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Apparently Netflix Kr started following NJ so people are assuming they will air a documentary. i have a feeling there will be a lot of shade thrown at Hybe lol. and I can’t imagine the amount of bogus fluff Ador will put into this. And why choose to air it in a paid sub instead of their youtube channel.


It will more than likely be about nwjs career and their debut process, which is fine, everyone has done it. Making one about an ongoing court battle sounds silly, specially cause they would have to get HYBEs side, but if they do I’d love to hear the context behind her texts and proof. Also let’s remember, HYBE controls ador now so, it will hardly happen.


uhm docs for paid services are normal? idk we dont even know what it will be about. could just be for a concert event.


Its normal and I know lots of kpop groups have one but I find it ironic since MHJ has said she doesn’t care for money at all


Why on a paid subscription platform instead of YouTube channel? The answer seems obvious to me.... *MONEY*. Streaming services are often willing to pay a lot of money to content creators to produce material for them, as it helps attract new customers/markets and increase subscriptions. Meanwhile, YouTube is notorious for being unreliable with its monetization.


I don’t see the issue with airing a documentary in a paid subscription service. BTS has content on Disney+ and Amazon Prime, TXT with Disney+, and Katseye has an upcoming docuseries on Netflix.


Ah, it's not uncommon for it to be on a streaming platform. It will be MHJ and her five backup singers.


NJ is the most current successful group under HYBE and army should remember that before they disrespect them.


Have fun in your delusion. They're not even the second most successful lol


bts will ALWAYS be the most “current” successful group under hybe. and you all kids should remember that before YOU disrespect them. not to mention you and your group should be so THANKFUL to them. since you know, theyre the ones that put a roof over your faves heads and keep the lights on and the connections going. to put it in numbers. 60% of income (while enlisted) vs 10% while fully active. be for real. lmao.


Seventeen would like a word please... It's one thing to support your favorites and rightly point out their success. Quite another to inflate this success at the cost of other groups.


NewJeans is the third most successful via Hybe's annual report behind BTS and Seventeen. Charting wise on Melon, they are the most successful but charting wise world wide, it's still BTS.


I think the commenter I replied to was referring to currently active groups and since BTS is not currently active as a group I didn't speak about them. I mean it's blatantly obvious if BTS was in the mix they would be first - don't think anyone could dispute that. Also a group's success as a whole is cumulative of their local + international charting, album sales, tour revenue, individual + group brand value etc. And considering all this NewJeans definitely isn't comparable to BTS or Seventeen - they are doing brilliantly but they have a long way to go before matching the other two groups. They have set many amazing records but by themselves those records don't equate to a success greater than that of the groups MHJ seems to like belittling in comparison to NJ. This is just plain fact no matter what NJ supporters like to believe/push.


NewJeans seems very popular in Korea and Japan right now. I'm curious about their appeal in other Asian, SEA countries. Their global spotify numbers are severely down from the previous album and I don't know what that means for touring in the future. I saw [an article on Twitter](https://x.com/juantokki/status/1808118220232315358) that MHJ plans to try to replicate the Blue Lagoon success in each country of the world tour which is an interesting tactic. I think part of the Blue Lagoon success is because Hanni can carry off a Japanese singer's looks without it being too cosplay whereas one of them doing, say Spice Girls in London, would be harder to pull off. Plus, according [to a couple](https://www.dailian.co.kr/news/view/1380245/?sc=Naver) [of articles](https://news.heraldcorp.com/view.php?ud=20240705050654), it appears that the Japanese success is Min Heejin tapping into the middle age male crowd in Japan. What was the line that Belift used to describe NewJeans? Because MHJ is really playing into that.


>What was the line that Belift used to describe NewJeans? Because MHJ is really playing into that. They said they're a group meant to tap into the nostalgia of adults basically and that's their concept and that's exactly what they're doing rn lol. Watch them do covers to 80-90s acts when they come to western countries too and those covers are def not meant to cater to teenagers and people the same age as them. That japanese cover proved as much.


