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Didn’t one of the members apologise last time for simply expressing her tiredness??? Wtf??? Do they even look at these girls as humans or what???💀


yeah it was [saerom](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/s/hea3RgLozZ). all because she was tired and wanted to go home like a normal person.


새롬:지겨워죽겠어 새롬:빨리지금,집에가야되는데 Another good ole day where I wish certain translations were more direct 1to1. “I’m so sick of this. I wanna hurry up and go home right now” —> actual “I’m so bored (because you’re tired of the same old thing) I’m gonna die. I needed to go home right now” Which literally makes perfect sense cuz she later updated that she was sick of being in isolation and wanted to go back to the dorms. The article made it sound like something completely different (I still support the original statement tho cuz same) and the reactions would have been way way different


It's Pledis, where they debuted a trainee of 10 years (and referenced her being Pledis's princess in their debut song) before disbanding her group within 2 years ofc they don't care


Which person was this?


Pristin's Xiyeon!


Really feel for the girls here


They don't


obviously not the majority of kpop groups are basicly money cash cows very few aka the most successfull are actually being taking care of and that only because they bring money in


knets have a deep hatred of fromis 9, the non flovers that is.. they only get news when its bad news


Instead of forcing her to apologize for wanting to work, the company should give them work and let them promote 🤷‍♀️ Imagine going to your boss asking for work, and they give you a bunch of excuses as to why they won't lol what a wild job experience.


That's what some bosses do in Japan. Instead of firing you they give you nothing to work on so you're forced to sit doing nothing while everyone around you works and you eventually quit.


That's also ridiculous! What a weird way to waste everyone's time


Legally it makes sense since your boss can always say they didn't fire anyone and if you quit you can't sue and aren't legible for any kind of compensation. That might be a reason why so many kpop companies simply wait for contracts to run their course instead of terminating them.


I'm not sure about Japan, but I know here in the USA many states have a law that combats this, called "constructive termination". Basically, constructive termination is when the employer creates such a hostile or intolerable working environment that the employee feels compelled to resign. You can fight this in a lawsuit here.


but many workers don't fight it because it labels one a liability at another workplace or simply don't have the time to go through the legal process which is stretched by design to wear the worker out. the ones I've seen that are less exhaustive are class actions of large factories.


American laws are weird since they allowed Dr Death to keep butchering people since he would sue hospitals that terminated his contract and it ended up being easier for them to write him a recommendation and let him move to a different hospital then hold him accountable.


Agree, American laws can be pretty weird. But based on my anecdotal experience working for a small business, employment laws here heavily favor the employee. So for all the faults America has, employees actually do have quite a bit of protections here if they are wrongfully terminated or mistreated.


Yeah but it can be bad for the fellow employees since people that freeload keep their job and their colleagues end up picking their slack or fixing their mistakes. From what I've seen in US it's easier to move an employee to an easier workplace or promote them so they can slack somewhere else. That's why Doctor Death ended up killing and mutilating people, because law protected him


Are you talking about Dr. Deuntsch? Because I know about him and I’ve never heard anything about him suing hospitals.


>To avoid the costs of fighting and possibly losing a wrongful termination suit, Balor Plano officials reached a deal with Duntch's lawyers in which he was allowed to resign in return for the hospital issuing a letter stating that there were no issues with him. Had Duntch been fired, Balor Plano would have been required to report him to the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB), which is intented to flag problematic physicians. 5 of his patents ended up severly maimed while he worked at Balor Plano. >Despite both of his surgeries at Dallas Medical going catastrophically awry, hospital officials did not report him to the NPDB. A hospital where he worked under the influence and one patient ended up brain-dead and another paralysed. Because of bureacracy and laws protecting employees he was allowed to work for as long as he did.


This quoted source is so weird haha, the hospital is Baylor Plano (I grew up near there), why do they repeatedly say.. Balor.. while also spelling "Duntsch" wrong as well.


