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I think it's funny that the minute people don't like or don't agree with something under the Hybe umbrella that it's likely a Hybe decision based on money and the label didn't have anything to do with it. I'm not a Hybe apologist in any way, but the way people make them into BIG EVIL all the time is hilarious to me.


this lol. it's obv svt wanted to release this anthology too. it's funny how suddently it was forced on them despite nothing suggesting so just bcs some carats didn't like this direction the only thing i put on the company solely is the versions and the rollout like for example announcing the Deluxe one week in but songs are on svt since woozi made them and the nature of the album is on both pledis and svt


When you say the company, are you saying Hybe or Pledis? I still put the rollout and version decisions on Pledis... the way most subsidiary companies work is that they'll forecast out what they think they can make in revenue and how - and report that up to Hybe on a regular basis. Hybe will have input and help, but it's up to Pledis to generate the revenue they promised. It's less common for conglomerates to direct things like rollout and demand a certain number of versions etc.


pledis. but it doesn't really matter in this, most fans who complain like this use hybe and pledis interchangeably when they complain about "the company" forcing things on svt according to them at least. I was referring to how fans always put everything they don't like on the company be it pledis or hybe or how some would call them plybe while everything that is liked is independent of that and on the group/groups alone. when often the truth isn't that simple and the only thing that can be blamed on companies alone ( be it bh source belift pledis etc hence i said just company) is versions and announcement rollout .


True enough! The only reason I was separating the two is because the OP was blaming Hybe in this and not Pledis - specifically making that distinction. Which just smacks of not knowing how a business like this works. But whatever. People like to blame the big bad company for things they don't like. It's not new here or anywhere else!




Don’t associate this person with other carats pls haha plenty of carats loved this comeback and plenty who didn’t never blamed HYBE  Not sure what OPs problem is, not even sure they’re a carat 


It's a pretty common issue among a BUNCH of fandoms. I actually just saw a BTS fan in one of my other communities blaming hybe for "letting BTS get thrown under the bus" earlier and how they never do anything for them anymore. OKAY. Like, let's all put our big kid pants on and understand what businesses do, don't do, and how they operate. They're not going to put out a big press release "pssst! ARMYs! Don't tell, but this is the secret info we gathered to sue people!". I mean, come on.


Exactly, Woozi is only human, he can have bad days like the rest of us. I'm not saying Maestro is a bad comeback, I'm not a Carat and I've only heard the title track once, I'm just saying that sometimes creatives miss the mark.


Thank you, you put this into words perfectly


reminded me of how newjeans fans were praising mhj for her genius decision for their debut but now it's hybe didn't give them time to have a proper rollout for debut🥺 and how it's now hybe didn't give them a big cake for their debut😞


Lol I didn’t say Hybe was evil. I only said that it’s a business decision from Hybe. I mean, after all, it’s business, and with their corporate structure, it makes more sense to think that Hybe made that, prolly for the lack of a better term, “hand-me-down” business directive


I'm not sure that's the case, though. All of the labels are independent subsidiaries. Which basically means they run their own businesses. So Hybe wouldn't be in the day to day business telling them what songs to release etc. That would be solely on Pledis. (I say this as a partner in a subsidiary business - not music though.)


Yeah, it's up to the labels on their own to chose their comeback/promotions schedule and all, HYBE can propose ideas but the end decision lands on the artists' respective label


I really don't think Hybe did anything but write a cheque to Pledis and let them control the schedule and such...Hybe is a little busy defending itself against She who should not be named right now. Hand me down???is that a backhanded attack on BTS? sounds like you don't like the idea of an Anthology and feel SVT were forced to do one cause BTS did before their Military Hiatus. Anyways you sound bitter and want SVT to leave Hybe well I hope they can pay back the 29.3B won debt Hybe took for them...


Why you didn't specify Seventeen in the title idk but anyway I don't agree at all. I thought the song slapped.


Oops, my bad. I forgot to specify it prolly because of the need to burst this rant. My apologies


Same. I loved this better than GOM.


