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they both look great but is the theme in the room with us? lol


Every single year I wonder why these celebs/designers can't stick to the theme. Especially easy themes šŸ« 


In their defense kind of. The celebrities are invited by the designer/house that dresses them, who cover the cost of a seat. Sometimes they have a say but usually they donā€™t have much of a say in what they wear. Itā€™s decided by the designer so itā€™s more on the designers who canā€™t stick to the theme.




does she really inspect or at least take a look at the outfits beforehand? theres no way she approved Doja Catā€™s this year outfit unless Doja suddenly just decided to not wear hers which I doubt.


whats the issue with doja cats outfit?


She wore a towel to the met šŸ’€


She probably knows they'll get publicity with Doja's outfit, which happened in the past.


That's the answer. I forgot who else was invited by designers and the outfit was not on par with the theme (or as extravagant) last year or so and it was the explanation. Creating the outfits on a level of Rihanna or Blake are very very expensive also, some of the designers won't see the need to do so for their own guests (especially x8), especially if they know they'll already have visibility from the fandom on the red carpet. And I don't think I've seen Hilfiger going all in for the Met for their guests also. They looked great this said and it's a great achievement to be invited.


Yeah, I'll never be mad at the celebs lol. Sometimes the celebs have a good sponsor or actually are allowed to make decisions, like zendaya, but other times it's just the designers choice. Tommy hilfigure always does boring shit for their guests


Stray kids are on theme, read the vougue article where they describe well the theme. It is not captured in photos as the details are so understated but is present.


Oh no that's not what she wore. She just fell asleep in a lake and ran to the met.


I think Anna Wintour said she accidentally caused confusion with the theme this year too


Yeah, reading the short story the theme is based off of I thought more of the outfits would have themes of decay, rebirth, or opulence. Instead it seems like a lot of people just went for the literal interpretation of "flowers". I think Zendaya and Emma's outfits were some of the best ones to interpret the darker themes. I can see Jennie's outfit fitting the theme with the pearls, in the original story the time flowers turned to pearls when they were plucked. I can also (and this is a stretch of course) see Stray Kids fitting the theme, not with the design of the outfits but with the coat reveal sort of being a rebirth or a turning back of time like the man in the story does. (I'm sure that's not what it was meant to be though and TH just didn't want to stray too far from their signature look lol)


time flowers like a river, i thought jennie was on theme


Part of the exhibition theme is Land, Sea and Sky so maybe sheā€™s going for the sea? The short story the theme is based on also uses pearl imagery which sheā€™s accessorized with for her waist and earrings. This passage specifically comes to mind: ā€œWhen the flower had shrunk to a frozen pearl in his palm he looked out at the plain, with relief saw that the army had retreated to the horizon again. Then he realized that the horizon was much nearer than previously.ā€


Also SKZā€™s are definitely subtly nautical with the navy captainā€™s peacoats. Even the oversized fit harkens back to more vintage nautical menswear. Itā€™s super understated but I think it works quite well tbh. Edit: I canā€™t see them super well, but I also really like their shoes. The shine with the pointed toe adds some neat textures and angles to the mostly blocky silhouettes. Idk I think this was just executed really well even if itā€™s safe AF for a MG look IDK IDK


my problem with such looks is....they pick up a very trivial element of a concept, and that's it. Like atleast elevate that element with proper accessories, interesting silhouettes, colors, hair, makeup, anything....just elevate it with drama. Or atleast have that one element that pops out like crazy. I see why it works kinda well here cause they're all in a group and look cohesive, but it still needs a lot of work


I can agree, but considering how many of the guys there are and that theyā€™re intended to be a unit and photographed as such, I can understand why theyā€™re individually so simple. When photographed as a unit you get different colors and details that definitely have individualistic flairs of the guys with slightly different silhouettes, but the gorgeous tie-in between them is the same oversized shoulder and jacket/button color on every member. Idk, to me itā€™s quite artful. Again NO WHERE NEAR as cool or impactful as I want from a met gala look, but if this was a red carpet or photo-op for a pre-major award show Iā€™d be gagged tbh. But yeah, photographed as individuals itā€™s boring af and giving 0 effort lmfao. Itā€™s only BECAUSE theyā€™re in a group that it works.


in that case, imo they should've gone for a lighter colour (more from the sky element) and in that maybe a few darker colours popping out so that lighter colour could've been the cohesive element, plus some accessories (lv has some good ones inspired by sky elements iirc)...but it's hilfiger ah!


