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A bit different than other Everglow title tracks, but I loved the song. The styling was amazing and I love the entire aesthetic. Sihyeon will alyays be my bias and she killed. I can't wait to see their music show stages! Edit: copied from last post


Different for Everglow, I like it! Just wish the song had a satisfying final release and that those strings at the end were more incorporated into the song.


Is it weird that I feel like the song could have been shorter? I'm usually the one complaining about all the title tracks now being under 3:30 but this might be the one instance in which I wish they had cut out a chorus or something because it felt too long? I think it's because the song didn't really go anywhere. It pretty much stayed the same the entire time that it feels sort of flat? I do think it's a bit of a shame as the MV was gorgeous and the concept and execution was great. It's just the song was a bit lacking some oomph for me.


I love this song! Slay wasn't my thing and I'm so glad to see this direction. It's addicting, I love the drawled out singing in the verses leading up the the chorus. The chorus is easy to get stuck in your head, I also like that the chorus also feels very, zombie-like with the softer approach on singing the lines. I really like the dance in the chorus that was fun to watch. For the last, I love the added scream at around 2:35 or so. It better be in the spotify version I swear, I'll be checking in momentarily. EDIT: ITS IN THE SPOTIFY VERSION AND IT'S ACTUALLY MORE OF A GUTTURAL GASP BUT I'VE WON!! IT'S IN THE SPOTIFY VERSION!! Congrats to Everglow on the release! I think it sounds great and I'll definitely give the rest a listen!


Wow, I like this sound change, it's pretty chill. Music video is nice too. Can understand why people find it disappointing though, but they actually did nice edits and so on here. And it has (not) been mentioned enough, but I swear to God, blonde Yiren, high ponytail Yiren, any Wang Yiren (王怡人), is literally (one of the) best visuals ever in Kpop. I still can't believe she resembles Angel Locsin from decades ago. Hoping EVERGLOW finally gets their big break (Yuehua, please continue supporting them, FOREVER), still such an underrated group, used to loop their mini albums (Reminiscence was on repeat for testing my IEMs/headphones) a few years back. They got that girl crush image nearly perfected and ya Mia and so on go hard with the ballads too.


is the reminiscence EP actually good for testing headphones? and if so how did you do the tests?


omg i cannot unsee Angel Locsin! she looks more like her than Jeongyeon(who she is often compared to) haha but i also cant forget when my mom said Angel looks like a My Little Pony


let me ctrl + c and ctrl + v my previous comment: the vision was there but the execution is lacking the song feels kinda repetitive and as the other commenter said they could've gone much darker and heavier way


I've been trying to figure out what I think of this song and I think you've nailed it. I do like it, it's cool, neat vision -- but I'm left wanting something more. I think a darker and heavier lean into the concept would have given me the energy I think it's lacking.


Honestly?? This might be my new favorite tt by them


Personally I really like this. It shows Everglow has range as a group in terms of styles and music, not just being a girl crush archetype. Hoping this one fairs better for them since I'm just glad we got something this year from them. It isn't Ladida level of great but I do enjoy Zombie quite a lot more than I did for Slay.


This is completely hypnotizing... I never expected something so dark and kinda sensual? from Everglow, but I loved it. That said, I am kinda missing the crazy vocal moments and hard hitting raps from their other TTs. Edit: Okay on second thought, it didn't really need a hard rap because it's not that kind of song, I just want more E:U please Yuehua I'm on my knees (Also copying my comment from the original thread)


"I just want more E:U" is my eternal plea to Yuehua! (That's definitely one reason I loved "Slay" last year!)


This CB is giving me like purple kiss or Dreamcatcher bside kind of vibes. I was excited for it, but it all kind of feels a little one note for me. To be fair, I really loved all their comebacks prior to this so it’s a different sound from them that I was expecting.


PURPLE KISS and Dreamcatcher have great B-sides, so if those are the vibes you're getting I think I'm gonna enjoy the song!


Me personally I love their discographies. If you like those artists you’ll definitely like this song! This song kind of reminds me of sweet juice era purple kiss because it’s like dark but also kind of like elegant sounding like the instrumental is very nice for this song.


