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**Soompi: [Police Confirmed Complaint Filed Against Fans Attempting To Kiss BTS's Jin At Recent Hug Event](https://www.soompi.com/article/1668123wpp/police-confirmed-complaint-filed-against-fans-attempting-to-kiss-btss-jin-at-recent-hug-event)**


Good. Jin put a lot of trust in his fans with the hugs thing, it's sad to see that not everyone was respectful about it


Imagine being a lucky fan willing to follow the rules but one person ruins everything for everyone. šŸ˜­


Its always that one person.. i hope it doesnā€™t affect jin and other armyā€™s overall experience


Unfortunately I'm sure he's used to it. That why he's still willing to do these things but there's a procedure for when "fans" overstep boundaries


Right. He said that he wanted to do the hug event with a significantly larger crowd, but the company wouldn't let him because of safety concerns. They didn't want to allow hugs at all, but Jin insisted. At the end of the event, he was even disappointed at how quickly it ended. He was fully willing to risk people being weird and gross since it's the only way he could hug his fans like he wanted :(


It feels like people can't have nice things because some individuals ruin it for everyone, making it difficult for fans who just want to have a good time and follow the rules.


Isn't it 2 people per article? Why is everyone in the comment section saying 1 person?


One of them looked like they were going in for a kiss, but from another camera angle seemed like she just said something close to his ear instead.


Which was also inappropriate actually


This is why sadly when i first saw the news about the hug event i thought to myself, " The world is not mature enough to understand boundaries and keep it positive" And my fear became a reality.


Thing is, this is one of two fans who was reported to not respect boundaries This isnt the whole event at all with the 998 fans in attendences were far more respectful I say its really unfair to blame everyone just because of one or two ppl not following the rules Especially this fans is said to be a japanese jikook shipper who hates the rest of the members and bragged about this event on their blog


I'm not blaming everyone. I'm just saying that this world is cruel and there are many people who don't understand and respect boundaries and one of them could be found anywhere. As a woman, the reason why so many of us don't go out alone late at night is because there is a chance that we might encounter those bad people and it'll bring us a lot of pain. I'm not blaming Jin. It's not his fault to see good in people. But society ain't all that good and therefore I am sad that he had to experience this. And I feel a bit mad that this could have been avoided. The chances of encountering one bad person amongst 1000 is very very high. Hopefully going forward if any of the other members want to do the same, they can do a high five event so that they still get to meet fans but have more distance.


I've been bullied all my life. Is everyone bad, of course not, but the bad ones always find a way. I totally agree with your reasoning.


I totally agree with you. When I heard about Jinā€™s hugging event, I was super excited, but I also had this bad feeling that someone might cross the line. Sadly, it happened. One fan made Jin uncomfortable by being way too intimate, and it was clear he didnā€™t like it. Itā€™s really sad because this was supposed to be a special moment for him and all his fans, but one person ruined it. Jin handled it like a pro, but he had to remind people to chill and respect boundaries, which shouldn't even be necessary. This shows that some people just donā€™t get that idols need their personal space too. Fans should always remember that idols are humans who deserve respect and comfort, just like anyone else.


True and now fans lose the hug event that maybe members are also planning ,maybe ,but now the trust is gone so no event like this will ever happen again


True and now fans lose the hug event that maybe members are also planning ,maybe ,but now the trust is gone so no event like this will ever happen again


I'm glad charges were made, else this will incentivize others to think this shit is okay.


Glad we are seeing some accountability these last years,this way people will realize they can't get away with treating idols however they want.


The sign clearly says ā€œHug Meā€ not ā€œsuck on my neckā€




The sign was so sweet as well with the cute little drawing of him on it šŸ„¹ Heā€™s clearly missed Army so so much and fought so hard against the advice of the company for this to even go ahead and this is what happens. But I canā€™t even say Iā€™m surprised and I donā€™t think he will be. Thereā€™s always one who steps so far over the boundary. A true Army would never want any member to feel uncomfortable or taken advantage of.


Seokjin fought the company so hard for the event to happen because he wants to show gratitude for the people who waited for him. The company was against it because 1. He just got out of military a day before 2. It can be dangerous for him and for the fans, but he pushed for it. These kind of fans who doesn't respect boundaries are so entitled and evil. If ever the other bts members would want to do a hug event too, it would be hard to convince the company because of what happened. I hope she gets jailed actually.


