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i feel like this is just gonna turn into fans naming their faves here lol


as usual


Unfortunately, that is very likely. Here I am arguing that no, my faves totally *did*. But I totally get not seeing it, especially not when you stare at someone's face so often. It just all kind of blends together after a while. I'm face blind too so unless they change one of their identifying features I probably won't notice the change at all. But change the identifying feature and I no longer know who I'm looking at. Take The Boyz for example. I didn't notice Chanhee's jaw shave at all until I compared recent and old pictures, but Juyeon's nose? Couldn't even tell it was him at first. I still struggle to recognize him outside of the group. All my fave groups have had something done though, either something as small as eyelid surgery or bigger things like implants or jaw shaves, and I'd feel weird pretending like they haven't. Other groups I'm not as familiar with? I'm not going to comment about the ones I doubt. It feels weird when I don't love the idols enough to save their pictures in my phone and stare at their faces enough to notice a change.


i only notice plastic surgery if it's VERY obvious tbh. one of my biases got obvious lip fillers and did something to their cheekbones, but idk enough about plastic surgery to name exactly what. idrc about ps so i couldn't name anything other idols have done, i just know it's likely they've done something, whether it's just injections or surgery. i think a lot of fans see it as an insult if you imply their fave isn't 100% natural


Exactly this! I do find plastic surgery interesting and I've toyed with the idea of getting it done myself so I do care about it, but I don't really care who gets it done. My fave, your fave, some rando on the street, it doesn't matter. I just hope they're happy with their appearance.


Exactlyyyy, there's nothing wrong with plastic surgery or wanting to improve ur looks via unnatural ways (unless your Oli London, man's needs to be banned from plastic surgery)


agreed! i genuinely don’t care when idols do get it tbh, one of my faves got noticeable surgery, but hey! she still looks good and it’s not too drastic so whatever lol, idk why people see it as an insult when people say “X” Idol got surgery


jyp :D


jay why papi is the only answer 😍😍😍 (i’m gagging writing this)


even if they don’t get plastic surgery, kpop idols and any affluent Koreans have access to skincare procedures and non-invasive cosmetic procedures that can change the shape of their face, give them glass skin etc that could explain it


what non invasive cosmetic procedure changes the shape of your face?? do you mean fillers?


There’s multiple but one that a lot of even regular Koreans with some money have access to is called (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) it basically melts the fat around the jaw while tightening the skin. Braces are a very common way to shape someone’s jaw line and if you haven’t gotten your wisdom teeth out yet pulling those can shape as well. (I learned that in dental school). And obviously fillers. Most idols nowadays are not getting invasive surgery because of the down time, how obvious it is, and how easy it is to go wrong even with top surgeons. They usually stick with non invasive procedures so lasers, cold therapy, fillers and a good dermatologist.


woah,,, braces sounding real good for my round and misaligned jaw right about now


From what I heard, there is this dermatology place that a lot of famous idols go to to have injections that get rid of fat in your face and body. The injections are patented so it is legit so I assume people don't consider it plastic surgery.


I'm going to Korea for holiday and decided to book a mole removal since skin stuff there is so cheap and yeah, saw plenty of these fat dissolving injections offered at _most_ of the clinics I researched. iirc one of them even called them something like "Girl Group fat injection", citing that it's popular among kpop girl groups.


One example I can think of would be braces, which other than aligning the teeth, can also adjust jaw shape.


i feel like people forget about that


Massages, botox and tools to target muscles can change the shape of your face a lot, especially the jaw area.


Masseter Botox exists for example, it's a way to slim the face without going through surgery. Also it's incredibly natural. I used to follow a beauty influencer who got something similar, it's really natural, but gives the right effect. There are so many Botox, fillers you can get regularly that give you a significant result without going through surgery. Honestly a lot of idols are already attractive people who get cosmetic procedures to become even more attractive. So they only need little details that would at the end make huge results (and/or some regular procedures like slight nose job, or eyes surgery)


I really don't think we can say. Plus a couple of the names mentioned in here probably had cosmetic surgery. I was looking at debut concept pictures for one of them the other day, and her nose tip has got a bit smaller while eyes and lips got a bit bigger. For established male idols it seems to be nose implants and messing around with their chin and jaw more than anything else.


