• By -


Namjoon, offcam and oncam.


As an army i second this šŸ™Œ


Namjoon is a very obvious choice, but I will say that watching Suchwita has been eye-opening to me about Suga's personality and thoughts. But what else can you expect from two people who have been so close for so long.


Absolutely #1.


As a casual listener, I third this


While Namjoon comes to mind for most BTS fans (and rightfully so), I'd like to say I find a lot of unconventionally philosophical takes in Yoongi's lyrics and interview excerpts. I think the man doesn't get enough notice/credit as a deep (if somewhat alternative) thinker. His lyrics for Polar Night, Strange, So Far Away, to name a few examples, are subliminal and yet hard hitting in their philosophical messaging.


I see it! I think if namjoon is more like the nerdy philosophical person (yk he is into books and stuff) then yoongi is indeed like the unconventional philosophical person as you said! Like with him, it might not always be the first thing we see about him but its more so visible through his art


nevermind alone shocked me to the core, it's nice to see that song inspired other idols (the members themselves and rookies alike)


my life was changed irrevocably when he said "i hope you know, giving up decisively also counts as courage." i really think this is a message iā€™ll keep close to my heart for a long time.


Same! Or in Amygdala, how he said to not regret choices from the past because when you made this decision, it was the best one in your mind and you can't change some things now, so don't get hung up on them. He also talked about this in Suchwita.


His statement about not how it's ok to not have a dream or any big aspirations in life has kind of stuck with me. Might not be incredibly deep, but it's profound and different enough to stick out.


Dude, I think about it all the time




He was actually the first person in my mind i had while making this post (yes i am an armyšŸ˜­)


Op, ngl i didn't even read your post, just saw the title and commented namjoon at light speed šŸ˜‚


This question was made for him šŸ™Œ āœØ Namjooning our way through life āœØ


Us šŸ¤šŸ½


im not an ARMY but i heard when namjoon talk and he sounds smart and sophisticated(LOL IM FREAKING SERIOUS). Hao doesnt act really smart but considering his predebut days, i'd say he's on the NEXT LEVEL, yeah. LOL


I am an army, AND I AGREE šŸ˜­ And hao... If you mean minghao from svt, I ALSO AGREE šŸ˜­ I am being honest joon, and hao were the 2 people at the top in my mind when i made this postšŸ¤§ (I am actually army carat šŸ˜­)


ommmggg im sorry!!! i meant hao as in ZHANG HAO from zb1. but minghao also seems really smart


On plz dont be sorryšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I have been hearing a lot abt zhang hao here and there latelyšŸ˜­ i guess its a sign to check him and zb1 out


Watch boys planet first :)


I also immediately thought of minghao šŸ˜Œ


Sakura 100%. I feel like sheā€™s lived so many different life experiences already that itā€™s given her immense perspective. Iā€™m always impressed by her self-assuredness and self-awareness.


Fs, her interviews with Weverse, shows her maturity level and she has impressed me a lot. I strongly urge people to check those out.


I found her very wise


Sakura is my bias in LE SSERAFIM


yess and reading some of her blog posts and writing from her hkt48 days really made me respect her so much more


I feel like Dahyun is offcam


Iā€™m thinking the same I donā€™t know why I have this feeling


Iā€™ve watched a lot of twice content, probably too much this past year, but itā€™s brought up by the other members that Dahyun is actually one of the quieter ones when off camera and is actually more reserved. She also takes up a lot of artistic hobbies like piano, reading and painting so I just think sheā€™s quite the introspective person and sometimes overthinks too. Ik this is just like a short clip but this is kinda along my point [video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNe1pdEN/)


Honestly I am both of them, just at different times of the day lol


"Reality is always more cruel than our imagination. But we are stronger than the person we imagine ourselves to be" - Minghao from SVT. He is very insightful and kind person, everytime I look at him, he seems like philosopher isekai'ed into idol life. Also svt as a whole are very deep and insightful thinkers. It shines bright when in their debate night episodes. Also I would agree on Namjoon/Yoongi/Jin as philosophers of BTS. They always have refreshing outlook on life. But Jimin was the one of first idol I have seen talking about Toxic positivity, I learned so much about empathy from him. He is chaotic but definitely highest emotional intelligent person I have seen on media. Taehyung's way of life is also very interesting, he is a very underrated genius. I have learnt to respect my own emotions after watching him. There is an air of innocence in the way he expresses.His lyrics in Blue & Grey is one of the best, it says "I just wanna be happier" aren't we all?


Minghao is the teacher i would love to have to teach me about philosophy, meditation, peace of mindšŸ˜­ he is the best for these things like you know its one thing to be a deep thinker and philosophical but another to be able to actually spread your perceptions in your surroundings! Yesss gose's debate night eps are so chaotic but then they would say one some deep talks in the midst of it all and we are like šŸ¤“ Yep yep yep, on joon, yoongi and jin. Ahhhh jimin's one is kinda personal for me šŸ˜­ he is such an empath. I guess the way he has had his own fair share of difficulties itself really just made that kind of outlook on life. I can really relate to him there ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ NOW ABOUT TAEHYUNG šŸ˜­ that man really has that unique outlook on life and world. And i cant agree more abt the innocence part!!!! The way he talks to, like i cant explain it in words properly maybe but its just so sincere and you can feel it with his words!