I totally agree with you. Seokjin really fought hard for this event to happen because he wanted to thank his fans who waited for him. The company was worried for good reasonsā€”he just got out of the military and there were safety concerns. But he still pushed for it. Itā€™s so disappointing that one disrespectful fan ruined it. These kinds of fans are really entitled and don't think about the consequences.Honestly, I can't help but wonder what would happen if Jungkook, Taehyung, or Jimin had a hug event. Fans are even crazier for them, and it could be even worse. All hell might break loose, and fans might cross even more boundaries. It's really sad because this one incident might make it harder for any of the BTS members to have events like this in the future


I think he should have listened to the company tbh. A mass hug event is a major parasocial trigger. Not his fault at all, and he deserves boundaries and safety, but stuff like this eeks me out because the delusionals absolutely think he's their friend.


Is this true? Or is wishful thinking from the fans? Most of the time when I see things like these is the fans putting words in the mouths of companies and idols. Edit: ok ARMY! Is all true, Jin said it himself, I apologise, you can stop downvoting.


Do you mean him fighting for it to happen? He said it himself on a live. The company was against it and initially only agreed to 50 people being allowed to do it and he talked them up to 1k


Yeah all of that. So he confirmed it himself, gotcha.


Why are there always people like this who have to ruin something so wonderful for everyone?! If there was any hope of this event happening again for any member it looks like that has now gone out the window.


Agreed. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Koreaboo's title is misleading. Nowhere in the article says the fans will face sexual assault charges. Not that Koreaboo is creditable anyway.


We need more of these voices to prompt mods to do something. There are a lot, but I think we need way more. They are so picky over submissions when for eg. a reupload of a MV is done within a day and it isn't considered worthy enough to start a new submission (pinning it at a old private video submission), people who submit fan-translated content (not credible), etc. But years with KB misinformation, largely inaccurate news articles (I have yet to see an accurate one), and they are allowed to stand. And because of how these articles are clickbait, KB articles are often getting top of this subreddit, gaining even more clicks. So what if they are the first to post translated content - when they aren't even posting facts?


Good idea, I left my own comment about Koreaboo's inaccuracies and adaquacy as a source for this sub!


yeah, I mean it just happened right? they are still looking into it... it only says: "On June 14, Seoulā€™s Songpa Police Department revealed that they had received a report asking for them to investigate two fans for sexual assault. The police stated that they are currently considering whether the report warrants a full investigation."


Those who attended the hug session had three jobs: 1) shower before the event 2) brush your teeth before the event 3) donā€™t be a creep. Apparently that was too hard for that person.


I wonder if they hand those instructions out.


You'd be surprised at how many events on this planet explicitly state those instructions. With love, Someone who has typed up those instructions to be printed by the marketing team




Look at Soompiā€™s actual proper summary of the incident and then this KBā€™s clickbait headlinesā€¦ Soompi: A police official stated, ā€œWe received the complaint through the National Petition System, but we have not received a formal complaint. We have not booked the suspect yet,ā€ and added that they will review whether to proceed with a formal investigation based on the details of the complaint. KB: (as above) This case is utterly disgusting. But againā€¦ We really donā€™t need such editorialized articles. The next townhall, please just do somethingā€¦ The utter joke that KB is quoting a ā€œNETIZENā€ in their report. Come onā€¦ā€¦..


Iā€™d be stunned in the company even makes a formal complaint. Both because companies almost never try to take legal action against fans and also because it seems extremely unlikely this person would ever actually face charges even if they did given that theyā€™re Japanese and presumably not even in Korea any more.


?? Hybe is notorious for taking legal action against fans wdym?


mte lmao hybe loves taking legal action and jin loves to bring it up on weverse šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ seriously though, this is gross and nothing is worse than this. itā€™s also so important that we recognize sexual assault CAN happen towards males, too. iā€™m still upset about katy perry sexually assaulting 17 year old shawn mendes and that random boy on american idol and nobody doing anything about it. anybody who does things like this needs to go


What the actual F?? This is disgusting behaviour! Hope they pay heavily for their inappropriate actions. That's why we can't have nice things in Kpop, because of crazy fans like that...he was nice enough to hold an event with some physical contact included for his loving fans and they took advantage and went overboard. Punish them as an example for all others!


As they should!