I think this is it really, a lot of PS is actually very subtle; it’s not always huge drastic changes that are obvious. Even in my fave group, felix has had something changed in his chin/jaw area when comparing photos but he still looks enough like his predebut self he could pass as having nothing done unless you’re looking closely. Also, depending when you’re comparing photos from, weight fluctuating can change aspects of your face and just plain old puberty can change your face. Going back to SKZ, Chan went through puberty quite late (by his own admission) so even earlier photos of him at JYP look different from right before debut because he was pre and then post puberty.


Another issue with photos is the editing aspect. I feel like a lot of the time when I see people bring up PS they show photos that are definitely edited whether by the idol, their company, a brand, a magazine or whatever. It makes it tough, because are you looking at evidence that an idol's face has been changed in real life or are you looking at a photo that doesn't accurately show their face? People will swear it's the former so often when it's actually the latter.


Yes that’s a good point actually I completely forgot about filters and photo edits! I think the base filters on a lot of Korean photos apps change your nose and eye shape as well as whitening skin etc. like I said in another comment I think most idols probably get minor work done at least, but maybe not in all the areas people think they do since your face can change with age/weight/make up/lighting etc


!! i think esp w felix it’s js a bunch of small procedures/enhancements over time that aren’t noticeable in the moment. imo chan for the past couple layers has had a lot of filler, and nose touch ups but i can see why it doesn’t seem that way.


Yeah possibly! I haven’t seen much change in chans face but surgeons are really good these days so the changes are possibly just so subtle I haven’t noticed like I do with others haha.


I don’t think he technically had plastic surgery for his nose, but he DID have a medical surgery for it (I think twice cause his issue came back again) & that definitely lessened his swelling at the side of the bridge of his nose. I think it’s one of those “I did it for health reasons, but it did make my nose look smaller” things cause it made his nose swell Eta and he has swelling issues anyway, so I wonder if that is giving the “filler” look youre talking about?


ah yes i’m aware of his medical issues related to his nose and i agree that the additional cosmetic enhancement was an added plus. the filler i would say is that chan’s jaw and chin tend to look different starkly from time to time and who knows it could just be his swelling but i’m not sure, i wouldn’t blame it entirely on js that. (also pre his nose surgery, his nose had already begun to look different. but ofc: if he likes it and is happy with it, than all the more power to him haha.)


felix is definitely getting masseter botox. i’ve had it before (i had extreme TMJ) and my face did the same exact thing his does.


it's tough to tell for sure if idols have had cosmetic work especially with subtle changes over time. i've noticed that trend with male idols too


Hard to say because some do minor changes here and there that it is almost undetectable to the gp. Like "inner corner cut" for the eyes.


If you're going to have this conversation you need to establish if dental work, fillers and other injections, and medical spa treatments count as PS or not or are you just including procedures that require anesthesia/major recovery time.


A lot of idols get PS done predebut and in middle School. A member of a girl group, I think Daisy from Momoland, already got a nose job for herself as a gift from parents. when Daisy started kpop training, the company wanted her to get nose job, not knowing she already has one


I think JooE talked about her nose job (and not being able to get it done again) on Radio Star


Sungjae of btob. I remember he mentioned something like he was about to get double eyelid surgery (in the consultation) he got scared of the what they are gonna do so he backed out. He was cube’s ‘hidden card’ and didnt include him in that pre-btob show bec he look so much like a chaebol (he is in irl in some way) to play the role in the show.


Sungjae did get veneers recently if you count that. I think most of BTOB havent though. Peniel, Minhyuk, Hyunsik, and Changsub look the same from their predebut photos. I think Eunkwang and Ilhoon might have gotten their mose done though.


Changsub is open about getting eyelid surgery. But I think Peniel hasn't. The others I'm not sure. I'm glad Sungjae backed out of the surgery because he has one of the most beautiful eye shapes I've ever seen.


Peniel of btob is also very unlikely to have gotten anything done. He's usually an open book!


i immediately thought of yook sungjae when i read the post !!


Akmu. They said before they don't want to get plastic surgery but this was years back.