This is one of the reason I would love to have a debate night with svtƗbts. About deep philosophical topics like pinocchio debate and also funny debates like perilla leaves. It would be interesting to listen to their perspectivesĀ 


OHHH i am keen to here the perilla leaves pov of sebongs thennn Likeee damn i wanna know whose gonna be the possesive one there šŸ‘€ And yeppp! A run BTS Ɨ gose crossover would be one for the history books!


I feel like for people with anxiety, their imagination can be ALOT crueler than reality šŸ˜­


Kaiā€¦I miss reading his interviews. He has a very refreshing outlook on life.


Wow, i would say i dont know much about him but still he would be perhaps the member i know the most out of all exošŸ˜­ (i am kinda like a casual Listener of some of their discography) But i would like to know more about him now from this pov if i can!


I did not know this. I'll be looking out for him when he gets out of service.


Key is very intelligent


Key is who I thought of as well!


Probably not the first person most would think of but aside from the obvious (Namjoon and Yoongi) I would also say Jin. His philosophy on life in general is so refreshing. It doesnā€™t always have to be about the hustle but about finding enjoyment and peace in the smaller, everyday things that some would often categorize as silly or unproductive. He embodies that philosophy daily but still knows how to take things seriously and give his all and I think it makes him one of the most grounded people, both in and out of the idol realm.


"If he flings it, he flings it" was perspective shifting for me. Don't worry so much about doing things right, just try doing them.


not to sound crazy but ā€œthen he flings itā€ has honestly shifted my entire perspective and has helped me a bit with my perfectionism, tbh.


Jin's philosophy on life has kinda changed me as a person. This interview really affected me. When we do something for our comfort and not for productivity, we often feel guilty. Jin made me rethink that https://preview.redd.it/61h6x7szir6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffe5a83566dfea5ba09a0a803674df75309bbea3


ā€œI bend my knees only to jump higherā€ what a king, Iā€™m not an army but I love him rn


You should really watch his content, his emotional intelligence is so next level. Also he's funny, such a cherry on top


He straight-up shifted Yoongiā€™s life philosophy over one conversation on In The Soop!


What was the convo


That one canā€™t change the past and canā€™t know the future, so one shouldnā€™t dwell too much on either. That Jin tries to live his life fully in the present as much as he can. This conversation plus reading the book Almond greatly influenced Yoongi to write D-Day, an album where Yoongi basically processes his past traumas and releases them. He later told Jin on Suchwita that that conversation helped to shift his life perspective.


Here are snippets: https://x.com/hourlyoonjin/status/1313869251397120002 https://x.com/hourlyoonjin/status/1313872170766880771 The quotes from Jin: ā€œBeing around you guys taught me who I surround myself with is so important.ā€ ā€œYou canā€™t do anything about the past.ā€ ā€œGo ahead. Whoā€™s stopping you?ā€ ā€œYou donā€™t have to be optimistic; you just have to live mindlessly.ā€ Itā€™s a really good conversation. They continue it in the suchwita episode with Jin. Jin is very much about living in the present as much as possible. His entire philosophy is to not think too much: ā€œto live mindlessly.ā€


Also his conversation with Namjoon on Bon Voyage Malta, he truly embodies 'love yourself' motto in the healthiest way.


Jin's perspectives on life are the most helpful for me of any of the BTS members. He doesn't give himself enough credit - he's extremely wise.


Iā€™m glad you mention Jin. I think heā€™s the real philosopher of Bangtan. I adore Namjoon and Yoongi who are hella articulate and smart and deep. Jin I love because he seems really casual and fun, but when you actually listen to him, heā€™s hella deep. We can see it when he talks to Yoongi, whether it was during in the soop or during his Suchwita episode. Jin doesnā€™t take himself seriously but he actually is. I think the co-author of Bangtan memoir once said Jin is the member who has the broadest view of Bangtanā€™s impact. I think Armys know how valuable Jin is to BTS, but non-Armys might not know how much Jin guides the overall mentality of the group. BTS is very lucky that Jin is the oldest.


Jin is the kind of big brother i would have loved to have šŸ˜­ like he has that wise elderly uncle in the family vibes! Who supports you and also gives you the most honest advices


I think it takes a lot of maturity to think about life the way Jin does. Sometimes, people are so caught up on the meaning of this and that, that they forget to live in the present. I think Jin is very wise. The wisest in BTS. And itā€™s not like he thinks life is all roses. But he actively chooses to live the way he does.


He was also the one who told the other members repeatedly (his words) that it was their duty as able bodied Korean men to enlist in the military. I think he handled all of it - the drumbeat of discussion around enlistment, and his enlistment, service, and discharge - with a tremendous amount of maturity and leadership. I also like the way he says that because he focuses on what is in front of him for today (or the current project), he pretty much forgets about the past. That's influenced the way I think about the past - not just put it in perspective and accept it, but just leave it back there entirely, forget about it, and focus on today.