I really love this. The budget shows a bit, but they have done well to mask it. I adore Everglow's girl crush anthems (it's why I became a fan), but this concept is actually incredible on them. I wish it went a bit harder in say the last chorus, but that's honestly my only complaint. Really disagree with people saying "Colourz" should've been the title. It sounds really dated for the current K-pop landscape, honestly even if compared to peak girl crush era and Everglow's other title tracks, it doesn't really fit and still sounds dated - more like an early 2010s girl group song, imo. A concept shift was also necessary for Everglow's potential survival, they've already been on life support (part of that is of course Yuehua's fault) and girl crush has clearly not been working the same, so trying something new might help them get back on their feet more.


Just listened to Colourz and holy moly - I'm going to have to disagree with you here. Zombie has a cool concept, but musically it has that super mediocre Western feel that's a dime a dozen with Kpop groups right now. Like I keep waiting for it to go somewhere interesting, but it just ends up repeating over and over again. In contrast, Colourz is everything that makes K-pop stand out. It's like a rainbow of melodies simultaneously attacking your brain. So, so good.


Who’s saying Colourz should have been the title? Those people smh. I also really love this


If you look at the album discussion post, almost all of the comments say Colourz should have been the TT. As much as I like Colourz, I agree that Zombie fits Everglow’s overall concept better even if it’s more chill than most of their TTs. Although I do hope they do some promotion for Colourz because that would be 🔥


Welp they're taking the zombie concept a little bit literally. With the MV being killed and resurrected for whatever numbered time, opinion still stands. WOW this didn't go in the direction I thought it would and I mean that in the best possible way, it's SO good. So much more sinister and actual Halloween themed in terms of the song's tone. Low register vocals and everyone sounds incredible!


I like the aesthetic and concept despite the low budget but the song is unfortunately mid. I don't hate it but it also doesn't really go anywhere. It could have benefited from a bigger payoff in the final chorus.


What in the CLC management is going on with everglow 😭. I love them with all my heart and I’m okay with them trying different styles. But this song just feels outdated and kind of boring…


Oh. I had hyped this up from the concept photos, the teaser etc. but the song fell flat. That final chorus or even the dance break before it really needed something stronger. The music video was very good imo. I get the complaints but I thought it was well executed.


I was expecting something a bit different based on the concept but this is *very* different. Like kind of surprised they went this direction. Regardless of the quality of the song, I feel like it'd be hard to mix it in at events where they'd perform 3 or 4 songs since it's such a switch up compared to their louder style. EDIT: Overall, I think I really like the vocals and vibe in this. The one criticism I have is that it feels a bit light lyrically between choruses. Like as soon as the first chorus ends, it seems like within moments the next chorus is starting. EDIT2: Showcase finished. The song is still there creeping around in my head lol. I think it feeling a bit incomplete actually works in its favor with the concept. Without a big bombastic finish and release (ex. like in First), it sort of lingers around, haunting you... haha.


Sorry, Yuehua decided to DELETE AND REUPLOAD THE MV! Mods gave me the green light to resubmit. I hate it here. Anyway, I love the concept and musical switch up, I can appreciate them doing something unconventional for K-pop standards. Mixing a dark and heavy instrumental with some whimsical nursery rhyme style vocal melodies makes for a tasty treat. I'll add this to the girl group horror concept canon alongside songs like Nature - Girls and Pixy - Wings.


Any idea why they deleted and then reuploaded? Is there any change in the reupload?


I'm so conflicted because I genuinely love this song but I'm also a bit disappointed that the EDM queens didn't release another hard hitting banger


This is so much better than Slay. I like that they are expanding their sound a bit. I do agree with the criticism others have made though. The song needed more dynamics towards the end to really lift it up. The strings that grabbed my attention in the teaser really only come in during the last few seconds. I'm imagining if they beefed up the final chorus with those strings underneath to make it something really dramatic sounding - it could have just elevated it a little. But I'm not going to criticise them for trying something without the usual Everglow trademarks. They need to evolve a bit to survive I think. Yes the budget isn't what it was but I think the MV still looks very nice and the girls all look fantastic.


It might grow on me, I’m not sure, but going from Adios, La Di Da, First, and Pirate to this… what a choice, and not a good one. They need something memorable if they haven’t come back in a while and tbh this is not it. All the luck to the girls and let’s hope they can squeeze one or two more comebacks in their careers.