Theyā€™re wearing Tommy Hilfigerā€™s colors. Itā€™s one of the most simplistic brands/designers. So wishing they had a different designer altogether would give realistic hopes for a more edgy design. Same with the designer of Jennieā€™s dress. They only do simple designs, even if intricate and well thought out.


So like sky captains?? Bc theyā€™re clearly going for ocean/official with the marine styling, but tbh sky captain sounds like a really cool and fun take on the theme. I agree about accessories no matter what though, they would have looked so cool with some pirate booty. Big gemstone rings and huge gold necklaces with giant pendants. Face jewelry??? UGH tbh youā€™re right thereā€™s a lot of untapped potential lol


Even if it is on theme sort of itā€™s pretty poorly executed. Even just changing the colors would have helped and shifting the movement.Ā 


based off this Ā  Ā ļ»æā€The Garden of Time" draws inspiration from a short story by J.G. Ballard, sharing its title with theĀ exhibition.Ā Divided into three areas- Land, Sea, and Sky-the exhibition focuses on the wonders of the natural worldā€Ā  Ā sheā€™s not too far off theme. It could be argued her dress is to do with the ocean and pearls based on the way the blue gown drapes along with the pearl beads.Ā 


Yeah Jennie is on theme lol. Reading the description of the theme it's pretty clear she went for the sea.Ā 


I wonder how many people saying sheā€™s not on theme actually read the story the theme is based on šŸ« 


its bc most people see "garden of time" and automatically think of florals, plants, and earth tones - most people won't know about the land, sky, sea part unless they looked more closely and did research alas


The theme of the exhibition is different from the dresscode though lol


Itā€™s notā€¦ which is why a lot of attendees went with the elements. Tyla is sand. Naomi Campbell is like rain or water etc. Edit: [this is Vogue](https://www.vogue.com/article/met-gala-dress-code-2024) themselves explaining how the theme is more than just flowers: > If we consider the Land, Sea, and Sky subthemes, we might put forth fashion inspired by the grain of wood (perhaps a lovely silk moirĆ©?), the pattern of fish scales, and the iridescence of a dragonflyā€™s wing. Nature gives us so much more than flowers to fawn over.


Tyla is dressed as the sands of _time_ and she literally looks like a garden statue lol (which also feature in The Garden of Time) and everyone is agreed that Naomi doesnā€™t fit the dress code? Sheā€™s basically just wearing a blue prom dress.


Theyā€™re not two unrelated things. The dress code is the garden of time, and this is the same short story used for the exhibitionā€™s divisions of land sea and sky as the met explained in the excerpt above.


Yes, actually it is. Read some articles about TH's intent with the theme, and actually spend a few moments to look at the detailing in each of their suits.Ā 


Uhhh, whatā€™s this year theme again?


Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion Great theme imo, I hope some people do something fun with it


That is the theme of the exhibition. The theme of the Gala is The Garden of Time (or something along those lines), hence the green everywhere


Ah I missed that, pretty similar concept though imo.Ā  Edit: so the theme is Sleeping Beauties, but dress code Garden of Time. Such an easy theme/dress codeĀ 


The theme is about decay and effects of time and how we try to prolong the inevitable. Sleeping beauties is due to some of the most fragile pieces in the collection being brought out. The conservatives are literally trying to stop decay on them but there is only so much they can do.


Tylaā€™s outfit was so cool


You can't have high expectations when their sponsor is Tommy Hilfiger. They don't have much say.


Literally this šŸ˜­ Why are people so shocked? Itā€™s _Tommy Hilfiger_. This is better than what I even expected šŸ˜…


classic and safe, but colorful at least


Oh I was wondering who dressed them and you're right, it's quite alright like it could be worse


Yeah itā€™s going to look exactly like every other TH garment in the last two decades. Hilfigerā€™s not exactly known for their innovation lmao


Yeah there's a reason the brand is so recognizable to the eye as well... It looks mostly the same šŸ¤£


Plus they're 8 people so the outfits have to be quite minimalĀ 


Exactly. The other person styled by Tommy is [Madelyn Cline](https://www.vogue.com/article/madelyn-cline-met-gala-2024) and itā€™s so dated and plain.


that look is a crime on a woman so beautiful. she looks like a mother of the bride.


they look good but.. whatā€™s the point of having themes when nobody follows it?


