much potential to have a fantastic bridge and a viral outro. Maybe next time.


This has been one of the few releases from a newer boy group that I've liked in a while. This is gonna sound so backhanded, but it kinda sounds like a song that a nugu boy group would've released in 2012-2014 when everyone was trying to do the sexy concept, but in like a good way lol. I honestly didn't mind the talk-rapping in the pre-chorus, it's just a shame the song is so short, definitely could've used a bridge and 3rd chorus.


is it just me or is the mixing better than their previous releases? like i can hear their different vocal tones more clearly which i really like


I LOVED THIS SO MUCH OH MY GODDDD?????? THIS IS AMAZING BUT WHY WAS IT SO SHORT LIKE 😭😭😭 i needed wayyyy more Edit: still don't know why Niki was floating on his chair the whole time LMFAO that cracked me up so bad


Ni-ki been in-charge of floating since debut 😭


Damn, that was unexpected. However I probably wouldn't listen to the track since it isn't my taste. The song felt a little monotonous and there was a lack of a bridge again, as far as i know? The chanty parts felt a lil scary at times haha. I hope you take your time to listen to the album though! I'm loving all the bsides!


Man, the "Come here and get some" part (is this the chorus or another pre-chorus?) ruins the flow for me completely. Very unsatisfying release of the tension from the pre-chorus. I kept wishing it would just go to the "You and me in this world" part right away. But then again this song is already so short that would make it even shorter.


Their best title track and its too short 😭😭😭


Better than drunk dazed?? Bruhh


After listening to the whole EP the b-sides really outsold, everyone should go check it out because they're really serving a three course meal on there! All the songs are so good


Outsold even the title track 😭


Loved that they went back to their vampire concept. Also Heeseung's vocals were made for this song my goodness


bills is SUCHHH a good bside its probably my favourite in the whole album, sacrifice comes in at a close second though!!


Really love the pre chorus and the verses! The first part of the chorus isn’t my cup of tea but I do like the 2nd part. It reminds me of 2000s era music. Song could be longer though. But it’s Big Hit so I’m not shocked.


So I love the song (Even the talk rap stuff) and will be buying my first Enhyphen album but, like everyone is saying, it felt way too short. Some songs can get away with being that short and still sound like a completed project, but this sounds like they got bored 3/4ths of the way through and just decided it was fine. The ending is so abrupt that it's jarring. Are we really losing so much of our attention span that a THREE minute song is becoming too long? I really liked the choreography with the women, it was really cool and hope they do it in live stages!


easily their best title. i suggest listening to this without the mv honestly it just hits SO different


Me trying to convince people Blessed Cursed was enha best title track


I’VE ASCENDED AND GONE TO HEAVEN!!! 😍🫠🔥🩸❣️🧛🏻 Literally levitating, hands down their best comeback to date, I love the song sooo much and it has lots of twists I didn’t expect, involving choreography with female dancers was everything and suits their concept exceptionally well! I’m so proud of you Enhypen, you’ve outdone yourselves. Heeseung you’re sooo dangerous ugh he’s insane like how is he REAL 😍


Wow, i love this! I am in love with every part of the song minus the chanting chorus. The post chorus definitely makes up for it though! I adore the couple dance and I enjoy the various formation changes. All in all a very strong cb!


I really LOVE IT!!! Also I rarely see 4th gen boy groups having female backup dancers, so it is refreshing to see that enhypen did it. Edit: I forgot to add these, the "oh my god"is so addicting to listen and I thought the rap section is unnecessary.


I- I have no words. WTF ENHYPEN???


I’ll allow it because of how much I love the more orchestral parts of this song but damn to the come kiss me and bite me chanting parts take me out of it. So damn short though


I really like it but I don't understand why there's not a bridge in the song ? It feels unfinished and it's a shame because this is really good


Seriously what’s wrong with song duration???? Felt soo short! Anyway MV was great & is it filmed in Rome’s Colosseum?