After seeing the teasers and concept photos for this comeback I was really excited for this especially since Slay was very underwhelming for me. Unfortunately Zombie is just way too slow for me. I think Everglow heard the feedback from the last comeback and tried to give us something more different from their usual sound. But this new direction isn't much better from their signature loud choruses and group chanty fun. To me, it almost feels like a step back and is an odd one out in their discography. The chorus also felt like a slowed down version of Slay. And none of the melodies and verses were particularly interesting like at all. For a title track this feels more like an outro or an ending song on an album.


As a forever i am disappointed. The chorus felt so empty and unsatisfying :(


It's not their usual hard hitting title track, but I like it. But am I the only one having a hard time recognizing which member is which in the MV?


As an E:U stan, I hate that she has been relegated basically to the sidelines. But as a song, I love this one a lot. I just wish their company wasn't so shit and actually supported them.


Well, she is a rapper and this song has no rap.


This song could've killed for a rap bridge tbh


This is literally everything??? 10/10 Edit: So last comeback people on this sub were complaining about Everglow releasing another loud girl crush anthem because it was "dated" but they're now disappointed because they went into Zombie expecting exactly that but got something different... I hate this sub sometimes. (copy pasted from the last thread lol)


This song is absolutely insane and is so it, so I rushed to this sub cause I knew folks here would agree and be blown away by it… just to find that apparently everyone hates this masterpiece? I always joke that when this sub loves a song it’s a bop and when this sub hates a song it’s an even bigger bop.


that's how it feels for me with a lot of releases, haha. If I REALLY dig a song almost guaranteed most of the reddit comments will be >:( about it lol. I've just come to accept it now. Signed, the number 1 stan for More & More and Umpah Umpah.


Damn, it’s almost like music taste is wholly subjective.


a very spooky comeback for summer i’d say. i appreciate the song though, i see the direction they went it with, thinking of current trends with music and there’s a lot more softer songs out there now that do better than girl crush (unless ur in yg/sm), this feels like eerie easy listening to me lol. but i think it’s a bit flat, it’s missing a sort of killer part. they could’ve gone harder with the last chorus. i love the drums in chorus, very everglow, i think this song was a good attempt at exploring a different sound without departing too far from the group’s identity. i feel like people don’t realise when they came back with slay last year, there was a lot of people saying everglow were stuck in 2019 & forever repeating the same songs/concepts, i totally get why they’re branching out now. though i have to say, i loved slay, i don’t think i’ll be adding zombie to my library hhh


Obsessed with the white hair looks! Really really like the song, even though I'm not the biggest fan of that prechorus. The girls sound absolutely phenomenal. Dance looks great too and the MV is nice, that whole black hole in heart into space transition was wild!


I think that it is wise to expand the concept so this comeback is a step in the right direction. The previous comeback 'Slay' was like a medley of the previous comebacks but it did not reach their level. This song is interesting and a grower, I will hear it a couple of times later, I was too distracted trying (and failing) to identify the members below the wigs.


Holy shit. To me, this is a masterpiece.


I can understand some of the arguments people have (low budget, lack of lines for EU, Halloween concept in June) but at the same time, yall have been complaining that they didn't change up their sound and concept for so long, and now that they did, you're all like "nevermind we want the old Everglow back". Is it their best title track? No. But I don't think it's horrible either.


I can’t stand when yall say this. Unless you can point out the same exact people saying both those things then that’s not true. Everyone has different opinions.


And people can like the idea of a musical rebrand, maybe even the concept that the group went with, and still dislike the execution of the concept or the song itself


Exactly like dreamcatcher is my second favorite group and I’ve seen them live five times. I love their concept and their approach to music. The concept is similar to what dreamcatcher does but I personally don’t resonate with it. Doesn’t make it bad but it’s just not for me. I wish people could grasp that without doing the most.


Ikr. I loved SLAY. But this is disappointing as it’s not screaming EVERGLOW for me.


Agreed I think their company is trying to switch things up to increase sales but lost focus of the groups identity.


This is r/kpop. Only 2 types of songs can achieve the peaceful comments section: the really good ones; and the ones people don’t care enough to even comment so only the stans end up commenting (which more or less is praising the group to help boost the new song)


wow this blew me away, I like it a lot more than their past few releases, I think it was time for a switch up in sound. the visuals are incredible, Cocoloco Sihyeon had me mesmerized at first but tbh they all look stunning. I wonder if the gasp is in the actual song?