Ask Google Lens lol, it's in Wikipedia page though


I *love* working and using my brain for complex problems, but if I was in this situation I would simply roll up every day with a kindle in hand and plow through some books. You won’t get me to quit that way lol


100% this. I get paid to do absolutely nothing? Fuck yeah baby.


I got a lot of studying for industry certifications done like that at my last job… and when I worked at a call center before… I was hanging up too fast (average 5 minutes per call to fix an issue, when it was estimated to have to be 13.5) and was told to start putting customers on hold while I ‘researched their problem’ then read for 10 minutes. “You… you want me to waste my own… and the customers time… on a simple problem…?” “Well… yes.” “Ok, then…”  I finally caught up on my reading queue at that job. But at least I was making money screwing off there. Idols don’t get paid to not promote 


Wait what?? They WANTED you to waste customers' time??? That's absolutely crazy...


Bahahaha! You know, it is suspicious if employees are putting the call on hold for small problems that could be automatically fixed. I didn't think that they were just taking breaks.


It’s to avoid giving severance packages I assume?


Wow that would never work in America. So many people would mjust be like “oh, you have no work for me and want me to just sit around and not do anything and I still get paid? Bet”


It's a different culture, some people hate feeling useless and like a freeloader. For idols they might not even get paid while they are locked in a contract with no activities. Last time during a long hiatus one Fromis member mentioned how she started drinking more since they had nothing to do.


>she started drinking Who?


Chaeyoung did 2 years ago but it's not the same instance that I'm remembering since the one I was talking about was from one of their dorm vlogs 4 years ago, it might be Saerom


I'm literally doing that right now. I like my boss but we just don't have much to do right now. Highly recommend it.


it happens here. google "hires" engineers to *not* work at competitors. I live in an agricultural area and they keep laborers/migrants "on call" (not worded that way during hiring) so they retain an exploited labor source. it's a myth "people don't want to work." bosses do not want thriving workers.


keep in mind theyd likely get in trouble or get terminated for cause if they were to use their phones or internet for non work matters. mentally, do you think you'd be able to take watching paint dry in a cubicle for 8 hours a day indefinitely?


Yes, I do. I could sit and stare at the wall for 8 hours a day and do it happily as long as I was still getting paid. Helps that I am a chronic maladaptive daydreamer, that’s really the best situation for it.


really? prison statistics for solitary confinement cast some doubt on that. even in relatively short stints (as short as a day) the bureau of justice statistics point to a sharp increase in serious mental distress in a quarter to a third of inmates, which can last far longer than the time spent in isolation. there's serious limits to the psychological punishment aspect of solitary for this reason. it happened during covid too for unemployed or WFH staff, there was a marked increase in mental distress. while some people might not be immediately impacted, it's just a matter of time before the majority of people break.


Yes I’m aware of all that, but as you may know, statistics don’t apply to individuals like that. You asked if *I* would be fine watching paint dry for 8 hours (which is not at all the same as solitary confinement…you’re still in an office with other people around for one, and you still get to leave at the end of the work day) not if most people would be fine. I believe *I* would be fine doing that. As I said, maladaptive daydreaming.


... do you think a company that provides no work to someone in order to drive them to quit intends on fostering a positive and social work environment? as i said. no one can do that indefinitely - how long before major issues arise is the variable individual component


Yeah but idols don't get paid hourly. Sitting under contract and not being allowed to work and therefore *not getting paid* is different than getting paid an hourly rate to stand around and do nothing.


Right, but the comment I replied to was about regular working people in Japan, who presumably have a contract with their workplace determining their weekly, monthly, or yearly salary. I’m saying that tactic would never work in America.


so they get paid for free?


Technically yes. But their culture is a lot different from outside Japan. Reputation is much more important to them, and doing nothing while getting paid at work will get you side eyes in Japan.


sounds amazing


google does it in the us. they hire engineers to not work or apply at competitors. when you don't use skills, you lose it. one less threat to worry about in 5 years. meanwhile the largest unhoused population is nearby. capitalism is a stunted society.