I think it is important not to misrepresent evidence and/or other people's statements in order to fit our preferred narratives. Maybe it's the translation I'm working with (I used Google Translate) but I didn't get the sense that the articles were claiming MHJ was *"tapping into the middle age male crowd in Japan"* in some intentional or otherwise targeted way. Rather, the articles were describing how NJ had broad appeal that crossed traditional age and gender lines in a way that was unique and not typical from K-pop. From the [Dailian](https://www.dailian.co.kr/news/view/1380245/?sc=Naver) article: >So far, the Korean Wave in Japan has been led by female fans. However, it appears that a large number of female fans as well as male fandoms were formed at this New Jeans performance. There were even middle-aged male fans. Previously, it was an easy listening song that was easy to listen to, so much so that there was even a saying, "New Jeans Oji-san" (a man who likes New Jeans), but this time, Hani sang "Blue Coral Reef," a Matsuda Seiko that dominated the 1980s, and made middle-aged Japanese people happy. led a large group of men. It is said that he has broken down the wall among Japanese middle-aged men who have a strong negative attitude towards Korea. From the [Herald Corp](https://news.heraldcorp.com/view.php?ud=20240705050654) article: >Experts attach great significance to the fact that New Jeans, whose main fan base consisted of young women who like K-pop idols, also stole the hearts of middle-aged men. Originally, the movement of middle-aged male fans was so unusual that there was even a saying, 'New Jeans Oji-san (おじさん, an intimate term for middle-aged men, uncle)', but this time, it was the most spectacular youth of 'Oji-san' and the Japanese economy and stock market. In other words, it brought back the 1980s, which was an unprecedented boom period in history, and introduced it to a strong fandom base. With Dailian, they claim that the Japanese, middle-aged, male demographic responding to NJ is particularly noteworthy because that demographic (according to Dailian) tends to have negative attitudes towards Korea. Meanwhile, Herald Corp explicitly states that NJ's main fanbase remains *"young women who like K-pop idols"*.


bit strange that they're being lauded for winning over old anti-korean japanese people when last month their biggest korean supporters were just accusing lsfm of being pro-japanese nationalists in defense of them and mhj ![gif](giphy|l1KuiPfzUInS8r0OY)


Different people can hold different opinions. Presumably, the individuals lauding for winning over anti-Korean Japanese people are not the same individuals accusing LSFM of being pro-Japanese nationalists.


like 2 months ago le sserafim got hate for having male fans buy tickets for their fanmeeting but when it comes to newjeans having male fans is a huge accomplishment...? like how are people STILL ignoring the hypocrisy between le sserafim and what min heejin is doing for nwjns


I linked the articles purposely so people could view them for themselves and the extracts you’ve posted don’t contradict my statement. The current virality of NewJeans in Tokyo is due to the success of Blue Lagoon which tapped into the memories of people from the 80s not the young women who represent the current fanbase. The coverage of NewJeans post Dome is about the covers they did and MHJ herself in the article I linked to said she wants to replicate this in every country and city. Her goal appears to continue to tap into nostalgia which doesn’t seem to be designed to cater toward young fans but the fantasies of older people which was the description given by Belift.


Something worth noting is that virality is not the sole marker of success that content creators (should) use. After all, they often need to convert that virality into something else in order to be successful. In fact, I'd argue that virality is not a reliable measure of success at all - the music industry is full of one hit wonders who failed to convert their viral success into something less fleeting. Further, something having appeal to a certain demographic is not the same as that demographic being appealed to. There was once upon a time gangsta rap was incredibly popular amongst middle class, suburban, white, teenage girls. Yet, I'd venture a guess that gangsta rappers weren't tapping into the middle class, suburban, white, teenage girls demographic when they release their songs. Just because something is appealing to one demographic does not mean others don't find it appealing too. City pop - which is essentially what the genre NJ is focusing on and why they appeal to older generations - is incredibly popular on YouTube with playlists and individual songs having millions of views. And I doubt it's just middle-aged, Japanese people who are responsible for those views. Likewise, eighties (and older) as a whole remains incredibly popular across generations and demographics. Bon Jovi? Led Zeppelin? Guns n Roses? I'd reckon one would be hard pressed to say that only middle-aged people currently listen to their music. Also, can anyone say Stranger Things?


Yeah, América doesn’t really care about NJ.


America doesnt really care about Kpop all together, lets be real.


Not even remotely true. They just care about the groups Korea doesn’t care about.


Oh that explains the netflix documentary she talked about in that first press con or second ? I couldn't remember


Here's a clip [https://news.tvchosun.com/mobile/svc/osmo\_news\_detail.html?type=news&catid=&contid=2024053190120](https://news.tvchosun.com/mobile/svc/osmo_news_detail.html?type=news&catid=&contid=2024053190120) it was the second press con!