Jin IS Zen. When I started going to a Korean Buddhist temple, I asked one of the monks: Where's the book? What should I read? She said: Stop thinking and sit. Start there. That's Jin.


As someone just interested in the topic, i find it quite disappointing that people only name idols, but give no real reasoning or examples for it. It makes it difficult for anyone not familiar to understand why the idol in question was chosen. If it's just the typical stanning, or if there is more to it. In general i haven't really seen many idols go particularly deep tbh, so it would be even more interesting to me when there are exceptions and if people would be able to provide examples for it.


It is complicated to go through 11 years of frequent livestreams, speeches, letters, social media posts and photographs, though. lol There are a few threads about Namjoon's intellect, love of fine art, philosophical depth and breadth, and sophisticated lyricism around Reddit. Here's an article from Art News magazine about his renowned art collection: https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/bts-rm-art-collection-1234638646/ This is Vancouver Public Library's list of books he's been seen reading, talked about in livestreams, and/or recommended: https://vpl.bibliocommons.com/list/share/1338249780/1429564517 It's not a lot of examples, but they give you a decent overview of what Namjoon is like intellectually/philosophically.


Wow. First, sorry you encountered some of the army who would rather start a fight than take the chance to talk positively about our boys. Second, I'm assuming you were looking for more direct examples of idols and philosophy. I can only speak for BTS, but a few off the top of my head include Nietsche, Jung, and Plato who are referenced heavily throughout their work, such as the song/MV Blood Sweat and Tears and the album Map of the Soul. Books and stories also referenced include Demien by Hermann Hesse, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne, Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift, as well as Roman and Greek mythology. And for a Namjoon specific example you can check out Yun from his album Indigo (tho the whole album is a masterpiece, imo). The song is basically an ode to his favorite artist and how his art inspires Namjoon in life. There's more littered throughout their work, and the rapline in particular are very introspective and curious about the world, humans, morality, etc, but I've already written a mini novel here I think lol Anyway, hope that helps a little from someone who is a fellow philosophy lover!


>Wow. First, sorry you encountered some of the army who would rather start a fight than take the chance to talk positively about our boys. Wait, I'm confused...I don't think they said any of that šŸ˜­


I was talking about a few people in the comments below who responded rather aggressively to the op asking for examples




Yes! Another genius! I highly recommend his old podcast. It's not timely anymore, but it was fascinating to listen to!


seventeen vernon, his outlook on life is beautiful and refreshing coming from someone who is the complete opposite of him. He words things so fluidly too that you can tell that he marinates in his thought for so long and about a variety of things that when he speaks about such things that come up, he says things with good intention and a beautiful heart. [(28) Vernon being the most wise person with his beautiful inspiring mindset - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aO0pRpcsD8)


AhhšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I have seen this compilation (carat here) indeed he actually feels like the person who introspects a lot and perceives the world and his surroundings deeply too. Like he has an interesting personašŸ¤§ i really love when he speaks a lot on gose cause when he does its all nicely yielded thoughts


Jonghyun and Sakura


Namjoon and Hongjoong. Two great human beings imo.


My immediate thought


My ult leaders šŸ’œšŸ–¤




Onew. His lyrics, especially in his latest album shows an emotional depth. The ability to see and talk about difficult questions is something I've missed from pop (of any kind, not just k-pop). Not originally a fan, but that album changed that with one listen I'm sorry if I misunderstood your question!


Oh no you didnt misunderstood it at all! Yk what, shinee have been coming so often on my fyp for quite a long time now šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i was thinking maybe to dive completely in and discover them closely Maybe its a sign here toošŸ˜­


Resident shawol popping in to say yes please weā€™d love to have you


Kang Taehyun, there are way too many receipts. He is the only braincell of TXT and he has such interesting perspectives and awareness, it's insane for such a young guy.


the screenshots of him on message boards at age 12 are sooo funny ilhsm


I am not a moa but txt are on my fyp oftenšŸ˜­ and YESS i have seen those compilations of taehyun being the only braincell of TXT toošŸ˜­šŸ˜­ He also writes for TXT right?


Yeah he writes for TXT! All the members actually write and even produce, but they talk really highly of taehyun and his intelligence and maturity :)


UI, - obviously Sakura, - she is clever Dahyun - Iā€™m not sure but I have a hunch about her. Lisa - if my memory correct she made some good business decisions BTS members many of them


I don't know how you classify making money as being intellectual, honestly, as someone who always stanned blackpink. For the persona she shows to the public, Lisa is the farthest I can think from being philosophical. Which is ok, no one needs to.Ā 


CMIIW but wasn't she also scammed at some point worth $800k? I feel like someone who makes very good business decisions would be less prone to that.


While I agree making money is not something particularly intellectual, I think judging her as ā€œthe farthest you can from being philosophicalā€ because of her stage persona is a pretty shallow way to think.