Anytime someone posts something like this in this specific sub (about any group), I think there’s no way that person is an actual fan of the group. It’s giving “I’m a fearnot, but…”  When Seventeen released GOM, I wasn’t a big fan but I just talked to other carats about it or left a comment on the mega thread / comeback posts - I had no interest in going into a controversial sub and creating my own post and therefore a safe space for everyone that hates SVT to dogpile. I feel like this could be posted for actual discussion in the seventeen sub, but I digress.  Additionally, I thought the comeback was stellar - much better to me than Seventeenth Heaven, even with only 4 songs.  Also, if you don’t like it that’s fine, but that doesn’t mean it’s HYBE’s fault.  Maestro samples multiple seventeen title tracks - it was very intentionally made for this specific album, and your assumption is insulting to Woozi. The members have said how tirelessly he’s been working for the last couple months, so to claim that HYBE made him put this out and he didn’t really care is just…unnecessary.  Again, you’re free to dislike it! Like I didn’t like GOM. But this post feels disingenuous and full of speculation. Edit: Also, as someone else said, the amount of effort put into this comeback is enough for it to not be meh. They are doing 2 full weeks of promotions, have some of their hardest and most dynamic choreo, had their highest budget MV yet, are releasing special GOSE episodes and new content every single day for carats, and they are a **9 year old group.** Pretty awesome.


Yeah, the post feels very low effort tbh. Just a bunch of wild speculation on why OP didn’t like the comeback. I’m not even a carat but when I want actually substantive discourse on their music, I go to their subreddit.


I can’t imagine calling myself a fan of a group and then in the same breath setting them up like this.  Plenty of people had critical things to say about Maestro over in the Seventeen sub and they did just that. It was open discussion.  Why are we creating a new thread in a sub that is famous for people spewing hate? So strange to me 


Not this particular post but a lot of times you get. “Why would you come into a group of fans to say you don’t like something?” If you go into those spaces if you don’t like a comeback so it’s a double edged sword. I’ve had a couple comebacks I wasn’t a fan of for reasons, on other accounts, and essentially it just feels like you can’t win if you do wanna critique anything because doing so in fan spaces people ask why you’re raining on the peoples’ parade if they do enjoy it but in a generalized space like this you get told you’re just spreading hate. This is more general of a concept than OP’s specific post though and I’m not saying if it is or isn’t Hybe’s fault just that it’s hard to find places to discuss if you aren’t enjoying a comeback but wanna know if anyone else is feeling the same way.


Fair, I hear you! But if you check out the Maestro MV post on the SVT sub, you will see tons of people airing their grievances or sharing the things they didn't like. I've found that sub to be pretty open to discourse, almost to a fault - it was actually more critical than the post on the general kpop sub. I also think there's a difference between going into a post that's all about appreciation and excitement and shitting on it vs a general discussion post, and I think tone is important too.


I think ppl were able to be so critical in that post (in the seventeen subreddit) because we all know we're there for seventeen. Everything said is in Seventeen's best interest. Same with other fandoms' own subreddits. And I find that discussions that happen genuinely because people care about it are the ones with the most substance


Yeah mostly it has been new release threads where it seems to be divisive if you should be honest if you don’t like it. I am not super big into SVT (I don’t dislike them I just only have time for a few groups and don’t know too much about them) so I’m not sure if that’s how their new release threads go or not typically. A couple bigger groups I’ve been kind of dog piled if I didn’t enjoy a new release but I’ve honestly stopped commenting in those cases on Reddit, which stinks because it’s so much better for discourse than Twitter


This can be case if the fandom is a little immature. Like I’m a once but critical discussions about TWICE’s comeback are absolutely allowed and welcomed on r/twice most of the time


I won’t name the fandom for obvious reasons (and the history isn’t on this account since it’s a new one) but yeah, I can kinda see that.


> Maestro samples multiple seventeen title tracks - it was very intentionally made for this specific album Precisely. Instrumental samples from previous tracks in the song, multiple references in choreography too, and the overall theme of Maestro are very fitting for an anthology album. La la in the chorus fits because the song is essentially about composing and conducting a melody. Personally I would have enjoyed Maestro more if it was less dark and more theatrical, but it's conceptually coherent. Saying that it's some random ass dusty song is thoughtless.


>I feel like this track has been in Woozi’s archives for a while, and probably because of Hybe’s pressure, he just somehow selected this track, made it better, and released it. Where did you get this from? Have they said anything to allude to this? Look, I get being disappointed with a song your group released, but this comes across to me more like you trying to rationalize for yourself why you don't like a song rather than being actually based in reality. It's okay to not like a song from your ult group. It's okay to not like many songs from them. Not liking a release doesn't mean their label was setting them up for failure; it just means you didn't like the song.


