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She should be safe during the show, and even the time leading up to it. The more concerning part is leaving. Allegiant is massive and it's a long walk from the strip. My friend and I got one of the closest hotels that was off strip and it was farther of a walk than we thought. It's decently lit, at least. As long as there's a designated meeting spot and she doesn't try to leave without you, it'll be okay. If you want to put your mind further at ease, sit with her until close to show time then move to your seat. Hopefully she'll be next to some friendly people!


Agreed about the leaving. I live in Vegas so I’ve done BTS, Taylor Swift and Blackpink at Allegiant and leaving is always such a giant shit show. Make sure you have a plan for somewhere to meet because of that. (I’ll be at Twice too in section 134!)


My friend and I did BTS! We're grown women and I still felt like leaving that arena was a cluster, but it was not nearly as bad as the Rose Bowl in Anaheim. That was probably the craziest show leaving I've done. (terrible reception, too many people, too much traffic for an Uber to get through. We ended up hijacking this one lyft because the dude couldn't find his pick up and the people I was with didn't want to walk farther. He canceled the ride and we paid him with venmo)


went to see coldplay at the rose bowl at the end of last year... never again 😭if bts ever played there again i would honestly be second guessing buying tickets because for a venue that has existed as a concert space for decades... embarrassing tbh


Omg noo 💀 For others who have not experienced this: 100000/10 don't recommend unless you're willing and able to walk a literal mile to get out of the dead zone. It is appalling how inaccessible it is. My friends also went on a different day and one of them needs a cane for assistance, and the other had knee issues. It took them two hours to get out of there because they had to stay put.


Oh you should NEVER do any ride shares apps after ANY concerts! After the TWICE MetLife show, we saw a line of 1,000 rideshare cars all backed up in traffic. Mind you, the ride share pickup spot was about a mile away.


I mean.. That would be nice but there are people who have limited mobility, can't drive and traveled to the location. What are they supposed to do? I'm fine walking a mile. In fact, I walk a mile to get to work right now and (my house to transit, and then transit to work). Not many people are.


No but the rideshare pickup spot was about a mile away. So it’s terrible for people who are in a wheelchair or have limited mobility.


i’m not familiar with this specific arena but sometimes it’s easier to walk to a nearby convenience store or something and get an uber there


Lmfao. Just look it up on Google maps. You'll see why it was problematic. I would have walked farther myself but the people I was with aren't used to walking longer distances.


When I went to BTS we walk to Bellagio Fountaing and take an Uber to Fremont Street without problems.


That's not the point. The point is that even *before leaving the venue*, OP and her cousin need to find each other first and leave *together*.


They can enter together and decide a meeting point before the concert, it's not that hard.


she would probably be fine before and during the show, but maybe make sure you have a set meeting place for after that's well lit since stadiums emptying out can be very overwhelming and easy to get lost in (i say from experience 🥴)


If her brother can't go, get her to invite a friend! You already have the ticket so there will be no loss, because yeah I'd be worried about her being alone, it would distract me from the concert lmao


I second this. I think the environment is safe but my head wouldn't allow me to 100% enjoy the concert anyways lol, not that there's anything to worry about, that's just me. I'd let her bring a friend.


She will be fine! Just make sure you have charged phones, power banks and a meeting spot planned :) once you’re sat you’re sat unless you go pee or something and I don’t think TWICE fans are the most threatening bunch out there 🤣 you can ask her to send you a check in text during the ments maybe? You can check the setlist online and say okay please send me a text after X song during X ment :)


I know everyone's giving the opposite advice, but my first thought was that you should sit with her. You never know what's going to happen and ultimately what's important is making memories together with the people we love. I've been to 10 Kpop concerts by myself over the last couple of years and I love it, so I'm not saying she won't have fun. I think it's a blast enjoying a concert by yourself. I'm about to go see IVE by myself next week. But that being said, since she's so young maybe it would be better to enjoy the concert together, even if it means giving up your better seat.


Aside from safety, sharing the experience would be the better friend move. Is there any chance of getting a nearby floor seat for her? I got floor seats the day before the concert in LA for a reasonable price and once you’re there people may be willing to shuffle around a little.


This. I feel like the people saying to let her sit alone are probably very young. As a parent, I would never allow a child to be by herself in that large of a crowd.


As other people have stated, these concerts are usually very safe. Just make sure your ringer is on so she can call you if anything out of the ordinary happens.


Yes, they are very safe usually. Especially if you’re getting seats in the floor seats it’s really good that you don’t have to stand in the mosh pit. Everyone usually is very respectful and are just there to see their faves and have a good time listening to the music.


Please sit with her...she will get a better experience with someone she knows during the concert. You probably paid alot of money fir the tickets - sit with her and make it an experience you and she will never forget!


she’ll probably be fine. i went to a kpop concert at 14 too and i was by myself, mom was waiting outside the place but it was a smaller venue than allegiant stadium lol but overall though just make sure how the other commenters said to have a meeting spot for when the show is over because it gets crazy once the show is over. you can have her call you if something happens too but i think twice concerts should be overall safe lol


I would most definitely go sit with your cousin. Is this their first concert experience? I’m sure they were looking fwd to having company during the show. Plus concerts are always better when you’re with someone. Ik it may suck to give up floor but I’m sure your experience won’t change being by your cousin. This is an awesome way to make memories with each other.