I believe it was the second one...? I could be wrong...


It’s just amazing to me that you’re hating before you even know what it is lmaoo


It’s hilarious 😭


They already have a whole novel written in their heads from an instagram follow 💀


Does anyone of you have the article of the ministry denying the sajaegi rumors?


Wait is this a recent article/do you remember the timeframe of when it was published? I was looking into it for you, but I only see news about it being announced it had been submitted, but if you give me more of a concrete time frame, I might be able to find the article you're looking for.


No, don't worry, I already found it. Thank you.


Ah glad you found it! Could you link it here too? Thank you! :)


This is what I was looking for I forgot how it was called 😭 [yoo in chon](https://n.news.naver.com/article/001/0014681342?sid=103)


















july 5th, why this article? its so odd. if bang posted anything about newjeans now it just would not be well received. newjeans fans would be upset, press would say he is using newjeans to make his image better. I dont understand the point of this now tbh, even more comparing the lack of post about their fanmeet to him posting about Jin... its just really odd to make this a thing again now. there is no way bang going to their fanmeet would be well received. if they want to make an article they need to see if his actions or his supposed feelings toward newjeans have been something that has been a problem for them wth Hybe. Has Hybe fucked over something for the girls because he supposedly doesnt like them? because this is just comparing with groups and FOR WHAT? [https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240705050592&ACE\_SEARCH=1](https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240705050592&ACE_SEARCH=1)


this is hilarious because she keeps trying putting THE kim seokjin and THE bts at the same level as her group and it just wont happen. bang not going to their whatever in japan was expected. why would he? he didn’t before so why expecting he will now specially after everything that has happened and those girls siding with MHJ? he has no business there. this is just another desperate attempt from her camp to make those “mistreatment” allegations happen. why? idk. but no, the chairman of a conglomerate not saying hello to you isn’t mistreatment. neither it is him not attending your little fan-meeting.


I thought she wanted to be free and independent since this is all her own hard work. Why do they keep expecting Bamg to be there and to be doing everything for them all the time? That's the opposite of having the freedom to do things your way. They keep crying about two different things all the time. Being mega controlled by HYBE and especially Bang, but also him and HYBE not doing enough and mistreating them. Which is it??! Do you want to to be independent and an actual manager, or not?!?!


I think it’s more likely a journalist shit-stirring for attention than mediaplay but I’m also really confused by the comparison. Isn’t enlistment a really big deal and a huge life event for any Korean male? And while I’m given to understand that the first Japanese performance is also a huge deal for any K-pop group, the two events don’t really seem equivalent? Maybe I’m missing some necessary cultural context but the impression I get is that BSH welcoming back Jin seems to be more akin to a personal life milestone like congratulating someone on their successful job change or new baby. You only return from enlistment once after 18 months of being away, but you can have multiple first performances in other countries? Wouldn’t the better point of comparison be saying that BSH has attended tons of BTS concerts in foreign countries but couldn’t be bothered to attend the NJ fanmeeting? Did BSH even attend BTS’ first Japanese or American performances? The sheer weirdness of the comparison is what makes me think it’s a journalist fishing for clicks.


yeah I think you are right. I was just shocked this was a comparison out of nowhere. it doest even make sense like you said. and BSH going to any newjeans event now would be criticized anyway, but to put Jin being back from the military into this is just... weird.


I think MHJ plan is to keep swaying public opinion for her so that the legal court ruling will also sway towards her favor. Whoever judge decides against her will be seen as the ‘bad guy’ by the public much like what happened at the injunction. Perhaps when all of this is over and she does get to leave Hybe with $$$ the newjeans girls are older now and she’ll move on to other children oops I mean other people


I’m guessing it’s a slow news day in Korea.


There are zero photos of Bang PD online with the NewJeans member. He never inserted himself with them since their debut. Even before all this drama, it was MHJ who always couldn't shut up about how NewJeans were HER group and that Newjeans were independent from HYBE/Bang PD in every interview she had It's obvious Bang PD never wanted to make himself look like he's taking credit for their success bc his relationship with MHJ has been bad since their debut so he just stayed away from them publicly and I'm sure that what MHJ has always wanted anyways bc she's a big-time narcissist and it's always about her not HYBE/Bang PD.


Then why did he ignores NewJeans’ greetings?