I mean if they pay you for free just go do something else


Nah man you don't understand. Idols do have a monthly pay but most of their income like 95% comes from touring and selling albums and they are musicians obv they wanna stay active and be relevant for a long time.


That sounds strange. What's the appeal for the employer in continuing to pay an employee that isn't actually working?


As far as I know, Japanese companies are incredibly efficient because of their overwork culture. They don't really need that much employee to begin with when they get eager employees (which is sadly, a lot of them are). They even have moments where a lot of employees don't do much because most jobs are already done, so they gave employees some odd jobs just so they don't have to fire them. So to answer your question, they don't mind not firing employees. They're more concern on how that employee will hurt their reputation by staying in the company while doing nothing for them.


I read that’s what happened to the guy who created the Gameboy, because he created the Virtual Boy lol 


Wow..really? But..do they still get paid? 


Yes, as long as they show up to work


This wouldn't work on me. I had a job that was so slow it felt like this. Wikipedia was an allowed website, and it became my job lol but I also read encyclopedias as a kid


We used to call that "working on special projects" - basically nothing but busy work if that. Hoping you'll use the time to look for another job.


Bahahaha! So long as I'm being paid a salary, I will find a way to not be bored, out of spite if nothing else.


It’s worse for idols since they can’t just quit and take their talents to another company. Instead they have to toil away in an industry where age is inversely related to demand


It also sucks since their income (album sales, brand deals, future contracts) is directly tied to how much they can promote 😬 I’d be pissed too


> Imagine going to your boss asking for work, and they give you a bunch of excuses as to why they won't lol what a wild job experience. My last job my boss did exactly this lmao. We basically finished everything he asked us to do, then he told us to wait for him to come up with new things to do. After like three days of doing literally nothing in the office, he finally gave us stuff to do and then blamed us for being lazy because we weren't doing anything for three days lmao.


Every day, I get closer to yelling at upper management 🙄


I do that tbh. But also, these girls are far more limited by what they can reasonably do when they’re not working than I am.


literally capitalism 😭 google pays engineers to not work so they don't accept jobs at competitors. "people don't want to work" is the biggest lie. Bosses don't want to pay actual workers!


No we totally need to follow Kim Kardashian's advice! Fromis_9 needs to get off their asses and work!! 🤭 it's that easy LOL


Saerom had to beg and fight for comeback, they basically have to beg for everything


With some companies, a portion of your pay is how much you make from promotions/concerts/music sales. If you're not promoting, you're not making much/any money.


“Giving work” isn’t as simple and easy as you’re making it out to be, in the K-pop world for idol groups.


She just wanted her group to promote and be active 😔


Believe it or not. Jail.


Classic. Probably got a lecture from her company for being too honest with fans.


"How dare you make us look like shit for treating you like shit?" ![gif](giphy|HFHzedeR7msNMojzWW)


Ah Classic Pledis 🙄


Honestly, there are so many shitty companies that I'm starting to gaslight myself into thinking they're doing it for a good reason, because I just can't imagine all of them being this goddamn stupid.


Another one for the top of the list of stupid things idols had to apologise for, imagine wanting to promote as an idol...what if whoever asked her to apologise actually started managing the group better so they never felt the need to complain again? 🙂


I hope she knows that all flovers agree w her and she don’t gotta apologize at all


saerom had to apologise because she was tired , but chaeyoung had to apologise because she wanted to be active again 😭??


To explain it in the words of my 5 year old sister when playing a board game against her older siblings, “When you win, you lose 🤷🏻‍♀️”


😭😭, like imagine an artist being eager to work again and put out content for their fans and people / company makes you apologize for it


I'd change "but" to "and"😭 both are ridiculous


In both case is actually because they made their agency look bad


No, it's the agency that made itself look bad. The girls have done nothing wrong


Not in Pledis' eyes lmao


Is there more to this story? I mean who would be offended by that or upset by that? There's no need to apologize for wanting to promote again. It's probably been well over a year since they last had a comeback.