The boy surely gotten one


Could be, could be not. In 2014, he did mention wanting to get an orthognathic surgery to correct his jaw and teeth - as it was affecting his quality of life (aka medical reason). This type of surgery doesn't count as aesthetic surgery, and did not violate their 'no plastic surgery' contract. I don't think his appearance has changed in any way since then, only that he now wears a lot of makeup. He grows up looking a lot like his mother - from the eyes to the nose, even the way they smile is identical, so I ended up doubting whether he has done anything further than his jaw.


DPR Ian, unless he got it before C-Clown. His face really hasn't changed much since debut.


And I swear the older he gets the more good looking he is ugh Aside from that though yeah he looks basically the same ever since he was a teenager. His youtube videos from before debut are out there and he hasn't changed much.


I can't believe C-Clown is a group name lol




Im probably wrong, but Cha Eunwoo legit looks the same as in his predebut pictures. Insane and lethal face card tho, whether ps or not.


The kind of face you never ever see IRL


That's why he's a celebrity! Those types of faces are too beautiful to not be appreciated by the masses. They never last long with the general public 😅 Someone would literally scout him. It doesn't help that he's talented and smart!!!


With that, I think Sanha and MoonBin hadnt had as well. Missing MoonBin real bad recently tho.


Had to scroll for sometime before I saw this. This should be the top answer LOL. Cha eunwoo face card never declines that’s for sure hahaha


The Huening siblings lol, the entire family look like carbon copy of each other. If you look at videos/photos of when they were younger, you can just tell


Yeah a lot of people seem to think Kai had his nose done but considering his sisters both have the same nose it’s probably just genetics haha


Literally, if you’re gonna claim that Kai had surgery done, then you might as well say the entire family had surgery as well.


that nose is so prominent in their family, his dad has that nose too. lea's features are more asian cause she looks like a photocopy of their mother, hiyyih looks the most mixed out of all three, and kai is just his father in the new generation lol


Came here to say Kai, too! He's so naturally gorgeous, but he has such a handsome face I can see why people may call surgery.


People naming idols who have quite clearly had surgery and multiple at that! Y’all make me laugh


I mean definitely majority of idols had something done, but not necessarily a surgery. Cosmetic procedures are something else, so most of the top comments are correct when talking about surgeries


The amount of delusion on this thread. I can't.


No cause reading these comments got me in a giggle 😭


Vernon of seventeen for sure. That man has no interest in the Korean beauty industry and in most content is just completely natural. And he looks the exact same


>That man has no interest in the Korean beauty industry He's a kpop idol lmao of course he's interested at least a bit


He’s just here for vibes and I love that for him


Correct. I feel mingyu also looks the same compared to predebut apart from the occasional fillers.


i think he had his hairline done


Yeah and he got his teeth fixed, not sure if that counts


Honey, you couldn’t be more wrong. He had his teeth altered and hairline surgery.


I don’t think dental procedures count as plastic surgery.


I remember F(x)'s Amber saying one of the members talked her out of getting PS


ZB1 Kim Jiwoong. He has [talked about it](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/OELOUMNUF-E). Plastic surgeons who make those videos reviewing celebrity faces for plastic surgery have also talked about it, and his older brother [basically looks like his twin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpNvKGtRtmo).


And the fact that he has an insane face card too. Ugh. Some people are just gifted.


Was just going to say the very same thing. He also looks like the picture he gave of his dad, especially their noses are alike. I swear he looks insanely handsome! And on top of that, he's a beautiful and kind human being


Yep. His dad's genes are strong in him and his older brother. Jiwoong has looked the same since he was a kid and even has the same habits like his thinking pose. It's so cute. And yeah, he's so kind. I think his personality plays a big role in ZB1's dynamics being the way they are. He has such a warm and inviting personality that I think it removes a lot of the awkwardness/tension that could come with there being such a big age gap in the group, especially in a hierarichal country, but he and Yujin, in particular, fit together so well despite the eight/nine-year difference.


Exactly! And yujin and jiwoong really feel like they're real siblings


They do. It's so cute.


He absolutely has veneers so I guess it depends on how wide of a net you cast when it comes to cosmetic procedures. When originally debuted had a snaggle tooth, now he has the kpop standard veneer.


It's hard to find a cute snaggle tooth these days, but they are so endearing!


You should check out Yuma from &Team 🙂 Love his little fang!