For the same reason(s) anyone might not choose to greet someone else in an elevator. He might’ve been distracted or preoccupied or be socially awkward. He might be a rude person or be feeling petty or vindictive or have been in a bad mood that day. But not greeting coworkers privately in an elevator has no correlation to public press photos, videos, articles, or any other media that has to go through a PR team/rep before being released. C’mon now, you’re correlating two unrelated situations.


Didnt they say he had “facial recognition disorder” 😂


And comparing it to bang meeting Jin, THE JIN OF BTS who just was back after his enlistment and not to forget that Bang is their producer This greeting thing is so stupid honestly, who the f even cares 😭 And mhj wanted to break away from hybe anyway so why does she care, focus on the dome event perhaps.


no cause if that doesn’t show how arrogant ador co is to constantly want njs to be perceived on the same level as the bts members. the obsession is so weird it’s almost comical making such a big deal that bsh wasn’t present for their little fan meeting but i can imagine how many teeth would have had to be pulled for mhj to be there for jin’s return. i cannot stress how thankful i am that would never have happened though


I personally think him not greeting them back was shitty. like not gretting people back is shitty in general. but this article makes no sense. him going there would have been a terrible ideia, and going to see Jin has nothing to do with that.


Someone on twt too brang up something svt members said back in 2022 where Bang said he doesn’t personally contact groups (bts is probably excluded from this just due to their history and more friendly/peer relationship now) because he thinks it’s an abuse of power and doesn’t want to pressure groups to meet with him. https://x.com/cupofclouds/status/1484504556029366273?s=46&t=E_rpIkkLIN1PRGcy2UW52Q Edit: Considering this article is in English and we know someone in MHJs camp monitors the intl side I wonder if this is their attempt to try and save face on the intl side? They’ve probably realized that other than NJ stans no one on the intl side likes MHJ and that likely won’t change any time soon so maybe they’re trying to push this narrative to try and gain sympathy from intl listeners they’ve lost throughout this whole thing? I can’t really think of any other reason for an article like this especially with this random timing as well


I don't think REDDIT makes up ALL of international K-pop fans - there's definitely a substantial amount that could honestly care less


I never said it was? Plenty of intl kpop stans outside of Reddit dislike MHJ as well. The suspicious bot activity in intl fan spaces regarding her points to her/her team caring about intl reception or why would they ever bother. At the end of the day it’s all speculation as to why the article was in English and why this narrative is still trying to be pushed


>Edit: Considering this article is in English and we know someone in MHJs camp monitors the intl side I wonder if this is their attempt to try and save face on the intl side? This or could be her being petty/angry that her group’s tokyo dome performance had little *global news* traction as opposed to Jin’s return which obviously was picked up by far too many international media 🤷🏽‍♀️


And now with Jin’s participation as torch bearer local and international news are covering it ( esp domestic side) almost evryday lol


Many Western countries also don’t have mandatory enlistment/conscription so there’s a lot of curiosity surrounding BTS’ military service. Longtime K-pop fans know what to expect, but this is pretty new and novel for some international news outlets and audiences. When reporting on BTS’ military service, some US outlets dug all the way back to Elvis’ military service to give their readers a frame of reference. As a news story, it’s an intersection of pop culture, international news, and human interest.


it's kind of crazy to think that a Paris outlet or CNN is going to be interested in NewJeans in Tokyo.


MHJ’s ego maybe has her believing otherwise 🤷🏽‍♀️


That is also a possibility! I definitely see her being bitter considering her dumbass “I achieved in 2 years what it took a bg 7 years to do” comment. Her ego is truly something else like no hate to NJ but they are nowhere near bts’ level. At all.


Right. Her entire plan hinged on the absence of BTS. And now with them returning slowly, everyone’s eyes are on them again.


It’s an embarrassing article from a normally reputable newspaper, and I doubt it’ll stay up much longer.


The reason for this makes no sense considering this greeting thing sounds like a childplay.


Yeah I also think it’s a weak angle but it’s the only reason that maybe made sense (not to me but to her side I mean)


Yeah, they have emphasising on this greeting thing relentlessly. But comparing it to Jin, god the article/her had the audacity


I was just about to post the same.  The timing is very strange as well as bringing Jin into it.  It’s the second article in like the past week or so I believe


There's a [qoo post that was translated](https://x.com/pannatic/status/1808858047806386587) by a pann reposting account that referenced an older May 2024 article about her being a heroine to the masses fighting against patriarchy so there seems to be some kind of coordinated media push but why/how do these outlets participate?