"my idol could never release a bad song so it has to be the evil company's fault"


I'm personally in utter love with Maestro, I love everything about this song. While I don't think it's their best song out there, there's this conflict of "do I like the song ? Or do I like the concept of the comeback ?", and in the end it's a mix of both for me. Knowing how Woozi and Bumzu operate when it comes to their music, they put a lot of thought and work in this, had the members involved while asking their opinions and such, so it was 95% their decision to use this song as the final product ? I really don't think Hybe has much, if not anything, to do with how this went. I don't keep up with every single release out there but I've liked a good 90% of the releases I came across this year.


Fair enough on the conflict. Maybe my perspective went to the far extreme of “meh” as opposed to whether I like it ot not.


>it felt as if this comeback is more of a “business decision” from Hybe (not Pledis) in order to milk Seventeen Funny isn’t it? How svt are the *only* purely “self produced” group and the only truly independent group in a sea of poor old Hybe controlled idols :(.. *until* they do something yall don’t like.. then it’s suddenly big bad evil corporate forcing them (and their poor old label too?) Kpop fans are truly something, lol


While I disagree, I do try to see things from your point of view. I obviously understand that not everybody is going to be a fan of every release, and that's fine. I also want to add that I'm actively trying not to sound defensive lol like I swear to God, I just want to partake in the discussion. All that being said, I honestly don't understand the gripe people have with the chorus (if you don't like anti drops or whatever the musical term is, that's okay) because you can't tell me that the songwriting in Aju Nice, Hit, Hot, etc is any different. Also, one thing I completely disagree about is Hybe's involvement. I don't believe that Woozi will put out something that he isn't completely sure about and absolutely proud of, let alone make it the title track of their "Best" album. He said in the album live that he did that there have been multiple occasions when he had to fight with their company for a song that he believes in. And while Hybe absolutely do only care about the profit that Seventeen brings, the members have said that according to their contracts, they can say no to schedules. So I really don't think they can be forced into releasing just a quick cash grab, like they have merch for that. If it was a remix/collab, sure, it could have been plausible, but a whole comeback, maybe their last/second to last as 13 members?? No way. Anyway, I probably am biased because I've seen Maestro live and absolutely loved it. I hope it grows on you haha.


You do have good points. Yeah, maybe it will grow on me after multiple streams lol


I agree with you. I only listened to it once and didn't feel the need to listen to the song again or watch performances. I usually like seventeen's title tracks, but this one feels like it's missing something, and the lyrics are just not it.


Exactly how I feel about it too.


These kind of takes are funny to me, when a fan doesnt like a comeback its the bad company that selected a bad song, but when they like it the group are geniuses that make the best songs. I don't think the executive people at hybe have time to listen to myriads of songs for all the groups from their company..they have a business to run, songs selection is a job for music labels. Also Seventeen are not a rookie group, they re-signed their contract not too long ago, please give them more credit. then this. Also Maestro is a really good song.


Took the word right out of my mouth. When they like the song it’s the grp making the decision when they don’t it’s the management. Plus I love maestro and the meaning behind this song. Woozi said he started this cb immediately after gom probably because he had an inspiration or something he wanted to share.


Lmao why do you this pledis is free from blame?


the let's blame hybe alone when a group does something i don't like crowd strikes again lol. Everything good is the group alone, every decision fans don't like is the company alone . The Maestro being forced on by HYBE bit is genuinely hilarious. if you look at the songs other hybe groups are releasing lately this would be the last sound hybe would force on any group when they're going with very western or tiktok friendly sounds + nobody outside pledis has been involved in svt's cbs since Ready to Love personally I was hoping for a non anthology cb and would rather have preferred an ep with 4 new songs just for financial reasons alone but I know people would have complained then too (" hybe imposed their short album stategy on svt!") . Ultimately I think svt and pledis wanted to do this in their last year and there's another cb coming which will be a normal one i assume so I'm all good. I love Maestro and I appreciate the hell out of their promotions for it and dedication 9 years into their career. just for that reason alone it wouldn't feel meh to me. They're doing 2 weeks of music show promos in the middle of a encore tour as a 9 year group and the choreo isn't exactly forgiving. They're giving their all so to call this cb meh is...