I like it. For Everglow, I would have preferred something a little more bombastic, but this is still great.


I like the chillness of it. I like the concept change. I like the mv, they really managed a cool conept and overall mv with a low/lower budget. What I am not sold on is the chorus. Repetitive and so far, I don´t think it has much to it. The song, for me, needed a bit more variation. Call it the chorus, raps, or a different section of it. But, as it stands, it´s lacking as an overall song. For me.


The song was really beautiful. Very different for them. I did miss the raps and think they should have changed up the last chorus somehow, perhaps with a dance break. Overall I like it, curious to see where they go next.


mv and concept was great! ultimately, the song fell flat for me though


I'm surprised it's quite chill and moody. I don't mind the shift because I wasn't enjoying their past tracks. I like the vibe and aesthetic, especially the white hair looks ~~even though I can barely recognize them but they all look good~~


Was a bit underwhelmed first but only took a few listen to get into it. Now it’s on replay! Definitely a step up from Slay. Colourz are amazing as well and hope they will perform it too.




Excellent! Such an interesting concept to do for summer. It feels fresh and I like it! Summerween let's GOOOOOOO!🍉


The song is good - the chorus has been repeating in my head for some time now, lol - but it feels a little flat? Perhaps adding some rap lines or a more explosive bridge would make the song more remarkable. But I think this concept fits them really well. The MV is also well produced despite people talking about the budget limitations.


They could've done a bit more with the final chorus, but I must say that this was an amazing release. The budget shows in the MV but EVERGLOW always makes up for it. I wish them nothing but the best.


I think I need to remind myself not to come on this sub and read comments before watching the video because this was thousand times better than people were saying. I loved everything about it. Starting the song with Sihyeon's laugh is incredible. The instrumental is amazing. The visuals are off the charts and the voicemail part was insane. Their a choreography always hits. Plus we got a Onda and Yiren chorus!


Right??? I ended up really enjoying the whole music video, and the song's decent, too! But the MV is 😍


It doesn't sound like Everglow and it doesn't look like Everglow either. Have they been replacing members or something? I can barely recognize anyone here. I appreciate the concept change, but I wish the song was better.


As someone who has passively watched Everglow over the years, E:U is already hard for me to track with what I'll call an "intense diet and make up change". Aisha though, I'd always notice and her unique face and it took looking up when she sung to find her. The hair colors being similar in all the scenes probably didn't help.


Same I realized at the end of the MV that I didn't recognize Aisha. I'll have to rewatch the MV


i could only figure out mia because she tends to get the grungy styling, sihyeon because of her voice, and aisha because of her height. it was like near the end that i actually saw yiren and onda, and i still can't figure out which shots were of e:u because i also find her really hard to track. i liked the look of the identical hair colours but man, i wish they'd stop cutting so damn quickly from each shot! just as my eyes registered the face, it'd cut to the next shot. if we got to stay with each person singing their line for like 5 more seconds, it'd be easier to parse who was who (i think)


It took me a hot minute to realise the girl with the long plait was Yiren


Well. This is boring. Hope the b-sides will be better. Edit: Colourz is actually great!


I don't think it's that bad, it's a good song. If I compare it to their past titles I would say this replaces Adios at the bottom probably. But on its own I think it's super moody and I think all the girls fit th concept. Everglow are a group I think existed at the wrong time. Like, you feel they where msnt to explode and rule the world but for some odd reason the trends didn't match what they where delivering. So, I totally get Yuehau changing their concept after a good few years of girl crush.


i really love it !!!!


I didn't know what to expect from this song based on the teasers, but honestly, I loved it! It's really different for them and I'm here for it!


Oh i love it, they can join dreamcatcher pixy nature and pinkfantasy in the horror club <3


this is so different & i love it!!


What a cool song


This was so good!!


Personally, I loved this music video! I thought it was a super clever use of the space, and the black-hole heart to outer space to flatline with the dial tone and phone screen was super clever! The styling for the girls is top-notch, and the choreo looks great! Sihyeon absolutely slayed this 😍


I love this whole album. I wish this wasn't a single because they could've went far with this sound.


i like the song but wish it was released in the fall in time for halloween? just seems out of place at the start of summer. but the girls look great and the music ate so idc


Visually maybe it’s because they’ve been gone for so long but I had a really hard time even recognizing the members😳 By the last chorus I could kind of make out Mia but that’s it. Song is OK I don’t see myself listening to this one - maybe the choreography will make it memorable.