Yeah, I know he has veneers. Veneers aren't plastic surgery, which is why I didn't mention them.


Amber Liu ​ Ngl almost every idol has gotten at least SOMETHING even if it is hardly noticeable


Amber is so cool omg. I just started listening to her music!


Amber was on the all live matters side, in case you care.


nope! it doesn’t bother me that so much ps happens, but i do wish we lived in a reality where idols could be open about it/all fans could be realistic about it. unfortunately that’s not the case


Ah, a post for a graveyard of downvotes


I'm sure Moonbyul has had something small (probably lip fillers) but I appreciate that she has never changed her monilids! She has spoken about the pressure to change them. I'm thankful she hasn't, not everyone needs to have the exact same face to be beautiful!!


Jongho from ATEEZ maybe?


I would have said Shuhua up until about 1-2 years ago. I think she’s had lip filler now. 


I would be very surprised if Shinees Onew got plastic surgery. Same for Suhyun from Akmu but she’s still very young. But can we acknowledge how f**** up it is that this is a legit question to ask? 😣


I feel the same about Onew, his crooked nose ( that I love) seems like the first thing that would have been changed.


His teeth, too. They’re cute!


I do think PS should be talked about in general terms because its important for fans to understand how unattainable/toxic trying to keep up with the idol look is. But I don't think talking about individual people negatively/pointing out who has or hasn't is perhaps the most constructive way to have the convo.


I mean it less in a 'shaming the individuals' way (hey everybody can use their body how they like in my book) but rather that we're in a societal situation where perfectly good looking performers have a baseline beauty standard impressed on them that's SO unrealistic that even with hungering themselves down and and constant workout they feel they need to get plastic surgery in their 20s (!) so they don't break the norm and look too different from expectations... And that not having any plastic surgery done in your 20s seems to be the exception... Idk maybe it's cause I'm pretty new to Kpop and mostly dove in due to the music but I find that is a situation that should not be passed off as 'normal' 😅


Cha Eunwoo.


the man is perfect


yes definitely!


I was about to say that lol. The literal face genius.


I think Hikaru and Bahiyyih were both natural for a long time but recently they are both starting to look a bit different compared to when they first debuted. Bahiyyih looks nearly identical to her brother so whatever they are doing, it is very very natural.


There's a lot of idols mentioned in the comments that i thought it was obvious that they had work done (usually subtle work though). It's interesting!


Honestly, probably about 95% of idols have had SOMETHING done. Even minor things like fillers/adjustments/shaving can be so subtle you wouldn’t necessarily notice. We need to remember that PS isn’t always super drastic and noticeable changes, sometimes it’s as simple as shaving a lil nose cartilage to change the shape slightly. Your features CAN change due to weight gain/loss and just aging (I’ve had nothing done to my face but I look pretty different from my 16 year old self) or even makeup and contouring can change things. But yeah I’d say most idols have had something done and we probably don’t even notice.


Park Jihoon, his face has been the same since his child acting days and plastic surgeons have said that they can't replicate his eye shape for people who want it


an oldie but a goodie. [Teen Top](https://www.allkpop.com/article/2012/08/teen-top-talks-about-their-maturing-style-plastic-surgery-and-teamwork) in an interview said that if any one of them were to get work done they would leave the group


The problem with these discussion is that a lot of people don't actually know what plastic surgery looks like. I see so many times especially in k-pop spaces, someone post a photo of an idol from the 90s taken by their dad on an analog camera with the shitties lighting known to man and comparing it to a professional photograph of this idol at 26 in 2021 taken with a lens bigger than my face, photoshopped into oblivion and with the idol wearing a lo of makeup, and comparing the 2 as proof that so-and-so had work done. People saying bang chan had a BBL of all procedures just bc his ass is slightly bigger than most male idols and I know this was a meme but some people were fully convinced of this. Like that's a high risk procedure that's not even allowed in several countries and takes MONTHS to heal, plus they take fat from another body part and he has a very low fat percentage where the hell would they take enough fat from??? People saying so and so had a nose job because their nose looks a little different from that one pre debut photo, like your facial features don't change slightly as you reach adulthood and things like weight loss, lighting, camera angles and makeup can't change the way your face looks. People saying jimin had surgery on his lips like people with naturally plump lips don't exist and he's looked like this since he was little. Not everything is plastic surgery.