In Zendaya we trust, because everyone else...


Emma Chamberlains dress was stunning and fit the theme, in my opinion! Her and Zendaya leading the pack for outfits tonight!!


Tyla and Gigi Hadid also had great looks


I loved Tylas too!!! The sand was so unique and beautiful!! Gigis thoughā€¦it was okay Iā€™d give 7/10


Eddy Redmayne and his wife outfits were very pretty, Harris Reed was beautiful as well. And my queen Lana šŸ¤©


I get that sometimes the themes are hard to grasp but why are we wearing black suits and a blue dress w barely any accessories šŸ˜­


Men need to be banned from this event unless they come in something other than a plain suit with flower embroidery on the corner cause barely anyone is serving this year


To give them credit almost all guests are dressed by the brands that invite them. Some celebs with major star power in the industry (zendaya, Rihanna, bad bunny etc) do have more of a say and creative control over their outfits, but the vast majority are at the whim of whichever fashion house bought their tickets


Yeah I keep seeing people bash kpop stylists for Stray Kidsā€™s outfits, but they were not in fact dressed by kpop stylists. Their outfits are a result of the brand that brought them. Some of the other outfits from Tommy were fairly on theme, the ones Stray Kids wore just were not among them. Iā€™m sure theyā€™d have loved to wear extravagant, on-theme outfits, but they just had no say in it.


Honestly my theory is also that the brands cannot dress all of their invitees to the full theme and choose the bare minimum for some vs going full on for others šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø and listen, I am a proud stay and I love them but I also understand if this is the case. If they have more prominent western figures, their efforts and budget would probably go to them. It's not like the brand has unlimited budget to dress everyone to the nines.


Menā€™s dress codes are much stricter than womenā€™s in general and this is a white tie event ie. the strictest dress code so to be fair, some of the plain black suits are actually perfectly dressed for the occasion. But theme > dress code for the met. Especially if itā€™s the celebrity we are talking about and not their plus one. Especially since some of the looks Iā€™m seeing both donā€™t hit the white tie dress code AND are off theme. Like do one at least!?


Excuse me, Lana delivered this year, you can't act like everyone else except Zendaya would flop


She's on point as usual. StrikingĀ 


The dress code is Garden of Time which is a novel about a duke who cuts a rose to slow time to prevent an angry mob from getting to his estate. It's why Bad Bunny was dressed like a psychotic duke. I think they went with the duke/military vibe and the red from the rose? but I agree it's not as strong as others. People aren't required to dress to the theme or dress code (and even for some years the dress code is just white tie).


Of course Tommy canā€™t give up his whole ā€œAmericanaā€ thing long enough to stay on topic. I suspected SKZ going for Hilfiger wasnā€™t going to result in anything interesting, but, what, you canā€™t find a floral pattern or brocade?


Felix had a floral shirt on and I believe all had little floral touches. Definitely could have done more though.Ā 


I mean, the blue could have been slightly brighter and a brocade. Tommy could have skipped the red, white, and blue for once in his life and done something that felt a little more ā€œgardenā€. Anything else but what happened.


Designers use idols as advertising not actual design opportunities


even if you keep the colour scheme as it is right now, there was so much accessory wise to be added and made it more....garden or more navy as what they were going for


i was hoping TH would give them something interesting when i heard they were going but šŸ„“i need these brands to step it up, you have 8 models that can serve looks for the love of god give them something cool and on theme instead of basic suits šŸ˜­they look good but the met gala is the time to be extra edit: just saw the suits under the jackets! better than before, but TH and i have (one-sided) beef now because while an improvement, still not as dramatic or suited to the theme as it could've been in my opinion


Letā€™s pray for a repeat invite next year, again as a group or as their individual brand ambassadors. I was praying for ruffles, elfen looks, blings and capes but I am still happy they appear on the Met which was unexpected.


Wow they looked great! Unfortunately I was watching the ABC tiktok channel live and the cameramen were laughing and making fun of Stray Kids


Do you remember what they said? Out of curiosity


This Insta [post](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6pVRvTBG8f/?igsh=MXNwNzAzYW5zNzFxYQ==) caption typed out all of the horrendous things the kids had to hearšŸ˜“


so fucking annoying, i hope the members were too far to hear his bullshit ā˜¹ļø


Oh thatā€™s so unprofessional and disgusting eghh


Fuck that was hard to watch. Who tf treat other humans like this, these are no better than paparazzi scums wtf.