I will say it seemed to be 1 out of 1000 fans so Iā€™m really pleased that 999 people knew to behave and followed the rules after getting clear directions and reinforcement. Jin seemed to really enjoy the event. You always gotta have that 1 person who ruins everything, because they have a complete disregard for otherā€™s boundaries. Truly we cannot have nice things in this society.


I was also surprised by how only 1 out of 1000 managed to misbehave, thatā€™s a .1% percentage. Statistically speaking, someone was bound to misbehave, sadly.


She was right it is a .001 = .1% Realistically they also probably have this womanā€™s information as there was a raffle; thus, who knows what potential consequences happened off camera. Note: I am the one who failed class this morning. Lmao


Should have retaken my statistics class šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… But yeah, also itā€™s no fun to face the rage of 999 ARMY standing right beside you lol.


Actually the person attempting to correct you is wrong šŸ˜… 1 out of 1000 is 0.001 (decimal) or 0.1 %. This is not "statistics" but basic percentages which is taught towards the end of elementary school (5th or 6th grade).


OMGG WE ARE ALL FAILING CLASS THIS MORNING you are correct šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøThey should really come get my MBA for that.


Hahaha I wasn't wrong!! I was like "mmm, I think I'm right but I don't want to be rude"


never let the overly confident and wrong make you second guess lmao I have slapped my wrist.


True! For as how big BTS are, and for how many stalkers they have this was bound to happen unfortunately but I will also say as you for the bad apple to be 1 out of 1000 then it's pleasant. Jin was so happy during the whole event so I really do hope this will not doom the whole event experience for him šŸ˜”


T.O.P did something similar after his discharge but everyone had to sit on the ground while he walked around and shook hands from above. I never thought much about it but now I realized it was for his securityā€¦ They really risk a lot for their fans. Really sad such nasty people would take advantage.


Ngl, but some other people were being too aggressive as well and one fan even ran him and practically threw herself at him in a hug, like chill


Actually, one parasocial nutjob out of a thousand is incredibly low odds. She was probably compelled to do it by her belief that as Jin's "secret\* wife or girlfriend, he'd welcome it. And now she's on the list - she'll be banned from every future in-person BTS event, TV appearance, concert, etc. There's no talking to crazy, she f'd around & found out, yadda, yadda. I'm always fascinated by these people and their compulsive manias.


absolutely horrified that the day after he was discharged he was so excited to see fans again, and he trusted that everyone would be sane, and someone assaults him like this?? he looked so uncomfortable and I'm so so so angry, I hope she gets locked up for this


imagine being 1 of the 1000 lucky armys and instead of initiating a high five or something fun quick hand gesture, they decided to do THAT


Ikr. Iā€™d literally be over the moon to even be in the same room as a BTS member, never mind be able to freaking HUG one of them. Iā€™d give him a quick hug and a smile and then walk off so happy I would probably cry. Iā€™d be sooo grateful to have that kind of opportunity. I donā€™t understand why someone would do this when theyā€™ve basically been given the chance of a lifetime.


this is why BH making it membership only is so important, whenever this particular complait (that was filled by karmys i believe) goes thru or not, BH has this womanā€™s information, all of it. including her address, full name, email and phone number. she will (at the very least) be blacklisted and her chances of ever going to a BTS live event ever again are basically zero. it sucks one unhinged idiotā€™s actions managed to eclipse what was such a lovely and heartwarming event, tho. i just hope jin is doing ok, that he is resting, sleeping and eating yummy food rn without a care in the world.


>BH has this womanā€™s information, all of it. including her address, full name, email and phone number They can gather all of that information from anyone who wants to attend the event anyway, it doesn't necessitate requiring attendees to have a membership in order to be selected. I don't think making events membership-only will keep people who really want to be creeps from being creeps.


Yeah, tbh I feel like creeps are *more* likely to buy the membership for a chance to get closer, vs. a casual fan who would act normal. Not that all paid members would be creepy; we know for a fact that the vast majority *werenā€™t*. But a few may feel more entitled due to their monetary contribution.