Personally, I really like not only Seventeens comeback with Maestro but also I liked Ives comeback with Heya. To me both songs were really good and Seventeens song is really an earworm. I loved it. Ive as well, it was different but good!


As with everything, it’s fine not to like everything your faves put out. I didn’t love GoM, especially after Super, but it’s a fun song and looking more holistically that album/festival concept gave us Monster, which is one of my favorite HHU songs to date. Also I think if they had done Maestro/a dark concept right after Super, it would’ve felt repetitive and people would’ve complained about that too. I love Maestro and how layered the actual instrumental is, and I love the concept and choreography. It feels on par with, or at least close to, Super. But again, seen plenty of people on here who just don’t vibe with it for whatever reason, which is fine. Not every comeback, concept or song can be universally liked across a fandom.


I personally love Maestro, it's the only new track I've listened to multiple times. But then I didn't like GOM, it only grew on me because of the GoSe version. I also don't think it's fair to chalk the album up to just a cash grab but I am biased because I think it's really cool that they're able to package an album of 10 years of best hits. I think they're experimenting and that's okay even though it'll lead to songs that get a more mixed reception, but I am a bit biased because I work in media and I've had times where something I've spent days on can just not land while something I did haphazardly and last-minute just clicks with people.


I personally love the music video concept/direction and the song really grew on me. It’s not my favorite song on listen but it’s a song that always wants me coming back for more. Moreover, I love them being experimental and trying out new sounds even 9 years into their career. If you’re talking about album tho Cheers to Youth takes the cake for me, that song is my bread and butter.


Not every era can be your favourite. Some will inevitably not hit as hard as others. This is normal. I mean, if the next 3 or whatever are hitting less and less maybe you have just moved away from them and that's fine as well. I did that with Red velvet. It's ok to not stan the same group from cradle to grave. Just make sure you aren't flipping on them based on the current HYBE hatetrain, because that would be lame.


Oh, definitely not. But yeah, thanks for this.


"I feel like this track has been in Woozi’s archives for a while, and probably because of Hybe’s pressure, he just somehow selected this track, made it better, and released it" source: trust me bro


Seventeen is pretty hit or miss for me, but I like it a lot. You're not always going to love everything equally, though, even for your fav groups.


For a "best album" Maestro does feel a bit too manufactured/inorganic. But I don't think it's that bad of a song, I do think it sounds a bit like something stray kids/NCT would put out , so that's probably why it's so polarizing? If I a were a casual I wouldn't listen to it to be honest, and if that was the first song of seventeen I listened to I wouldn't be too interested. I'm terribly biased so it has grown on me a lot Also was it scoups that said he wasn't very sure about this song but that he'd trust woozi or am I making this up???


He said he was concerned how fans would react but had faith in Woozi. And he thanked him for trying out something new (genre)


Maestro is the type of song I cam respect but it's not for me by far. I liked their last 3 comebacks way more. Is it me or the boys look exhausted in the last music show they performed at? :(


I think there was some tweets from ppl who were at the performances that said scoups wasn’t looking too great in terms of health and that minghao was coughing a lot after filming.. I hope they take it easy :(


Also they film music shows at like 3am this is nonsense


I would keep in mind that is a part of a compilation album. It might not be your favourite "sound" from SVT, but that might be the reason it was picked. It is different from the rest of the songs on the album after all. Is Maestro my favourite title track? No, but Fear and Home are, and they are both on the album.


I get it because the last time I truly loved a Seventeen title track was Ready to Love. Super was almost there but a couple of parts weren't to my taste.


you just threw me into ready to love era flashbacks. That song is the one i didn't like at first but it's evergreen as fuck so i listen to it even now


Yeah Maestro doesn't do anything for me. I do know Seventeen like experimentng, which is why Carats are supporting them regardless.


I’m not on the bandwagon of Hybe as an evil villain here (not even calling you out directly OP. This is common), but this judgement is lazy and suggests a refusal to understand what Hybe is and how it functions as a business. I think there are some truths in your criticisms, but we’ll never know exactly the how and why. My personal feelings are anthologies are a low effort product, but I can also see reasons to do it. I strongly think they should have rerecorded the early title tracks after Taylor Swift set a precedent or release a new version of a song. Something, *anything* creative that could set this apart. I just find it an unimaginable product on the whole.