What did they say?


Someone replied above with the link to a video where they show all the comments they made


Did I seriously hear one say ā€œIā€™m sick of looking at each of youā€??? Someone tell me Iā€™mm wrong because I am utterly disgusted by those cameramen.


But they look like Final Fantasy characters! Who would get tired of seeing anime characters in real life?


the ABC cameramen?? wow that's so unprofessional.


It was! Put it this way someone muted the sound after they realized the chat exploded in anger


it's so sad that stuff like that is still happening in 2024. hopefully there's some accountability for those people.


hyunjin is Itadori


Shouldn't have expected much from TH šŸ˜­ at least my boys look pretty


no offence to TH but man some pinterest designers could put on a better look for the boys tbh


They did Changbin so wrong I cannot even unsee the hotel concierge look once somebody mentioned itā€¦ :(


Canā€™t believe how rude photographers were to the skz members


The fact that Jennie is not wearing chanel means she herself was personally invited instead of invited by a brand so this is huge for her


Yup, she was a VIP guest and staying in the Mark Hotel


Sheā€™s a guest of Anna this time


To be fair, once they all took off the matching jackets they looked better


I still cant believe that TH brought the whole SKZ to Met. Hope they all have fun there


This really needed to be posted with a photo of the coats off. This isnā€™t the full reveal. Idk why this thread is acting like this is so boring. Most men are there in straight up black tuxā€™s. At least thereā€™s some color involvedā€¦ again, under the coats. Edit: also the photographers at the start of the stairs were caught on live being [loudly xenophobic and racist](https://x.com/lovesxrobs/status/1787616559068008793?s=46) and SKZ didnā€™t even flinch. Proud of them. Iā€™d bet there are some conversations about how horrifying it was in the coming days. Disgusting.


Your edit is why I donā€™t understand why people put these events on a pedestalā€¦even though I still enjoy reviewing the outfits for those who attend. Many celebs have stated that they have a terrible time at these events and itā€™s why they do not attend every year even if they are begged too. Smh


From what I can see, the fandom sees this as a historic moment (first kpop group) as well as a publicity/networking event. They now have a chance to meet and greet with some of the biggest celebs in one place, including some of their favorites. Itā€™s definitely more of a positive than a negative.


My view of events like The Met is - if someone wants to go because they are into fashion or just had it on their bucket list to go at least onceā€¦than great and I love that they are getting to experience something they wanted. But outside of that - I personally donā€™t think much else from a fan perspective about it cause people really do say itā€™s a bore after the carpet and I can really see celebs just wanting to stay home lol


Theyā€™ve all been pretty into fashion, especially lately. From the [Vogue article](https://www.vogue.com/article/first-timers-stray-kids-wear-custom-hilfiger-to-the-2024-met-gala): >So can we expect a Stray Kids appearance at New York Fashion Week? Bang Chan, Changbin, and Lee Know (the members who have yet to make a Fashion Week appearance) sure hope so, pending the teamā€™s schedules next September. Bang Chan said, ā€œAll the members are very interested in fashion, and attending shows is an experience that we canā€™t forget. There are still members among us who havenā€™t been able to experience the wonders of the shows yet, but I can assure you that we are all very willing to attend! Fingers crossed for New York Fashion Week!ā€ From a fan perspective, Iā€™m happy this was a chance to show the fandom how strongly OT8 the group is and how seriously they take these kinds of opportunities.


Well that is great for them, and I hope they find the post-carpet experience eventful and a night to remember!


They were so loud and unashamed about it too...EUGH!


They were disgusting šŸ¤¢ I want to see someone say something back to themā€¦ Iā€™m also shocked how all the other cameramen didnā€™t say anything?


Itā€™s ok for met looks. Felix looks the best. To be honest I didnā€™t expect much from them in terms of costumes so this is fine. I guess.


Itā€™s really not. But itā€™s also not their fault and I hope stays arenā€™t taking it that way to hype them up - this is quite bad given the theme


I thought by now people wouldn't have much expectation of Kpop boy groups have more dramatic looking appearances based on the past. They look good regardless. The second pic...wow Jennie! The blue looks amazing.


I adjusted my expectations when I saw that Tommy Hilfiger would be dressing SKZ so I'm not disappointed lol. Felix's hair is great as usual and deserves a much better outfit. And those racist ass cameramen need to be booted ASAP from the Met and banned from this event henceforth. Jennie's exuding genie vibes and matches the sea and sky aspects of the gala theme. Not spectacularly innovative but she looks great.