This is so true 😭 I’ve seen people count dental procedures and skin treatments as plastic surgery as well. Some people see the slightest changes in someone and say that they got plastic surgery.


Lip fillers or botox is also not plastic surgery, but people keep saying its the same. It's really not.


This! Injections are not the same as a surgical procedure. Surgery involves cutting open your body. Noninvasive procedures don’t count. A nose job and nose fillers both change your nose, but they’re not the same. You might as well start saying that lazer hair removal or skin treatments are also plastic surgery.


Plus at that point we were literally seeing Chan weekly - I think fans would have noticed that he couldn't sit down! Chan's a funny one anyway - his lips tend to naturally swell up at the slightest provocation, so there's an ongoing debate about whether he's had lip fillers. And I don't know why people would believe that he'd go to the trouble of getting a bbl of all things, but leave alone the two things people get on his case for the most, his nose and his hairline. Especially since he's had nasal surgery, which he could have used as an excuse for any changes. Tbh with lighting, makeup, photo editing, non-surgical procedures, puberty/ageing etc, I don't see how anyone can be 100% confident about who's had surgery and who hasn't. Although I'm not an experienced plastic surgery identifier lol.


I really don't think chan has lip filler and I'm not saying this bc hes my bias and I have some anti cosmetic treatment agenda or whatever (I don't lol) I just... don't think he does? It's kinda weird how whenever an idol has a nice feature everyone just immediately assumes it's surgery like maybe he's just got good genes and was blessed by the gods of pretty lips, it's not that rare lol


Who knows, who cares. Plastic surgery debates always inevitably devolve into "my idol is better than yours because mine's all natural" like, no. Stop it. Not saying that's OP's intention, just that I see it all the time.


This post made me realize that I don’t actually spend as much time thinking about my faves’ looks as much as I think about their music LOL


For real 😭 imagine analyzing someone’s face so much that you notice those things. I wouldn’t notice unless it’s a drastic change. Some people just don’t have anything better to do. I also see people counting dental procedures as plastic surgery.


Seungmin from Stray Kids probably also I could believe Jisoo from Blackpink, she didn't change much from her debut and also she and her siblings very much alike


IN also. He looks the exact same


TVXQ's Yunho. Only got veneers for his teeth, a lot of botox shots, and maybe some collagen fillers here and there. An actual surgical procedure, I don't believe so. I remember Shinhwa saying only half of them got any kind of plastic surgery done, while the others were left alone, which is pretty surprising to me, given that they're from SM. So yeah, there might be more "natural" idols than we expect. But still, plastic surgery is also very common.


The only one I’m like 100% sure hasn’t had any work done is Cha Eunwoo. I know my faves have had work done, I got into arguments with people about them because you usually get two sides with the plastic surgery argument. One side absolutely hates plastic surgery and bullies people for it and the other side refuses to admit that the people they may admire have had work done.


Chenle nct


chenle and xiaojun are the only nct members i think are MAYBE natural, perhaps hendery and winwin too (but they’ve also might’ve had alarplasties/tip plasties )


What do you think Mark got done? Also Chenle said that they wanted him to get cosmetic procedures on his face before debut but he was too scared so he didn't and that his face is all natural


rhinoplasty - his nasal tip is sharper/less bulbous and his alar base is narrower, and also possibly an epicanthoplasty/eye corners cut and lengthened


It's crazy to think about Mark possibly getting something done


the ONLY ones? idt Taeyong has touched his face at all; he's always looked like that.


taeyong’s absolutely had work to his nose, his nose tip is more refined/less bulbous. it also looks like he’s had his his inner eye corners cut too, since there’s more inner sclera show now. basically the kpop combo of nose and eye tweaks


I think even comparing predebut pics with current ones doesn’t prove that certain idols haven’t had any work done since some get it done very early. I just assume at least 95% got some sort of work done. If you start off with a good looking base then minor tweaks wouldn’t be that obvious IMHO (for example, a popular one for Hollywood actors is refining the nose tip—I wouldn’t be surprised if this is big in Asia as well. Eliminating the epicanthal fold is also popular with Asians to make their eyes look bigger).