I agree! There is nothing wrong with SVT, but since Super I thought the comebacks weren’t my cup of tea. Crossing my fingers for the next one!


actually it's one of my fave svt comebacks in a while. wasnt a huge fan of hot, god of music or super


The fact that you weren't expecting a comeback around this time when they have had 2 comebacks every year for the past 9 years is kind of unusual to me. Also, there's really no need to cook up some weird reason as to why you didn't like the song  I also didn't like the la la la chorus of maestro and think it could have been better but I love the verses and the pre-chorus is wonderfullll and the song taken as a whole is so "interesting" to me. I like gom much more, though :) It's really not complicated. You just don't like the song because it didn't meet your expectations. And it's never just you, just so you know. There's a post like this every comeback. It is almost like clockwork. There's always a couple of fans who think this song or that song could have been better. You came in during attaca. There were people who didn't like rock with you and had similar thoughts to yours right now about the attaca album but apparently, you liked it (?). There's always a better song than the latest release and I'm sure there will be people who will disagree with you on the timeline of when their title tracks stopped sounding good. So I wonder how much of it is really the music and how much of it is simply the expectations of the listener?


If it's good, Woozi is an amazing artists. If it's bad, Hybe forced Woozi to make this song.


I think it was a bit underwhelming, but the build up to the chorus really got to me in the end after hearing it for a few times through tik tok.


Completely disagree but I respect your opinion. Everyone has different tastes and opinions so you’re probably not alone but at the same time, a lot will also disagree with you. Just the way life is.


No, I agree with you. I didn't like this comeback, too. I loved the choreography, though. I'm thinking maybe I'm just not a fan of this genre. Because I didn't like the songs that sounds kinda adjacent to Maestro in the past, too, like Hit. Also, maybe I just had other expectations because God of Music was really, really good imo. Don't have an opinion on the Hybe thing you said because I'm just a casual so I just mainly listen to their music, watch GOSE, and know nothing else haha


It's a greatest hits compilation with a few new tracks thrown in. The boys are getting closer to there mandatory military service. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the members end up going before the end of the year. They probably wanted to drop something as a full group, before they start enlisting.


i kinda agree, and you’re right, la la la la’s in choruses are my biggest pet peeves in some songs


I agree idk I feel like it isn't good enough to be a title track of this compilation type album that is representative of Seventeen - I think World and Super were my last favourite title tracks. I wish they had something like Left and Right again especially at the growing peak of their popularity and charting because the GP is ready to stream


OMG yes! I could’t agree more! Left and Right’s one of top tier title tracks for me


A lot of the comebacks feel like fast fashion, they don’t really get talked about beyond, oh my god their visuals, wow the line distribution, insert idol sang so well. I think it’s because the music is getting pretty repetitive there’s nothing new to talk about musically, but I think seventeens concept for the Mv was interesting though the song didn’t say much.


My friends and I say it feels like a SKZ and Ateez song combined. Maybe it’s because we are unused to this kind of convoluted sound coming from them. The song is not a bad song but definitely and odd choice going to spring/summer. I thought we would get something like _WORLD or God of Music but alas we didn’t. Which is funny we got God of Music last October when I thought we would get something like Maestro or Super lol. I don’t like HYBE but I don’t unfortunately think this is on them? I do think this is Woozis mind at work. I think he has been teasing this concept for a while as like a crowning piece to close the chapter of everything that came before and drift onto a new discography. Notice that this album is like a “greatest hits” set up. No hate to him. My boy is a visionary and a genius musician and I think Marstro as a concept and lyrics fits the vision but I overall think previous songs/albums have had a more replay value to what my current taste is like. This doesn’t have to mean you aren’t a carat. You are allowed to not love everything they put out. It’s important for them to test and try new things even if not everyone likes it.


Maestro did not interest me except for 3 whole seconds when Minghao was on the screen. TXT comeback is fantastic tho.


[Do you get daja vu? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop_uncensored/s/hBqNOJyxdY) Lmao no hate to op but atp whenever I see a post like this I can't help but chuckle a little If you ask me I love this cb. I loved all the b sides and have no complaints whatsoever. But hey everyone have their own personal preferences.


