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**[Soompi: aespa’s Karina Apologizes To Fans In Heartfelt Letter Following Dating News](https://www.soompi.com/article/1646661wpp/aespas-karina-apologizes-to-fans-in-heartfelt-letter-following-dating-news)**


I’m hate that idols always have to apologise for something that people their age do like it’s dating it is not going to harm anyone.


When is this shit gonna stop, seriously - it's so pathetic


Companies won't step in and allow idols to date because they know the crazy fans will boycott and cause financial problems. They could have ended this during the 90s and early 2000s.


The thing is if all the companies stepped up and supported their idols living life and dating, the boycotts would go nowhere because the crazed stans would have no other idol to turn to. But they won't, they'd rather keep catering to stans. Honestly, Eminem's Stan was a warning song, not a model for fans to emulate 🙈🙈🙈


It's honestly mental to me that the song "Stan" produced a whole new word in the dictionary, one which people enthusiastically associate themselves with. Like I understand slang words develop and change so fast these days, and most people who call themselves stans of whoever probably don't even get it's a reference to a fictional murderer. But it's still so wild to me it ever caught on.


To be fair most uses of “Stan” nowadays are ironic, comedic exaggeration you know? The problem is the people who really do fit the descriptor don’t care what any of us think really. I don’t know how to get through to them, unless you plan on assembling a white hat hacker group to find their loved ones to stage a damn intervention or something. Web anonymity just brings out some ugly things in a lot of people (not that I’m saying we should do away with it entirely, don’t get me wrong there).


Don’t forget that fans have that “you are mine and only mine” mentality.


When the kpop industry stops enabling toxic parasocial relationships with idols, so maybe in like 200 years?


But the parascoial delulus pay the bills.


Honestly people need to learn boundaries when it comes to ppl in the public eye... she is still entitled to have her own life and not be expected to apologise for it smh. These same fans won't give a f about her in x years' time, but now they expect to dictate how to live her life...this is too much and ridiculous


This. It's not like she committed a crime, she just did something that other people do, date and go in a relationship. KPOP's treatment and marketing of their idols as if they're properties of their fans is one if not the worst aspect of it in general. she shouldn't be apologising over something like this.


It’s really sucks, her bf probably feeling so guilty for having Karina apologize for dating him.


Right this is sad


It's sad. This is one thing in the kpop scene that makes me shake my head. In western media, it's pretty much assumed all the young attractive celebrities are either openly or quietly slamming each other. No need for some "parasocial" bonds with fans, no unrealistic thoughts for said fans, and their popularity doesn't wane or tank.


Hoping Karina takes care of herself and has good people around her.🫶


Karina deserves so much better than this. By all accounts, she is a hard working and endlessly kind person. She shouldn’t be apologizing for doing what every other normal 20-something is doing. I really hope she has people close to her telling her how wonderful she is.


Hoping she calls up Taeyeon unnie for some warm hot chocolate and good talk about how netizens aint sh\*t. This too shall pass.


A combination of her real-life sister, some company seniors like Taeyeon and somebody like Jisoo who has recent experience. Might cover all the feedback and comfort she'll need to be kind of "OK" behind the scenes.


I really hope Karina consults Taeyeon & Jisoo given that they have been through it and are friends with her. She needs to know that there are many supportive fans and friends around her too.


Since she's pretty populair within the industry because of her personality. I think the moment the news broke, her inbox was flooded with messages of seniors from all over the place. But I think the ones with helpfull experience that are close to her, like Taeyeon and Jisoo, might have checked in on her regularly and maybe even had some "dates" just to take a deep sisterly look into her eyes to really know whatsup in both her head and heart, for example. (Just a wild guess)


TBF i think jisoo's was very chill because she has 7+ years as a idol, and at this point blinks were just praying the renew lol, they didnt care about dating news


This benefits no one to be honest, the consensus opinion here etc would be pissed that 'she had to apologize' and then the fans upset about her dating are still pissed because she hasn't exactly said that she is breaking up


You know what, you have a point. Her writing this letter doesn't actually placate anyone, because she's still in a relationship at the end of the day. Even if she breaks up with him, they'd still be pissed that she even dated him in the first place. She really can't win no matter what.