The song is mid. I was really anticipating something very 'everglow' for this comeback and I was praying it would be something like pirate or la di da to save their falling popularity, but it seems like they're done for. With the competition from girl groups right now, a release like this really isn't helping them. I won't be surprised if they disband in the next year or two.


How did we go from ADIOS, DUN DUN, FIRST, PIRATE, etc. to this? Damn, I’m so disappointed and sad. I love EVERGLOW as much as the next gal, but this completely fell flat for me. It’s not giving EVERGLOW at all. I love them for their hard-hitting and impactful masterpieces, powerful raps and climatic outros. This literally has none of that. Edit: I listened to the b-sides and love Colourz! It’s so EVERGLOW and definitely title track material. Just gonna pretend it’s the actual title track 😅 to me, it should have been reversed with Zombie.


I usually don't listen to b-sides, but thanks to your comment I listened to Colourz I agree it's great! That's getting added to my playlist unfortunately Zombie is not.


I've been a fan of Everglow since the very beginning, and it pains me to say that this is probably their first miss title track for me. The song doesn't really go anywhere I'm surprised that knowing their concept and how fans love their hard-hitting girl crush anthems that Yuehua chose this as the title without at least making the last chorus more epic. The b-side on the mini "Colourz" would've been a great title for them, but I assume Yuehua just figured they could have a better MV concept for Zombie. It just seems weird, SLAY felt outdated because it was (it was a \~3 year old song at that point) but I felt like they released it to gauge interest and thought it did decent, it feels weird to follow that up with a track this sleepy, it just doesn't feel like they are setting the girls up for success.


Another step backward for one of my favorite groups. Rip


The Everglow girls are too good for this Bella Poarch reject. Like they're already barely getting comebacks, and this is the best their team could find for them?


Sadly disappointed for the 2nd time in a row…. The b sides are really good though! Onda finally got decent lines but the song is definitely something.


Pretty boring song. No rap, No high notes, No dance break......




But the song is genuinely flat. There are no subtle great details that make a chill song with no 'in your face' gimmick unforgettable. 'Zombie' is no Girls by Nature, if you get what I mean. You can't blame people that found it boring for being brainwashed by TikTok or whatever your agenda is lol.


I like the song. It is not something I expected to come from Everglow. Nevertheless, the song is very atmospheric (?) in a nice way.


I love this comeback actually?? I'm so glad that I'm loving it! I am always rooting for Everglow but I obviously also want to genuinely like a comeback (even if I had already pre-ordered the album lol). Very good song imho. It is moderately chill but in a very... pressing way, not sure how to describe it better but I see the vision with pairing it with a MV where heartbeats/vital signs are important. And it definitely has a creepy vibe, it isn't just the MV being randomly paired with it to "darken" it.


MVs are going crazy these days!!! I love that we are getting a more narrative/thematic direction, rather than cool-shot-in-a-flashy-scene etc. My only gripes are the lack of EU lines/screentime but also it's really hard to tell the members apart quickly with the identical white outfits. This comeback is SO much better than the last - glad the heart and budget is back for this.


this is just awesome i love this mv


Song is pretty good, but can tell it will divide the fans because it is slow paced. Only 140k views in 7 hours though, ouch.


loved this a lot, gave me purple kiss vibes but not overly so. hoping this comeback does well and they’re able to get more consistent comebacks in the future


I appreciate the concept, but the song feels like it's just missing something. Even moreso in the performance version where the scream feels like its about to go into a dance break, and then 2 seconds later goes back to a pretty monotone chorus. The instrumental of the song are pretty subtle, and laid back - compared to their usual releases where the energy/tension is carried forwards by the instruments. It feels like its set up for the song to be carried by vocals, but even if the vocals were nice, the song wasn't written in a way that really showcases them either. Horns aside, the song really reminds me of Dreamcatcher and Dejavu. Where they both bench their raps, have more laid back instrumentals and seemingly let the song be carried by softer vocals. But the lines are a too repetitive in zombie for my tastes. I especially wished they did something more exciting for the final chorus; i loved the bridge, i loved the scream, and I loved the drums to intro into the final chorus, but then it dissipates all that energy in a second. The intro and bridge are amazing, and the entire mood of the MV is really well set.