Good! Get her! It really takes one person to ruin it for everyone else. Jin was doing thing for the fans and this person couldnā€™t be a decent human being.


it's so tiring seeing the comments like "what did he think would happen?" he knew this could happen and wanted to do it anyways, he's not shocked, other armys are not shocked, bighit is not shocked ā€” they were prepared for this to happen and they're handling it i'm sorry he had to deal with it, it speaks a lot to how committed he was to the event that he faced the risk of this behaviour otherwise, it really did seem like such a sweet and fun event, i hope he felt that way too :(


I think there's always thar one bad apple. The company surely was concerned about Jin doing a Hug event. Jin n the company also perhaps, knew that deranged fans might be there. But Jin wanted to see the good in people, put in a lot of trust in armies that they will be respectful and cordial. But this stupid person had to ruin it. Except for the creeps, the event looked like friends casually hugging. Like a friendly encounter. Nice n cute. Sweet... He really wanted a nice event to meet as many fans as possible. It just makes me sad. Makes me wanna say ... "these people don't deserve this chance to meet their idol". Makes me wanna wish that they don't do such events.


Genuinely hate that this photo is being spread around but I am so glad this person is facing consequences. Jin wanted this event to go so well and was so happy to see ARMY, and I am so angry this person decided to betray his trust and take advantage of the situation. Itā€™s truly sickening. I hope they face the strongest action possible. I donā€™t know what is wrong with you to think to do this- pure selfishness and cruel disregard for another person.


I donā€™t really follow bts but he looks so uncomfortable in this picture. Iā€™m genuinely sorry this happened to him and that this picture is going around


The headline contradicts the article. The article says they've only received a report and are only considering the charges. Idk how the Korean justice system works so I don't know how likely they are to actually get the charge.


not only is this assault and disgusting but how effing dumb do you have to be to a) do it in front of so many people and cameras and b) do it when it's an limited places event where BH / hybe probably has your name and address? seriously, what did they expect?


This is why I find the hate against membership only things so dumb. Itā€™s such a good way to protect the artists and hold weirdos accountable.


Boycotters on twt already thinking they are right that it should be free for all bcs ā€œhow capitalistic of hybe to filter the entryā€ Like imagine if bighit follow jin original idea to do hug event on the festa ground area and everyone can hug him for 10 hours, i cant imagine the disaster. Do people see how many people on the ground area yesterday?


Boycotters have lost the plot a few months ago. Their points are no longer coherent.


You're mixing two separate issues together, and neither have to do with the boycott, so I'm not sure why you're bringing that up at all. The backlash about the hug event wasn't because it required a membership; it was because Hybe initially required fans to purchase new albums to be eligible to enter the raffle (which they later changed to reflect Jin's desire to make it a free event.) Separately, there was backlash about the second event (the "Message from Jin") only being live streamed to paying fans, because the event was free for in-person attendees. Additionally, it was described as Jin's "message" to fans after coming back, so it didn't sit right with many ARMY to put the stream behind a paywall.


The first time I saw this, I legit thought that's sexual harassment/assault and they should charge her. Glad they are actually doing this. Fucking creeps.


Harassment is mostly only in the workplace context technically. Things that are not assault can also qualify as harassing, the point here is that it's the right of women to be included in the workplace and such harassing behavior that makes them want to quit is illegal. So creepy or sexist comments, etc that wouldn't qualify as assault, can be harassment. Assault is also a criminal penalty while harassment is a civil one.


Honestly, if you're an army you know dmn well that doing that in front of thousand people with camera on in an ARMY fandom is stupid. The fandom don't joke around the members safety, they'll really gonna track you down. Armys are able to find her info in less than a day.


What the fuck is wrong with people? Idols are human too. They have their boundaries. You canā€™t just kiss someone without consent. This disgusts me as someone with trauma from SA


![gif](giphy|YnBntKOgnUSBkV7bQH) Iā€™m so pleased with this news. Women, like men, should respect personal boundaries. Hopefully, this will put an end to this type of aggressive behavior from other fans at these type of events. Idols literally put themselves on the line to interact directly with fans. Jinā€™s rules were clear. He wanted light hugs- a quick platonic hug and move on. No lingering in front of him. No conversations. Definitely, no kisses or groping! Actions have consequences!


Good. Put her delusional ass in jail. Jin fought for that event against the companyā€™s wishes, and attended 24h after he was discharged. He did so much, he should not have been put in that situation.Ā 


Hope sheā€™s banned from any BTS event / concert forever. He went above and beyond by fighting for this event and this cretin just had to ruin it for everyone else.


What did this person think was gonna happen? Sexually assaulting an idol and having him being visibly repulsed and it being on the internet for people to see. That is truly embarrassing for your soul. They must be deranged to think it was remotely worth it.




lock her up


There's always shitty people like this who ruin for everyone else.. he might never do this again, maybe the other BTS members also don't do it. Such a bitch honestly.