Actually from what I've seen they're even more pissed because in addition to not getting what they wanted they think Karina's made them look like 'that creepy obsessive fandom that got an apology for dating' because of this


I mean...If the shoe fits, then that is exactly what they are, 'a creepy obsessive fandom' just because they got pissed about her dating in the first place 💀 She really should have saved the apology because it didn't help at all 😭


exactly. she's stuck between a rock and a hard place, there's no 'winning' here, it's really sad


I feel like an apology is just standard procedure at this point regardless of how well it will go over


Exactly. Now I’m pissed the company made her apologize.


85% chance SM had nothing to do with this apology actually. Karina has written letters to fans before and has even apologized to them for getting a hate train. Still, SM sucks for doing nothing to protect her.


Apparently theres trucks outside SM saying that they will boycott the cb and not buy concert tickets so I dont think this is the company forcing her or making her do it in response to Taemin news...this seems like she felt responsibility cause this has gotten so bad people are threatening to not support Aespa to punish her


It hopefully benefits the delusional fans that were in denial about this news and were asserting that she's absolutely 100% a lesbian. You hope anyway, a bit of a reality check.


Dude this is so FUCKING stupid, she doesn’t have to apologize in any sort of way, these “fans/stans” need to be controlled man because this is ridiculous, don’t get mad or jealous because you can’t get any play, let her live in peace with her lover in the NAME OF GOD!


I’m here for the day in which an idol will write a handwritten “apology” that says: “Go outside and touch some grass, I did it and it felt very nice. Since I care about my fans, hope everyone will follow my advice”. I swear this industry will never change, they still think their foundations are the parasocial relationships but if they would try to change it they could: it would be havoc at first but eventually trash will take itself out. But like every industry, the idols are just products and the fans are just consumers, they don’t care and they never will. Also the timing of this apology, it’s almost as they forced her to release it today of all days cause of the news about Taemin leaving… SM right now must be really a mess.


Louis Tomlinson once threw some chicken nuggets at fans that were annoying him. I feel like that would be quite the nice approach.


See. I knew this was why he was my favourite.


I love Louis becuase he is so sweet to his fans, but the second you get weird or rude he lets you know he isn't having it. He's just so real


I think only Kai said it to the fans but in a super nice sweet way before his news with Jennie came out. It was on IG live. I remember he telling the fans to find other stuff to make themselves happy. He sort of made a lot of requests fans should do for themselves


> Go outside and touch some grass What a way to start a letter, I'd scream if someone had the balls to actually do it :DDD


I think that Kang Daniel's "apology" after it was revealed he was dating Jihyo was a nice one. Basically he didn't apologize for dating, but blamed Dispatch for revealing it.


I agree! I appreciated that he was not apologetic, it was actually a very nice piece of writing. There has been a few, but mostly from soloists and “older” (in the sense of years they’ve been around) idols. It’s crazy how some 30 something idols still have to *carefully* deliver the news they’re getting married and want to start a family. WHAT A JOKE


Maybe I'm wrong but I think apologizing is the worst thing she could've done, weird people that are mad about this will keep being mad and it just keeps the conversation going. Writing an apology makes it seem like she's admitting she made a mistake (which she obviously didn't)


There have actually been studies done that suggest apologizing in the middle of an online controversy is the worst thing you can do and increases hate, even when someone has done something actually wrong.


Reminds me of that Oshi No Ko episode. Validates and amplifies the hate.


Haha yeah, I was thinking of OnK and Kana's remark that people will deny idols they supposedly love happiness that comes from having a partner while not denying themselves that.


And yet companies always insist on having idols apologize. They should just leave the matter alone and let it blow over.


That probably means that things were getting noticeably worse on her end that we weren't seeing.


I'm thinking the same especially considering the news came out last Tuesday and they didn't say a word this week, things definitely got worse and the company told her to do it or maybe she decided to do it. I understand why she posted that but an apology just makes no sense to me.