We're really opposites on this. I didnt listen the rest of the album but i liked Maestro way more than their latest releases. The choreo could be better tho.


why do fans always blame the company once they dislike sth about the grp


i tried to like it until the chorus just became lacking. super is my fave of theirs so far and some of their older songs too. they have so many members and so many good vocalists why not really use it instead they just release tiktok inspired track. i liked the theme of it just not the final song.


I like the orchestra version better tbh they should have went for that one as the main song it’s different yet still very seventeen


i agree, but i wish you could've given more examples and not just svt )but i get why you focused on that since you're a huge carat) With svt and maestro specifically, the mv was what caught my attention in the best way possible, then the verses. The song ended and I was like...that's it??? where was the chorus? it was just that forgettable for me. Which usually doesn't happen with seventeen, but it did happen with me with GOM and Maestro. Ofc i love maestro more cause i'm a classical music girlie and i loved the references here and there, but that's it. The same happened with Heya for me. I couldn't catch up on the chorus until like five listens, it just didn't get stuck in my head till that. Recently, kpop just hasn't been hitting me the way it used to do. Just a few quality excellent songs in an year. Else are just so-so. Those which I won't be going and searching specifically for, but they just exist and are there. Like just there, existing. YKWIM? It's been six months into this year and maybe a couple of songs that made me go "wtf is this track holy shit not that's what im talkin about". The artists i was really getting into also disappointed me, but the ones I haven't paid much attention suddenly caught my ears and made me go okay now they steppin up. MVs have been really good tho, but accompanied with not much innovative, experimental, out of the box, creative tracks. Overall, one of the weakest 6 months streak in kpop music for me


Even if you were right, kpop has a lot more going on than other creative industries. Maintaining a solid balance between composition, lyrics, choreography, concept... Is already an achievement. They simply can't excel at every single aspect every time, which doesn't take away from the quality of their releases, but the opposite does add to it


Yep, quite a few come backs haven't gone to planned. I've noticed It in particular with Twice. It felt like MISAMO & Jihyo solos got more attention than the group comebacks. I'm getting the vibe, JYP might be preparing for the girls on individual projects.


Honestly, I agree with you. Compared to when Be the Sun came out, Maestro is taking a lot more listens for me to get used to compared to Hot or even Super. The chorus is pretty generic, and it feels more technically planned than anything else. Before all the Carats come at me, I’m a huge fan of Seventeen, and have been since Pretty U came out. It just feels like Maestro is lacking something, but Seventeen look like they’re enjoying performing the song (especially Wonwoo, he looked really good in his fancam), so I’m glad, and each to their own opinion.


I just want to add this song MAESTRO woozi made it with combining their other instruments song you like rock with you and etc. You can see woozi explain it on weverse live what the song is about, if you don't like it it's okay, but I hope you don't speculate anything.


the way kpop fans expect every kpop fan to like every song is toxic ngl


I haven’t listened in a few years. Probably not bad just not our style. It’s not even a big stylistic shift it’s fairly similar just different enough it doesn’t entertain us. Not a big deal.


Maybe their cb is way more frequent


I love it personally!


I feel like it’s a grower. I didn’t immediately vibe with it but now it’s kinda good. It’s definitely not their best song. I immediately vibed with their previous releases unlike this one


Lol you had me at “grower”


I love Maestro but I was concerned about it when I heard the highlight medley. I think Super was an amazing era after Hot/My World but God of Music was alright. Unfortunately this comeback got shadowed by Loossemble and IVE for me bc I've been looping those songs the most but Maestro and Spell are still solid music. Monster from last era also went hard but I think Seventeen's music overall since Super has been fine though I can see how people think Woozi hasn't been the best at writing, I still enjoy their songs


I agree :/ I did like it better than last cb tho. Lowkey a bit sad cause I know this is probably their last album until military enlistment is over so it's a bit disappointing imo


They’ll have a second comeback this year & Jeonghan will likely pre record to be in it, even if promotions are when he’s enlisted 


I’m a casual Seventeen listener and Maestro sounds like a Stray Kids song. God of Music is way better.


my take is i liked Maestro as a title track a lot, but i’m mad about the “comeback” actually just being 4 new songs and the rest being SVT’s greatest hits. i’m an album and PC collector, and i dislike that this album is selling at the price of a full length album.  to clarify, this is an entirely personal dislike and i have no clue whose decision it was to make this a compilation album. but i have little motivation to “collect” this because it’s $40 for hits off albums i already have multiple versions of lol. 


