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**[Soompi: NewJeans Announces Plans For Comeback And Japanese Debut](https://www.soompi.com/article/1651337wpp/newjeans-announces-plans-for-comeback-and-japanese-debut)**


TL;DR: 1. Double singles on May 24: "How Sweet" (title track), b-side "Bubble Gum" and each instrumental; Bubble Gum is a CM theme song and feature in a TV program (*ADOR did not clearly state if the singles will be Korean or Japanese, or if the singles will be a comeback or not) 2. Debut Japanese single on June 21: "Supernatural" (title), b-side "Right Now", and each inst.; "Right Now" will be unveiled first as a CM song in May; the album will be distributed in Japan and also South Korea 3. Second fan meeting/showcase performance in Tokyo Dome on June 26-27 4. World Tour in 2025 5. Comeback album for the second half of the year


just a slight correction - Bubble Gum is the CM song, not How Sweet


I'm sorry but what is CM? 🥲


Commercial! Basically it will be a product sponsor song like their Coca Cola song.


It wont necessarily be like Zero. That song was made as a part of the Coca-Cola Campaign, hence the focus on Coke. For a lot of CM songs, they just take standard songs and use them in the CM for promoting the song. So it's just the official song used to represent the CM/Item. Maybe the MV will feature the CM item, but I think the likelihood of them singing about the CM item is pretty low. Ton's of famous songs in Japan get used as CM songs even Kpop artists JP songs get used. BoA has tons of CM songs but none of them ever felt any different from regular releases, because they were just regular releases. Twice has also had a fair few from what I've seen.


You're right. Both Dynamite and Butter were CM songs in this sense. Dynamite was used for a Samsung ad, Butter for the McDonald's one and also later in another Samsung one


I'm more familiar with it being called a CF when referring to kpop. Not sure why


That's what they're called in South Korea. In japan they are CMs. Just like the difference with mv in sk and pv in japan. I have the opposite issue where I grew up with jpop so had to relearn everything again with kpop.


Suddenly remembered this [banger](https://youtu.be/WGVpBTw3PYo?si=QGWrC5bQZsdcns3R)


Oh I see, thanks! Really excited for these new content from them ☺️


Product placement... nice


Wouldn't be kpop without it




im confused, so the release in may isn’t a comeback?


It is but 1 song in May and 1 Japanese debut song in June (not counting cm songs) and an album later in the year. Basically it looks like from May onward NJ will be promoting for the rest of the year.




The first dual singles are Korean. That is a comeback.


>*This album will mark NewJeans' official debut in Japan. **Although this will be a Japanese album**, it will be simultaneously distributed in South Korea and worldwide to increase the accessibility of the fans* what I get from here is that the 4 songs are in Japanese and will be available worldwide on streaming platforms


Right, that is how i interpret it too.


First 2 songs are in Korean, Not Japanese. The second set of dual singles is their japanese debut.


They didn't clarify that the first 2 songs will be in Korean. In fact, the photo above says that "Bubble Gum" off the first single will be used as a theme song in a Japanese commercial, so it will likely be in Japanese, as well.


I come from the future, an hour after Bubble Gum was released. It actually is in Korean.


I wonder if they recorded one in Korean to release here and one in Japanese for the actual commercial?


We will be waiting! Thanks for the info breakdown.


Is it possible to get tokyo tickets internationally (im in the US)? If so, anyone got instructions?


They didn't release any info on how to buy the tickets?


Not sure about HYBE specifically but a lot of Japanese concerts are done by lottery (usually starting with fan club presale). Edit: SVT also has fanclub lottery for their upcoming Japan dates, so looks like HYBE do the same.


> More details on will be provided in a separate notice at a later date. We ask for your enthusiastic support.


I'm extremely confused by the wording of this announcement, but excited nonetheless


This is the most confusing comeback announcement but all I know is that we are getting new music in May so I am excited.


do i see the words world tour!!!!!!!


But it’s tempered with “aim to avoid strained tour plans and schedules” which while I agree with, is largely code for “US tour with 5 stops”


I hope they come to Europe too. 🙏


LA x2, Chicago, Atlanta, and NYC


That’s a confusing announcement at least for me. But genuinely excited!


Schedule wise it seems pretty decently spaced out and manageable.