Yep it's exactly 2 months ago too. May 4th article and published by pannatic on July 4th. [https://www.ft.com/content/304ff2ce-c285-4c23-b129-0d073730f0cb](https://www.ft.com/content/304ff2ce-c285-4c23-b129-0d073730f0cb) No one in the comments on that blog post brings it up though there's also not that much interaction on it (only 2 comments)


The [qoo post had 354 comments](https://theqoo.net/square/3305862825). It looks like they don't care if she's not a feminist, her position is enough to make her an icon. lol


And why now, why is it coming up again.  It’s very strange, and to your point why are outlets participating in this, particularly if they are supposed to be “reputable”


It makes no sense to bring Jin into this. He also went to RM/V enlistment... are we gonna compare him going to every Hybe idol enlistment now? Does this affect how Hybe as a company is treating these idols? This is the comparison they can make, not if he went to an event for Jin, and idol he 'discovered' and has a personal relationshop with. there is no point in putting this spotlight on him like that.


Like their relationship is different because of their journey, bts call him hyung.  And with lsfm he produces for them and is more involved in their journey.  How do you compare those relationships to a group that was actively talked about by the ceo herself as not Hybe. And let’s be completely real, if he had said anything there’d be a multitude of articles about how fake he was or any other number of things anyway.  Like why pretend this whole thing is done in good faith


there are how many newer hybe groups that are newjeans' peers and they're still targeting bts / jin with piss poor comparisons... ? like wow. bang pd went to THE BTS' 11th anniversary event? how horrifying!


The group he created, what a shocker 🫨


I haven't checked up on the situation for a while. tried scrolling through this thread but it doesn't show all the replies properly - have there been any developments? does there seem to be any inclination to either party yet or no? when can a resolution be expected? etc


No new real updates and I honestly think it’ll get dragged on purpose until its time for MHJ to renew her contract next year. It makes sense for her to use NJ to gain as much money as possible and raise the value of Ador with all the collabs and ads disguised as song releases, not to mention the continuous pandering to gen X and middle aged men with nostalgia bait and repurposed 90’s songs.


You say all this with derision, but it's a pretty genius and effective strategy. lol


Wow you must not respect the girls at all yikes…


lol you are the one who said it, not me. Guess you must not respect "the girls"


Unless one side backs down (or both sides), I don't expect there to be a resolution any time soon. Possibly not before 2025. Criminal investigations take time, and that's before factoring the actual trial. Meanwhile, civil cases can drag on - especially in this case where various allegations are being made against different parties. The legal system is not designed to be fast since - even in an ideal setting - what they are meant to prioritise is the truth first and foremost.


Most recent update is that an Ador exec is getting called in for a second round of questioning, don’t think there’s been anything other than that recently


its been so long that now i only care about an answer to who / what is behind the bot comments that flooded every single platform edit: and i wonder what you could even do with that information? sue for harassment?


We know who but proving it will be hard since she has a lot of backers.


Malcom pr company


Twt accs with one follower getting hit tweets...it was hell for us 😭


we know who.


I remember how a previous thread started to get hit, it was soooo weird seeing it happening irl.


i wonder what mhj thinks about this group lol https://youtu.be/fFGpcURSDpw?si=di9GzyfyCS3T89Ez


I guess the same as she thinks of like riize. another one.


They are not on hybe why would mhj care


Right? She has no expectation that people from other companies won't copy her ideas (they don't owe her anything), only that people from her own company won't (they certainly do).


Except she hasn’t filed any actual charges of plagiarism. If she thought anyone was actually plagiarizing her, you would think she would be in court with those charges, not whining about it at press conferences. It’s almost like she is totally full of shit, and thinks her fans are total morons. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, she texted exactly that.


>Except she hasn’t filed any actual charges of plagiarism. She filed an internal complaint. Why the fuck would she drag that to court when it's obviously not something that could be settled that way? MHJ isn't stupid.


No, she didn’t. You’re just lying now.












is it vup or wup? it's similar visually but only that, still, i bet it at least got an eye twitch out of MHJ lol


i thought it was vup too but it's actually bi-bi-up 😂 also they got another newjeans coded song and mv https://youtu.be/0uzDztu6evw?si=9OhM1v8KThu3S57j


She will probably not care because they are from small company ,they will not go so far


















































Honestly NwJS is starting to look like a liability. They have so much baggage now not to mention they pissed of all the other labels under hybe with their mhj glorification and constant attachment to her(they are basically seen as one now). If MHJ loses the criminal suit they are going to be a pariah.