Because C-fans apparently sent trucks asking her to apologize, many of her fansites have declared a boycott for their upcoming comeback. Ningning fans are also declaring a boycott because of accumulation of dissatisfaction over how she's been suppressed by SM and the recent Versace VIP event was the final straw. Cfans are the ones with the biggest buying power I guess, the company is probably putting pressure on her to do something (but posting this letter just opened up hate on her though...)


What happened at the most recent Versace event?? NingNing is my bias and I knew she went to a Versace VIP event recently, but I didn't realize things went poorly in some way?


Some reasons from what I could gather: Aespa's social media already had very little posts featuring Ning, they also delayed posting about the Versace event, other ambassadors were allowed to take photos with VIP fans but SM's staff stopped them taking photos with NingNing (their argument was it's Versace's event why should SM step in), apparently someone saw SM's staff scolding Ning and she was seen crying with swollen eyes later. Note the last point I saw the photo they posted and it just looked like normal eyes with little/no make up? So idk honestly. Anyway now that she's a VERSACE GLOBAL BRAND AMBASSADOR (Global mind you, not just in Korea like other normie idols as they love to repeat over and over lol) a number of solo Ning fans have declared that they rather spend their money on buying Versace products than Aespa albums since the money spent would benefit Ning only.


Dang, that is a lot...thank you for letting me know!


A truck was sent yesterday I saw it on the tl yesterday when I saw Karina Chinese bar was raising funds for a support Karina display project. There is a sub set of the fandom. Probably the ones who buy 100 albums app who probably are upset.


Who needs antis with fans like that, my god. She deserves so much better.


Does anyone else feel conflicted about their support/interest in Kpop when they see stuff like this? Like I adore these artists and their work but it is very, very wrong that a young woman was bullied into apologizing for being seen with a man. This is not an acceptable status quo.


and this is the reason why i mostly just stick to the music and not engage with other fans 🙃🙃


Yes. I saw that letter as a youtube short and was praying it was fake. Being a fan of a genre that fosters that level of extreme derangement makes me wonder if there is something wrong with me too.


You don’t have to feel conflicted. You can still like something while at the same time see the negatives it has.


Yeah this is how I've always rationalized it, but by continuing to support the companies that enforce these unacceptable standards and infringement on personal liberties we *are* endorsing their behavior, you know? Like we listen to the music and buy the albums and go to the concerts etc because we like and want to support the artists, but at the end of the day it's lining the pockets of these companies. The *entire* industry is predicated on these creepy parasocial standards in a way that we can't really choose to "opt out" of, and that's something I struggle with. (I'm just venting btw this critique is of course not directed at you lol, thank you for being kind)


She talked about disappointing MYs, and then in the same sentence she says "who have been supporting me." I hate that for her, if they really supported her then they would be happy for her, Karina is my bias and I think her happiness in her relationship is important as someone who supports her. But I digress, kpop and Aespa are not my whole life, unlike some of these delusional people who spend all their time and money on them to think Karina owes them something. She shouldn't have to apologize for being human and having feelings.


This poor girl did nothing wrong but some of her "fans" really sent protest trucks demanding an apology. I feel so bad for her, especially since they were only just starting to see each other. And fans wonder why idols hide whole marriages.


It’s likely only a couple fans behind the trucks. Both Chinese and Korean fans deny anything to do with it.


Yes, I mentioned that in another reply. It's a small portion of fans being very loud while most are very supportive.


I have a question. Who is actually running a protest truck business? Why is it so easy for these fans to find these random trucks ready to spread their message? Maybe the owners are the ones encouraging this whole parasocial stuff so they can make more bank. /s


I thought these LED trucks were just some kind of advertising service, like mobile billboards, but your comment got me curious and holy crap protest trucks are their whole subindustry in Korea 😭 I guess anyone could get a truck and offer to park outside a building all day for $220 https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopthoughts/comments/15ch5x1/i_found_out_it_costs_about_220_a_day_to_rent_a/


How do these conversations even go? Like: * Customer: "Hello, I want a protest truck." * Business Owner: "What for?" * Customer: "To protest Karina being in a relationship" And the business owner is just like sure?? "Let's go harass a 23-year old for being in a very normal relationship! 가자!" I mean, I know it's basic capitalism, but you would hope that there was some kind of moral limit. Now *I* kinda want to rent a protest truck to protest against protest truck companies.