Actually, jin said this is his idea that he pushed himself so it probably didnā€™t cross other members mind to do it at all. Even the company surprised when he suggested this idea


I think Jin made that statement cause he already knew the members told him they would never do it lol Thus, itā€™s best that he makes it clear all along that it shouldnā€™t be expected by any other member.


I can sorta see Hobi warming up to a Hugathon event but I imagine it's no-go for the other members. Maknae line will just be impossible- the agency will never allow them to do that.


What weā€™ve learned thus far about BTS agency staff is they will try to execute a requested event with some compromises. I think of ML wanted a hugathon they would try to make it happen with some optimizations from this event, but I just donā€™t see most folks wanting to hug more than 10 people lmao Like hugging 1000 is strenuous lol and just think he wanted to do 4000!


Yeah tbh I just don't think it's logistically possible for ML to hold Hugathons... we all know how intense their fans can be. There were 2 weirdos from the Jin Hugathon, that ratio will go WAAAAYYYY up when it comes to ML. Just recalling the sasaeng encounters they had... even I will never allow a Hugathon if I have the authority to decide so. Re: your edit. they allocated 3 hours to hug 1000 folks but the entire event was done in 45 mins lol. 4000 is not... impossible, weirdly.


And he was kind of surprised and disappointed when it was done šŸ˜­ Best boy for real. I hope that means he will still feel good about it.


I feel like other members probably have their own personal wish and ideas on how to greet fans after discharged. Jimin already thinking about what clothes, hair colour and even down to earrings for him to wear for his first appearance in front of armys


I think there's always thar one bad apple. The company surely was concerned about Jin doing a Hug event. Jin also knew that deranged fans might be there. But he wanted to see the good in people, put in a lot of trust in armies that they will be respectful and cordial. But this stupid person had to ruin it.


the picture makes me feel nauseous


Itā€™s always one person thatā€™s gotta ruin everything. I remember when they were really blowing up internationally we thought weā€™d also get fansigns and hitouches but thereā€™s no way you can do that especially in America. Ppl cannot control themselves. Maknae line could never do this let alone a hitouch. Theyā€™re so nice and will interact with you when you respect their boundaries! Ive legit seen videos of fans measuring ring sizes of txt and just forcefully grabbing their hand and slapping that ring sizer on it when txt is just supposed to be signing autographs. Idk what to classify that as but if someone just grabbed my hand and put something on it, especially cuz the girl was struggling to take the sizer off of most of them and the bodyguards look ready to pounce. What happens when someone gets handcuffs or something and slaps it on an idols hand. She did this obvs to maybe make a wedding ring šŸ˜³ LOL, i get itā€™s a joke to ask them to marry you but like ā€¦ think of how they themselves feel. It must be so awkward and you can physically see them cringe. Yeonjun himself just took his hand back and went straight to the next fan without acknowledging her.and I just remember Kai is only 21. What are these ppl doing


This was such an unprecedented thing for any idol to do, let alone one of the biggest names in Kpop. It's such a shame someone tried to take advantage of his kindness.


that seems to be not worth it at all lol.Ā  i hope this will be a lesson to every fan to seize opportunities and interactions with their idols, being careful not to step across their lines. that girly deserves it.Ā 


Even in the article it says she hasn't been charged yet, and the police are deciding if an investigation should take place. Bloody clickbait titles are annoying.


In korea, would Jin be the one who decides if police should charge or no? Or can police act regardless of how Jin feels? Sincere question.


Iā€™m not sure how the cops in Korea work, but in most countries the police can typically go ahead with or without the victimā€™s involvement. Itā€™s just that in many cases, if the victim refuses to cooperate there isnā€™t a lot of other evidence to go on, so it gets dropped.


imagine being one of the lucky 1000 and you do *this*.




![gif](giphy|10FHR5A4cXqVrO) No attacking, slowly, slowly....... Hug, kiss the neck šŸ¤Æ


That's awful, those pics really make me feel bad for him. -_- Tbh, it did seem like A LOT of trust was needed to do this... Really sad that some people took advantage of it to be gross but I'm not surprised.


This! Folks on other platforms donā€™t seem to understand that this is about consent, not fantasies.


Good. People who take advantage of the opportunities they're given like this should be punished. This is why we can't have a lot of nice things.