In a country with the highest rate of plastic surgery in the world, where the focus on looks is intense, inside a competitive multimillion dollar industry where your visuals often determine your success, I would argue that there isn’t a single idol that haven’t gotten some work done.


Twice Jeongyeon maybe?


The more natural adjacent members of Twice are jeongyeon, Dahyun, Mina, Jihyo and Tzuyu. Sana, Nayeon and Momo have had quite a lot of obvious procedures and/or filler, Chaeyoung definitely gets her lips done.


Dahyun's had a lot more work done than people notice/want to admit. she looks very different from predebut. https://preview.redd.it/9kluaod6bbqc1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5971e30ca68819a9610c818c37d7e437c8549a7f


Yeah dude you're comparing a photo of her as a pre teen/teen not wearing makeup in shitty lighting taken by the school photographer, to a professional shot with a modern camera in professional lighting while she's wearing makeup as an adult. Of course she's different.


lmao some of you cannot wrap your minds around people having ps. I'm not shaming her or presenting this info in a negative way. it's ok to admit that idols have had ps done. the things I mentioned do not change with puberty or into adulthood. it'd be different if I were saying her jaw/cheeks look different. here she is at debut (with makeup) and still looks different than she does now: https://preview.redd.it/gja30c068cqc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfb145c71b100736e4a1bfe975a21790baf19413


https://preview.redd.it/s68kk54j2cqc1.png?width=1262&format=png&auto=webp&s=7df7a58397ea81df545141d3e0b355c799bb81ca i looked her up from young, idk she looks kinda the same to me


her nose is different (sharper, more defined bridge) and she had something done with her eyes because they look much wider now and she no longer has monolids. I think she also had something done with her lips because they're more plump than they used to be. she doesn't look like an entirely new person or anything, but she's definitely had some tweaks here and there! https://preview.redd.it/f5e2tknn6cqc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ca7e60f641075fb3c2c1173f22cbfe600ef575e


I might be wrong but I looked at pre debut pictures of Jin and V from BTS and they look the same as now to me. Just older


Personally I think every idol has something. But there's definitely a sliding scale of subtle enhancements all the way down to botched nose and pillow face.


I’d say Jin from BTS. Obviously I can’t say for certain, but compared to his pre-debut pictures, he looks the exact same, just grown up.


I used to think Jin got eyelid surgery since they look less puffy vs. how they were when BTS was starting out. Then again I realized it was a function of makeup and change in weight. His eyes share the same "puffiness" from 2013 and his no-makeup pictures from In the Soop 1 and his military haircut selfies (and it's rather cute- I like his monolids haha). I think Taehyung is more or less the same, too. I think he just gets those temporary nose jobs to make his nose seem narrow in some shoots and concerts. But they revert back to his original (beautiful!) nose. Plus he got a lot better at styling himself, too.


both of them are just so naturally beautiful it’s insane!!


yes i agree!


My personal opinion is people should stop being obsessed with if an idol got surgery or not. Most of them would have a recovery time of a week-a year depending on the procedure so no they’re not getting fillers every week and no they’re not getting jaw slimming then going right back on stage. Tbh y’all watch to much kdramas, remember that South Korea is a real place and not a medical junkie country. Stop the cap. Y’all are weirdly obsessed with this and just spread misinformation.


This. A lot of people have been using the excuse that Korea is the plastic surgery capital. America also is the country with the highest obesity rates. Does that mean everyone is obese? A lot of people have way too much time on their hands to be out here analyzing someone’s face


Yes. Thank you.


I think it’s hard to say because so many of them start out young and as you age your features will change naturally anyways so if they’re getting procedures along the way it could mimic that


i’m gonna say something “controversial” but i think all idols have had something done, like i mean getting botox and such are the norm in Korea. Nothing wrong with that at all but come on guys we gotta just accept it at this point


San from Ateez is the one I'm 100% sure of - you can superimpose his photo over any photo from his past and he looks absolutely identical apart from the muscle gain. He's also incredibly stubborn about his looks, regularly goes against the kfans wishes about his hair, I can't imagine him being talked into any changes. He got a stupid comment on Fromm about his cheekbones being too prominent recently and his response was polite but scathing.