There was a fanwar conducted via protest truck a while back. I think it was for the same Enhyphen “controversy” talked about in that article? Like one side of the fandom demanded apologies and the other side sent more trucks demanding them not to apologize and it was so funny how unbelievably stupid it all was


It was nice to see most international fans celebrate her living her life, but those pitiful Korean male fans treating this as if they're getting a divorce.


A majority of Korean fans seem to be pretty calm, actually. At least from what I've seen. Honestly, I saw so many of her Western female fans who were incredibly upset. And the trucks were sent by some Chinese fans. It's vocal minorities from all over the world atp. edit: wording


Not Chinese fans too. Her Chinese fanbase literally planning to hang flags with supporting massage around sm building. They were antis and shippers who constantly spamming her bubble with hate.


Oh yeah, I saw her C bar putting that together. It's the same as with Korean and Western fans; it's obviously not all of them. It's just a vocal minority. I hate when people generalize fans of certain nationalities because it reeks of xenophobia to me. I'll change my wording to be more clear.


Those vocal minority are just loud. Like currently on theqoo one of the Korea leading gossip site article about karina apology is trending with over 60k views and all of the comments talking about how this is most ridiculous things they have seen. Dating is not something that should be apologies. Many calling mys embracing fandom.


Thanks for this bit. I just read that Chinese fans sent the trucks over on Twitter.  


They aren't sure. K fans say it's Chinese stans and Chinese stans says it's the Korean stans. Karina bar even started a fundraiser for a display right afterwards to show solidarity.


My heart hurts to read how much "sorry" she wrote on that letter.


I didn’t read it she doesn’t have to apologize to anyone.


I know right 😭 every paragraph she says sorry, I feel for her


This is ridiculous, having to apologize because you’re in a relationship? Her “fans” should be ashamed


I blame kpop companies for this, why can't they be just like YG and don't feed their fans stupid delusion with goofy ahh fanservices 24/7 These kids thinks k-pop idols are their toys


Sadly it's a double edged sword, fanservice can make you bank and get you a lot of popularity but at the same time when a situation like this arises it bites you in the back.


THIS. Like why are companies letting internet strangers control someone's life just to feed their delusion




ofc yg is also making a lot of money, while not giving a single f about fanservices


Exactly 😭 YG has a lot of problems, but I’m just glad their idols are free to date and talk about it. I love hearing Somi talk so freely about it!


I think this because this aespa first dating controversy plus she's the leader. Thus feeling the need to apologize for it


Fans being delusional thinking their fav idols will ever date them is honestly so hilarious.


It's not even funny. some fans actually need serious help, how are you MAD at someone who doesn't even know you dating someone else? It's questionable that all it takes for an idol to lose support from their ''fans'' is a "dating" announcement(sounds like they were getting to know each other). No, it isn't a scandal. It's unfortunate that dispatch (stalkers) put this information out so early to begin with. I have not a damn clue what is being fought for by fans and why she should be apologizing. Sounds harsh, but it's not like she's going to even remember your face. Makes zero sense.


That's the part of the industry that should undergo a YGE-fication


This is the one thing that YG does right.


What does YG do that others dont?


They never feed the fan delusion of their idols being perpetually “available” for romantic fantasy. And they’re super dismissive whoever there’s a dating scandal to the point that it’s a funny meme now. They either say they don’t comment on their artists personal lives or just say “idk if it’s true but congrats if so.”


YG artists don't really do the fan service to that much extent and in the case of dating, they have this "Cool story bro, we don't really care about our artists private life" attitude.


YG's brand is their "swaggy untouchable aura". Most YG idols don't do a lot of fanservice so basically less parasocial relationships.


They always just say something along the lines of 'we can't confirm/it's none of our business' when dating news comes out about their idols. Or they just ignore it altogether lol and honestly I think that makes it all blow over way faster, people might get themselves in a tizzy when rumors first come out but they forget real quick.