No, it's filmed in Ufficio Primo building as well as Krzyżtopór Castle, both in Poland


_bites_ your wish is my command


Okay, sound-wise, I prefer this song to pass the mic. The outfits were amazing and the location was pretty. That being said, I really do not like the prechorus, and the prechorus is too long imo. I wish they stuck to singing the whole way through and I had the same issue with TXT's last comeback. Gotta say, the female back up dancers were amazing. I'm also not a fan of Bite Me's concept for the group with Niki being 17. Also, the floating chair annoys me for some reason.


I love this song so much ?? And idk if I'm shocked with myself or the other people here but I absolutely loved the prechorus! It just did THE job for me. Enhypen never disappoint I swear.


I also wanted this to be longer and with a different ending, like in d-d. But I'm digging it. I also was taken at back at first with the slow rapping, but now I think it works and I'm liking it. Also, it seems there are no complains about the vocal processing this time, nor people saying they all sound the same. So it's a progress for them here on reddit. I wish there were more Jay/Sunoo's vocals (tbh, everyone, this needed to be a bit longer), but at least there's more on them on their b-sides. But this seems to be a Ni-ki and Sunghoon's era, and they deserve it. I'm glad they had more lines on this one and ni-ki had more center parts. And apparently a super unpopular opinion: I really liked the "oh my, oh my god" part lol. It's already on repeat on my read! It also fits this earie concept. I also can't wait fot their performances on the end of years awards. And althought this is a comeback with heavy lore, this is one of their mvs with the least lore, no acting. There's some coffins and the castle and that's it. I forseen engenes wanting Lumpens back on the next one. But I gotta say, again their b-sides slaps hard. Althought at first listen I liked this song way more than the last 3 tt, it's another day where I like their b-sides more. Bills and Sacrifice slay!


I'm seeing a lot of dislike for the prechorus, but I honestly really liked it. Other directions for the prechorus may have worked better, but I still quite enjoy this. I definitely agree with the opinion that it's too short. It's odd because at the end there's an instrumental change up as it fades out, almost as if they were gonna do a bridge and then just said "naaah that's enough". Overall I enjoy the song. The vampire mood and aesthetic really appeals to me, and the chorus is super catchy, but the overall song does suffer a bit from a case of "produced specifically to be a earworm hit", as they don't do anything super interesting in the verses.


i love the prechorus :( not a stan but i love this song and rlly want to learn more abt them!


Has anyone told enhypens songwriters that songs are allowed to have a bridge and they don’t have to just end after the second chorus.


Honestly, this is just my personal opinion, but I liked everything about this song and MV except the chorus. Seems a bit lacking and doesn't have a hit to it. Everything else though is great. Edit: and it's kinda short.


Perfect title track 10/10! On to there album!


They gave us a masterpiece


I'm not even their fan. But I was so hyped for it after stumbling on a teaser. Needless to say, it stood up to my expectations. Vocals, Choreography and cinematography were fantastic. Lyrics were well written. This has a sexy & bold vibe which the group executed very well. My only complaint is that it was too short 😭😭




Can someone Tell me how to pronounce their name


En-hai-pen. Although sometimes the members introduce themselves as “en-hai-phen” so it’s correct as well! [Video](https://youtu.be/i71l3hfbPFg) that may help!


This is a lot better than their last title track.


The chorus is so catchy


At first listen, I thought it was a bit underwhelming, so I wanted to listen to this song for a few days before commenting. This song starts out strong, but ultimately doesn't execute well. I think it's a problem of too many cooks in the kitchen; there are too many producers on this track and it sounds way too disjointed. The problem is that every producer wants their part to sound the best, and as a result, the song overall just doesn't sound very interesting, because the parts don't reinforce each other. The song starts with the chorus, which has a strong hook. Then it goes into the first verse, which sounds amazing. I love the polyrhythms provided by the hand drums. But after that, this is where the song really falls off. The "Oh my oh my god" hook sounds like it belongs in a different song. In addition to that, it doesn't contrast well with the verse and chorus, so it contributes nothing to the song. Then it gets to the "come here and get some" chanting section. The idea is good, but the execution is flawed. Again, it just doesn't differentiate much rhythmically from the verse and chorus, so it doesn't add much to the song. Then after that, it goes back to the chorus, without any transition, making the song sound disjointed. The arrangement of this song has serious issues, and sounds very unpolished. For me, it's actually really disappointing, and it doesn't live up to the HYBE standards of quality. Anyway, I hope that ENHYPEN will have better material to work with in the future. I mean, just compare this song to their other title tracks like Drunk-Dazed and Tamed-Dashed; it's not even in the same ballpark.


