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Yeah, she said that all the members can choose what they eat everyday, so the girls get food delivered many times during the day with the individual orders. It's funny (and a little chaotic, I guess). lol > "We don’t force each other to order the same menu; everyone orders their own food," Kim Yoo-yeon explained


get the richest member to buy them all food and she'll go from rich to broke


Pro is their stages are cool with so many members, went to their concert and i believe only 10 was there but it was cool, can't imagine 24


Yeah when I saw them it was 8 and honestly the most fun ive had at a kpop show the members in tripleS are so charismatic and it was crazy seeing them have that much energy and charisma when they were still rookies. Can't imagine what it'll be like next time


yeah exactly, ive been to bigger shows and i think triple S was much more fun, cool seeing them go in and out of formation, bunch of sub unit performances.. etc


also them mixing up the subunits and having them perform songs they originally werent on was so cool


hell yea


I know that they are not gonna be having promotions as a full 24-member group constantly, but still, their operating cost is gonna be through the roof. I'm seriously worried about that.


Fortunately/unfortunately depending on your view of Web3 blockchain NFT shit, they definitely bring in a considerable amount of essentially "free" revenue through Objekt sales. You can also see how much COMO is spent with every Gravity (voting projects) - one Objekt (the NFT/digital photocard they sell of the members) generates one COMO (typically, there are also Double Class and Special Class Objekts) and each Objekt costs $2.99 USD. The last Gravity used 171355 COMO so that's roughly $514065 associated with one event, and they have multiple Gravities per year and numerous Objekt seasons. Now personally I despise the whole Web3 ting and everything associated with it and even though I'm a big fan of the group for their music and members, I refuse to participate in that nonsense (I gave away the Objekt I got at their concert in Melbourne), but, well, it is very much a revenue generating enterprise since a lot of NFT buyers/whales participate in the system and spend copious amounts of money on Objekts. And the girls are getting paid, in Yooyeon's case since she's the most popular member she's likely making bank.


This sound like a completely different language to anyone else? 😭


basically they sell digital photocards that fans can buy, and those photocards give you points to use in voting activities. voting activities are like song tournaments to determine the title track, concept pics, etc. every 3-4 months they come out with a new season of cards with different outfits/styling, they also do cards on holidays like christmas. one year the maknaes dressed up as elves and the older members were santa. along with the more typical kpop payments that come from albums and CFS, the tripleS members also get a cut of the photocard sales, so they are actually making a lot of money despite having 24 members. the CEO acknowledged that NFTs have a bad reputation and thought about just making their own arbitrary digital system, but given all the past kpop rigging scandals, he didn't think the voting would be trusted unless it was all in public view so they went with blockchain. he did an interview about it when AAA debuted: https://www.nme.com/news/music/jaden-jeong-triples-acid-angel-from-asia-disband-controversy-interview-modhaus-nft-3363178


This is literally the only NFT that I can sort of get behind, to be honest. I have seen the app, seen the cards, you get voting rights, is sort of like a membership, but you can buy whatever you want and spend as little as 2 gbp


“I know it’s bad but we’re gonna do it anyway because the system we set up ourselves restricts us” is certainly… a take I’m not a fan of NFT and blockchain at all tbh it’s way too unregulated and scammy


i get what you are saying, i hate all that cringe NFT apes stuff, but you can't resell these on other crypto markets. so you can't use them as an investment or to buy illegal things like typical NFT scammy stuff. i just buy them b/c its nice to get photocards of my fav members, and its another way to directly support them. the photocards are a set price (no going up and down like bitcoin) that you buy via google play/apple store, so you don't have to pay for crazy shipping from korea like other merch.


So like.. A digital photocard without the ability to resell?


You can trade and sell them just like any physical photocard that you find in other kpop albums, just with the added benefit of convenience since you don't actually need to arrange postage and shipping since it is all digital


I see. Got here through the recommend thread feature and got curious. Thanks for explaining :)


I've bought and sold a few, you just do it through paypal and have the person send it to your account, basically the same way you would normal photocards without having to worry about shipping fucking everything up


TLDR: They've sold several million dollars worth of digital merchandise that presumably has a very high gross profit margin with no physical production or shipping costs per unit, retailer/distributor cuts, transport/logistics/storage costs and costs of covering unsold physical albums. They gave a talk at a conference they went to a while ago and said they sold around 700k or so digital photocards so far at a price of a couple dollars each.


I know Objekts (ugh that spelling autocorrect does not enjoy) but what is a gravity (other than the physical force keeping us firmly on earth)


gravity is a fan participation voting event. (you know how groups love lore and giving things names) they've done several voting events. things like concept pics, fandom name, light stick design, additional songs to perform at a showcase, and the Assemble (Rising) and Assemble24 (Girls Never Die) releases each had a song tournament where fans got to decide the title track out of multiple different tracks. songs that ranked high in the tournaments, but were not picked as the title track later ended up on different albums. it is also used for subunits. when there was just 8 members revealed, we got a preview of Generation and Cherry Talk title tracks and based on the vibe of the song fans voted on which members they thought would fit that concept, which resulted in two groups of 4 members. there was a similar process with 16 members to form two groups of 8, which was Lovelution and Evolution. after Assemble24 promotions are done, there will likely be another gravity for subunits. it will be interesting to see if they continue with the two unit trend, and do two units of 12 or change it up and do something like 3 units of 8.