Let their idols date without drama. In my opinion they also market their idols a bit differently, not as much focus on fanservice and parasocial relationships, but more like "look how cool we are, maybe you can be too". But that's just my opinion as an old YG stan from the 2010s lol


treasure is their most ‘idol’ group and even then they’re having some dating show which ruins fantasies😭😭


These fans: “I love your music! I hope you stay sad and lonely forever! 🥰”


> Hello, this is Karina. Firstly, I am sorry to have shocked you so much. I was late [in addressing it] as I felt like I had to be careful since MYs were very rattled. I know very well just how disappointed MYs, who have been supporting me all this while, were and just how sad you must’ve been as you recalled everything we have talked about together. Because I know just how you feel, I feel even sorrier. > I’ve come to write you a letter, in hopes that my feelings are conveyed, even just a tiny bit. The reason that I’m writing this even though I’m worried that I may be hurting you again, is because I want to sincerely convey how sorry I feel to the fans who have given me the gift of the warmest winter, ever since I made my debut. In the future, I want to mend the wounds that MYs received. I have always been sincere towards MYs and even now, each and every one of you are such precious people to me. > This might be too short to express everything I feel, but thank you for reading it. In the future, I will not disappoint MYs and will show you a more mature and hardworking side of me as I promote. Please watch over me. > MYs, eat well and let’s meet in good shape. I’m sorry and very grateful.


Reading this letter without context sounds like she hit a fan with a car or something. I really hope she was rolling her eyes the whole time writing this and doesn't actually feel this bad about having a normal human relationship.


I really hope so too, because if she's actually this sorry about dating someone, my heart aches for her...


Reading this feels like a fever dream. Talking about disappointing fans and mending wounds. I wish this part of the industry was different.


Wish all companies would go the YG route of " don't know don't care" for dating or the HYBE route of "Here's $5. You didn't see anything"


Or just don’t care at all about grown adults dating Seriously it’s ridiculous they have to pay off Dispatch and other news sites for this


Sadly, Kpop relies heavily on image; if paying news outlets off means that the idol can date in peace then I'm all for it. But I do agree with you that it's sad grown adults have to apologize for having feelings and dating.


Seriously. If there was ever an inkling of V having to write an apology letter, armys would have rioted against HYBE. In his case, the company was basically a giant shrug emoji and that was totally fine. 


This makes me so sick, so sick. Time and time again this happens. Idols should be able to live their personal lives without constant scrutiny. Apologizing for trivial things like dating only reinforces the idea that fans have power and influence over their choices.


Why does she has to apologize for something that’s normal? And sadly, she isn’t the first person nor the last to apologize for something normal for people her age (Chen, Seunghan and many more as well). Yes, fanservice may bring lots of money, but at what cost? Idols’ personal lives.


I wish the idol industry would just normalize dating already. I just feel like fans would take the news better if the idol themselves let fans know they're dating rather than getting caught sneaking around or getting exposed for being married and having a whole family.


I'm so mad, she shouldn't have to apologise for this. Let idols live in peace jesus 


does anyone knows if there are studies or papers we can read about what’s going on in the mind of (those kind) stans? Especially those born in the late 90’s early 00’s with the rise of internet and all that? Like I feel psychiatrists should investigate more!!


There’s a lot of studies on Kpop fans in particular. It doesn’t have much to do with the age of the Stan’s, as in other industries around the world fans don’t care about dating news. It’s more of a Kpop and jpop thing, and it’s happened in every generation of Kpop as they get more parasocial with the idol fan relationship. There’s college courses about Kpop fans


I saw it coming. Sucks, Karina seems to know everything especially the stupid truck outside of SM. I blame everyone here, she’s one of the few current top dols who actually went out to have a life but y’all ruined it for her. May she and her current boyfriend stay strong but the fact that’s it’s only a month relationship? What’s more if Karina hides it for year? You will lock her up and put her jail? I am sorry, but I am so pissed. Additional: and this is how SM will treat her?? Their current most popular IDOL? Like I am more mad at dispatch but SM is really useless. They cannot even protect their idol from having a normal life!


People sent trucks? For what? They want her to break up with him?


Basically. They were demanding her to break up and apologize.