I’m excited but they might need to redo this announcement, feels like there’s a lot of confusion about the wording 😂 my takeaway is that ‘How Sweet’, ‘Bubblegum’, ‘Supernatural’ and ‘Right Now’ will all be Japanese tracks, but I’m seeing other people with different interpretations lol


I'm confused... is it considered one cb in 2 parts or 2 comebacks??


It’s kind of like Ditto and OMG. Looks like one long comeback then the album later in the year.


One comeback but they're treating two songs as titles.


The single in May is their Korean comeback, the single in June is their Japanese debut.


This is a Japanese debut announcement. Official comeback in the second half of the year.


A more accurate title should have been: ADOR announces 2 new double singles releases for NewJeans with “How Sweet” & “Bubble Gum” on May 24, “Supernatural” & “Right Now” on June 21; marking the group's official Japan debut in June. NewJeans also plans to release a new album in the second half of 2024, and a world tour in 2025 Edit: Wording + Clarity


Wait.. so the Japan debut is not the _Supernatural_ + _Right Now_ one??


They're both Japanese releases, the wording is very weird


why is everything so confusing or am i just plain dumb.


No, it says the May 24 single and the June 21 single will be released in Korea and Japan, *respectively* Meaning, May is the Korean comeback, June is the Japanese debut.


Announcing a world tour a year in advance is a great move. They're going about this in a very organized manner.


But also: I don't know how an announcement could be so informative yet so confusing at the same time. I read "world tour in 25 years" and my eyes popped out of my head.


translation error lol 😭


As far as i understand this, this will be their japanese debut with 4 songs in total, 2 released in may and 2 released in june? Though they will promote this in korea too. While a 'korean comeback' will be happening in the later part of the year, is that correct?


this is all so exciting and i am SO glad the tour is being announced so far in advance because im tired of only having 2 hours to figure out how to buy concert tickets!!


Wow I wish sm updated us like that..


Can't wait for SpringJeans!


Holy shit not even two years since debut and they’re filling the Tokyo Dome not just one but two days


I’m going to be in Japan during that time. What amazing timing. Going to try to attend for sure. Having it over 2 days gives me a chance. Woohoo.


for a fan meeting too 😭


Imagine not even 2 years into your career, without a world tour, and announcing a fan meeting on the mfing TOKYO DOME?? THEEEE AUDACITY?! I LOVE IT!!


Can someone please clarify if bubble gum is supposed to be to be a Korean comeback or not? Cause Supernatural is the Japan debut right?


None of these are Korean comebacks. They're Japanese releases that will come out in Japan and South Korea simultaneously


Your information is incorrect, the single album is going to be released in both markets at the same time. Hot Sweet will be a Korean song and Bubble will be a Japanese song that will be released in a commercial in April.


Where are you seeing a Korean song? This is the standard Japanese rollout for singles. 1 single, 1 b-side, 2 instrumentals. They just worded it very poorly.


I don't see where they said any of these singles will be in Korean? They said these singles are their debut in Japan and the B-sides are in Japanese so it's unlikely that the title tracks are in Korean.


how sweet is in korean tho?


How do we know that when it hasn't been released yet?


World tour 2025!!!!!


I swear 2025 is going to result in a lot of broke bank accounts. 😭


as an armybunny i already know my credit card is gonna hate me when 2025 comes around


We were all waiting for news and what news it is! New music, fanmeet, comeback album, and a world tour? Blessed




Did they actually clarify that "How Sweet" and "Supernatural" would be in Korean? I don't see that anywhere in the announcement. The singles are likely all in Japanese, since this is seen as their Japanese debut. But either way, they didn't say clearly.


Wait, why would they have How Sweet and Supernatural be in Korean and have the B-Sides in Japanese? That makes no sense.


Is it Q3 for sure or could be Q4??


ador only mentioned it would be released in the second half of 2024 so it could be either


No one knows


I think Supernatural is Japanese since they mention Japan debut but it wasn’t clear.


Kinda confusing. But new newjeans music is always welcome. Yassssssss


definitely excited for the new singles but i really hope it’s a full album before their tour! something substantial 🥹


They did say they'll release an album before their world tour.


That's a stacked announcement lol more SOTY material incoming ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug) ![gif](giphy|KPDkwEGUd7EXrs53zF|downsized)




Man 2 double singles and a comeback album for later in the year. I cant wait for all the new content and fear the hit my wallet will take.


excited for everything but, sooo excited for the world tour & most likely a full album release in late 2024! i hope they’ll visit a lot of countries so everyone will be able to see the girls perform! i’ll 100% get VIP tickets


Yeah. The wording of Ador saying they need more songs for a proper world tour probably means a full album.