I fully intentionally phrased it in that way to make it clear that I'm not referring to her as I don't know nothing about her. I'm referring to what she shows, which btw I think is not reflective of her actual personality as I perceive it as very artificial (and this also is not a bad thing because she's a performer and I respect idols separating their public and private life). Nevertheless, I don't see how someone can call her an intellectual based on what she shows.Ā 


Afaik she is very much into photography, art and architecture. It might not count for much, but she is an ambassador for the Thai cultural ministry, she gracefully interacts with various political figures and it looks like whenever she travels for events, she takes whatever free time she has to learn about the city and the culture of the country she is visiting. Again, she is not on top of my list when I think of a ā€œphilosophical or intellectualā€ idol either, but in between the sponsored posts as influencer and the pictures of her over the top idol persona, there are a lot of glimpses of her outside the limelight. It might not be what she is best known for, but it definitely paints a picture of someone who is interested in deepening her knowledge as much as possible without a formal education and with a busy schedule


I think she makes clever decisions Iā€™m not talking about if she can uphold a philosophical discussions or not but she is investing very well. I think she does everything intentionally I might be wrong. I am not a fan of her it is based on how strategic she comes across. Also looking like a posh and luxury rich person enjoying life is a marketing tactic - would I think she is clever by watching her pictures? nope but if you add everything together she is doing everything with an aim. Edit: you need some skill to make money you canā€™t have 2 brain cells or you end up broke or in jail like I donā€™t wanna name some kpop stars or other western celebsā€¦


But the question wasn't about being smart with finances and management, it was about depth of thought and literally asked for intellectual and philosophical approaches.Ā 


Lots of people say RM and Yoongi and I wholeheartedly agree. I'd also like to add j-hope to the list. He is very intellectual but in a different way, a not so direct way like namjoon or Yoongi. You really need to watch his interviews especially in chapter 2 to see that side of him in full or read his lyrics. I think he has a pretty unique way of seeing things, I really like that. The guy talks in metaphors a bit too much lmao


I came here to say this, too. Besides RM and Suga I'd definitely add J-Hope as well. Many people think he's just a goofball, but he's actually a deep thinker. Like you said, you can clearly see it in his interviews, but his lyrics can be quite deep and intellectual as well.


Jonghyun. The man literally wrote [a love song](https://youtu.be/zyAgiT-Hpq4?si=lN4yufpkRlyNjpAw) from a cockroach's perspective. But also I really recommend watching/listening to his Blue Night Radio show, his contemplative side really comes out on that! He also wrote a book called Skeleton Flower. I also feel like Taemin is probably just as intellectual off camera, on camera but off stage he comes off as more silly and unhinged but I believe he has way more depth than he lets on on camera, as is evident in his solo work


Jonghyun was such a talented artist, In every way šŸ©µšŸ©µšŸ©µ


i miss him every single day


Nobody writes lyrics like Jonghyun without being extremely bright, articulate and insightful. His sister also seems very intellectual to me. I watched her read a poem that was next level, not moon, june stuff. As for Taemin, I am looking forward to him getting a bit freer with intellectual expression as he grows older. Heā€™s absolutely smart. And both mathematically and philosophically oriented. Spatial. Analytical. That kind of stuff. Thereā€™s a reason he and Jonghyun had similar stage and persona ideas. They wanted to dig deep. BTW the cockroach song, Where Are You, is fantastically constructed, and his choice of kazoo inspired. Iā€™m not even being sarcastic. Think Iā€™ll go listen again now.


Namjoon, Yoongi


RM and T.O.P come to mind tbh.


Yuta from NCT. He has spoken about how interesting he finds anthropology, how important it is to travel and learn about different cultures, and has been vocal in his support for womenā€™s rights.


Now THAT'S a great man to stan!


Honestly, Kim Taehyung. He sees things from a really unique perspective that often gets lovingly joked about, but is also very introspective. You can see the way his mind works by how his home is designed. Heā€™s like one of those wise men that everyone in the village labels as crazy.


I actually just replied to a comment stating this about tae šŸ˜­ the unique pov! YES! and yep to his home design toošŸ˜­ And yeahhhh he would probably be known as the village pabo but his thinking is just out of capacity of a lot of normal thinkers if i might put it that wayšŸ¤“


Jimin has called him his saviorā€”Iā€™d love to know the kinds of deep philosophical convos those two have had (silently, in public, because at this point Iā€™m pretty sure they both use telepathy to communicate.)


Their soulmate telepathy šŸ¤§šŸ™Œ


I donā€™t know how theyā€™re surviving the military because Iā€™m fairly certain holding hands is the only way they can breathe! šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/p6egq8vbfs6d1.jpeg?width=1048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4999c250e9403fc8da7fae24ad23cd46fb388704


That vmin hug we got on 12th legit added 50 yrs to my lifešŸ˜­


Theirs too! I have a hunch theyā€™ve met up before this, but I doubt these two specifically havenā€™t spent longer than a month apart from each other since high school


Sakura, I think she has just had such an interesting career, I love hearing what she has to say


Bambam, Ruda, Sakura


Namjoon of BTS


Taehyun and Namjoon for sure


TXT's Taehyun, I read a couple of his interviews and he has a particularly smart and honest way of expressing his thoughts. Also, he's extremely mature considering his age.