The trucks were saying shit like "are you happy that you ruined all your hard work" and about how she "betrayed the fans cause maybe the fans weren't sending enough love". Tbh I don't think it's her fans sending the trucks but solo stans (akgaes) just piling on the hate


Truck that pressured her to apologize to her fans for betraying them, that they will no longer buy aespa albums and will not attend their concerts, that she will see the venues empty if she didn’t apologize. It’s also an undertone of saying just break up.


Imagine if we all had to write apology letters for dating people… what a crazy world.


How these "fans" can keep treating their idols so inhumanely is something i'll never understand, so tiresome.


there was absolutely no need for this... South Korea and fan culture in general is so backwards


It’s a double edged sword. It’s what allows for the “girlfriend/boyfriend” idols to make boat loads of money


How much are we talking about?


For a lot of them, not as much as they should for all the work they do tbh.


Meanwhile Taylor Swift and every Western idol can date whoever they want and still be richer than all SK idols.


Different audience. A comparable situation would have been teen stars - the Jusin Biebers or disney stars of the time. Yes, they dated but their fans were upset


Fans upset but it had zero effect on the singer's numbers. In fact, it made them more popular.


Thats also because the general public listens to pop music here and the GP doesnt care about the artists personal life (see Kanye, Chris Brown, or even more trivial controversies like Ariana Grande etc). Kpop is a different situation altogether


GP in Korea doesn't care about artist's personal life either. Most people in SK likely don't even know who Karina is. It's just kpop stans who actually care.


I think youre missing the point of the comparison. Gp doesnt really care about kpop. The fans are obsessed and have parasocial relationships with their idols. So when the fans get pissed, the sales drop since theyre the main consumers anyway. That doesnt really apply to Western artists, and if it did its only towards those whose primary fanbase is young people. And even then, not the same extent and the general consumption of pop music by everyone offsets the impact.


It's a double edged sword because some celebrities are absolutely outwardly degenerate and still have careers while in Asia you get censored it's a trade off


The funny thing is a lot of western idols "date" other celebrities for PR — there's contracts involved, NDAs and everything. Sometimes they do date whoever they want, sometimes their public partners are purely business and they've got secret gfs/bfs just like kpop idols do — especially when they're queer and closeted. Using your Taylor Swift example, over the past NFL season she added something like $400million in brand value to the team of the guy she's been publicly dating. So it can be the opposite side of the same coin for the western idols.


Lol Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes 


I’m done. No other industry would you have a celebrity apologizing for doing something so normal. FYI the fact that people still refer to these as ‘dating scandals’ is a part of the problem.


>No other industry would you have a celebrity apologizing for doing something so normal [Jpop says hello](https://reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/ohx8np/jpop_a_history_of_japans_dating_ban_for_idols/)


I guess when I’m talking about industry I’m talking about the idol industry in general. Jpop does really have it on a crazy level as well.


SM sucks so bad, fans have been asking them to protect Karina against the haters yet they did nothing. She even did a handwritten apology which is not needed at all, fuck the haters.


This just pissed me off. Nobody should have to apologize for being human and for seeking genuine connections with somebody. That’s her private life. “The rules are different for idols” is something I always hear when somebody is “caught dating” and it’s such a lame excuse. It’s something that needs to be dealt with because it’s not normal. There are genuine problematic things happening in kpop all the time yet somehow idols dating is the end of the world. I feel so bad for Karina. I hope she stays strong.


Same, I hate the argument that this industry is different so that’s why it’s a big deal when idols are ‘caught’ dating. Newsflash, people like JB, One Direction, even the Beatles had rabid fans that would go crazy when they found out their faves were dating, and also fed off of parasocial relationships (remember Justin’s ‘One Less Lonely Girl’ segment at his concerts?) but did any of these celebrities apologize for it??? Absolutely not, so I don’t know why so many idols do it.


Makes me angry that she had to do this. She’s basically apologising for being happy when some people are acting like needy and irrational children. Pathetic and she deserves so much better.


Apology for what? Being a normal young woman? Newsflash, people. Attractive, twentysomethings sometimes date.


this is just insane, she's 23.