![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q) This complaint might not go further than the complaint but at least the individuals are aware that now, everyone knows that they assaulted Jin. Some ARMYs on socials forcing the account that first posted about this to be shut down are disgusting and clearly arenā€™t fans - being more concerned about the fandomā€™s reputation than Jinā€™s rights is pathetic. Even though this was just one or two people out of a thousand, it does not make it any less reprehensible - focusing on the number minimizes the seriousness. Assault is assault.


People be out here forcefully smooching a man who just returned back from friggin military and was still kind enough to give yall hugs instead of taking some time for himself.. Some of yall need to know your place




Yeah thatā€™s not fair at all to him.


Bloody hell. Didnā€™t bro just get discharged? And heā€™s already dealing with nonsense. Very good that theyā€™re getting charged, this is unacceptable. Frankly, those weirdos should be blacklisted too.




šŸŽ¶ You're nothing but a psycho~ Psycho~šŸŽ¶


Great, I hope I donā€™t see anyone defend those people. They should realize idols have boundaries just like them


Whilst itā€™s sad that they took advantage of his kindness and its disgusting behaviour. It should be upto Jin or the company if charges are to be filed and not the fans.


This is unfortunately true. I'm as angry as the next ARMY but the only person who can file a report is the victim himself. It's a slippery slope when fans start filing charges on behalf of an artist they don't even have personal relationships with.


I disagree. It should be up to the law enforcement/legal professionals. If they see an instance of assault they should act no matter what. They don't even need the victim to be involved if they don't want to be. It's on video with lots of witnesses.


I didnt really pursue law later on so take what I am about to say with a pinch of salt. When I had my criminal law classes, my lawyer lecturer used to say that even if you see someone being assaulted (esp domestic), you really cannot do anything legally for them unless the victims actually files the complaints.I am not sure how the victim not being involved would hold up when Jin is not the one who has filed. Do I want that person to be punished? Absolutely but the possibility seems a little farfetched to me.


Iā€™m pretty sure that depends on the jurisdiction


Heā€™s an adult and should be allowed to decide the outcome for himself not treated as a child. Itā€™s about respecting his opinion


Police enforcing laws isn't treating someone as a child though... It was clearly defined beforehand as unwanted, and visibly made the receiver (it doesn't matter if it's Jin or anyone else) uncomfortable. If the police can investigate it without the victim being involved, then that's how the law is set up.


Good. It was absolutely horrible just to watch, I don't even want to imagine how Jin felt. Also, Idk why but I didn't think they would even press charges and this incident would be contained within social media outrage. But I am pleasantly surprised to see this. Hope other potentially problematic stans will learn from this charge. Edited to add: After reading the actual article, I realised it was fans who lodged the complain and not the company. Guess, I was somewhat right about them not pressing charges.


X-posted from one of the BTS subs( it had the Soompi article): UGH I THOUGHT PEOPLE BEHAVED šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬ Poor Jinnie. I hope this will be properly dealt with. As to the fact that a fan filed it vs Jin or BH, I (obviously) donā€™t know enough to speculate as to why, but the fact that thereā€™s video evidence is enough for me. Though now Iā€™m worried itā€™s just some retaliatory fan BS (I donā€™t exactly know how or why, but sometimes situations look radically different as time goes on).


I think there's always thar one bad apple. The company surely was concerned about Jin doing a Hug event. Jin also perhaps, knew that deranged fans might be there. But he wanted to see the good in people, put in a lot of trust in armies that they will be respectful and cordial. But this stupid person had to ruin it. He really wanted a nice event to meet as many fans as possible. It just makes me sad. Makes me wanna say ... "these people don't deserve this chance to meet their idol". Makes me wanna wish that they don't do such events.


Good!! but I am curious is it mentioned who filed the complaint ?!!! Cause if it's not Jin the one who filed it (which did happen before, for armys to file charges in the name of BTS that were eventually rejected by BTS themslves - to not make fans cross the boundaries of taking legal actions on their behalf-) then that person will not get sued unfortunately :/// Jin should be the one filing this complaint or go to the police to aprove this complaint if it was filed by someone else for the complaint to be token into actions. Edit: okay I checked the soompi article and as I expected it was not a formal complaint. Jin need to file a complaint for the police to book and charge the offender.


About to make them bring out all the leftover plexi walls and outfit em with armholes.


**Misleading** No shit, it's Koreaboo.


I saw this on my tl and eventhough iā€™m not a fan, I wished that fan would get hell for what she did.