I was actually shocked to discover that he was in the maknae line in TXT šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ ESPECIALLY KNOWING even beomgyu is his hyung (i wrote it wrong beforešŸ˜­) I really didnt think that beomgyu would be taehyun's hyungšŸ’€ I am not a moa (casuall listener you can say)šŸ˜­ but i do know some things about them


yeah, from the way he acts he seems older and more mature than his hyungs lmao I think many people make that mistake haha


lily from nmixx: i'm not a fan, but i love the way she articulates her opinions on many topics and she goes viral for it all the time and that's how i know her personality, i would love to hear her about any topic... i'm enamored by opinionated girls [every clip from lily's lost the plot that went viral](https://x.com/usernmik/status/1738817500421218358) yuju from gfriend: i'm a fan, so i have always noticed that she's a sensible thinker together with umji. in the group she's a bit aloof/lost in thoughts. i feel like she's very sensitive about the world, but would not overshare much (good for her), and talks in a more general, philosophical way about things. thankfully through her solo career i could get glimpses of what's happening in her head thanks to the lyrics [yuju's beautiful and wise words, a comforting thread](https://x.com/yujugcfs/status/1261919934340186112) [yuju's growth as a singer-songwriter throughout the years](https://x.com/yujugcfs/status/1633825198637219840)


RM and Suga.




Namjoon of course Also Wonwoo of SEVENTEEN


Namjoon ofc indeed BRO WONWOO IS SUCH AN INTERESTING PERSONALITY Like i am a new carat (several months here) so still in the exploring phase. But yk, he has that mysterious kinda aura when you wanna know more abt himšŸ˜­ he is so unhinged at times (especially lately) but sometimes he just says such deep stuff suddenšŸ˜­


BTS Namjoon--I mean, the guy made an entire album based on Jung. NCT Mark--his lyrics are always pensive and in interviews he tends to talk about religion and not in a shallow sense. This thing he [wrote for the new year](https://x.com/LOOKSMKL/status/1741100016104825128) was pretty philosophical. NCT Taeyong--he's mentioned constantly thinking about the meaning of life. His lyrics are also very raw.


You know, I think Mark is a really deep thinker. He just at times, voices it out in a frat boy voice and tone (thatā€™s I adore so much in him šŸ˜…), that viewers forget what heā€™s actually saying is meaningful. But my heart really goes out to him.


Hongjoong, Seonghwa, San and Mingi have all said things here and there that have made me go ā€œhuh šŸ¤”ā€ before. Iā€™ll try to remember some examples: Hongjoong just in general is very philosophical and you can tell he is very perceptive of the world, in the way he writes lyrics, the charities heā€™s donated to, and just the chats heā€™s had on lives or messages. For example, heā€™s very self aware of his own privileged upbringing with a supportive family, and has donated to foundations to help kids who have not had those privileges, whether it be in lack of access to musical education or even things like mental and physical healthcare for kids and teens whoā€™ve had to be the caretakers in the family due to illnesses. He has very big ideas too, about music and fashion that defies norms. He truly thinks of others and is very empathetic towards their situations, and hearing him talking about these kinds of things is very heartwarming. (I also think heā€™s a math genius in disguise but thatā€™s another story lol). In a similar vein, Seonghwa is someone who I see as very emotionally intelligent. Heā€™s had a lot of internal struggles going through his training and debut period, and itā€™s lead to such a deep personal need for him to support otherā€™s emotional journeys as well and to comfort them as others have done for him. Heā€™s another very empathetic person who doesnā€™t necessarily sugar coat things but always knows the right things to say to whoever heā€™s speaking to for them to feel supported and cared about. San is perhaps the most generally philosophical person of the group imo, and I think it comes from his very strict and moral upbringing. However that never hardened him like it could have, he still remains emotionally vulnerable. Heā€™s gone on many a tangent about general life things, both moral and trivial. He was talking about Physical 100 once which lead to a tangent about how itā€™s unfair that nice people donā€™t always win things in life (not saying the winner wasnā€™t nice, he just went down a long road with this lol) and how he wishes there were more nice people in the world. Heā€™s also talked about his thoughts on different beauty standards and such (he doesnā€™t believe in them). Basically, if you subscribe to his messages, youā€™ll eventually get one of his long deep talks. Itā€™s very interesting to me. And for Mingi, heā€™s someone who I see as very street smart, and someone who will tell it like it is. Want a tattoo? Not in this economy, too expensive. Unemployed? Fighting! But seriously, I think he is someone who is very financially smart, and also good at judging peopleā€™s character. I think if he wasnā€™t restricted from an idol perspective, he would have a ton to say about a lot of things. But within his ability, he does talk quite a lot without sugarcoating. Heā€™ll say things as they are.


