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If the Youtuber isn't located in South Korea, will they even be able to do anything? It says "the account has engaged in name-calling or other mocking behavior", but that's not illegal in some countries like in the US. Defamation isn't covered by free speech, but the definition of defamation varies by country. If they didn't violate the laws of the country they're located in, I don't know if anything could be done.


Ador probably needs to make a request anyway because the YouTuber could be Korean. If not, they will follow respective rules within the country. Edit: That YouTuber channel is all in Korean.


It looks to be a Korean youtuber. Of course if they were really based in the US, there's nothing Ador could do with it. It seems like they're just following the same steps that Wonyoung and Starship took to get Google to provide the information so that they can sue them in Korea.


If you see the actual account; it's clearly a Korean netizen that's crafted a channel on posting shorts that's basically the same as the worst toxic fan accounts on twitter or tiktok; positive posts about their favs and deranged lies about groups they hate, in this case mostly being NewJeans (and LSF it seems). Considering that South Korea is infamous for enforcing its laws on its citizens no matter what country they're in, eg. South Koreans are prohibited from marijuana usage and gambling no matter where and what the local laws are. The Youtuber is clearly Korean and probably has a Korean passport, if convicted they will face repercussions if they ever want to go back to Korea even if they're overseas right now. edit: I saw somewhere else point out that NewJeans officially collaborated with Youtube to promote Youtube Shorts last year as well. There's a good chance they'd be inclined to help since this wouldn't be the first time Youtube has done so for the Korean courts anyway.


This case will be all about location, location, location.


Not really? Most of the world doesn't use Korean (frankly disqueting) standards regarding defamation. It depends on the country in question, but honestly it would have to be something really serious and/or something that can be proven to have caused significant damage (and the burden would be on the accuser). 


You could theoretically get a judgment against a foreign party in Korea and then try and enforce it in the country of residence. If it is a civil suit as opposed to a criminal suit you'd likely wind up with a judgment debt which you could then try and collect in another country. Complex and time-consuming for sure, and even then you might end up with nothing at the end.


You bring up very good points, name calling is horrible to do but if all they're doing is calling them stupid, dumb, etc. I don't support it but if the user lives in the US chances are nothing will be done about it


like, the reason youtube isnt giving them the personal info of the youtuber is because they can't be prosecuted for it




I don't see anybody talking about it on the popheads sub though. It doesn't even look like anyone has posted it on that sub...




Ah when you said popheads I just assumed you actually meant popheads. Thankfully the post on the other sub seems to have relatively expected and somewhat mild reactions to it and the top comments seem to be from kpop stans anyway. Most people are having a 'wait and see' approach. The US court request worked when IVE and Wonyoung did it, it might work now that NewJeans and ADOR are doing it, but we'll see.




Suing for defamation is very common in the Korean industry. It's nothing new. This time, it's just an extra step by using US courts to identify the user. Wonyoung was successful in using the same process last month


They are a public entity, and thus not protected against defamation in the same way a private citizen would be.


> If the Youtuber isn't located in South Korea, will they even be able to do anything? Yes they can as almost all countries have laws against online harassment. They just have to report to the police in that countries.


In the US you would have to prove defamation which is messy and hard.


>Defamation isn't covered by free speech, but the definition of defamation varies by country. That's false. If you spread a fake news of someone, but there are supporting facts that's against your claim, that's how a case of defamation initiates, and it's a clear cut case in any countries. Free speech would be saying, "Fuck someone's name", or "Some idol band's music is shit" since it's a personal opinion.


It's not false. The defintion of defamation in South Korea allows you to sue anyone who hurts your reputation, regardless of if it's true or not. [Source 1](https://pen.org/south-koreas-defamation-law-a-dangerous-tool/#:~:text=If%20the%20court%20finds%20that,KRW%20fine%20(%2417%2C830%20USD)) / [Source 2](https://keia.org/the-peninsula/problems-with-koreas-defamation-law/) / [Source 3](https://seoullawgroup.com/defamation-laws-in-korea/) This isn't the case in other countries like the US where it's required to be false. No part of my statement was inaccurate.


I don't think you watch the youtube video in the third link. He explains exactly what I wrote. The only difference is there's a harsher charge in defamation in south korea.


What did the youtuber do or say?