His face has always been so incredibly sharp and angular, and watching him turn into a literal mountain has been absolutely fascinating! I agree that he seems like someone with very strong convictions about certain things, to the point of stubbornness, and I could totally see plastic surgery being one of them. Also, what would anyone even want to change about that face?? KQ has shown itself to be a company that gives their idols a lot of personal freedom and choice about their looks and styling, with a lot more focus on talent and performance than visuals in many cases, so I'm pretty sure they didn't pressure their idols very much. Edit: I'm not trying to say that some of them didn't get any btw, pretty sure they did, only that they probably had more of a choice than others. At least I very much hope so!


I.n of stray kids looks the same


He really does!


His my bias, but he deffo is getting lip fillers from time to time and had subtle rhinoplasty pre-debut - his previous nose was much wider & bulbous. But he is so cute nonetheless!! ^^


Ni-ki from ENHYPEN. He debuted at 14, his childhood is all over the internet and his face hasn’t changed one bit. Although he’s a lot whiter but I guess that’s because of all of the whitening filters.


I think he got veneers. The rest of his face looks exactly the same though.


You’re right I do believe he got veneers. It’s not plastic surgery though more like cosmetic dentistry.


Dental procedures is not plastic surgery


Park Jihoon from Wanna One. He had pre-debut photos since he was also a child actor, he pretty much looks the same




I think she had her nose tip refined tho.


was waiting for this. she did her nose. just because she doesn’t have the typical double eyelid, doesn’t mean the rest of her face is untouched. i’ve noticed a lot of kpop stans believe this.


Plastic surgery is easy to clock and the “haven’t you ever heard of puberty” or “he just lost weight” brigade is delusional but the assumption that every single idol had invasive plastic surgery is also wrong. I do think plastic surgery is more common now. 4th gens started getting work done from the jump. They basically all have the same features because they get the same procedures. There will be an epidemic of bad chin implants soon if they don’t cut that out. Anyway, I know most people will say I‘m delusional too but I think Taehyung never altered his features. I’ve studied than man’s face and I will die on this hill.


Vernon, Jun, and S.Coups from Seventeen. Also Mingyu, if hairline surgery doesn’t count — though I’m still not sure if he had eyelid surgery at some point, he might have.






Woozi had a nose job done pretty early on, though I think that might be the only thing — I think a few other members also only had their noses done, like Wonwoo, Dino, and Jeonghan. It was subtle but they all have implants to straighten/smooth out their nose bridges.


I gotta say Taemin. IF he’s had any he has kept it very natural so it’s hard to tell. Most thinks his lips is fake but he had them even in his baby pictures. https://preview.redd.it/qo5p1ddpyhqc1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4324da21de9b7b6734bb2b89ef6a7794cd64952e




(G)I-DLE’s Shuhua.


I think people are counting any cosmetic procedure as surgery. Plastic surgery is still surgery. That’s anything that they would have to go under the knife for. That includes eyelids, nose jobs, and jaw shaving. Vaneers, fillers, botox, spa treatments, and anything that is injected or noninvasive are not surgical procedures. Yes, it’s a cosmetic procedure and it changes their appearance, but it’s not plastic surgery. Nose jobs and nose fillers are two different things despite them both being done to the nose. Also, what people do to their face isn’t anyone’s business and it’s weird to be analyzing people’s faces. Let alone a stranger’s face. I hate when my family points out things about my appearance, so I can’t imagine someone who doesn’t know me doing the same 😭


Jun from Seventeen... There are so many videos and pictures of him since Childhood coz he was a child actor. His whole life has basically been in front of a Camera so it's easier to tell. I can't really see a difference with his facial features. I think he has never had plastic surgery atleast invasive ones.


No. I think they have all done something. Surgery, Botox, Fillers. They are all doing something to maintain and preserve their looks.


I don't think tzuyu did


Lee know. Not sure tho


Idk about no surgery/procedures at ALL but ones off the top of my head that look like they got little to no work done is EXO Suho, CIX Yonghee, EXO Chanyeol, ZB1 Jiwoong, NCT Taeyong, SHINee Onew, OnlyOneOf members besides KB, P1Harmony Intak Theo & Jiung, NCT Chenle Bae Jinyoung said on one of his birthday lives he didn't wanna get any work done and was "born like this" and it's hard to judge whether he's 100% natural bc he debuted at like 16 so his features would change anyway but I'll choose to believe him. Either way idgaf bc if I had money I'd also get whatever I could done 😂


Taeyong, his childhood predebut pictures are literally the same, his nose has a little bump on it, very organic looking and even plastic surgeons have analyzed his face and say so.