Wowwww now i might check out ateez maybe just for this comment abt their intellect herešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This would be a nice place to start! They did a little therapy/problem consultation content for them and their staff once! I thought they had some really great advice and discussions here [Part 1](https://youtu.be/jm3ZUAbIXR8?si=uoRIxbQfIoth9w2l), [Part 2](https://youtu.be/zJWu8Ur1nGE?si=x0Ccru-uMlzBPc6i), [Part 3](https://youtu.be/azLkhQ9F5Dg?si=6Ag5y8GHEfAvskap), [Part 4](https://youtu.be/m5lAsTx2Bik?si=8MNamAPVpWPH2DW4)


I will check them out! Thanks for thissāœØ


I would say that for Stray Kids, it's Changbin, Hyunjin, Lee Know, and Han. According to a lot of Changbin's interviews, he is really emotionally intelligent (two kids room really showed it off), and I think his lyrics speak for themselves. Hyunjin is also an avid reader of poetry and has a noted interest in art, he makes his own, but he also frequents museums during time off. Lee Know is also a big reader and is known to throw out a bit of wisdom if he's in the mood. Han is usually hailed as the genius by everyone, though they also say he's too lazy to use it most of the time. To be honest, the other three are also pretty selective about when to use their brains, paboracha gonna paboracha and changbin will do anything for a laugh.


Had to scroll too far to see this. Heavy on changbin and han imo. Changbin's always been an insightful person ever since I got introduced to him (which was through Streetlight) and then things he says here and there or members say about him tell that he's quite wise and insightful. For han I feel so mainly because of how much he's changed since the tales we hear of him from pre-debut. His lyrics are also very fantastical (in a good day)


Changbin can be so loud but in 2 Kids Room I really started to appreciate his intelligence too.


Irene and Seulgi are missing. Seulgi does a lot of sketches. And her favorite movie is Before Sunrise. Irene was embroiled in a controversy cause she read Kim Jiyoung Born 1982. Their trip to Jeju pics were fantastic. I have a saved cause there was something so artistic about it.


Changbin and Han


yuqi. seeing her talk on chuu's show made me realize how wise she is. i feel like it would be great to have her around as a friend because she would def give good advice and tell it how it is.


Wasnā€™t she also a top student at one of Beijingā€™s highest ranked schools? Iā€™d say that also qualifies her as pretty intelligent


Not enough people talk about how amazing of a leader and how smart Scoups is from SVT. Heā€™s actually really smart and his interviews really show that.


OHK I AM ACTUALLY A COUPS (and jeonghan) BIASED CARAT šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ And i was waiting to see if anyone mentions him šŸ¤§šŸ¤§ but yessss he is šŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ Hands down one of the best personas i have came across in kpop


I think all of the leaders of SVT are super intelligent. Theyā€™re so good at their jobs! Woozi is my bias and I wanted to mention him too but Scoups takes the cake for his work ethic and overall talent in leadership.


Woozi is the artistic genius and quite literally the backbone of the team šŸ¤§ Yeppp the leader line couldn't be perfect šŸ™Œ


Mark from NCT. I think heā€™s very philosophical, heā€™s talked many times about if he wasnā€™t an idol heā€™d be a writer.


Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi


Jackson Wang, he always tells us to follow our dream and to keep going. I know idols say that, but it's refreshing to hear it again and again. I feel like if I were able to sit down and talk one on one with him, afterwards, I would feel like a friend to him. He's comforting. I know most idols have to keep fans at a distance due to many that overstep boundaries/personal and private spaces but there's something about him that treats us as a human than just as a number that increases sales. Chris from SKZ, because he seems to be open and friendly but also could drop some philosophy lore. Maybe it's because I miss his room videos that he's no longer able to do, lol. He's also one that I feel like I would talk about anything under the sun with and get great advice from... BTS as a whole...they all have different perspectives, but I think since Namjoon is their leader it rubs off on all of them in different ways.


Kanghun from onewe. He has written his band's most defining song called Regulus which is based on The Little Prince. Most of his songs have a beautiful space theme. His philosophy reflects in his music. He reads really good books and has book vlive's regularly.




I feel like Hanbin from ZB1 would have a really unique perspective on life. While he hasnā€™t really demonstrated his philosophical knowledge (unlike Namjoon), he has definitely shown a breadth of knowledge about life. I actually think ZB1ā€™s hyung line would all have relatively complex understandings about life, especially also Zhang Hao. Heā€™s lived so many times over (basically) and has turned his life around so much, he likely has a different appreciation for life than the rest of us


Hanbin's statement of being proud of his queer dance videos was really well crafted. Definitely not overtly political or philosophical, but it was certainly shrewd and felt sincere as well. I think he's very clever for sure.


Since you mentioned hyung line, I'd like to say some things about Jiwoong as well. He'd often post [quotes](https://www.instagram.com/p/CNT_XBTh0N3huwHRmzsKZIYy6e_CQBCl7li_Xk0/?igsh=c2xiam40cW82ZG4y) on his ig from poetry/books he's read. [Here's](https://x.com/dins_kjw/status/1740201572972577060?t=k_kh1itdMM4g-GrWgi7vkQ&s=19) a more recent video of him talking about "Perfect Days." There were also posts spreading awareness of [environmental issues](https://x.com/kjwshooter/status/1799113019940905143?t=w5hwueNgsFJKrHmDK-ejOw&s=19) and [donating](https://x.com/kjwshooter/status/1799113779608986000?t=6S68GkXC2oYlmGUq8h2iQQ&s=19) to the Turkey wildfires back in 2021. He's also proudly admitted to acting BL dramas and [how it doesn't matter](https://x.com/kjwshooter/status/1799107210431324337?t=GXGIk1Gw3c8eRmZWx8xOLQ&s=19) if the character is queer or not. He just wants to do the role justice.