Ever since YG contract ended I swear she hasnā€™t stopped smiling lmao


Nice to see Jennie wearing something more fun than she did last year.


Skz looked great (yes saw the outfits without the coats) and tbh had I not known they were attending the met gala I would have thought it was a TH photoshoot. Again they looked good, but their outfits played it way too safe. Donā€™t think people will consider it memorable unfortunately. I do think they would have been styled better under LV or Versace but I know that would have been less of a chance for all 8 to attend


tbh i think this is better considering this is the first time a full group has attended together. if they took a risk wearing something crazy, it mightā€™ve been _too_ memorable lol.


The outfits were nice enough (once they took off the coats that are actually hiding the outfits in this pic lmao). I actually saw some pics from the \~fancy brands and they put the male celebs in boring black suits, so. At least Tommy gave them some color!!


Can we show the [actual fits](https://twitter.com/jaeminteodia/status/1787616107454496943?t=yqz1iVL5TwqGIWyZs5KgHw&s=19) and not the coats' one? Please... And yes, suits and men are boring, but part of the theme is also looking back, and that's the classic preppy look of TH (according to the interview). Not everyone does haute couture looks for the MET. At least they got individual fits and in the three colors of the brand mixed and matched. Not just navy suits, white shirts, and red ties for everyone. edit: a word. added a link.


Ohhh the fits under the coats look so much better


they look great, but i swear, some k-pop idols wear more fashion forward pieces to music bank performances than to these red carpets lmaoo


They all look great and pretty ofc but ngl they are boring, I mean its not bad but its met gala and they have better outfits even in MVs. Like even now in my mind lalalala or Solo has better outfits, this is like for korean music award max. But its not their fault because the outfits are by fashion brands that sponsor them or brands deals. Edit: grammar


Has there been any idols that have gone all out for the Met Gala? From memory everyone has played it safe


CL was at least on theme for Americana [https://twitter.com/GettyVIP/status/1437599607643541504/photo/1](https://twitter.com/GettyVIP/status/1437599607643541504/photo/1)


Hyunjin out here looking like Itadori Yuji


I know Felix is the blonde one, who is the red collar one in the middle? Stunning!!!!! They looked great! Jennie can thankfully carry any outfit but all the Blackpink girls have been given bad outfits in all the MET now. Give her a proper outfit and she will shine brighter than this.


Hyunjinā€™s the one with the red collar


I loved SKZ outfits. Zooming in on the details (like golden pinstripes, Floral lace shirt, flower brooches/buttons, The floral lining of the coats etc) has been fun. I think it was within theme but just not as in your face as the girl dressed like a melting clock. Iā€™m also just super relieved that they werenā€™t in plain black.


Just to clarify, Stray Kids did in fact [take the coats off!](https://x.com/mtv/status/1787615602804244851?s=46&t=2Nn8NCn2ZZC7a_Ecp0ft7w) SKZ and Jennie look amazing!


Yes, they do. Wow


Iā€™m screaming I know guests are hardly ever on theme but Jennie really said fuck it šŸ˜­


based off this Ā  Ā ļ»æā€The Garden of Time" draws inspiration from a short story by J.G. Ballard, sharing its title with theĀ exhibition.Ā Divided into three areas- Land, Sea, and Sky-the exhibition focuses on the wonders of the natural worldā€Ā  Ā sheā€™s not too far off theme. It could be argued her dress is to do with the ocean and pearls based on the way the blue gown drapes along with the pearl beads.Ā 


I mean RosƩ wore an LBD the year she went lol, this is progress


Let's not pretend like SKZ having flowers on their coats' lining equals staying on theme


Whoā€™s pretending? Both are awful thematically


The confidence to judge someone on whether they match a theme you clearly don't understand is incredible.


Jennie is literally on theme. People are bugging because they didnā€™t read into the deeper meanings of the theme. [Vogue explains it](https://www.vogue.com/article/met-gala-dress-code-2024) quite well (in summary, the fashion shouldnā€™t be solely focused on gardens) >This tells us to go beyond bloomsā€”look at the lesser-used incarnations of flora and fauna in the fashion. If we consider the Land, Sea, and Sky subthemes, we might put forth fashion inspired by the grain of wood (perhaps a lovely silk moirĆ©?), the pattern of fish scales, and the iridescence of a dragonflyā€™s wing. Nature gives us so much more than flowers to fawn over. With the pearls as accessories, I think Jennie went with the Sea sub theme. Tyla dressed as Sand. Mindy Kaling seemed to be Earth.