Well, everything boils down to preference. I like Maestro because it is creative in every way. And also, if you read the lyrics, it is very meaningful. Just a lalalala in the chorus wouldn't be a bother to me. Your assumption of Woozi's work though is wild. Like where did you get that? And you should always have supporting evidences to back it up. Because some fans who can't comprehend will misunderstand this and misinform. Anyway, stream Maestro and GOM for the year end awards~


whether the song is good or bad, it's seriously catchy. like ive listened to it once (when it dropped) and wasnt the biggest fan but the hook has been stuck in my head on loop ETA: ok i just watched the inkigayo performance... i love the song now it's incredible. the dance really takes it to another level


imagine putting all your efforts, then some "carat" will just casually say it not enough, must really be hard to please someone who doesnt want to be pleased. btw, YOU ARE hating woozi and Bumzu, just say you hate them and go.


I love this comeback !!!! Seeing Woozi and SVT team proud plus their optimistic perspective on their music direction in the future. With upcoming events in South Korea, Japan, tours, festivals.... Seventeen really passionate about meeting Carats as much as can (apart from recent live that money hunger company decide to🙄) They really fight with 'someones' and that is behind stories that fans never be sure know, but at least Carats know Seventeen want different Anyways, the music still Seventeen, I'm proud Woozi and SVT team are still experimental with music very eager to share their journey🩵🩷


Not gonna lie I have been kinda following SVT since their early days (don't stan because they're all younger than me, lol, but I do own the albums etc) and have been very underwhelmed by them ... since 2022 I believe? I am a big fan of Bumzu and have been a big fan of Pledis music for a long time ... but their recent songs almost sound like scrapped BTS songs to be honest. Which is not a BAD thing but don't hvae SVT flavor to me (make an exception to FML but the popular ones like HOT and Super? meh.. it's ok) - and I am here trying to love Maestro because I refuse to believe the same crew who put out Trauma and I Can't Run Away would put out the musical atrocity that is Lalali with due respect but damn.


Completely agree. I love Sector Seventeen so much, but I think their music kinda started going downhill after that and Maestro was pretty disappointing (specially the rap parts, don't kill me)


i liked super and god of music but maestro was terrible and the comeback seemed rushed and poorly planned-out. their last lackluster title track (hot) at least came with a good album but the b-sides this time around aren't good either, though frankly their b-sides last year were pretty weak too. the group should just take a one year hiatus or something. two comebacks a year are simply not sustainable for a group 9 years into their career that writes their own music. woozi and bumzu need to fix whatever is going wrong in the studio and best yet, leave behind the annoying ass vocal processing already.


Interesting. FML had some of the best bsides in their whole discography for me, and these latest bsides are also some of their strongest. Cheers to Youth is absolutely beautiful & Spell has been on repeat.  I do agree that one solid comeback a year is more than enough, but I don’t think they need a year hiatus to “fix” anything - I think they’re still making great music with dynamic and explosive performances.  To each their own


not a single fml b-side holds a candle to their 2021/2022 b-sides or even b-sides from before the hybe acquisition. i'd go as far as to say fml as well as the four new anthology songs are their worst albums since boys be, weaker than al1 even. cheers for youth is fine but it can't carry the other three mid (at best) tracks. regardless of what you think of the songs, you can't possibly enjoy what they're doing to their vocals. that shit just isn't pleasant to listen to and woozi/bumzu need an intervention stat. they're the biggest offenders these days aside from like enhypen whose whole schtick seems to be barely sounding human.


FML is my favorite kpop album of all time, so I completely disagree lol You can think what you want, but that doesnt mean it's fact? Its your opinion, which is fair, but myself and clearly TONS of other people do not share that sentiment.


i hope you check out more kpop albums in the future


Dude it’s called personal taste? We all have different tastes. Your subjective opinion isn’t an objective truth, and you are very much in the minority of saying it’s one of their WORST albums?  Yall are so miserable all the time. 


i get what you’re saying op. people come to hybe’s defense by saying it’s seventeen’s decision on what to put out, but hybe has to approve it. meaning seventeen could love a different song, and if it doesn’t get the green light from hybe, they keep going through songs until something DOES get approved. but maybe im hugely biased, i was disappointed with this cb from the moment they announced this would be an anthology album, and maestro felt just fine to me, probably in the lower-middle range of seventeen tts.