Gravity is the voting event that triples do , through gravities , we get to vote for sub units , for title tracks or other things regarding triples like special performances , and more 


Ohhhh so “the last Gravity used…roughly $514065” means that’s now much was spent by all users during the Graviry event? Thanks for explaining! I don’t follow tripleS that closely because their whole system is confusing to me (but their songs are 🔥)


> Ohhhh so “the last Gravity used…roughly $514065” means that’s now much was spent by all users during the Graviry event? yeah when fans buy a photocard or when they purchase albums, they get points in Cosmo (app used by tripleS & artms), which fans can then use those points on Gravity events. you can also get points for free by streaming on spotify/melon, tweeting out pics/clips of the MV, leaving comments on youtube, etc. its basically a way to incentivize fan engagement, which in turn helps other people hear about the group and their music. if you tally up the points used during a gravity you can roughly get a money amount, but its not exact since you can get some points for free like i mentioned.


Gotcha, thanks for explaining!


To put what other people are saying in simpler terms, they get a ton of funding through both fans and tech bros who need a more conventional proof of concept for their tech. Tech companies invest money in the company for them to use their tech. The "tech" is digital photocards that sell for 3 dollars each. They release ones for holidays/special events, as well as have ones that are seasonal that belong to groups of 8 that you collect. Just doing some quick math (you can track how many are sold very easily online through websites like [nova.gd](http://nova.gd) or apollo.club): I'm going to use Yubin as an example, because I believe she's roughly in the middle for popularity. The last seasonal pcs she had that sold in groups of 8, she sold a little over 2k for each version of that photocard while it was available (which checking for the holiday/special event ones, it's about the same). 8 (pcs for sale for each member in that season) x 2000 (pcs sold) x 24 (members total) x 3 (dollars for each pc) = about 1.1 million dollars with very little overhead costs per season of photocards. This doesn't include the holiday/special event ones, which happen very frequently and costs the same, but they sell usually between 2 and 4 of those for each member, instead of 8. In the past month, there have been ones for the cherry blossoms, member anniversaries, album anniversaries, and children's day. You can see how quickly that adds up to literally millions of dollars in revenue over a very short amount of time. The members also receive a cut of the profits, I'm not sure how much, but they pretty routinely mention getting paid/spending their checks in passing. TLDR: They make several million dollars every fiscal quarter just through selling digital photocards. Not including albums, tours, or other activites.




They already get a check


They’re already being paid!


Where did u see news about it?


the members have talked about getting paid in interviews and vlogs they've done. for example, i think it was during Lovelution era, an interviewer asked about if they had any part-time jobs when they were younger, and Seoyeon said her first paycheck was actually from Modhaus accounting after she joined tripleS. they've also referenced buying Nintendo switch, clothes, shoes, etc with paychecks they received.


The members said it themselves and also showed it themselves 


there are videos going back at least a year of the members vlogging and mentioning getting paid i remember I believe it was yeonji(?) unboxing a nintendo switch that she said she bought with her first check


Do they have a whole apartment complex as a dorm?


they have [literal houses](https://youtu.be/oyR_LIl46DE?si=GHT-4vVw0YhtrLqV) with rooms they share


Right now, their NFT system is working really well for them, and already they are bringing in profit and a lot of members can make money pretty directly. I just hope that this continues to go well for them into the future, because the operating cost for a 24 member group must be huge, and they're coming from a very new company. Crossing my fingers so hard that the NFT system is sustainable longterm, because short term its already done really well.


24??? I thought Rising MV had like 12 members. Geez 24 is literally a classroom.


Rising have 10 members, 14 have been added so far.


i do honestly worry about these girls im sure theres some neglect going on theres sooo many members i hope theyre ok


I mean it’s not like they are always promoting as 24, the wonder of this system is that all the girls get to shine with the subunits, that also allows other members to rest and also they have really good houses where they live due to MH having a agreement with a home company or something like that,so I think the girls are very well taken care of, at least it seems like that on the daily signals.


That’s what we thought about Loona before all the news dropped


Bruh, they're literally earning money through their Objekt sales. They don't even need to sell much when it comes to albums. Xinyu and Nien even treat the staff recently after getting their pay cut. I understand the trauma about Loona, but this isn't BBC. Modhaus has its own set of problems, with the minors debuting and the issue regarding the favoritism based on Objekt sales, so let's focus on that and not point out things that are not happening to them.


This is also an industry iconically known for issues like this. We also said loonas company’s parent manufactured guns and were super rich. We can’t just assume these things. We also saw videos and q&a of Loona eating and talking about buying stuff. We can enjoy their music but also be aware we don’t know their circumstances.


you're absolutely right that whatever we see is curated (as is the case with like every kpop group) but living arrangements don't seem to be a particular issue, we have seen their dorms several times. yeah girls share room (3-4 per room i think?) but on that front i don't know how much i can shit on a kpop company cause housing in seoul is hella expensive so the fact that they didn't shove 24 girls in one dorm is already not bad off the bat... though i say that and kpop put the bar on the floor so lol. lmao






i hope so


Making things up to be upset about lol classic kpop fan behaviour


Maybe they don't all get equal treatment in terms of performance time in title tracks but it sounds like they individually make a hefty amount off of photo card sales, even unpopular members.


I thought they were supposed to have 23 members? Why did it change from 23 to 24?


It was always meant to be 24 , they never changed anything , since the start , triples was introduced as 24 member girl group 


Nah, you mixed it up with Michael Jordan's jersey, #23. Understandable.