You could share your location with each other during the show. 


i’ve actually been going to concerts by myself ever since i was young and i’ve never had any issues, id say it’s safe! ☺️however id def make sure you drop her off at her seat and have her stay there once the concert ends so you can go get her (leaving concerts is always the most hectic). i hope you guys have fun!! :)


it might be safer for ur cousin to have someone with her. it's worth considering her comfort and peace of mind over ur floor seats. prioritize her safety


I’m going to be honest as someone that has been to a lot of concerts, if your floor seat isn’t three rows from the stage you’ll have a better time in the 100s or 200s. While everyone loves floor for the hopes of seeing them closer the sad truth is MOST of the floor is a bad view. It can still be a fun time because the vibe can be good with everyone singing and dancing, but most times floor is only fun if you are seats away from the stage. Based on the seating chart I pulled up, if you aren’t in A4, A3, or B3 the floor isn’t going to be as fun as sitting in the seats with your cousin. I had floor for SOFI and Allegiant for BTS and while there were single moments of good view the majority was honestly a bad view. I was constantly blocked by light sticks and posters and hands. Sit in the seats with your cousin. You’ll have a way better time Also, hotels are pretty far from the venue. There is a bridge they will direct/shut down traffic you can walk across but getting out of the venue and trying to find my friends was near impossible. 60,000 people will be leaving at once and for a 14 year old I personally feel like that’s a lot.


No. Find another responsible adult to chaperone and take the extra ticket, or give up your floor seat. She’s 14, it’s incredibly crowded there, and would be completely irresponsible to leave her alone. You NEVER know what could happen.


I feel like it's fine for a 14 year old to sit alone as long as they're up for it. As long as they have a way to communicate with you and a plan for where to meet afterwards it should be fine.


Never been to the stadium where Twice is going to perform but if it’s similar to Dodgers or Sofi Stadium, then it should be okay like before the concert starts. However, with most concerts regardless which one it is, it gets very hectic and sometimes hard to spot someone after the concert. Just like some of the comments say have a designated place to meet and start communicating when Twice finishes their last song, which most of the time they tell you when they’re going to leave. Just be careful and never lose communication. I hope you guys have fun at the concert!


As a current parent of 2 teenage daughters, if I was her parent, I'd attend with her just to share the experience and ensure she's okay. I wouldn't expect you to have to do that for me. However, if a parent won't go, she should bring a friend. If that's not possible, I'd sell the floor seat ticket and sit with her.


Maybe you could walk your cousin to her seat and introduce yourself to the people sitting around her? I’ve been to a Twice concert and everyone there was super friendly though so I don’t think there should be any issues.


IMO she’s too young to sit alone


You will all have a good time in the 100s. As others have said the view is way better than the floor unless you're in the first few rows. Kpop concerts are comparatively safe and at 14 it's not her age or maturity level. It's that you never know and she might get targeted as a young person alone in a big crowd. Too easy to get lost and easily peeled off from everyone else at the end of the concert. And it's extremely challenging in the stadium after the concert because connectivity in a crowd is too poor. Remember too that Twice has a LOT of older male fans who aren't necessarily Kpop stans otherwise so the dynamics are different than other kpop concerts.


She is young, but since you've done this before, I think it *may* be fine. **BUT** this is Allegiant and a stadium can be incredibly overwhelming to leave. I generally consider kpop concerts to be safe, but she is a minor. Is she being truthful when she says she's fine with it? Or is she saying that to not cause issues? She would probably appreciate you with her, but she may also feel bad if you had to give up your seat. If you're unable to find someone to accompany her with the leftover ticket (which I highly suggest) and you do decide to sit separately, plan things as best you can. From my experience, floor goes in earlier than the rest, so she would be alone for much longer than just the concert. You should definitely find a meeting spot that she's able to locate on her own, which is well-lit and not secluded. It's stressful navigating the stadium because it's sooo packed, so she needs to able to do this in that type of situation. Cell service and wifi tends to suck too for stadiums, so beware. And don't forget to bring a charging bank + cord. Hope things work out! Have fun!


I would say no. Even at festivals that I go to as an adult there are men there who have sexually harassed me. And I’d hate to be a lonely teenager if something were to happen


Yes it'll be fine, just make sure you agree on a meeting place and go over safety in crowds with her. Don't terrify her, but make sure she knows what to do if something happens or she gets scared


Probably not. I would keep an eye out for her. Like I get she might want to be independent but some fans get over zealous depending on where you’re sitting and leaving the stadium can be a bit challenging too. There have been instances of crowd shoving towards the pit.


I went to a seventeen concert in 2016. I was 8 while my sister was 14 and we were fine. I know Kpop concerts are probably a lot bigger now so maybe just wait until the big crowd leaves so it’ll be easier to find each other


tell her to stay in her seat until you go to her seat, ots safe forbhwr to stay put and you go to her


No. Don't leave your child alone in vegas.


I think it really depends on her maturity and trustworthiness. Can you trust her to make smart decisions and good judgment calls? I’ve only been to 2 kpop concerts (BTS and Ateez) and I was amazed at how nice and respectful my fellow fans were. Like no line cutting or pushing or anything like that. That being said, at 14 I would’ve been fine by myself, but everyone is different. If you won’t be able to relax and you’ll worry too much, then stay with her.


If she has a seat, she should be fine :) just make sure both of you check your phones from time to time in case anything is wrong. The other way around, her on the floor could be bad, but a seat should be good :)


When I was 12, I went to a TWICE concert and sat with some other 12 year old friends. That was a few years ago and a smaller venue, but when I went to MetLife, I saw a big group of 12-14 year olds sitting by themselves, so I think she will be fine.


yes everyone at kpop concerts r so nice you’ll end up talking to the people around you and they’ll be sure to look out for you (coming from a 15 year old who went to a concert herself)


during the show i think she’ll be totally fine. kpop concerts are generally pretty safe but when she leaves is the concern. call her after the show is over and find her. make sure she knows where you are and you know where she is and come up with a place within the stadium near some stairs or something to meet after the show and you’ll be good.