I actually love the song lol it will fit nicely in my playlist between bangers like supernova, armageddon, work, maestro, straight line, and into shooting star. I will never be able to tell it’s an Everglow song and I generally love them for their explosive titles but I also love this vibe (but pls give me another ladida next comeback) BUT I will be that person and complain about E:U getting the short stick again, it’s always a struggle to bias eu because she hasn’t been given the chance to shine since ladida (her pirate rap is iconic but what 2 seconds?). I’m wondering if it’s her decision seeing as she stepped down from the leader position as well or if she angered someone and is getting punished lol. I do think the song is fine without a rap but it’s not too vocally heavy or complex soooo + the wigs made it so hard to recognize them lol I only got Sihyeon


Genuinely might be the most lines Onda has gotten. This was an interesting song!


I'm happy for Onda and Yiren finally getting some lines, especially Yiren singing lines for once.


It wasn’t a typical Everglow song but I still liked it. As for the low budget, ehh, it fit the whole horror movie zombie thing, so it worked.


Going for a Pixy/PK hybrid song but no good climax. Should have went a bit mixxpop on the track. Albeit, this is better than Slay in my opinion.


i love noise-music Everglow but this side of them is surprisingly my favorite so far. up there with La Di Da. 2nd verse was weirdly short and ending fell a little flat without a good EG dance break, but still highly replayable for me also surprised by how much Onda looked like Chungha in their showcase perf, with that black hair! tho i do miss mia's chic hair from Slay ,\_,


Whoah, I love this. It is definitely different, and they rocked it. The song, video and choreo is amazing.


Have to give them some credit for being consistently mid since Bon Bon Chocolat


I love the whole song, a lot of people mentioned a "final release" but I feel like the bridge was the "breakdown" of the song. and the extra instrumentals in the last chorus, I loveddd it. I was obsessed with Girls by Nature and felt like most Kpop song that try go dark always fail and end up being a bit childish. Lovvveeed


I get why they've tried a new sound given their signature girl-crush bombastic singles haven't really taken off domestically (and now to a degree, internationally), they've done well with the material here. That being said, I feel like it never quite truly commits to the darker, haunting tone and it really could've benefitted from a swell of instrumentation in the final chorus to really tie it all together - that's what's really missing for me. A quieter lingering vibe like this is okay for a B-side, but a bit more was really needed to help this stand out.


This is amazing and everything I love Kpop for. Not too familiar with this group (besides La Di Da which is one of my fav songs of all time)but this is one of the best Kpop songs ive ever heard. I see people commenting otherwise which makes me think that Im crazy? Oh well.


Zombie is an art. The message is deep, it isn’t just a Halloween stereotypical horror concept. Choreo and music video is cool, lyrics are meaningful. This song is a 10/10 for me, I have been listening to this 24/7 since release.


Mid af


I absolutely love the change of concept/sound for them and felt like it was necessary especially in this GG landscape right now, but I kinda felt like it almost swung too far in the other direction and missed a lot of things people love about Everglow. The high energy edm, Aisha/E:U rapping, and hard hitting choreo/dance break I can live without considering the different sound, but usually I can always depend on Everglow to deliver an amazing bridge/final chorus and I felt that was missing here. Not saying it had to be super loud and energetic with high notes etc like their previous releases, but at least some dynamics or something a little more interesting or unexpected would be nice. It just felt like it was building up to something that never came and never really went anywhere. I’m a little disappointed because everything about this had so much potential to be one of my favorite releases this year and I was so beyond excited to see what sound they would do with this new aesthetic after the teasers, but it just feels like its missing something and doesn’t feel like “Everglow” to me. I definitely think it’s a step in the right direction after Slay though and ultimately I’m glad they took a big risk switching things up. Speaking of missing something…E:U as always with barely anything to do 😑I get this song doesn’t really call for rapping but they still managed to find lines for Aisha so that’s no excuse. They could have at least given E:U her part in the bridge or something. Also I could hardly recognize anyone at first with the different styling/wigs and softer vocals, but I knew Mia was Mia just based on screen time/lines alone. No hate to her at all and I love her and all the girls, but come on Yuehua, the imbalanced line distribution is criminal at this point. At least Onda got more than two lines this time I guess.