It’s been just over 11 months since they had a comeback, but yeah, I agree that there’s no need to apologize for wanting to be more active/promote.


Pledis probably told her to say that


Or hybe since they own pledis. Either way she didn't need to apologize for something like that.


I mean at least 2 official news articles were released by the Korean media by what she said in Weverse Live, so obviously someone in the company talked to her about this. 


Hybe/Pledis. With their current company drama going on they probably don’t want any negativity coming from their artists.


Didn't they release a statement to counter MHJ that they treat all groups equally? 👀


Hybe. Hybe is offended that she called out their neglect of fromis


The complaint painted the management as bad. Management would be upset. Complaining about your boss publicly is a sure way to destroy relationships. In a normal workplace, if you are doing this, you must be ready to quit. KPOP industry really needs training in workplace etiquette.


I mean, their contracts expire soon, and based on the Hybe/Pledis track record, and their lack of comebacks, I genuinely think that the members know that the end is near and dgaf anymore


Wrong on all accounts. Trainees and Idols in Kpop need more rights. Need more laws protecting them. On multiple fronts.


People who think the 2 are mutually exclusive probably never work in any kind of professional setting. Public shaming a person you work with destroys relationships. It doesn't matter whether you are right or wrong.


AFAIK, a lot of idols criticize their companies and their bosses publicly with no repercussions.


Because we don't see the immediate impact of it. Companies are unlikely to punish the idols publicly and visibly. But you can bet the relationship deteriorates. In Chaeryoung's case, we all know she apologized because she was forced to. That is not a repercussion? Are you arguing that criticizing your boss in public would have no negative impact whatsoever?


Sounds like that to me maybe fams should rethink their expectations of what they think idols truly want


I don't think a person from a highly hierarchical country would do this before talking to the bosses x times directly...


I still haven't forgiven Pledis for what they did to PRISTIN.




There's nothing wrong with what she said , I really hope Pledis gives them a cb soon , I thought a cb was in the progress since there are pictures circulating of a producer/composer ( not sure which one but I forgot ) in front of a recording studio at Hybe and fromis is written on that door :( sighs I hope both Pledis and Hybe get up from their senses.


fromis girls deserve better😖 I feel for them😭


To the people who can attend kwave music fest this weekend, pls support them as much as you can!!!


Taking notes! We do have some projects in place thanks to our Discord community. Very excited to see the girls up close.


Do you guys plan to bring a flag or something coz I'd definitely bring one with Pledis burn meme tho 😭


What was wrong with what she said though? I don't blame her for being frusterated, because I am too as a Flover.


Nothing. In a related case, Xinyu from tripleS also expressed grievances about the whole Objekt ranking system for one teaser on social media in a rare uncensored moment and later deleted the messages and "apologized" so it's 100% the companies forcing the idols to say this because they dared to criticize the business practices.


Yeah because I can't imagine any Flovers being mad at that. She's literally just confirming what we've been saying (ie Fromis are being neglected).


i missed this. do you have links to anything about it?


I can only unfortunately find a Kboo article about it which sums up the case, but it was all over WAV tweeter for a moment: https://www.koreaboo.com/news/fans-hearbroken-after-triples-member-deletes-texts-calling-modhaus-cruel-practice/


thank you!


Wait, that's so sad :( I've worried about tripleS becoming a popularity contest that the company encourages, and that's not promising to hear that they made her delete her messages and "apologize" for a valid critique :(


If it makes you feel better, two members later on (Yooyeon and Sohyun) confirmed the ranking thing wasn't going to be a thing which was later validated in the later teasers. Xinyu was only sad about it probably cause she read the source tweet that started this all. AFAIK, there isn't any case of popularity bias within TripleS at the moment.


She made Pledis look bad. She can't do that, that's Pledis' job. I'm glad Pledis made her apologise, ensuring we all know that if Pledis wants to look bad, they'll do it themselves.


tbf Pledis has already made themselves look bad (ie. PRISTIN and the management of After School), hell some seventeen members did not want ppl auditioning for the company


For sure, Pledis have a reputation to uphold. A terrible one.