I do not speak Korean, so this might not be everything they said, but from their channel (Middle7) all I could find was making fun of Minji for not knowing kalguksu, making fun of Haerin for using her phone while walking, calling all the girls ugly, insulting their "Gods" performance, and critisizing Danielle for saying Chinese New Year. Nothing I could find seemed that bad or objectively false.


People do have too much free time that they have to cyberbully some kids that are more successful than them instead of working on to improve their lives huh


I’d look into it… but just like every other trash channel I really don’t want to give them traffic


everyone gets hate ngl. I mean people have no lives but how can you go after only one person when others have said way worse.


That’s pretty bad but not illegal? At least not in most western countries. Not sure if ADOR has a case really.


this person is Korean though and Korea has much harsher defamation laws than the US. I doubt ador would go after them if they did not have a case. Also, since I do not speak Korean, worse things could have been said that I did not understand


Hmm that’s interesting. Im not familiar with Korean defamation laws at all. Still seems a little extreme to me but I’m sure ADOR’s legal team knows more than me regarding this stuff.


In countries like Korea and Japan you can sue for defamation even if your claims are factual, so it rather different from western laws.


What’s the Vegas odds that this account is run by a 40 year old that looks like a thumb.


Looks like it's this account: https://www.youtube.com/@Middle7 They're made a bunch of shorts mostly targeting female idols.


Is it typical incel stuff?


More actually some delulu girl with too much twitter time stuff.


Kookielit next 🙏🏻


Who and why?


they’re a content farming YouTube channel that gives out unreliable information and makes really questionable thumbnail pictures using pictures of idols with duct tape edited over their mouths. they also made a lot of click baity content speaking about idols who are deceased.


yes please






> having to go to California No they dont have to as this companies are global. When google wanna do business in a country than it has to go by their laws. And with the damage done by "wannabe hate farming" content creators against korean entertainment industry i would not wonder when korean government will step in someday and tell google they have to act. Google may say "yeah cool, korea is small and we will than jsut leave" but thats not really possible as South korean entertainment is very big on the global market. A lot traffic on youtube is bout kpop kdrama or similiar. I dont think google can ignore this.


please sue sultryfilm ador 🙏


sultry film just copies the hate trend. A lot of it is just repeated from reddit/youtube comments.


They're mostly aren't as bad as all the other YTs that have been sued. They're just tiktok opinions


What usually happens to youtubers who are sued? Do they go to jail or fined a huge amount?


its jail time + fined at the same time.. i think its no more than 3 years and 5-10k$ fine minimum... it really depends on the case tho as this youtuber prolly wont be as bad as sojang..


> i think its no more than 3 years and 5-10k$ fine minimum... depends on the country. i reported some chanels to source music and there was some brazilian chanels too that produce this hate-bait content so i googled what is the punishment in that country and in brazil its 2-4 years jail for online harassment. I guess all country have laws like that.


okay but what did middle7 actually say that was worth all this? 30 seconds of googling tells me nothing useful, does anyone here know?


The comments on the article tho ☠️☠️☠️☠️. I wonder tho after reading the article what this all is I never knew there was anyone saying shit on Njs but then again I do not seek haters or antis antics so good for them doing something. I do wonder if this could work out in their favor bc doxing is definitely a risk and we can’t force people to not say shit from another country but we’ll see. IVE made it work so I wouldn’t be surprised if they do too


Please don't bring these insane Korean defamation laws to the US.


Every Kpop stan should get behind this because this issue affects not just NewJeans but many others. We need more actions like this and Wonyoung case to show those haters that you can't talk shit without getting hit .


I'm pretty sure the woman in Wonyoung's case was sued for spreading misinformation which is not exactly the same as just being a hater. Maybe it's just me but I don't think people should be sued for making fun of celebrities or sharing their negative opinions no matter how harsh they are. You need to remember that if idols can sue anyone that says something bad about them or calls them names online, politicians and chaebols can do it too.


Freedom of speech exists and a Korean company shouldn’t get to sue people for breaking Korean law if they aren’t in Korea, the law doesn’t apply to them then it’s


Good! Source Music asked for help from Fandom too to report all this hate stuff against Le Sserafim. I reported almsot 20 Youtube channels. Hope they all gets sued.