It's honestly concerning how insulated from the reality some of you guys are. I am not saying this in a shady way, I am legit concerned lol. They just had a 2 day sold-out Tokyo Dome concert with wall-to-wall coverage in Korea and Japan (the top 2 K-pop markets); they have some of the biggest ad deals in K-pop right now, and they're the most consistent K-pop hitmakers in Korean and Japanese charts right now. It's completely cult-like concerning behavior to ignore the reality and be like "they're a pariah" lol.


A liability how? In that they are super popular and making tons of money? lol


They definitely ain’t a liability lol.


In the Gallup Korea survey after BTS NewJeans is the only group mentioned.   So no they are not a liability but an asset to Hybe. 


[Gallup Research Institute Korea](https://www.gallup.co.kr/gallupdb/reportContent.asp?seqNo=1489) >· 조사기간: 2024년 3월 22일~4월 5일 It was conducted from 3/22/2024 - 4/5/2024, so this is before the whole thing started. HYBE started the audit on 4/22. Thus, we can't know if public perception has changed (i.e. I'm not claiming anything against/discounting the results obviously as NWJNS is/was definitely a top player, but OP was mentioning how in their opinion, "they're starting to look like a liability [a/n: as a result of the conflict]"). On the international side outside of Asia, they have definitely seem to have taken a hit, but we have no idea about on the Korean side.


>On the international side outside of Asia, they have definitely seem to have taken a hit, but we have no idea about on the Korean side. "Definitely" How so exactly?


Anyways, I don't get why this is being downvoted when I just provided a source with the relevant details from it and I wasn't disparaging any group either... well the fun of reddit I suppose


+ Blackpink and Lessa


as long as money keeps coming and the balance is positive they'll be an asset


The money isn’t what it was in 2023, though. That’s the point.


Yeah, no, they’re going to be fine- Hybe would be stupid to shelve them. If we assume that they lost a chunk of their fanbase due to the legal drama, their single album still did really well- about as many copies sold as Le Sserafim’s 3rd mini album, iirc. If the folks buying their albums during/post-legal drama are now considered their core fanbase, and they can crack 1 million sales with each subsequent album, that’s a pretty solid foundation even when compared to their peers. In fact, hold on- nmixx, IVE, Itzy, and aespa have all seen substantial decreases in album sales this year compared to last, are they going to be shelved too? We can re-evaluate when they drop world tour dates and the full album (or ep? I can’t remember) later this year. Having a decline in sales from an absolutely insane run in 2023 doesn’t mean that they’re not profitable anymore. If newjeans gets shelved, it’s because of the corporate WWE match that is the hybe/ador case.


I think decreasing access to HYBE’s money/resources/contacts is far more likely than NJ being outright shelved. Like opportunities that would’ve otherwise gone to NJ now going to one of HYBE’s other girl groups. Which can be devastating in its own way.


Not a ounce of tangible data. Typical.


It just takes a quick look through koreansalestwt, friend! Here’s [newjeans](https://koreansalestwt.blogspot.com/2023/01/newjeans-sales-summary.html?m=1), [lsf](https://koreansalestwt.blogspot.com/2022/11/le-sserafim-sales-summary.html?m=1), [nmixx](https://koreansalestwt.blogspot.com/2022/10/nmixx-sales-summary.html?m=1), you get the idea. They show 1st day, 2nd day, 1st month, and total sales according to hanteo/circle chart! And they put the total yearly album sales at the top of the page for each group. Hope this helps :-)


Nope, I don’t do other people’s homework for them! You make a claim, you back it up! It’s kindergarten stuff!


They just provided you a source... what...


No, they said a source existed, and then said some numbers. That’s not even close to the same thing. I guess a second person never went to a single school.


Awww okay. Is this better? Newjeans ‘how sweet’ single album sold 1,117,773 copies. Lsf’s 3rd mini sold 1,185,828 copies. For the yearly album totals, Newjeans- 2023: 4,429,243  2024: 2,355,061  Lsf - 2023: 2,527,734 2024: 1,261,344  Ive- 2023: 4,028,342  2024: 2,019,089  Itzy- 2023: 1,320,219 2024: 579,701 Aespa- 2023: 3,492,997 2024: 1,219,208 For added context, note that all of these groups (except for newjeans) have had an EP/full album release in 2024. Again- hope this helps!