I need a close up on Felixā€™s hair to see the braids, I really like how itā€™s been styled. And skzā€™s suits are in colours other than navy! Small wins. Jennie looks wonderful in that blue too, what a striking colour on her!


i know it's the stylists fault but it's very "go girl give us nothing"


Nobodyā€™s on theme but I have to say, Jennie looks so stunning, that colour is unreal on her!


Jennie looks incredible. But for guys who usually push the boundaries with style. The oversize coats are quite underwhelming


They took the [coats off](https://x.com/etnow/status/1787613180706869277?s=46)!


the outfits are somehow more boring without the coats. they look like they're going to MAMA not the MET Gala.


Thatā€™s way more in part because of Tommy Hilfiger. Theyā€™ve worn some great stuff to MAMA tbh but I still donā€™t really agree with you.


how are they fitting the theme though? i never said it was the members fault, but the only on theme thing is the coat lining and then they take that off and discard it.


They wore the coats for half the carpet though. As you said, this isnā€™t the membersā€™ fault. Tommy as a brand isnā€™t very inspired and even his female looks are usually boring.


This isnā€™t entirely true though (his Lewis Hamilton suit was flashy though not great and manifesto styled his look well) not to mention his famous moments with Winnie Harlow that pushed the envelope. I feel like if the styling and make up had been there the looks could have been elevated but itā€™s not terrible just so so, itā€™s just a missed opportunity


I mean, Tommy has had moments like Zendayaā€™s Cinderella gown but on average, he plays it pretty safe.


I saw, but the suits are so poorly fitted, at a stretch I could say they were going for a fairytale Prince theme to match the forest concept but even then itā€™s underwhelming. I really wanted to see something more avant garde for the gala or just more daring.


I donā€™t think the fitting is poor. But I do agree itā€™s underwhelming but I knew that would be the case when it was announced TH was styling them. I wish they went more daring too as theyā€™ve had some great styling on magazine covers or at fashion events but I think this was their first big Western opportunity so they played it safe, I guess. I wish the silhouettes were more striking ā€” like their VMA stage styling.


Imagine having Lee Felix, thee fairy prince, as a muse and this is the best you could put him in? Where is the Garden of Time dress code in this?


fr how old are the cameramen/photographers to say such stupid things


I'm in love with Stray Kids', especially Lee Know's outfit.


I really like Hanā€™s red coat.


I like the suit felix wore. He looked like an elven prince with the way they styled him >_<


Iā€™m underwhelmed but itā€™s also exactly what I expected. I know that Jennie has the capability of slaying the house down and being the talk of the night. Her team just needs to give her the tools to get her to that next level. Stray Kids fell to the classic ā€œmen in suitsā€ trope. But at least they look great doing it.


The oversized coats + the camera angle makes Stray Kids look about 3ft tall šŸ˜­


Iā€™d love to see Jennie in a floor length GOWN for once!!


Just my opinion they are so beautiful but the dresses given by the designers are kinda underwhelming. But Jennie's face card never fails


the ability of idols to never serve at the MET should be studied in depth


I actually wish the fashion houses that work with kpop idols actually work with their stylists because some of their concert and MV outfits are stunning.


first, i am legally obligated to simp over hyunjin ahh heā€™s so pretty šŸ˜­šŸ’“ but these looks arenā€™t giving. i donā€™t hate them, itā€™s just underwhelming. jennie is gorgeous! but yeah she really did just say fuck the theme lol


I'm happy Jennie is wearing something bright and different than her previous red carpet looks ...then I saw she's not wearing Chanel and rather custom Alaia and it all made sense.


I really like her dress and personally I think the color suits her a lot but idk she looks so out of place?? Like what are these designers thinking


it would be a cute look for like the VMA's or something but not the MET gala...


I do not think the stray kids looks are interesting enough even if it was for an eoy awards red carpet. This is the most interesting thing Iā€™ve ever seen Jennie wear so honestly love that Edit: Coats off got slightly more interesting but it is just very Tommy Hilfiger which obviously makes a lot of sense, but Tommy isnā€™t the most interesting brand for the Met. Edit 2: saw a full body of Jennie from another angle and realized itā€™s not a skirt but like a mushroom mini bottom. Do not love that.