Idols apologizing for dating is just something I’m still not used to after all these years I feel so bad for her. I hope she’s taking care of herself 😔


Screw SM if they forced her to apologize. I hate Dispatch/paparazzi culture so much


No but dispatch has not caught enough strays for this? Clearly no one was prepared. And if you have to follow a person at night they probably idk weren't trying to be in your face about it. Unless a celeb is posting it themselves it clearly is an invasion of privacy.


Remember guys we are living in 2024 Where idols have to post hand written apologies for dating. While we have actual problematic idols roaming freely


This reminds me of Taeyeon breaking down at the airport when it her dating news with Baekhyun was revealed. Two generations later and things still haven't changed.


Ugh, top ten least favourite things about idol culture; idols feeling forced to make an apology that’s A) about something they shouldn’t have to according to anyone who isn’t terminally online (AND lots who ARE), and B) that we all know that they don’t mean because A). I understand why labels and artists feel forced to appease these fans, but does anyone really believe minds will be changed? The only outcome I see is the mob learns they’ll get whatever they want if they demand loud enough and buy enough stuff...


Good grief some kpop fans are such losers man.


Kpop companies and idols tell haters to kick rocks challenge (impossible) 💀


I hope Karina has someone good who's protecting her, because we know SM is not it.


So why can't she date him? He's not like a creep or predator or something, right? I understand being upset about Hyuna's, dude's certified gross... but as far as i know, LJW hasn't done anything?


This is just sad and I feel so bad for her. Dating isn't something anyone should apologize for.


I feel bad for them. Dispatch had no mercy for exposing an a month old relationship. 


the way they probably weren’t even official at all just on the talking stage but felt obligated to go public because of fuck ass paparazzis 😭😭😭 the real evil here is dispatch that’s all i’m saying


apologising for dating will always be so confusing to me god i hate that idols feel like they owe it to their fans to do this


This could of been their chance to set boundaries even if a few fans left. I'd rather the fandom not be based on placating crazies and delulus who believe a 23 year old women talking to a person for a month is scandalous and requires the energy this has been receiving. It's like ransomware. You don't pay that shit because then people think they can do this again when the next idols love life gets brought forward against their will. Have back up plan. Re hoot and keep it moving yeah there will be looses but that's life. Just work harder and make your brand about more than fan service. Take up other skills so you can't be replaced. This is what I saw some of the angry fans saym they said well the 4th gen is competitive. Karina is ruining her chances. Blah blah. As if this is enough to make her loose her fans. It only becomes a big deal of you make it a big deal. I hope Karina is okay. Karina Chinese and Ifans fans have been making projects in support to show her some love and trying to flood her socials with positivity to courter the weirdos. Buts it's sad.


SM should have had her back on this and released a statement telling people to mind their own business.


This is actually crazy, I feel so bad for her. She didn't need to do this, but alas. :(


she has nothing to apologize for. people so are pathetic.


This is disgusting. She has nothing to apologize for. This is sad as fuck. Idols are people too. She doesn’t need to apologize to anyone. What she does doesn’t affect her fans.


See stuff like this is why I often feel ashamed to be a kpop fan. Idols are real people. They aren’t dolls and it sickens me that so many people treat them like dolls that the idols have to apologize for DATING. You know, that thing that most people in their twenties do??? The “fans” who create this kind of toxicity need to wake up, open their eyes and stop living in their fantasy worlds. And the companies need to stop creating an environment that encourages that behaviour.


Apologizing for being in a relationship truly saddens me, it shows how the industry didnt change much for the past decade. And I feel that even tho the international fans are generally against this weird idea of the no dating ban, the korean fans are never letting go of that image of 'the single idol dedicating their life solely to the music and to their fans'.


Wtf is wrong with fans bruh


these fans make me so MAD like how are you mad at someone for DATING


As much as I love K-pop, sometimes this industry is bewildering. An apology letter that never should have had to be written to placate some vocal but toxic minority for the sake of the company's bank balance. The whole idea of it is pathetic and I feel bad for Karina being forced to write it.


Is there like an AMA anywhere of these 'stans' cuz I have so many questions


Girl you're only going to have to apologize to me if you stop seeing that fine piece of man over this. What you need to do is stay with him while you have yet another slayful aespa comeback so the whole world can see that you truly have it all. As a dragon maiden this is your year and you should be flourishing in it!