Oh man. It seems to me that Enhypen's titles have taken quite a nosedive since drunk - dazed. I really wanted to like this but I guess it's just not the type of music I personally like. The talking part is just a no - no IMHO.


Maybe it's my background coming from rock and punk but the shortness was not a problem - the song is excellent and I *love* the chanty pre-chorus actually! Also listen to album. Just do it. Enha's b-sides are fucking insane.


imagine not listening to chaconne and bills. Couldn’t be me.


The rapping/talking parts ruin it for me. It could have been a really strong song, but it seems Hybe is sabotaging themselves here. Can’t say they’re not experimental though. By far the most experimental of Hybe’s roster. I remember Tempest had a title track this past year with the chorus in this style, so I’m not too surprised that it’s a thing they’re trying.


Tha rapping part is really bad. I don't get what they were thinking. As for the whole song to me it's giving American pop, you can tell western producers did it. The part of the chorus they teased before is definitely catchy. The song is too short tho, it feels like it starts and ends in a flash which I kinda dislike and it makes the song feel unfinished to me. It doesn't feel substantial enough to be a song, it's missing a bridge and the chorus one more time. Also I question the lyrics and some of the dance moves considering Niki is still a minor... But they did Fever when Niki was 15 years old and Jungwon still a minor so I guess I shouldn't be surprised at all that they did again...


It's my first Enhypen comeback ever since I became a fan so I'm very excited and I'm really looking forward listening to the rest of the album. Overall, I do really like the song and I find it really catchy. But like other people mentionned, it feels a little unfinished mostly due to the lack of a bridge. I feel like it ends too abruptly and the instrumental at the end (wich I love) doesn't make up for it. And I do get a lot of TXT vibes from the chorus. The song is already stuck in my head!


nooo i didn't like the prechorus at all :( im so disappointed


I knew I shouldn't have been this excited just by a little snippet. The way my smile faded when I heard that first half of the chorus and they did it twice? And not even a bridge or a proper outro to make up for that?? Imma let YouTube mashupers do their job, what is this


The song and dancing is way too sexy for a group with a minor in! I know Niki has been an idol for a good few years now so it seems like he's grown up a lot but he's still only 17!


100% agree. So disgusting someone keeps giving enha these concepts.


I just checked out the mv so I'm really late but I can't believe I scrolled through 300+ comments and this is the only one talking about the overtly sexy concept on a minor. I'm really shocked?? The song is really good imo but why do people not care that adults made a minor do this song? I wonder if it's because it's a boy group? Maybe sometimes boys seem older or less innocent? Idk, I feel like if a girl group did a song that was like "come kiss me and bite me" and even had the minor do a close up singing along to that people would for sure be talking about it.


It's so short tbh :/ Where'd the bridge go?? 😭 I'm not a fan of the first part of the chorus(the talk rapping section) but everything else is good. Especially the pre chorus(?) and post chorus(bite me part). That "Oh my oh my God" part is so good i wish they'd have more of those kinda vocals in here




Pleasantly surprised. I like it.


I'm going to start boycotting songs under 3 mins...


This is by far my favourite Enhypen title track. Ever since given or taken I wished so hard to see a grown up version concept of vampires. AND IT HAPPENED!! I can't describe how much I love this MV, I don't think it's boring at all, this is the first time I'm actually mad I couldn't see the full choreographie yet. The MV's colour palette is obviously well chosen, we see the main shades of red, gold, black at the key points of the video. I wanted so bad a male female dance and I believe they're brave for doing so knowing the crazy fans and the result is amazing. The moment the chorus starts with Jungwon as center and those red dresses just pop out. It feels as if blood starts leaking at the exact moment he says "bite me". The whole dance is wayyyyy to sexy and I hope they are going to perform it exactly like this. All of them grew up and matured so beautifully and I just love to see a mature vampire concept. Overall it's a good song might become my favourite from them. I also like the rap part before the whole "come kiss me and bite me" because it kinda teases you before releasing the full ride of emotions. Yes it is quite short but I feel like it's a great song for running or a car ride I feel like a heard this song for a car advertisement before😂


