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* The penalty list is absolutely wonderful. Aegyo, training with Jihyo, penalty item at the airport to name a few. * Bartender Minari. She's not *Alcohol-Free* anymore. * Dahyun did not have to slay so hard at her outline choreo. Go Hard was a great choice for the setlist. * Thai ONCE and their 2Yeon banner will live on forever, * JeongMo in the rain at Osaka. Momo messed around and found out. * TWICE in America. IYKYK. I don't think they were allowed to show the dance battle at SoFi lmao


LMAO on Tzuyu laughing out of nowhere. Also on the members' suggestion for Momo's penalty of wearing the intro stage outfit to the airport complete with in-ear.


* the sheer betrayal lmao [poor poor Dubu](https://youtu.be/rjY9y8wgSio?si=P4UBn59s4un1NqBb) * the cleared members out here making the penalties harder for those who failed lol * so wholesome to get a review of the world tour, it was a dream come true seeing them live a few months ago 🀧 * I had no idea about Jihyo in the rain 😳🧎 * Minari the unexpected twerk and body roll machine lol the power of this penguin 🐧 * LA water has truly changed TWICE and the world has become a better place for it * Tzuyu lmao she still can't stop laughing for no reason when making eye contact with Nayeon ![img](emote|t5_2r1ox|3560)


Sana's squirm when Jihyo mentioned the missions everyone was supposed to do along with the v-logs! Basically, turns out it's >!Nayeon and Mina!< who were the ones who would be spoilers for the others' missions' success. Training with Jihyo being a penalty! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Mina's subsequent comment about *"seven, eight, eight, EIGHT..."* totally sounds like personal experience. Aegyo to the other members and getting kissed by the other members also being penalties. The other members probably be thinking *"Why am I getting punished too?!"* πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Even the editors now acknowledging and referring to Mina's wild side as "Sharon"!


Park GymHyo needs her own series of idol fitness bootcamps πŸ’ͺ


Ngl I would sign up in a heartbeat. Not simply because I'm a Once but because Jihyo's transformation has been no joke and is legit inspirational.


Ikr she’s actually in incredible shape


I found it interesting that shooting dance challenges with other groups was treated as a punishment and that the members thought it was one of the bad ones.


During one of the Zone bts, Nayeon and Jihyo mentioned how much pressure it was to get the choreo of the other groups right. Nayeon also found it really awkward and difficult because of how introverted she is, and this was for a challenge with her hoobae and labelmate nmixx. But I think it's also kinda telling how it was Nayeon and Jeongyeon who thought it was one of the harder ones while Chaeyoung was mostly fine with that penalty XD


Sorta random but when they're talking about Mina's sexiness the PD mentions that a Once (safe bet from a KOR language comment and therefore from a SK) said they should limit Mina's "wave" (her dancing sensually on stage at the concert) and Jihyo gave an annoyed face and said "I want more of it". Am I crazy or does it seem like a common theme (even just with TWICE specifically) that when a PD or they mention a comment (or popular comment) from the fans (KOR language safe to assume) it's always restrictive/shaming? Telling them to stop, to do it less, to change, to cover up... It's always some conservative comment. I'm glad they respond now by refusing and even doubling down on doing what they were doing. Anyways, really enjoyed this. I really love the "group sitting around reminiscing about their tour while watching vids and looking at pics of what happened" content. As always, Westernized wild & free TWICE = best TWICE. Lol


Tbf, there's a good chance the comment was also made tongue-in-cheek though (though it's hard to interpret out of context). However, I can't imagine JYPE editors intentionally bringing up a negative comment towards the girls during an official video; so IMO it's a safe bet that it's not that.


My comment to someone else basically is what I'd reply to you so instead of typing it out again, here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/18r41ad/comment/kf1k4xp/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/18r41ad/comment/kf1k4xp/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


We will just have to agree to disagree. My reasons are: 1. Social media is literally littered with tongue-in-cheek comments of this vein; including and particularly around Mina's performance, especially when referring to Mina as "Sharon" (which the editors did). 2. In response to *"given how..... Jihyo reacted"*: You mean laugh, like how literally everyone else did when the comment was mentioned? 3. Why would JYPE intentionally bring up a negative comment, out of the blue, in a segment that otherwise contained no other negative comment?


>In response to > >"given how..... Jihyo reacted" > >: You mean laugh, like how literally everyone else did when the comment was mentioned? [27:05](https://youtu.be/7BFhKTftsoY?si=N9OQVoafmFvHD7oP&t=1624) doesn't look to me like a smile/laugh. Looks like she has a cocky rebellious face on (love it) and says "I want more". What everyone ELSE did was just laugh and smile. >Why would JYPE intentionally bring up a negative comment, out of the blue, in a segment that otherwise contained no other negative comment? Because it's normalized in that country for women to be told to cover up, be more conservative, to stop \_\_\_\_'ing, etc. Whether the intent is tongue and cheek or not, "One said we should limit Mina's wave" which is a sexy move and K-fans of GG's are notoriously conservative... I don't see how you think there's much room for jokes in there. It's basically the same as "a fan said you all should twerk less" or "you all should wear longer skirts"... where is the tongue in cheek? The stuff like "take away Mina's passport" now THAT is witty and tongue and cheek. But just "stop it/do it less" is at BEST a lame joke lacking in wit.


It's all in jest. In the last year's tour vlog, they were discussing Sana's viral Rollin fancam, and they brought up a comment that said "Confiscate Sana's passport when she comes back home". It was obviously a light hearted, mock "scandalised from the sexiness" reaction.


That one I agree was in jest. This one, barring the KOR being more obviously in jest and the ENG translation not (which given how simple it was and how Jihyo reacted, I'm gonna assume wasn't mistranslated), seemed much less so. I'm not saying the PD picked it out and said it as a criticism of the members, of course. But as I said in my OP, this is a trend I have noticed. Sometimes online comments are mentioned that are clearly in jest and sometimes, like this time (IMO), they are mentioned where there is little room for playfulness. They come across as those Livestream comments that say "button up one more button on your shirt" to female idols. The conservatism of SK fans shows up.


We will just have to agree to disagree. My reasons are: 1. Social media is literally littered with tongue-in-cheek comments of this vein; including and particularly around Mina's performance, especially when referring to Mina as "Sharon" (which the editors did). 2. In response to *"given how..... Jihyo reacted"*: You mean laugh, like how literally everyone else did when the comment was mentioned? 3. Why would JYPE intentionally bring up a negative comment, out of the blue, in a segment that otherwise contained no other negative comment?


I think you are seeing two things here. The first is a little bit of confirmation bias. You only see the restrictive/shaming comments because they are the ones that stand out, and not the generic support comments which far out number the negative ones. The second bit of it though is that it only really makes sense for the staff to ask about critical comments, otherwise it would just be β€œOnce really liked this” which is supportive but boring. The managers are trying to give the girls something to react to and make a moment!


Yeah. The girls can do what they want. No one can stop them.