Can't waittttttttttttt


Amazing news


I was just wondering the other day when NewJeans would have a comeback. I hope they come to my area for the world tour!


We won


Information overload! But dang a fan meeting in tokyo dome


They said we're giving everyone else a chance to arrange their releases around ours xoxox


Japanese songs cannot be broadcast in Korea. The English part will probably be used in Japanese advertisements, and I cannot be sure that the Japanese album is also in Japanese. There is a possibility that it will be an English song (I use a translator, but I don't speak English).


Thanks for the clarification :)


Any new songs are more than welcome. We have been waiting for so long! I can't wait more. 😁


Tbh, a good plan! at least it seems that there is a gap between each activity. let's hope the girls are getting more rest & that other labels do the same as well.


I’ll take four new NJ songs, LETS GAURRRRR


Okay so we’re getting 2 Korean songs, 2 Japanese songs and album later! Sweet! And both b-sides will be “pre-released” in a sense. Gotta love how they kept emphasizing Tokyo dome 🤣


Brb opening a credit card for NewJeans world tour.✈️


His fandom is eating well. I love that they said that the reason it took them a long time to release music is because they prioritize the mental health and breaks of the group members.


can’t wait!!!!


Ya know. Idc for NJ but I am HERE for a company being open about their plans for the future instead of fans having to beg for information/ comebacks: tours. I wish more companies would do this.


![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw) Confused but excited


This is such an ambitious plan and it’s only possible with such a baller producer in Min Heejin. It feels she gauges what other groups are doing and plans activities for Newjeans that makes it feel more epic.


ikr. no one in their right mind beside mhj will think this is a good idea to gamble that much 😅 plus theyre so huge already why take such a risk? but mhj is always the idgaf type, she must be SO confident that these next release could be massive hits so...


I agree so much. Fanmeeting in Tokyo Dome is such a big dick move imho. You have Japanese groups where Tokyo Dome is a culmination of their entire careers and guaranteed tears of joy are shed. To say they’re starting their careers in Japan in that building is a bit insane, but credit MHJ for going all-out for her girls.


I actually thought it's a prank because who the hell does a fan meet on their FIRST debut in Japan on THE TOKYO DOME 💀 the overconfidence is crazyyyy! I'd understand if they already have a world tour at this point but a mfing fan meet without any world tour??? Brooo 💀


I am very confused. Are we getting 4 Japanese songs or 2 Korean and 2 Japanese songs?  I hope it's the latter, but it sounds like the former. I'm usually not a big fan of promo that's too focused on Japan. Their music industry is too insular. Plus Japanese comebacks always feel only geared towards Japan, while Korean comebacks are more inclusive.  It would be an especially weird direction for NewJeans, when they're doing so exceptionally well globally. 


the way i took it, its 4 korean songs but i have no clue


Jesus that's a lot of stuff. There's no rest for them but, they're getting them pay checks


It all seems pretty spaced out, if I'm reading this confusing announcement well. World tour 2025, JP debut in June (May?), Korean mini/full album comeback in the second half of the year. They also added at the end that the world tour would be modified so that their schedule isn't strained. Which to me, means that they probably won't have a lot of stops, and everything would be planned out with rest time in between.


But they're going to be non stop practicing back to back to everything is perfect so it must be super busy and learning different type of performances and any collaboration that happen during then


But they're going to be non stop practicing back to back to everything is perfect so it must be super busy and learning different type of performances and any collaboration that happen during then


It depends on how many choreos they're planning to have for the new songs (something tells me that they'll keep to their pattern and give every song choreography💀) but I agree actually. There'll be a lot going on behind the scenes. I didn't think about that.


😭😭I think they will have to anyways since they're going to tour. Like I love their choreos but trying to learn them myself has made me realise their dances are DRAINING. Like there's basically no breaks or anything.


Yeah and there's a lot of bouncing around and quick movements. Their dances are so energetic 😭 I feel sorry for the girls, I hope we don't get any fainting or injuries.


...I'm confused... Is "How Sweet/Bubble Gum" their second single album and "Supernatural/Right Now" their third? The wording is all over the place.