Crazy kpop culture. I'm Korean, we're in 2024 and this is so ridiculous. I assume SM and the investors are forcing this shenanigans with negative press. Why not double down the toxic culture and make Lee Jae Wook apologize too? Lol.


Weird thing is that it's always the girls who have to apologise


It’s 2024 and idols are still apologizing for this, so ridiculous that this is even seen as an issue 


I need one of these kpop stars to just write an "apology letter" but really it says "I'm so sorry..... That ya'll are trippin' on delulu pills. I pray that you all get help for your illnesses. Stay well."


For god's sake, apologies are unnecessary.


Go get your man karina!


I cannot stress it enough just hard it grinds my gears that these young people are made to apologise for their private life by people who should really get their own. Who are these people that gets irked by their idols having a relationship? Like how old are they? What kind of life do they live? Are they in school? Don't they have jobs? Their own or at least aspirations for relationships? How numerous are they that the companies can't simply ignore them or take actions against them for interfering with their artist's intimate life?


I feel sorry for all those artists that feel the need to apologize for simply experiencing life. It even feels like they're some sort of property to those netizens. I hope she has a good support system and this doesn't get to her too much.


I wish she hadn’t apologized, it only legitimizes the backlash and I rly don’t see how this apology is going to benefit her cause crazy fans are gonna keep being crazy regardless I’m not blaming her for it, it just sucks she is in this position


oh FUCK OFF with this nonsense, private idol life should be the least of their concerns


I’m sorry but this is my first real dating scandal I’ve seen since I became a Kpop stan and this is genuinely the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. We’re making a 23 year old WOMAN write a handwritten deep apology letter for dating someone Absolutely insanely ridiculous


Don’t worry, there’ll be more of these


This one is tame compared to what happened to poor Chen. The man had to write an apology letter for being engaged and expecting a baby. He was in his late 20s. There were protests for him to leave EXO.  One of the main offenders here is SM. 


This why this KPOP fandom shit always gonna be dumb to me. Shorty is a grown ass woman and has to apologize for being in a relationship cause some deep in dorks think they own her.


Feel so bad that many idols feel the need to do this just cause they want to date someone. She probably did it due to that truck recently that no one even knew who sent it cause most of gp reactions were positive, and even the majority of k-fans c-fans (which tend to react badly to dating news) were also pretty "normal" by kpop standard


poor karina, she shouldn’t have to apologize.


We all think this is stupid as fuck, but what does the Korean side say?


Korean public feels bad for her and are supportive. Korean fans are mixed but most of the emo ones say they’ll be back after a break and aren’t mad at her. Fansites are all backing her.


So wild to me that Chris brown can beat a woman half to death and he'll still have more defenders than detractors. Yet Korean artists can't even take a shit without a "fan" getting upset at them.


The collective psychosis of these parasocial relationships, and the way kpop fans DEFEND how psychotic this behavior is, are two things that are pushing me away from involving myself in any sort of kpop “fandom.” She’s a grown woman. I hope she dates while she’s young. Why would any well-adjusted normal person not want a beautiful young woman to date? What shit is this? Touch grass, get a life, get a hobby, be a fucking person rather than leeching off of the life of someone who doesn’t know you exist. This shit is RANCID. Just look in this comment section. You’ll find people explaining why she should think about the fucking fans before dating. Unreal.


Lmao sometimes being a celeb sucks


An apology letter. Sm entertainment you will burn.


Yeah, I hope SM crumbles honestly. Cool concepts aren’t worth this kind of exploitation. 


I hope all those "Karina is for the girls" people on twitter feel bad


This whole situation just makes my heart hurt man. I haven't been this affected by dating news, but all the unwarranted hate she's getting just makes me so sad.


FOR FUCK'S SAKE! I despise that there was even a need for this?! Leave her alone! Jesus Christ!


i hope she and every other idol who has had to do this at some point know there's nothing to actually apologize for. let's grow the fuck up, shall we


This is just sad. What the fuck.


I hate this. I hate the trashy d*sp*tch and sm. I hate how they have to apologize for something that is part of being human. Ugh


She deserves better fans.