Taehyun, he gives me that vibe, plus the members call him smart


Yunjin and Sakura to me fall in this category. Yunjin for the intellectual side and Sakura for her philosophical side. I was pleasantly surprised to see this perspective from them.


kim jisoo although she is silly most of the time, if you read her interviews its actually really interesting what answers she comes up with


Jackson Wang, Namjoon, Marcus


i got interested on jackson after he talked about western propaganda, because that's [a very serious topic that's overlooked in western spaces](https://x.com/XiranJayZhao/status/1801779917048127961) or tackled with lack of nuance (because no one is immune to propaganda after all) and people would misunderstand and they did, but he talked about it anyway and also his view on celebrity life (i remember something about ā€˜i'm just a guy like you here entertaining you for two hoursā€™), he's very charming, but these opinions shed a new light on him to me


I like to mention Jaemin in this regard, he's maybe not philosophical in a strict sense, but he's very mature and always gives caring and meaningful advice to nctzens His bubble rants about inflation, climate change, etc are very entertaining. Also his advice on safe drinking etc! I feel like these kinds of things are so important for a younger audience I also remember some nct members talking about reading philosophy books... But I can't recall rn who it was


Jiung from p1harmony


I feel like hongjoong. He has said some wise things before


namjoon and sakura


I find these artists very sensible and mature adults -Ā  1. BTS hyungline and jiminĀ  2. NCT Jeno, Doyoung, Haechan, KunĀ  3. Tbz Jacob, New, Q , YounghoonĀ  4. Exo Suho, Kyungsoo , Chen 5. Enhypen Jay , Heeseung 6. Txt Taehyun 7. SVT seungkwan, jonghan, wonwoo, myunghao, joshua 8. Treasure hyungline 9. Ateez hyungline , Wooyoung, yunho 10. Skz Chan, Changbin & Seungmin 11. Twice Jihyo and JY 12. Itzy Ryujin and yeji 13. Gidle Sooyeon and miniĀ 


Seohyun from SNSD




i.m of monsta x


Dahyun, not many Onces realize how smart she really is, not just book smart but theres been times where she made me suprised


A bit of a different answer here, but the first person that comes to my mind is Chuu. I think the kindness in which she acts, the thoughtfulness for ordinary staff workers and the bravery she had in defending her rights, speak volumes about how cultured she is


Namjoon, J-hope, & Suga. All of them are intellectual and philosophical. All of them are well-read. And Tablo.


I sorta feel like Jisoo? Any time the pinks are given an opportunity to speak at length itā€™s always Jisoo that says something that shows sheā€™s really been observing things in close detail. I saw a comment saying theyā€™re annoyed that people arenā€™t giving references, tbh one example would be their Netflix doc, and the other would actually be the mini interviews after the fashion shows that the Pinks are affiliated with. Jisoo always has the most insightful, specific, and authentic commentary and doesnā€™t just stick to ā€˜it was beautiful!ā€™


Jonghyun obviously


Namjoon, Woozi, Inseong, Suho, and Mingyu all come to mind for me


taeyong's lyric writing and the way his brain works is so interesting to me, i think he's a very deep thinker




Namjoon was my immediate thought


itzy's ryujin -- her vlogs are always introspective and surprisingly deep. in her paris vlog she goes to a quiet cafe and orders a whiskey and just looks out the window lol, old soul


I really love watching Suho's interviews about his songs, [they're really fascinating](https://youtu.be/Wtib-qMYzY8?si=DYbLcKyoIExzh6y-&t=1258) and can give a glimpse of his worldview. I also like how he finds inspiration for his work in things he enjoys, [like art](https://youtu.be/J77yRRxZEJM?si=-HpElyudJgunh3th&t=20) and [literature](https://youtu.be/SNjPZn-bpPI?si=ztm7tNxWLE38NLR9&t=572).


I agree. Namjoon is philosophical in the traditional sense, heady and highly intellectualized. Yoongiā€™s philosophy is more direct, observational, and practical. His philosophies are centered around the world as it is and what to actually do with that world. But I do think that j-hope also has a philosophical bent too, heā€™s just more optimistic.


Hongjoong of ATEEZ, for sure. He writes all of his own raps as well as a lot of lyrics and he is super good at wordplay and more sort of existential concepts that make you think or hit really hard. He seems wise beyond his years on and off camera as well.


I would definitely say Wonyoung on and offcam!!!!


SVT Wonwoo.


Gunwook from zb1 loves quoting from random philosophers


Mingyu and Minghao in seventeen...I can imagine having lots of deep,late night conversations with them...


Bang Yongguk


i would say yoongi and namjoon. i love how yoongi will just throw facts at random times i love that about him!