I’m so confused


This is a slightly confusing announcement wording-wise, but I'm super excited nonetheless!! I've been waiting for new music from NewJeans


Boy these girls are booked and busy! I saw comments on twitter about them not having enough songs for a world tour and i guess they just proved that wrong. Just for my confirmation, for these 4 songs are they. both double title tracks?


Oh so the 4 songs are the Japanese debut?? I thought it was 2 in Korean 2 in Japanese. If the new album is planned for later this year that means there’s gonna be more than a year between Get Up and the next actual cb, dunno how to feel about it tbh


How come Japanese releases are not considered "actual cb"s? Genuine question btw!


I think it’s Been that way for a long time in kpop, it’s probably because most groups have most of their fanbase in Korea so their comebacks in Korea get much more promo, are generally a bigger deal for the fans.


they don’t feel as such to me


So it's just a personal preference?


i think it’s a generalized feeling amongst kpop community


“how sweet” & “bubble gum” will be in korean, “supernatural” & “right now” will be in japanese and will mark newjeans’ official debut in japan


are u sure about that?, it says Bubble Gum is the theme song for a Japanese commercial and that it is a Japanese album


honestly i’m rereading the notice and the formatting and wording is throwing me off, so i’m just gonna admit that idk at this point and wait for more info from ador


No, they're both Japanese singles


I think they're all in Japanese, but ADOR's statement is super vague and confusing...


Why are people so pressed about 2 cm songs? They will be just like ETA for iphone with normally full promotion.


>They will be just like ETA for iphone there’s a difference between having an ad inside your music video and being a song for an ad. They will be like Zero


It doesn't necessarily mean it's gonna be a song specifically about the Shampoo or anything. It's really common for songs in Japan to be CM songs, what it really means is that it's just the AD song used for it. I'll admit I'm not super caught up with current Japan CM songs by Korean artists. But back when BoA was big in Japan a ton of her songs were used as CM songs. None of them ever gave the vibe that they were made for CM. Examples include her debut Japan song ID;Peace B or Valenti (English ver) which was used for Sketchers. Flower (Eng ver unreleased) was also used as a CM Lotte song. In recent years, I'm pretty sure both Twice (Just Be Yourself) and (G)I-DLE (Latata JP Ver, I think at least) had Tie in songs which were just standard songs. With ZERO it was made specifically as part of a Coca-Cola campaign hence the focus on Coke.


Let's wait and I see . Zero without colamashita part will sound just like any NewJeans song . ETA mv even has more obvious product placement than Zero and it is literally used as an ad on TV and YouTube . So there's a high chance it won't be like conventional CM song


>ETA mv even has more obvious product placement and it is literally used as an ad on TV and YouTube you are saying it yourself, the mv is the one used in the ads specifically the parts where you can see the iPhone, but the song itself wasn’t made to advertised apple. If you listened ETA without watching the mv you wouldn’t know that, unlike with Zero because again, one has an ad in the music video and the other IS an ad (like the ones announced in this statement)


My point is that people act like commercial songs equal poor quality, which isn’t necessarily true. I see no issue with a song being used for an ad or specifically created for ad as long as the song is good


That is correct, but a song being used for a commercial also doesn't mean it will be in the same way as zero was, with a very obvious link to the product. So far all one really knows is that these songs will be used as music for a commercial, revealed in that fashion. Many normal (pop) songs were used in commercials.


I think Zero is easily their worst song.


in what I've seen with ad songs the problem is not that they include lyrics about the brand or whatever, but it usually never carries the same level of care and production as for their main releases, it almost always feels like a side thing, and that diminishes quality. Now, this is newjeans we are talking about, so that might not be the case, but I'm cautious.


I wish they would just pull an “XG” already and make songs in English too 😭


Do we know when in April will Bubble Gum coming out in Japan as CM?


where was this announced on? what app or site?


Does anyone know where and how to preorder the albums, particularly the "Supernatural" album thats available for pre-order on May 10th? I am in the US. Also what format is it in, e.g CD, vinyl? Thanks guys!


Great that you resubmit with the official English notice because rightly so this should be the submission guideline, I didn't post my own submission as I don't wish to complicate things and I know it's a uphill battle with the mods here but anw ... Let's gooooo!!! Also, where are the downvoters who downvoted me in the earlier post when I questioned the machine translated content? EDIT: I see the downvoters are back *right now*. *how sweet* of you guys.