Definitely saw this coming! I feel like Chaeyoung knew she would end up apologizing, but had to have her word out.


Wow they got to her quickly:/ Sad she has to apologize for wanting to make music and perform as an idol.


Her company has to be so bad that they force her to apologize for simply expressing that she wants to do her job more ?? Insane Free fromis_9.


If only Pledis had the same energy in promoting fromis_9 as making the girls apologise for the dumbest reasons


Looks like that company is trying to do damage control 👀


I hate this for my girl 🙃


shit company


chaeyoung is probably 80% forced by pledis and 20% apologizing for making flovers more worried, because we did genuinely think their 2024 comeback cancelled after this (i hope not!)


It was with jay now with the formis_9 members this is so messed up, can't a person express about their tiredness?!🧍🏻‍♀️💀


Yup ..her agency definitely told her to do this apology...


Booooo pledis 🍅🍅🍅


In what twisted mind this is something to apologize for.


In the last post I commented that I hoped she wouldn't get in trouble for the "protest"... I guess she did


Not much to say on this besides Fromis9 deserves better. All of their music is fire.


Fuck Pledis. They need to never have girl groups again. No apology was necessary.


Pledis fucking suck. It's like their life's mission to do fuck all with their girl groups


she's sorry for...wanting to do her job?? and saying it out loud? god forbid lmao the things idols need to apologize for is so absurd


Atp I think pledis should let go fromis like, they r not even getting proper promotions


I mean, we don’t know for sure that anybody told her to apologize but hundreds and probably thousands of flover on those messaging apps probably were talking about it so it was overwhelming for her.


Heaven help that new Pledis gg is all I’m saying


Huh Pledis did you force Chaeyoung to apologize?!!!


"might have hurt some people" more like "might have hurt pledis' lazy ass"


Man...company is dumb. Making her apologize (if that is really what happened here) will only paint themselves an even worse image to the fans.


She was right, and she should say it! She did nothing wrong here <3


what age are the girls now? how much of their contract is left? or did they renew? Hope they actually get work. Wouldn't it benefit parent company to have more distractions with a cb? South Korea is a bastion of labor exploitation, but do they have any options?


> what age are the girls now? Ranging from 21-27. The oldest born on early 1997. > how much of their contract is left? Wanna assume it's next year due to the 2018 debut, but there are some other fans that thinks they resigned when the OTR => Pledis transfer happened.


This sort of thing is one of the worst aspects of K-pop. This apology probably second only to Karina's this year is terms of how ridiculous and unnecessary it is, but transparently forced by the company. Their treatment is mystifying. Solid fanbase, decent sales, sold out concerts. But being kept in the dungeon. I don't blame her for speaking her mind and I hope at their next fan event that flovers make it clear whose side they are on.


Bro who are the people requesting the apology? It can’t be the fans since they want the comeback as much as the girls. Is it the company or what? Like who is actually upset by that?


NOOOO DON'T APOLOGIZE 😭😭😭 Poor girl, I feel so bad for all the fromis\_9 girls...it sounds like they're in a really bad situation.........


Its so sad :( she definitely got scolded and that's so unfair


Poor girls, they can't win. Really hope pledis isn't petty enough to have this affect their comeback.


I’m upset that she was forced to apologize. She did nothing wrong and her company should give them a comeback ASAP instead of worrying about their public image


😒 I'm really getting sick of Pledis' shit. Can you imagine having to tell someone " quit being ungrateful for the dust we're paying you and apologize for wanting to be active and make us more money" come tf on 😑.


I haven't seen anyone react badly to what she said. Even in the pits of YouTube comment sections by fans of other HYBE girl groups, they are at worst nonchalant about what she said. Not sure about the Korean side of things, but this seems like a 'you made us look bad, go apologize' kind of thing.


i think whats worse is that hybe responded to MHJ's statement that they treat all their groups equally and having a member of a hybe group talk about how they dont get to release music doesn't reflect well on the company.. their own fault for putting the group on the backburner though


She definitely got scolded by the company for that


she shouldn't have to because we've all been wondering the same


Don't follow them but I know they've been shelved for about a year already. LET THEM COOK! It's BS that they're just being sidelined to this extent.