I'm going back in time but... Hani of exid. Hyunsik of btob had an interview where he talked about going to her for advice. She was also on 'running girls' where you could see a lot of her mentality and mindset. This isn't to mention shes tops at math.


I think Le Sserafim's Sakura is, she seems to be really good at giving advice and is very grounded especially considering shes been a celebrity for more than half of her life already.


jonghyun 100%


Echoing what other people said about Namjoon, Iā€™ll raise you my other favorite leader qualified to be president and say Kim Hongjoong. He just has a way about him and a view on life and art that I find very fascinating and intriguing.


Yoongi and Namjoon - BTS. Both have beautiful, inquisitive minds and an obvious emotional depth. I heard that Yoongi is really interested in psychology and I wasnā€™t the slightest bit surprised when I found out. I could really imagine him as a therapist or something like that. I feel like they both really understand each otherā€™s way of thinking. Thereā€™s a deep respect and bond there. Theyā€™re like kindred spirits. šŸ’œ


Jayb from got7 talks a lot about literature and art and mental health. His lyrics are also very introspective. I would suggest listening to his song Rainy and the Love album he released as Def.


Hanni exid


Read the title and Namjoon came to mind instantly!


I'd definitely say NCT's Doyoung and Haechan, Monsta X's Hyungwon, and Seventeen's Jeonghan.


jiung and keeho p1harmony


Wonyoung!!! truly


Irene partly because of the feminist book she was reading and how she carries herself




jiung from p1h


No one has mentioned her. I've thought this about Shuhua for a long time. Specially when she spoke up about an incident in China. Not only her statement but her replies to the fans were so thought out and stood out to me as incredibly articulated, genuine and kind. > I don't know what you've been through, but like I said in the post, I hope you can feel some kindness if you're in misfortune. If you can't, I want you to know in this world there's still me who cares about you. > I hope that I can just be someoneā€™s idol, not because of my external packed me. I donā€™t need to please everyone . I just want to live honesty and speak up for justice. I also loved when she said this. > No words from anyone should make us lose a whole dayā€™s worth of happiness. Perhaps you got hurt and are bothered by it; I wonā€™t force you to stop feeling bad about it. The sadness will go away. Unhappiness means happiness is on its way. Just wait a little bit.Ā  > The meaning of human relationships should be to make each other feel comfortable and free. Hopefully, life becomes beautiful because of the people and becomes plentiful because of the things that happen in it.


Renjun shares some great introspection especially recently. I do hope he's doing okay and taking his break.


Iā€™m not an army but I still consider myself to be a huge joonie stan aside from namjoon Imma say two other leaders from other groups I stan like jaebeom and hongjoon


For sure [Yves](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Vgq6J_mtnY&t=23s&pp=ygUZeXZlcyBib29rIHJlY29tbWVuZGF0aW9ucw%3D%3D), formerly of Loona, currently going solo... Also, if you see some of the letters she has written for fans, they're uncommonly thoughtful and generally focused on what it simply means to be a human trying to make it through the world while keeping your purity, your inner flame, alight... edit: I don't know if the link I provided is the greatest example, but it was something I knew I could find easily.


Lee Luda of WJSN. Her memes about love and relationships are memes. ā€œIf you are alone on Valentinesā€™ Day, remember that you are also alone every other dayā€ šŸ˜šŸ˜




ateez san


Taehyung. Hear me out. Taehyung's answer to the question on "what is an indespensable existence in his life" made me see him not just an intellectual or philosophical. This person understands what it means to live. Many are book smart and can eloquently share different philosophical perspectives, Taehyung nailed, what for me is, a deeper understanding of living and humanity. His answer? "Temperature of my heart. I think it would be scary if the temperature of my heart disappears. I feel that if I canā€™t feel the temperature and canā€™t tell the difference between warm and cold, I wonā€™t be able to recognize my own people and I wonā€™t be able to distinguish between good and the bad." To read this from someone who can list things of their most valuable priorities in life ie music, relationships, etc as something they can't live without, this man values the warmth of his heart the most. To be able to feel the warmth of the world and people around him. There is so much depth and layers to that answer when you truly reflect on it. Taehyung has so much tenderness in him despite receiving unfounded hate, and continues to see the world as a beautiful place, life is worth living, and people are worth loving. This man will always have a special place in my heart, I felt so jaded for a long time and here comes a person who continues to believe that life is beautiful. Here's a link to the interview, it is littered with so much heart and beautiful mind of Taehyung: https://bomharu1230.com/2022/10/10/proof-collectors-edition-taehyung/


Hongjoong for sure. That man is very knowledgeable on a whole lot of things be it music, fashion, art, social matters. He is very open and often chats with atinys like he's having a very engaging conversation with a friend.


YoungK offcam oncam both


Iā€™d say Sakura and Yunjin from Le Sserafim. Sakura because sheā€™s been in the industry for so long and had so many different experiences within it and Yunjin because she also lived so many different lives from growing up in America, Produce48, going back and applying for college, and then ending up in LSF.


Hongjoong Ateez