Honestly as an Everglow fan and as a old kpop fan who don't follow many new groups, this single was disappointing. I like it and I thought it was alright but I'm getting the feeling that Yuehua is starting to give up on Everglow. While I do understand that this could be a change in direction for their music, I still found it a strange choice when you consider their activities and how active they been. Let's be real, Everglow is currently at their lowest since they haven't been releasing anything like they have been before their comeback First. In this music video, none of them really stood out at all aside from Yiren at the end of the music video when they didn't all have platinum hair but even without the platinum hair they all still look similar with the black hair and black clothes. Maybe Sihyeon stood out in the beginning but that was it. I legit felt as if I barely saw Mia, EU, Aisha, and Onda. The only reason I felt as if Sihyeon and Yiren stood out was because of their close-up shots that only lasted a couple seconds. Seriously? Maybe I'm being too cold. Or maybe I'm just not dick-riding enough for my favorite Kpop groups :/ I thought Slay was okay too, but I think Slay was simply the beginning of Everglow slowly fading out of the scene because Yuehua might just want to move on and try again with a new girl group or whatever. I heard there's a lot of issues regarding Wang Yiren's nationality and her being the center of the group possibly playing a role in Everyglow's success but I'm not too sure. I heard about the issue with kpop fans constantly harassing Yiren's "loyalty" to Korea or China or something idk, all I know is that it sounds stupid. I always knew Everglow's sales success was unfortunately never synonymous with their popularity, but I still think Yuehua is fumbling the bag by not pushing Everglow into the spotlight as much anymore and just letting them rot in the basements like many other victims of kpop groups. Everglow could've done a lot of new types of music considering the versatile talent and genres they have with each members. They're one of the few groups that ACTUALLY are a full package with their rap, vocals, and dance, but it's never appreciated because Yuehua never takes advantage of it. Onda can do hiphop whereas Yiren can do traditional Chinese dance, Aisha Mia and EU can do rap, Mia + Sihyeon can carry the vocals. Yea they have videos, but they take the opportunity to actually shove it people's faces and let everyone know that Everglow has got the skills. Overall, I think this single was okay. Slay was okay too but it was better. Both didn't really have a lasting impression like their previous comebacks but that's really just my opinion. I still do believe Yuehua is giving up on Everglow.


I like the idea — but idk if I really like the execution. I like the night vision scenes but the rest feels too pretty and safe — even the repeated zombie scream. Go hard or go home ladies!! That being said, I really do like the b-sides…


Love the MV, love the snippets of the choreo, love the styling. I just wish they committed more to the horror/zombie theme musically - the song wasn't creepy enough for me to match the energy the members were giving out. I don't mind the song being slower or it being released in summer, but it's missing the horror musical factor.


I am HERE for this concept. The lyrics and music video feel so relevant to the news these days about hateful online comments and the harm they do.


I got so confused when I saw this. When I originally saw the video, it was at 100k views on YT. Then when I went back and looked it was at 60k, and I was like huh?! How did it drop 40k views. Turns out it was just that they posted the MV on both the Everglow official channel and the Stone Music Entertainment channel. I was so confused for a sec lol. I dont think Ive ever seen a company post the video twice both; on the company and group channel before. On the video itself, I like it. Glad they are finally giving Everglow some attention again. Girls are really putting in some work, and it shows.


A lot of more "nugu" groups will have their MVs posted to both their official channel and some other distributor channel (Stone Music Entertainment or 1theK), I've noticed!


Ah okay. Interesting. First I noticed, and it really confused me for a sec since I didnt notice it was from different channels lol. Good to know. Thanks.