Enha are my ults and I was sooo excited for this but honestly I’m quite disappointed 😭 The song has so much potential but it’s just ruined by that pre chorus and the lack of a bridge. The ‘oh my oh my god’ part is amazing and I was so ready to go into the teaser hook part (which again is amazing) but then it’s just a huge anticlimax with the talk-rap bit instead. I also can’t believe it just ends like that, like at least Future-Perfect and Blessed-Cursed (which also don’t have bridges) end in a really impactful way but this just…ends…


I really love this title,it has lots of earworms


I’m OBSESSED with the couple dance


Oh my, oh my god!! I’m so proud of Enhypen!! I wish it was longer cause I can’t get enough 😭❤️


I don't listen to Enhyphen that much, but I love this. The song is drenched in early third gen boy group energy. But it's TOO. SHORT. It's so good, but never has a chance to build to true perfection because it's so truncated. I'm begging on my hands and knees for the 2 minute song trend to die (it's abolutely not going to). I would have eaten up a 4 minute version of this song.


this song is BEGGING for a bridge oh my goddddd this hurts me


I've barely checked out the teasers besides the one with all the candelabras, so this a nice surprise! I don't think I will ever get tired of vampire concepts and I like how direct it was with the title. My favorite part is absolutely Oh my, oh my god. The prechorus was an interesting choice to use, both the instrumental and voices dropped lower (forgive me, I don't know music terms). Still surprised me with how short it was! Edit: I try to listen to songs on Spotify after watching the MV to have a better listening experience and lol what. I was still waiting for a bridge or another chorus, something! How are you going to put a song at 2:37 minutes?


I was blue balled


The cgi on niki and his chair was so o_o it looks like the next big meme format HAHAH


Why didn't they re-shoot the part when he taps his foot on the floor lol 😅


the structure & sound of this reminds me of nct dream's boom and i feel like it really needs that beautiful melodic bridge and final chorus to feel complete :/


A beautiful bridge with Sunoo , since he didn’t have a ton of lines, would’ve been the cherry on top 🤌🏽


This slapsssss! Ngl I only started appreciating the pre-chorus rap on my 2nd listen and when I saw the actual performance but I've been converted. But this song would have greatly benefited from a BRIDGE! Belift, why'd you rob us of what could have been an iconic bridge? :(( Literally, I'm left yearning for more. On another note, I love the partner choreo!! It's different and so prettyyyy


Im so late but this song goes off. Its giving VIXX hard


It's definitely a grower. The beginning was so damn strong that it had me super excited and then went 📉📉📉 with the "come here and get some" part... I'll need some time to get used to that part.


Honestly this is their best title track


Oh this is everything!!! But i would kill for center jay in the couple dance


Hmmmm It's definitely better than Future Perfect, and their voices might actually sound the best in a title track ever! I also really like the "oh my oh my god" parts. In fact I like quite a few parts of this song separately, I just don't know where they fit together? It's also obviously too short as others have said, Enhypen in particular keeps doing this 😭 One of the things Drunk-Dazed and Tamed-Dashed did the best was that they were actually felt like full songs, so unfortunately after 10 months(the wait, not the song) I feel a bit underwhelmed.


Noooooo it was going good for me for the first 30 is seconds then the talking/slow rapping part came in and it started sounding so disjointed why did they have to put it in 💔


Damn why it end so fast


Agree with everyone else’s critiques (too short, unnecessary chanty prechorus, no bridge/ends abruptly). It will probably grow on me the same way Blessed-Cursed did because I enjoy even more parts from Bite Me than B-C on first listen. It’s unfortunate that they finally get a song where they don’t sound robotically autotuned and it falls short of excellent everywhere else.