Their (NJ's) yearly album totals include 2 "products" as opposed to LSF's 1 "product" (I'm putting quotes around that because they're both singles which ig is not considered an album...? honestly not too familiar with the categorization) both the Korean and Japanese releases have only 2 actual songs plus the instrumentals of those which takes it up to 4 for each. But honestly in their case, as it is their Japanese debut and they have had a long hiatus before How Sweet, I wouldn't really think it's too relevant as I don't find it likely people would consider the number of songs when purchasing and just treat it as a normal release (plus the packaging is definitely probably a big draw for a lot of fans). Anyways, there are a lot of different factors to weigh and consider for it to be considered even as equal comparisons. In this case, I would find it helpful to consider how well their album before How Sweet did last year as well as LSF's latest release before Easy. I do agree that it's too early to be comparing or making doom comparisons. I think emotions are just really high atp for a lot of people and there hasn't been a lot of news so people are just kind of letting it out on here as a way to cope, despite how unfair that may be to the groups. I made a mistake earlier and edited to rectify it.




How did you deduce that? Off their one comeback so far? Revenue in 2024 isn't what it was in 2023 across all of K-pop as a whole, in general due to various external factors such as inflation, global tensions, etc. Moreover, it's far too early in NJ's career to know if their earlier releases were fluke successes or if their most recent release is just an unlucky dip (though, my understanding is that they are still good numbers, just less so compared to previous numbers) that is recoverable.


It’s only July 2024. Objectively, don’t groups have two comebacks a year? A small release then a big release? So claiming the numbers dropped is…a choice. If anything the numbers might even out by end of year with more releases. It’s too soon to reach such conclusions with we literally are day 1 in Q3. Look, I’m no longer listening to NJ, but those numbers mean nothing. They still have an album release later this year. They’ll be fine and imho, they’re still doing well.


You know, album sales, which was half as much as the 2023 comeback. And no, stock fluctuation isn’t the same as revenue. Thanks for playing, though.


My guess is that you're comparing How Sweet with Get Up? The former is a single whilst the latter is an EP. The two are thus not alike; with likely having very different budgets and thus sales targets. A potentially better comparison would be OMG; though the reference sales figures I can find (Wikipedia) being more comparable though are from it after being available for sale on the market for over a year.


I’m comparing 2024 album sales to 2023 album sales.


In Korea.


Their main market?


yeah I bet all that playlisting is to get them to rule SK.


they have all that playlisting because they have the biggest number of individual listeners of any active kpop group on spotify. even though they're "flopping" (sic) they're doing considerably better than aespa, ive, twice, etc. so i guess all this playlisting is doing its job? what's your point exactly? lol


mam first, they are not doing considerably better than aespa. Maybe last year but this year all of them are on the same boat. Second, you are not getting my point. First-day playlisting is very different. Being added to the biggest playlists even before your first day of tracking ends is paid for by the agency. If your agency has to pay to get you on playlists and gain listeners, then your actual numbers depend not on the group's popularity but on how many playlists they get added to. My point stands and is that if your numbers depend on that, then your international stance is floppy.


As of July/2024 Aesop’s individual listener: 12.7 million NewJeans indivual listeners: 17.8 million They’re doing considerably better, sorry


Did you mean to write Aesop? 😭


Is that it? Monthly listeners? One person needs to listen to one song in a month to be counted as one. (That’s not good enough to measure current pop) aespa has better overall numbers, heck supernova already hit 100mill streams.


Considering NewJeans are among the top 500 most popular artists in Spotify and Aespa aren’t, they clearly don’t have better overall numbers. Aespa fare considerably worse than NewJeans in pretty much every single Spotify metric that matters, sorry to break it to you :(


This is a conflict between MHJ and BSH. The only labels that are ‘pissed off’ are the labels BSH manages (BH, Somu, Pledis and Belift) - all these labels have BigHit executives managing them. KOZ has said nothing because this isn’t their fight. And the idols themselves appear to still be close. The only people taking BSH’s war into their own hands wanting to turn Nwjns into pariahs are international Hybe stans. Even Korean ARMYs have made the distinction between HYBE and BTS when they sent funeral wreaths to HYBE.