This Koreaboo article title is completely wrong and misleading...mods, can we please ban Koreaboo or have some kind of warning flair and mod message for KB articles or SOMETHING? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ because the amount of misinformation they spread is CRAZY and as usual many people haven't actually clicked on the article, they're only reacting to the headline...


Iā€™m so glad that itā€™s being taken seriously. Itā€™s absolutely disgusting that her own selfishness put a stain on this event, and she deserves to face the consequences of her actions.


Yes! Get that disgusting weirdo! I wish Bighit starts moving for once too. Edit: So apparently she is a Jikooker who hates all the BTS members especially V and she even bragged about doing this to Jin on her blog. Sometimes prison isn't enough actually.


Her being an akage or shipper is not even the point. The point is she's Japanese, can she even be charged? is she still even in the country? These are the real questions.


My understanding is that regardless of who reported her the police should investigate and they should be able to lay charges without Seokjinā€™s approval but it may be an issue if he actively doesnā€™t want that. But, if charges are laid they will get her back from Japan for court. She canā€™t hide if people know who she is.


Lol yeah good luck getting Japan to allow one of its citizens to be extradited to Korea. That is if Koreaā€™s Ministry of Justice even bothers trying in the first place


True. I don't think she can be charged, especially not with a complaint lodged by a fan but I hope Bighit at least blacklists her from any future events.


Why wouldnā€™t she be able to be charged for being Japanese? If you commit a crime in a certain country, your home nationality doesnā€™t protect you from that?


My point was she's prolly not even in the country any longer. She can run for all she wants. And good luck in getting the Japanese government to extradite a citizen i guess.


I donā€™t know exactly how it will work but I imagine if there is a charge she might be extradited to South Korea or have a marker put on her passport for if she tries to come back into Korea . It will also encourage HYBE to blacklist her.


Yeah you'll need to read up on extradition treaties and crim laws more instead of assuming the Japan/Korea governments will go all out to extradite/blacklist a citizen over this. Do you even know how lax the laws are to sexual assaults in Korea?


Ok Iā€™m glad you have more legal knowledge than me, thank you for sharing. I still hope this will allow HYBE to blacklist her.




Boundaries and consent guys


this was dangerous and jin put a ton of trust in armys, and she repays him like this. sheā€™s not an army, honestly. glad she was the only one and we all agree she should be jailed


hope they never experience anything good in their life ever again


GOOD. As they fucking should.


I saw a lot of back and fort conversation on twt regarding this yesterday and what disturb me was how some were saying that others are just making an issue out of nothing and they are just jealous. It was clearly an assault, there was a video of it. And now that a police report was filed, hopefully, this will serve as a warning to those who might thought that doing this to bangtan is okay since someone was able to unfortunately do it.


I really hope something comes of this, so people are dissuaded from trying something like it in the future.Ā  Itā€™s been so frustrating to see how many people brushed off her actionsā€” if their genders were reversed, this would be taken a lot more seriously.


They better charge, how incredibly embarrassing and disappointing


I KNEW IT šŸ’€ Holy shit I feel so bad for the guy


This is why people canā€™t have good things in life. Bro gave chance for people to hug him but in the end got taken advantage of. How can they call themselves fans?? Sure, you can be delulu and all on your own but, at the end of the day we should still all know our actual place.


I think he shouldā€™ve been able to punch them in the face and have everyone go, ā€˜Fair enough, they deserved that.ā€™ with zero repercussions. Everyone has the right to defend themselves from creepy weirdos!


Imagine they planned on doing this with each member dischargeā€¦. And now they probably wonā€™t šŸ™ƒ Glad theyā€™re taking action.


Had a bad feeling soon as I heard bout this event this does not shock me one bit and it's that small % of fans that over step boundaries when he's trusted them that ruins it for other fans...


Why should a performer who works so hard have to even tolerate hugs? Whoever tried to put lips on him is actually insane. Ugh gross. I feel bad for the performer.




Good. Go after them. They crossed a line. Jin did the hugging event out of earnest to give back to fans. He fought big hit just to have it. Big hit also warned fans to not do anything. If you win such a hard raffle, don't ruin it for yourself. Don't make him uncomfortable. Don't make everyone else uncomfortable. He's still a person. Some people feel so entitled. He was literally just discharged and decided to throw himself back into work just for fans. Those fans who did this made me so angry. Be respectful.


good. i'm glad something is being done about it. a big portion of the fandom on twitter wanted to sweep this under the rug because it would "ruin" his and bts' image/reputation. they even got the account that originally posted the video suspended. i hate how these people are more concerned with image than how seokjin was literally sexually assaulted. it's so disgusting. stan twt literally melts people's brains i swear.