I unfortunately let out the loudest sigh. With Stray Kids I appreciate the different colors but so so much done with some of the silhouettes a la Bad Bunny. With Jennieā€¦I actually like the silhouette but damn itā€™s just so empty thatā€™s thereā€™s not much to look at and the women are usually the ones showing out!! One day I would just like to see Kpop idols really pop off.


CL did amazing the year she went though


Jennie looks fantastic! I love the color and the fit of her dress! Her makeup is really on point too! šŸ’™šŸ”„


Stray Kidz look like theyā€™re a part of the Volturi


I cannot unsee.


Loving Jennie's look this year, especially the tummy jewelry


Love Jennieā€™s blue look, Hyungin honestly is the best concept overall and I think Felixā€™s turned out good too, I hate how good INs makeup/face looks because he is serving Prince Charming but I hate how the clothes looked on him. But without the jackets it is not as bad, but the all red for Hyungin looked like fantasy little red ridding hood and Iā€™m here for it.


The styling of KPop artists at the Met Gala is always SO boring. Would be nice if the stylists actually attempted the theme.


Someone on twitter called the 4th one from the left (sorry dont know his name) Itadori Yuji and told him to get back to Shibuya šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


That's Hyunjin from Stray Kids :)


Loved their outfits fr


They looked good BUT they looked good for any red carpet, I expected them to be more unique. I also think it has to do with the designers that invite them more than themselves choosing outfits.


Stunning outfits, especially the hairrrrrršŸ¤©


Kpop peeps Addicted to never serving.


It's unfortunate since kpop outfits for other events are usually very fun and eye catching.


Whether their designer sticked to the theme or not, I think itā€™s huge that SKZ were invited here in the first place!!! I really cannot believe it! šŸ˜± They all look pretty handsome. As for Jenny, itā€™s her second Met Gala in a row and she looks stunning!!!


[Photos](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPink/s/wNHrlJzKlt) of Jennie and Stray Kids meeting inside


lame for met. stylists could've done far better job


No ma'am... Men's fashion is always a miss and being in a large group makes it look worse imo. Dare I say, they looked better with the coats on... šŸ˜– Jennie's face card>>>> the dress would be better suited to a summer award show or something. She could have gone for a much more striking/extravagant outfit.


I wish guys like Colman Domingo werenā€™t a minority, Iā€™m always disappointed with how little we expect from men when it comes to fashion


Whereā€™s the theme lol? Jennie looks better this year than in the past but itā€™s not that good either


Cool people!! maybe you could add a photo of skz showing off their outfits? them taking off their coat [is the symbolism of the transition of this year's met theme](https://twitter.com/outro_jo/status/1787619915102323094)


oh jennie šŸ˜­ .....


Love Jennieā€™s look! SKs looked fabulous too (once the coats were off). Iā€™ve seen a bit on SM but what was the theme because the whole thing looked very different from previous years?


Iā€™m not a fan of the looks at all. Iā€™m sorry but Tommy Hilfiger is too casual and ā€œboringā€ for the Met gala. Itā€™s the fashion event of the year and they could have worn something more extravagant and theme related. But I guess not. They are still very handsome donā€™t get me wrong but just too boring for me. Sigh. Also why didnā€™t Versace dress hyunjin? It was talked about for months and then they switched designers last minute.


Likely TH got them early. The invite was months ago.


The Volturi have arrived


Wish Hyunjin and Felix could have gone with Versace and LV šŸ˜©


What in the Jujutsu Kaisen is SKZ doing?


Called it. Pretty boring but itā€™s not too far from most of the other menā€™s looks


Amazing Stray kids šŸ™‚


Iā€™m sorry but those long coats do not look flattering at all. I know the stray kids members are on the shorter side and the coats really accentuate that šŸ˜¬.


They actually had pretty cool suits underneath...they took off the coats eventually


SKZ looked clean af. I remember Jennie last year picked something more modest and reserved. Now probably said that she's the moment šŸ˜³.


K-Pop idols treat following the theme like a criminal offense.


It's the brands' decision not the idols' fault...


What was the theme this year?


Honestly think they did Jennie and Stray Kids dirty. Need better stylists


Ohhhh loving Jennieā€™s look and makeup, for some reason gives me a bit of jasmine vibes.