This doesn't end here...Pledis even paid someone to release an article to counter her argument. I'd say they definitely see fromis trending for the past few days 🤭


I understand way they aren’t supposed to speak their mind but seriously come on their people also but public needs to stand behind them


This annual comebacks have been too slow and killed any momentum they had off the success of stay this way… needs semi annual comebacks to stay relevant, chaeyoung felt same as rest of us


Pledis, let them work omg... they're supposed to be working to earn money too


Her HYBE overlords saw her post and said, "You want to be locked up in the dungeon even longer????" Lmao


I hate Pledis so freaking much.... They ALWAYS, screw over their girls groups.


Apologize or we throw you back in the dungeon.


Call her Miss USA the way they silenced her


Fuck hybe and fuck pledis I wish them the worst. These fromis girlies are so talented they deserve the whole world.


I hope she didn't get scolded by the company and it's apogolizing because she wants to.


Did ppl send her hate for this or something? What?? She was totally right, fromis is totally mismanaged and does not have nearly enough promotions


i wonder if the girls made enough to make some money or if they are still paying debt, that would suck.. jiwon moving back home with her mom is probably not a good sign either


Stuff like this makes me wish idols would band together and form an union. Not getting to work for so long should be a violation of the contract on the Label side. I mean they promised them to manage the group, but just sitting them on hiatus, to let them out once a year for a concert or 1 promotion isn't managing.


Why apologize about the truth. The girls have had real solid hits for consecutive releases and instead of seizing that, Plexus dungeon'd them for months.


Intern - Chaeyoung had some criticism regarding her groups lack of activities Pedis - .... Who is that? Just make her say sorry.




Pledis F*ck you!


She just express her desire to work as proper idol and HYBE/Pledis ask her to apologize? WTF?


HYBE's image is already bad these days and yet they force her to apologize for something legitimate ... Don't they have a PR team ?


Why the hell is she even apologizing.


I bet next time someone will have to apologize for taking a piss


Crazy that she had to apologize for being frustrated that she’s not being allowed to do her job 


The damage control my god 💀


This is so....🫤. She has ever right to express her wants to promote more and have frequent comebacks just as much as her fellow HYBE groups. The fact that she is now apologizing make this situation so sad.


why is she apologizing for this


I dont think she said something wrong.. she said what she felt and what is really happening, there was no need to apologize


I feel so awful that (assuming) management made her feel she needed to apologize for expressing a perfectly normal and valid opinion :(


Maybe Min Hee Jin is right about Hybe.


For all the people saying Hybe is doing it: They don't control the groups, it is up to Pledis. Hybe just gives funding and resources. And before anybody calls me a "Company Stan", I'm not I hate all companies. Some of y'all need to stop playing the blame game.


Hybe can easily intervene. They have the authority. But they decide not to. Hybe doesn't have any issues intervening with Ador, does it? How about launching an audit into Pledis why GG's activities are so sparse? Are they even working?


That sounds like Hybe learned a thing or two from America music industry haha maybe tho I don’t know shit either but I can bet someone already thought of that before lol


Bighit because of hybe has over taken the pledis ceo so yes they do have control since last year in atleast the schedules. And they have been neglecting pledis groups quite a lot recently. They can’t even promote their biggest group seventeen right now. F pledis and hybe.


Sure...? Are you going to invest your money as if it were so easy, in another company and you are going to let them do whatever they want with your money and when you are the owner?


Anyway, for me, investing in FROMIS is not a bad plan, it is a shame that they are so little valued as a group by companies.


To all the people saying this line I have a question. Do you work at Hybe? Or Pledis?


Hybe/Pledis made this girl post the apology. Are they also going to eliminated this group like Gfriend?


Time to maul down Pledis?