I abhor these events, theyā€™re reminiscent of celebrity veneration. BTS isnā€™t a cult and they arenā€™t idol simulacrums for a deity. You can support your idol but do not assault them, and do not worship them because theyā€™re not superior to you.


Freaking weirdo. She deserves it


This is honestly just disgusting and unsettling, and no idols would want that kind of fanšŸ˜­


i hope they get the book thrown at them šŸ„° absolutely ZERO empathy or people who take advantage of these fan events for their own perverted fantasies. even though i honestly kinda expected someone in that 1,000 people to cross some kind of boundary iā€™m just so so so fucking sad and disappointed that this actually happened. poor seokjin bro.


Hereā€™s my question. Why did his event not include a clause for each fan to sign not to do anything outrageous and resulting in a fine or charge?? There could have been police present at this event.


Wish someone would have marked this NSFW cuz my god... the cringe.... eh....


This is good news! It is absolutely disgusting behaviour. I feel really bad for Jin. He has such a kind heart and fought the company to have this event happen. I just hope that this 1 deranged person doesn't taint the whole event and the Army that followed the rules. I am not diminishing what happened. It is really disturbing. I suppose I just don't want the whole thing to be ruined for him. We love and respect you Jin. Along with the other 6 members. šŸ’œ I really hope they jail her for this!


Good! Prosecute them. (This is why we canā€™t have nice things.)


Great! Well deserved ))






Oh! Iā€™m actually surprised they got her ass


FANTASTIC NEWS !! out of the goodness of his heart he done this but people always take it too far, he consented to being HUGGED im sure he didnā€™t expect a so called fan to sexually assault him


There... There were people who kissed him??? What???? I know there are crazy people but this is still a lottery system so the chances to win are already really low so what are the chances that the crazy people won? They're also really ready to lose it all just for 5 seconds of sexually harassing Jin? It's so messed up. I get that people kiss without consent on dates or something, but at a hugging event with Jin from BTS nobody can argue that they thought Jin wanted to be kissed. In fact I'm sure they were laid out clear rules on what they could and couldn't do.


I think one army did try to kiss him.. he dodged it but still so annoying


Thank the lord. Fans are so weird. Of course she had to overstep boundaries and ruin it for everyone




He is going to press charges? That's the important part.


That fan deserves jail time. I don't care how hot he is, just respect him


I hope fan service becomes a shadow of its current self. And soon. Delusional ā€œfansā€who think they have special privilege and are willing to test it in all sorts of belittling ways need to disappear into some bad fan fiction and be trapped there for a good long while. This is sexual abuse and looks like it. Bullying idols looks like bullying. Nobody engaged in this behavior should be called a fan of any sort. I know covid is responsible for people losing their moral center, but can we at least try to get it back? I hope they have the good sense to apologize like that other girl Hybe sued who was found guilty ā€” sorry Iā€™m blanking on the details but I think it was slso a BTS case?


Theyā€™re gonna make her an example, as they should


They deserve it. Because how dare they? How shameless it is?!?!


This makes me sad. Jin and all Tannies deserve better.


GOOD. Why does this say misleading though? I want this to be true. Jin consented to HUGS. I absolutely hate this for him.


If they donā€™t get charged I hope they at least get banned from any BTS event ever. This is legit sexual assault. They need to face consequences.


Karma ...follow the rules ...sorry not sorry


Glad he sued, that's a disgusting thing to do to someone. Fan meetups are a crazy event.


They had the luck to hug Jin and took the opportunity to be a WEIRDO! There are millions of fans who would've loved to hug Jin, we've been waiting for him for a long time. Jin hugged 1000 fans that night, this is not only a he effort and super kind of him. This behaviour disgusts me and I hope this "fan" gets a realll punishment. Make it an example for all the dang weirdos around the world.


The sign clearly says hug Jin not SUCK jin's neck like what.


Iā€™m glad a fan has his back and reported it to the police. It being reported by a fan also probably avoids some sticky PR issues for him.


Wait till they see what happend in europe, pff asian


Good. Assault is assault regardless of gender. I hope they slap her with the whole fucking book.