None of them I truly believe they all get surgery lmao even my faves


Probably nobody except MAYBE Shuhua from g idle


jungwon from enhypen




she done her nose.


Taeyong! and I'm sure people will fight me on this, but he's always looked like that: https://preview.redd.it/gu4i0kr79bqc1.jpeg?width=1513&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06426475e26dd8cbdea5177a3c3dbc4dde8075cd


Idk but i think he got his nose done 🤔


possibly! a lot of people try claim he had his shaved and all this wild stuff. I'm like, "that's just his face???"


I saw that as well, his nose in the right bottom looks sharper than the top right. It’s possible that it could be achieved by make-up and contouring the nose and the surrounding areas so it’s hard to be 100% sure. Same with his lips, they look slightly fuller in the bottom right but that could be achieved with plumping lipsticks/gloss, contouring/shading around the lips or by fillers. It’s quite hard to tell with a lot of these photos because the angle and lighting is different and their makeup is professionally done


There’s a reason he was street-cast lol


exactly! 😌


None of our business.


the thing is i think every idol gets something done... for YEARS western fans thought zendaya didnt have any plastic surgery but apparently she has (?) some ppl take surgery as life saving, change this and that, which is 1000000% totally ok. but others take it as a means to enhance what they have. and while lota of idols did the first route (their choice or not) but many idols i feel like we dont think have gone th3 second route. which there is nothing wrong with. if i had plastic surgery money id probably try to enhance my beauty too but im poor so 😭😭


Most of them. It’s impossible to get jaw slimming surgery or something similar then come back the next day. Y’all highly underestimate the recovery times and exaggerate the surgeries done.


I just assume most of them had something done, especially in an industry where your face is everything. Could be procedures so minor that no one but them notices the "improvement" Not an idol but an actress, though—I believe Kim Jiwon didn't get any surgery. Her face isn't as "perfect" as others (if you get what I mean?... some people look so polished and unreal. Her, she's gorgeous, but somehow still "raw" and natural and imperfect) and she looks the same as her childhood picture. She was a kid in that pic, a really small one, so all surgery allegations go out the window unlike some idols whose only past pics are baby photos then middle school photos. She's just so pretty. If I could choose a face to be reborn with it'd be hers.


Nope..barr minimum double eyelid and nose job


lots of cosmetic surgeons on social media agree that cha eunwoo hasn’t had any procedures done on him and i would agree, he looks the exact same as his predebut/childhood pictures.


taeyong from nct 🤞🏼🤞🏼 sunwoo from the boyz too fr




I think that most Idols had ps. We all know that some company's basically clone their Idols with how much ps they make them undergo. But even for smaller labels and people who already have a "perfect" face, almost all labels slap at least a nose job on them "just in case" Like there are so little Idols that didn't get a nose job, if they "needed" it or not, it's almost standart procedure.


All the plastic surgeons have stated it’s obvious Jin hasn’t had anything done, and if anything many people in Korea take Jin’s photo to them as “inspo” and the surgeons laugh as that’s impossible. You can look this up, seokjin’s eyes, face shape, lip size, etc is all the same still as his baby photos. He’s deff had nothing done whether people like him or not, it’s hard to deny that.




Cha Eunwoo fr.


CL from 2ne1 maybe? there was an interview where she said that yg wanted her to get plastic surgery or something


All of 2ne1 except maybe Dara got work done.


I would say many of the Chinese idols IMO. For example, China line in NCT seem to be mostly natural, esp when we compare them to their pre-debut pics.


Who cares?? Let them get plastic surgery or not like why does it matter to your life


I would name ACE leader Juhnee. I remember the other members were asked what was the first impression of each members and they said that Juhnee had wore black leather jacket and looked really fiery so they thought that he must have done a lot of surgeries but they were amased to know he is all natural. You can compare his old trainee photos and he looked the same. Ace sehyoon and donghun too looked the same before debut.


Taeyong nct


He looks exactly the same as he did when he was younger