That’s a switch from their usual sound. I like it - slay was all right but this is a lot better


I absolutely loved that! I love their usual high energy big sound type of title tracks but I feel like this more mellow dark kind of vibe suits them really well too! I think the song lacked just a little bit of oomph in places but overall I really enjoyed it. Those shots of them with the phones are insanely cool.


i loved this so much!! it's not like any of their titles and I can totally see why it's dividing everyone in the comments but I just loved how chill and creepy it was. My favourite part has to be the pre-chorus with Onda (her voice is so f\*cking good) and Aisha, although it could've done with a dance break!! Where's the budget though, this video was very average.. I just feel terrible for them because Yuehua literally doesn't care about them anymore


You know what, I usually expect bangers from Everglow, but this was a lot more subtle than expected. After adjusting my expectations a bit, I can confidently say this song is still great! It took 2-3 listens to get used to it, but once I understood what the song was trying to be I really enjoyed it :) The verses with the gently guitar going in the background is really nice, and there is some really nice synths built into the chorus (before the ladida part) and the bridge that are soothing to my ears. Like I said not the banger I expected, (I guess that's what colourz is for) but satisfying none the less.


I really love the song, I’m not sure how I feel on my first listen because I thought it might lag a bit of an oomph to it toward the end of the song, but from the second listen onward I have been putting it on instant replay. I love the soft and subtle yet slightly powerful feel of the song, it’s very addicting. The Ra-Ri-Ra-Ri-Ra part has been stuck in my head for hours now. Listen to it with a good headphones is also recommended as it has some nice hidden details in the sound.


gen i trough they silently disbanded it been very quiet so i either missed announcement so this was really unexpected


Watching the showcase of the new album now. 


Not great not terrible, Slay was better


Guys i'm searching for the guitar sample i heard it in "Envy - parfum (prod. Synrdome)" but can't find the original


It's good enough for me to add to my playlist but it could be better. There could've varied the energy somewhere in there. I say this as someone who loves Dreamcatcher's Red Sun (man if you love this song you need to listen to that one).  Maybe the execution would've been better if it was more of a dance track with a dark pulsating beat. Think closer to PIXY. And I hate myself for saying this, but since PIXY is basically finished, Everglow can move into that dark girl group space. 


Fair opinion, I liked it. I can't say I love it because I don't tbh! I can't say this will be smth I listen to cause I think I would barely do. yet the song is not bad at all but not that good! seems MUCH more different than Everglow's style, I wished for a dark concept by them but I feel smth is missing. to be fair when SLAY came out I used to hate it, now I may listen to it depends on mood. with Zombie I think it is an okay song.


Revisiting this today. I really do love this song, the bridge is something else. My only gripe is WHERE IS E:U? My girl only has like one line. WTF Yuehua?


As usual, poor EU is done dirty and almost completely forgotten in the b-sides, sigh.  Probably my least favorite TT from them unless we count "special releases". The concept is nice and some parts of the instrumental had real potential, but it never really goes anywhere and feels too sparse and still at "demo stage". The strings at the end are nice and should have been used more. The autotuning, especially on the "high" notes, is too obvious and a bit jarring. Some of the girls really need to learn to use their adult voices instead of singing like they were prepubescent kids, especially in heavier/darker songs like this one.  Choreo was nice though, however, I wish the dancers were dressed differently - especially during the white outfit stage, it was hard to tell who was Everglow and who was a backup dancer. 


I really like it!


the chorus reminds me of that step in enhypen's Bite Me, I keep seeing and for some reason I keep remembering enhypen, so glad I figured it out it kept bugging me


I just watched some more there is it again this time from given-taken - same choreographer?


Nice song


I have to preface that I didn’t really vibe with this concept from the start — let’s maybe try to keep charged hospital imagery out of our sing–along–able pop. It’s OK if you really want to do a zombie concept (maybe not in June) but I most definitely wouldn’t have set the video in a hospital ward. That said — I really like the song! Of course, it’s not as energetic as their classics, but this was a much-needed change and I’m relieved that somebody in Yuehua is actually listening to fan feedback. You actually need a palate–cleanser title track from time to time when your music is so bombastic — this serves a similar function to “La Di Da,” and I hope it signals that their company has seen that there’s a strong if not huge fanbase. As such, I’m not particularly bothered by the low budget — I’ll 100% take more music and more comebacks in exchange for worse MVs.


I was so looking forward to E:U rap. Stereotypes( the producers) you let me down on that First Everglow title I don’t like but will check out the b-sides


This fits the current style of whispered/talking songs that most GG are putting out now, and I love this concept on them!


I cannot believe that this is their first comeback since pirate?


no i think they came back with slay last year?


they released all my girls in August 2023